Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Megatron Fengshan

In the yard, on the red carpet, Jin Peiyun stood in front of the crowd pretty lively.

Mei Xianyuan took Chen Jingye’s hand affectionately, not like a superior or inferior at all, but like an old friend who hadn’t seen him for many years.

“Dong Jin, I have invited people back!” Mei Xianyu tried his best to make the smile on his face look natural, but everyone could see the embarrassment.

Jin Peiyun immediately walked to Chen Mo and bowed and saluted: “Mr. Chen, grandpa asked me to take him to say hello to you!”

Old Jin was so painstaking, Chen Mo couldn’t help saving face, and said lightly: “Old Jin is polite, I have written down his thoughts.”

Jin Peiyun was overjoyed. Chen Mo didn’t say that I got it with my heart, but said that I wrote it down, which proved that Chen Mo was quite satisfied with the favor given by the Jin family this time.

“Mr. Chen, you are welcome. Grandpa said that the Jin family owes Mr. Chen a great favor, even if the entire Jin family is not enough to repay it, please don’t take it to heart.”

It seems like Mr. Jin said it himself.

Chen Mo is very satisfied with Jin Lao’s attitude. Although Chen Mo’s help to Jin Lao was nothing but a simple effort to him, it has benefited the Jin family for generations to come.

Chen Mo’s kindness to the Jin family can indeed bear the solemn treatment of Mr. Jin.

“Old Jin has a heart.” At this time, Chen Mo truly forgave the Jin family.

The conversation between the two was calm and calm, but it sounded like a muffled thunder in the ears of the people nearby, and the shocked everyone was stunned.

“The grandfather of Dong Jin, that’s not the old man Jin, the founder of the legendary Hanyang Jin Family!”

“Even Mr. Jin treats this high school student with great respect. What has he done to make the Jin family treat it so seriously?”

“No wonder so many dignitaries from Fengshan County came to pay him New Year’s greetings just now, as if a courtier met the emperor, and Mr. Jin is still like this, let alone them?”

Everyone finally understood why those bosses worth tens of millions came to give a New Year greeting to a high school student.

Meixian Rong was in a cold sweat, secretly thanking that he had chased Chen Mo back just now, and was uneasy. I only hope that Chen Mo will not hate him.

“Mr. Chen, how offended you just now, I hope Mr. Chen will forgive him!” Meixianyuan looked terrified, and sincerely apologized to Chen Mo, regardless of whether his county’s grandfather’s status would be detrimental to a high school student.

Chen Mo took a light look at Meixian Lu, but didn’t say anything. Chen Jingye hurriedly winked. Chen Mo said helplessly, “Meixian Lu you don’t need to be polite.”

Mei Xianyuan got up and gave Chen Jingye a grateful look.

Li Zhen looked at Chen Mo’s eyes, full of shock, thinking whether he had offended Chen Jingye before, and he must immediately look for opportunities to have a relationship with Chen Jingye.

Mr. Wang, who had been struggling with the Chen family, suddenly jumped out of the crowd uncharacteristically, holding Chen Jingye’s thigh and crying: “Brother conscientious, I used to be a lard blindfolded. I can’t get through with you, I know I’m wrong, and I hope there will be a lot of conscientious brothers, forgive me!

Wang Fuzhen worked schemingly. He knew that it would be useless to ask Chen Mo, so he turned to the more talkative Chen Jingye.

However, although Chen Jingye was honest, he was not stupid. He did not dare to forget the suppression of Wang Fuzhen over so many years.

“Vice-Jian Wang is joking, I don’t dare to accept this gift.” Chen Jingye finished speaking and took a step back.

Deputy Chief Wang lay directly on the ground, his face as gray as death: “It’s over, it’s over, I didn’t expect that my shrewd life would actually be planted on a hairy boy. Is this God deliberately punishing me?”

Meixian’s eyelids were also very flexible. He knew that Chen Mo had forgiven him just because of Chen Jingye’s face, and it was time for him to act.

“The dignified deputy chief is crying and weeping, what kind of style! Xiao Li, send Deputy Chief Wang home for one year, and the position in his hand is represented by Deputy Chief Chen!”

Wang Fuzhen sat down on the ground, dumbfounded. He knew he was going to die, but he didn’t expect it so soon.

One year of self-cultivation is equivalent to direct dismissal, and there will never be a day before.

Everyone was shocked suddenly, Meixian Yuan began to flatter!

But everyone knows what kind of person Deputy Chief Wang is. He usually likes to hit Chen Jingye, and now he deserves to be punished.

Some people who had offended Chen Jingye became scared one after another, worrying that Meixian Yuan would take them.

Therefore, people who had offended Chen Jingye or those who had not offended Chen Jingye came forward to salute Chen Jingye, but their purpose was to please the plain-looking young man.

Chen Jingye replied with emotion while feeling that it was the first time that he had been so beautiful in front of everyone in so many years. But he understands that everything today depends on Chen Mo.

Deputy Chief Qi also hurried forward with Qi Yumian, and smiled flatteringly at Chen Jingye: “Brother Jingye, my girl has been spoiled by her mother. If there is any offense before, I hope Brother Jingye Forgive me!”

“Xiao Yu, don’t hurry up and apologize to classmate Chen Mo!”

Chen Jingye knew that Vice-Zhang Qi was referring to the fact that Chen Mo wrote a love letter to Qi Yumian, but was handed over to the teacher by Qi Yumian in public. That incident did shock Chen Mo a lot, but it was only the children’s frivolous youth.

“It’s all some jokes of the children, Brother Qi don’t take it to heart.” Chen Jingye said generously.

Qi Yumian stared at Chen Mo blankly, feeling extremely complicated: “No wonder he always looks cold. I thought he deliberately pretended to try to attract my attention. It turned out that he was really disdainful and looked down upon us. people.”

“Hehe, so many big bosses in Fengshan County came to give him New Year gifts on the second day of the New Year, for fear that they would come later than others.”

“The famous Jin family in the entire Hanyang Province, in order to please him, sent China’s top 100 Jinke Group to Fengshan County.”

“He is alone, and so many invaluable officials are rushing to see him.”

“He alone, can’t hold up the entire Fengshan County!”

Qi Yumian showed a bitter smile, and his heart was full of regret and unwillingness: “Originally, I could also enjoy this kind of glory, but I rejected him, and this kind of glory was ruined by my own hands!”

For the first time in her life, this proud girl of heaven has doubted her previous cognition.

“It seems that I was wrong before, and this was deliberately sent by God to punish me!”

Looking at Qi Yumian, who was standing in the same place blankly, his face changed, Deputy Zhen Qi said in a low voice: “Xiao Yu, why are you in a daze? Why don’t you apologize to classmate Chen Mo? You used to be so naive, hope classmate Chen Mo can forgive you! ”

Qi Yumian walked over blankly, preparing to apologize to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo glanced at her indifferently. This was the first girl he liked since he was sensible in his previous life, and the girl who hurt him with no complete body.

In this life, Chen Mo was too lazy to take a look at her.

“No, you and I are not people in the same world. From now on, there will be no communication.”

Qi Yumian stared at Chen Mo blankly, his eyes flickered: “Yes, he is a big figure respected even by the Jin Family of Hanyang. I am just the daughter of a small county deputy chief, and he is not a person in the world at all. Haha. …”

Qi Yumian only felt that something particularly precious had quietly left her. She could have caught it, but she gave up.

Vice-Zhen Qi’s face became loose. Although Chen Mo’s words meant to reject people thousands of miles away, they also meant to forgive Qi Yumian for what he had done before.

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