Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 56

Chapter 3 Partial to you

Chapter Three Favors You

Although Hu Xiaobing accompanied the smiling face, he cursed Lin Feng and others secretly in his heart. Had it not been for the look of Lin Feng and the others, and the guys with him, he would have ordered the security guard to rush the people.

Damn, it’s not just a smell, and you can’t kill people. You make trouble all day long. Grandma’s, wait for Deputy Director Li to handcuff you all back to see if you come to make trouble. —Hu Xiaobing thought angrily.

Not long after, several police cars arrived at the scene roaring.

“What are you doing, it’s a hot day, what are you doing here!” A man who looked like a leader got out of the car and shouted with his arms akimbo.

“Why don’t you, be fair to my dad, my dad was injured here, I want Boss Hu to hand over the murderer.” Lin Feng replied lukewarm.

The man with the appearance of the leader was shocked by Lin Feng, and he was stunned for a long time without regaining his senses. In the past two days, he did not run to Daya Chemical. The family members of the wounded usually saw him as the deputy director of public security. They either snot and tear for injustice, or begged to punish the murderer. Today this one is fine, and directly choked himself back.

Deputy Director Li was stunned for a long time, then gave Hu Xiaobing a fierce look, wondering who he offended again, so awesome!

Hu Xiaobing was also taken aback, and he didn’t expect Lin Feng and others to be so bullish that they would directly contradict Deputy Director Li. However, seeing Deputy Director Li glared at him, Hu Xiaobing glared back again and pointed with his mouth, asking Deputy Director Li to deal with Lin Feng and others quickly, so as not to hinder his production.

Deputy Director Li’s complexion became stiff-I can’t afford to provoke you because your background is so hard.

Deputy Director Li turned around and stopped looking at Hu Xiaobing, and carefully looked at Lin Feng’s group of people: the leader was the young man, all of them were young men with fellows, and were confident. It’s not like coming to seek justice, it’s more like coming to find fault!

After observing for a while, Deputy Director Li decided to adopt a gentle policy, not to treat Lin Feng’s group like the cowardly and ignorant women and children before.

“I said, state-owned, national law, and family rules. Our Liaoyuan Police Station has filed this matter and is investigating. Will you give us a few days to investigate and collect evidence? When we have the results, we will definitely give you the families of the wounded an explanation. “Deputy Director Li knew that this matter was due to Hu Xiaobing’s failure in the first place. This group of people did not seem to be annoying, and they were all locals, so they took a procrastination decision for the time being.

Lin Feng knew what idea this leader-like man had made when he heard it. Investigation, investigation today, investigation tomorrow, after three or five months of investigation, this matter will naturally cease.

“Dare to ask you always…?” Today this is for Lin Feng’s father, and everyone is naturally only looking forward to Lin Feng. Lin Feng would like to know who is the leader of such favoritism of Hu Xiaobing.

“I am the deputy director of the police station under the jurisdiction of Liaoyuan, my surname is Li, and I am in charge of public security cases.” Deputy director Li said with full taste.

“Deputy Director Li, you can investigate slowly, but my father and some residents are now lying in the hospital. Then whether the medical expenses should be paid by Boss Hu, as well as lost work expenses, nutrition expenses, and mental damage expenses… ….” Lin Feng came to a curve to save the country. Since it is still investigating, the medical expenses should always be paid.

Pay for medical expenses first, and then punish the assailant!

When Hu Xiaobing heard this, sweat broke out on his forehead. This has to be compensated, so many people cannot be solved without 100,000. Hu Xiaobing could only look at Deputy Director Li with his eyes.

“I said, isn’t this case still being investigated? When the investigation is over, who should be responsible, I will be fair to you. The amount of money that should be paid is indispensable!” Deputy Director Li said awe-inspiringly.

“Sneez!” Lin Feng sneered lightly.

Deputy Director Li’s face changed, and he wanted to have a seizure as soon as he put his hands on his hips. I only charged a mere 10,000 yuan in “labor fees” to help Hu Xiaobing in the aftermath, and I really can’t guilty of smashing my face with these undaunted “people”.

