Rebirth of the Black-bellied Princess Mo

Chapter 810 - not inferior

Xiao Mubai was frustrated by Concubine Li’s words, and because of the interlocking fingers, his limbs and bones regained consciousness.

He turned to look at Xia Chu, who was looking up at him. She stared at him, with the brightest pair of stars in the world, reflected in his reflection, illuminating everything in front of him, suddenly giving birth to thousands of brilliance. .

The water in the furnace on the stone table has already seen crab eyes, gurgles, and as the heat rises, it fills the space between the three people who should be fighting with each other, and a hazy cloud of smoke is entangled.

Xu Feng shook, and Yan Lan dissipated.

Xia Chu had already expressed her attitude towards Concubine Li’s questioning. Her eyes moved to Concubine Li together with Xiao Mubai, and she frowned and asked curiously, “Niangniang, did you know it was me?”

Concubine Li had already sat down gracefully. She crossed her fingers, resting her chin on her fingers, and her eyes fell on their clasped hands.

“Niangniang’s eyes are really vicious.” There was a hint of admiration in Xiao Mubai’s cold voice.

It was impossible for Concubine Li to know the identity of the woman at the beginning of Xia, let alone recognize her.

The only possibility was that she could see it with the help of clues.

Xiao Mubai raised Xia Chu’s hand, facing Xia Chu, who hadn’t yet seen the secret, out of the corner of his eye signaled her exposed flaws.

At the beginning of Xia, like the bright wrist of frost and snow, surrounded by a brilliant and transparent sapphire embossed jade bracelet, it was particularly bright and clean.

“It’s Concubine Qi’s bracelet. This palace has coveted it for a long time, but she gave it to you generously.” Concubine Li, seeing that Xiao Mubai had broken it, simply admitted that she did infer Xia Chu’s identity because of that bracelet.

“Didn’t Concubine Qi say that this bracelet is not precious?” Xia Chuyou still remembers that Concubine Qi said that this bracelet was a makeup addition to her marriage, and she always thought it was only valuable in a sense.

In addition, the material of this sapphire jade is indeed not the best raw material.

“This jade is the original stone that my grandmother hand planed out back then. King Liang at that time found the best craftsman to carve two objects, one is the jade bracelet in your hand, and the other is a dragon-shaped jade pendant.” Xiao Mubai paused when he said this.

He turned to look at Concubine Li and said, “If you have a mother, you will have a son. I think Xiao Yanjun insisted on robbing me of my jade pendant. Was it also because of the empress?”

Concubine Li didn’t care, but instead looked at the crab’s eyes that had been staring for a long time.

Xia Chu released her hands, but Xiao Mubai clenched her tightly again. She pursed her lips and smiled, “The niangniang must have answered a lot of questions for us, so what’s the harm in ordering a cup of tea.”

Concubine Li curved her lips and smiled: “What a transparent girl.”

She didn’t have any doubts about Xia Chu’s identity at first, until Xiao Mubai got out of control and pinched her neck, although Xia Chu pretended to be frightened and screamed, and then came up to persuade Xiao Mubai to let go.

This is understandable, it is a normal move, but Xiao Mubai actually obeyed her words in anger and let go.

This…but it’s not normal.

In addition, Xia Chu later pushed a cup of tea to Xiao Mubai. Although his eyes were only moved by a flash, they were still captured by Concubine Li.

Concubine Li was very curious about what kind of woman could be favored by Xiao Mubai, and could even control his emotions.

She looked at Xia Chu, who was grinding tea at the time, for a moment, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt familiar, until the jade bracelet on her wrist was exposed, and all the past things flowed in Concubine Li’s mind.

In addition to the nine princesses, I am afraid that there is only the little prince in the Xiahou mansion who can bear the favor of Concubine Qi and King Mo at the same time.

Concubine Qi once knelt down and begged the emperor for him to enter the Hall of Pure Heart, and even personally went out of the palace to visit Dali Temple.

His Royal Highness King Mo did not hesitate to take the blame for him and took the initiative to go to jail.

The appearance of the little prince gradually merged with the girl in front of him. Although it was absurd and ridiculous, it also made Concubine Li boldly speculate…

The sudden appearance of Xia Chu did not make Concubine Li panic.

On the contrary, knowing that the two of them had already been in love with each other, made Concubine Li happy.

After all, a lover is not a family, which is the picture she likes to see the most.

“If it weren’t for the exquisite and unique carving of the bracelet, the craftsman would have died and this skill would have been lost. Why would this palace spend that thought?” Concubine Li looked at the jade bracelet on Xia Chu’s wrist. The feathers on the pattern are completely visible and lifelike.

“The things that don’t belong to you, Niangniang, don’t worry about it. Even if Xiao Yanjun robbed Mu Bai’s jade pendant back then, he still has to hand it over.” Xia Chu’s voice was cold, and there was a trace of inexplicable hatred.

If it wasn’t for Xiao Yanjun robbing Xiao Mubai’s jade pendant in her last life, how could she be absurd in her entire life, and she would not understand until her death why he hated her so mercilessly.

And the root of all this is because Concubine Li couldn’t ask for Concubine Qi’s bracelet.

“Belonging?” Concubine Li snorted with a look of disdain: “Everything in this world does not belong, and Ben Gong has always believed in it. If you can’t get it, you will destroy it.”

Xia Chu ordered a cup of tea and handed it to her: “The goddess has destroyed too many people or things. Have you ever been half sincere in your life?”

Concubine Li’s hand that took the tea cup gradually tightened, and her eyes became cold and stern: “Sincerely? Ben Gong also held it with both hands, but it was abandoned like a shoe.”

Xia Chu and Xiao Mubai looked at each other, the emperor had always favored Concubine Li, and Zhong Guo had been infatuated with her all his life.

So, who is this person whose heart is held in her hands?

Xia Chu lowered her eyes and saw the pear flower that had lost two petals on the table, she pursed her lips and said softly: “It has always been rumored that the nephew only loves peony among the hundreds of flowers, but today, it seems that the niece also has a preference for pear flowers. .”

Concubine Li loosened her hand holding the cup: “Only the true national color of peony is not my palace’s favorite, but only peony is worthy of this palace.”

Xiao Mubai’s eyes sank as he looked at her: “Back then, you told Zhong Guo that you were forced to enter the deep palace, but this king sees that you have been addicted to power and **** for profit all these years, but it doesn’t seem like you were forced at all. resignedly.”

Xia Chu echoed next to her: “Yeah, when Niangniang was only fifteen or sixteen years old when she entered the palace, she was able to incite Zhong Guo to do so many things. The means are really amazing.”

Concubine Li smiled charmingly, and she looked at Xia Chu out of the corner of her eye: “If Ben Gong remembers it right, you are only fifteen this year, and the piles of things you do behind your back are not the means?”

Xia Chu smiled, feeling ashamed.

After all, she was a human being in two lifetimes, and she almost fell into the hands of Concubine Li for both her lifetimes.

Concubine Li in front of her had neat makeup, a blush of rouge, crimson lips, and flamboyant brilliance.

Even if it is on a par with any emperor, the scheming and scheming are not inferior.

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