Rebirth of the Black-bellied Princess Mo

Chapter 108 - put on the list

The bustling cars and horses are about to go to the sky, and the list of people exploring the East Hall has been suspended.

Early in the morning on the day the list was released, a mighty crowd of scholars gathered at the entrance of the Gongyuan.

I saw inside the house, from the sixth place to the bottom of the list.

Every time a roll is unpacked, it is sent to the house officer first.

According to the name on the scroll, the house officer wrote two long strips in blue pen, and sent it to the clerk, who handed it over to the clerk to write the list.

Every time you write a name, you have to change the red candles in the house, and the onlookers outside the house waiting to read the list are even more excited.

Sometimes the voices of people are noisy, like a cauldron, like a fire, like a chaotic army entering a city, like a crow returning to the forest.

It can be seen that the ceremony of this list is so grand, which also makes this process quite suspenseful.

After all, the students have been studying hard for ten years, all for the joy and pride of being the champion in high school.

And with Du Hanfei’s example, the students all believed that as long as they were ‘titled on the Golden List’, they could become an official in one step, and they would reach the pinnacle of their lives from then on.

Today’s Prime Minister Du was the champion of high school when Emperor Xiao Zu was.

Although he was already married at that time, Emperor Xiao Zu of that year was very fond of this young talent, and he must betrothed his beloved daughter Princess Yirou to him.

After some choices, Du Hanfei finally married Princess Yirou.

Since then, he has grown steadily and has become the now powerful Prime Minister Du.

When Bingwen arrived in a hurry, the Jinshi Golden List had already been released.

In front of the Gongyuan, some people are happy and some are worried. A narrow list carries too much bitterness in the cold window of ten years.

Bingwen couldn’t find any of the four of them in the crowd of people who were ecstatically rushing to tell each other.

So, he sharpened his head and dug into the crowd to see the list.

Carefully, from the beginning to the end, I found that none of the four sons were in high school.

He withdrew from the inside in a daze, and after searching around, he found that the four people behind the famous Luosun Mountain were gathered around the corner and sighed in the sky.

Bingwen had a headache, but he really never expected this situation.

At the beginning of Xia, none of the people that Xia Chu took a fancy to.

I’m afraid that in the beginning of summer, I wouldn’t have expected it myself.

Bingwen supported his forehead, thought about his words, and then walked over.

“On the gold list, I lost sight of the leader. Don’t be too sad when you lose this time.” Bingwen patted Jie Jiming on the shoulder and comforted him.

Xie Jiming opened his hand and shouted at him, “What is the difference between the Seventh Highness and Prime Minister Du, he will definitely not disappoint the students. It’s not like a raccoon dog, the bright silver can break the students of the poor family. lifetime.”

Bingwen’s hand that was opened froze there, it was not okay to put it down for a while, and it would not be appropriate to put it on again.

The other three were also dejected and did not accuse Bingwen, but did not speak.

In the end, it was Shi Zhongfei who couldn’t bear it, and said, “It’s no wonder Brother Bingwen, your resentment spilled on him, it’s unreasonable, how innocent.”

Bingwen smiled awkwardly, and patted Shi Zhongfei’s shoulder, the arm that was hanging awkwardly just now finally has a place to go.

And the remaining three people scolded, this world is unfair, and powerful ministers are in power.

Just when they were eloquent, eloquent, indignant, and speechless.

The gongs and drums at the entrance of the Gongyuan were noisy.

The scattered people gathered again.

I saw that Min Zhisong, the minister of officials, came to the courtyard in person, and actually claimed that the top three would be chosen by His Royal Highness the Seventh Highness this time, and Mr.

In the life of “Boom”, the human voice exploded.

Since ancient times, after the title of the golden list, the top three people were selected to enter the palace test, and the emperor personally decided to win the top three.

How can there be a day when the list is released, and the top three will be called directly.

“Quiet!” With the majestic drink, the students all quieted down.

Those students who just fell out of the rankings perked up their ears energetically. Who knows if the pie will be smashed on their foreheads.

“Tanhua Lang rolls his name, Yin Guangbo.”

Along with the beating of gongs and drums, Yin Guangbo’s name was drowned in the voices of people.

“Who is Yin Guangbo?”

“Do you know Yin Guangbo?”

“Is it that Yin Guangbo who is always in Mingxiang Garden?”

Bingwen in the distance seemed to hear Yin Guangbo’s name faintly, but it was fleeting and drowned out by the noisy human voice.

Therefore, he is not sure if he heard it wrong.

Yin Guangbo looked at him suspiciously, lowered his face, and asked dejectedly, “Why are you looking at me?”

“Well, I seem to have heard your name.” Bingwen didn’t dare to speak out, and whispered uncertainly.

“Tanhua Lang rolls his name, Yin Guangbo.”

There was another long roll call, and another intense beating.

This time, even Yin Guangbo himself seemed to have heard his name.

He looked at Bingwen in disbelief, his pupils dilated instantly.

The two looked at each other and then ran to the gate of Gongyuan hand in hand.

“Tanhua Lang rolls his name, Yin Guangbo.”

When the third roll call sounded, Bingwen shouted loudly to the crowd: “You all give up, Tanhua Lang is here.”

The students quickly gave way. After today, this Tanhua Lang will be promoted to a rank and become an ‘official class’.

Yin Guangbo was still standing there excitedly, holding Bingwen’s hand in disbelief.

Bingwen hurriedly pushed him, and Yin Guangbo reacted and entered.

Yin Guangbo bowed to Min Zhisong and said, “Yin Guangbo is here.”

“Yin Tanhua doesn’t need to be more polite. From now on, they will be officials together, and they will all be people who work for the emperor.”

“Yes.” Yin Guangbo’s eyes were filled with tears, and he was so excited that he didn’t know what to say.

“Go to the back room and get the golden flower post.” Min Zhisong smiled.

Yin Guangbo replied yes, bowed and followed the attendant into the back room.

Outside, Bingwen was surrounded by everyone and asked about Yin Guangbo’s situation.

“Second place roll call, Kong Changhui.”

With another long roll call, followed by a pounding of gongs and drums.

Everyone’s attention turned to who is Kong Changhui?

Bingwen squeezed out of the crowd with great effort, waved at Kong Changhui in the distance and shouted, “Changhui, you’ve won the second place, come quickly!”

The three people in the distance were all stunned when they heard Bingwen’s shouts, and the three people who followed the second roll call came to their senses.

Xie Jiming and Shi Zhongfei respectively took Kong Changhui and ran towards the gate of the Gongyuan.

“Second place roll call, Kong Changhui.”

The third roll call, after the intense beating.

This time, Bingwen, along with Xie Jiming and Shi Zhongfei, shouted to the crowd: “Get out of the way, the second place is here.”

There was a whispered discussion from the side: “This person knows no matter how he ranks second.”

Kong Changhui was a bit more promising than Yin Guangbo. Although he glanced at the three of them excitedly, he knew that he was not stupid when he walked in.

Kong Changhui bowed to Min Zhisong and said, “Let’s go to Kong Changhui.”

“Kong Bang second doesn’t need to be more polite. From now on, he will be an official together. They are all people who do things for the emperor.”

“Zhuang Yuan Lang rolls the name.” With the final roll call, everyone’s hearts were raised in their throats.

The gate of Gongyuan, which was still noisy just now, was silent at the moment, their eyes widened, and their ears stood up.

“Xie Jiming!”

With the announcement of the final name, the students hadn’t reacted yet. Bingwen hugged Ji Ming directly and said, “Jie Jiming, you are the champion! You are in high school! You are still the champion!!”

Everyone looked at Bingwen’s face even more surprised.

God, this co-author knows the top three, who is this…

Xie Jiming was wriggling his mouth, dumbfounded in place, even more stupid than Yin Guangbo’s reaction at that time…

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