“Okay, you should just leave. In short, someone from Li is here to assure you that I will solve the case as soon as possible and give you an explanation to the families of the injured!” Deputy Director Li slapped his **** without embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Li’s voice almost dried up, but Lin Feng and others remained motionless.

“Deputy Director Li, my father and other injured people are now lying in the hospital every day. We are all poor people and we don’t have a national health insurance card. Will the medical expenses be paid by Boss Hu? After all, all the injured are in the community. Residents.” Lin Feng would naturally not be short of the money, but he saw the environment just now when he went to the hospital. Some injured residents without money even squeezed in the aisles to make the bed fee cheaper. This made Lin Feng My heart is very sad.

This incident was an innocent disaster, but it was even more unjust because of injuries but no money for treatment. Since Lin Feng can help them by the way now, Lin Feng doesn’t mind being a favor.

When Hu Xiaobing heard this, he was unhappy again, and quickly winked at Deputy Director Li.

“Boss Hu, did your eyes get into Feng Shah, so you always squeeze around, be careful that your eyes will be blinded!” Lin Feng contempted in his heart, but he ran against Hu Xiaobing in his mouth.

“Uh, yes, I got sand in my eyes!” Hu Xiaobing was seen through, but his face was not red. Instead, he winked at Deputy Director Li more blatantly.

“Okay, let me say you guys. This police station has police station rules for handling cases. How could Boss Hu pay for the medical expenses before things are not solved? In case it is found out later that it is not Boss Hu’s responsibility, the medicine will be paid at that time. Who do you want to ask for?” Although Deputy Director Li secretly scolded Hu Xiaobing for being ignorant, he still wanted to protect Hu Xiaobing. “So, you still go back temporarily. You must trust the organization and the government, and we will definitely give it to you. An explanation!”

After hearing this, not only Lin Feng and other people involved in the matter were angry, but even Wang Meng, who didn’t want to do it at all, was sulking. The deputy director of a police station dignified and blatantly defended a person. This is no longer blatant, it can be described as unscrupulous.

system? For example, Hu Changqing-the former deputy governor of Jiangxi Province, shot dead in March 200-said: When an official is at my level, the rules and regulations basically have no effect. In fact, for those officials younger than Hu Changqing, the various rules and regulations are basically useless. This is the case with this deputy director Li.

“No! If we are not fair today, we will not go!” Naturally, everyone would not leave easily. In the past few days, everyone was holding a sigh of relief. People were beaten like this, but the police station was so supportive of the assailants. Today, if you don’t ask for justice, it’s hard to be calm!

Although the people didn’t fight with the officials, they were pressed into a hurry and dared to pull the emperor off the horse.

There is no need for Hu Xiaobing to wink at this time. Deputy Director Li has a lot of trouble in his heart—grandmother, how can I say that I am also a deputy director, a national deputy department-level cadre, and even a few “diao people” dare to lose face.

“Come on, search for me.” Deputy Director Li gave an order, and five or six police officers immediately stepped forward to prepare for a body search.

“No need to search, everything is here.” Lin Feng and others showed all the things.

“Okay, you nasty people, come on, handcuff them back to me, I have to interrogate them!” Deputy Director Li was also annoyed by the families of the wounded who begged for justice in the past two days, and was caught again today. Lin Feng was angry and decided to kill the chicken and the monkey.

“Humph!” Wang Meng was suffocated early, and now Deputy Director Li will take people away if he doesn’t agree with him, how he is not annoyed.

The hearts of several policemen jumped, Wang Meng’s aura was too captivating, and several people looked at each other and hesitated for a while, but they didn’t dare to come forward to get someone.

“What are you looking at, why don’t you get people?” Deputy Director Li said angrily.

“Deputy Director Li, why do you take someone!” Lin Feng raised his brows. “According to my country’s Criminal Law, someone must have a detention certificate or a summons certificate. Otherwise, Chinese citizens can refuse the summons.”

“You…” Deputy Director Li didn’t expect that Lin Feng would use the law to choke himself. He clicked on Lin Feng heavily. After his eyes swept the “weapon” in the hands of Lin Feng and others, the corner of his mouth Le, “I now suspect that you are carrying controlled knives, endangering public safety, and I invite you to go back and assist in the investigation!”

“Investigation! Endangering public safety!” Lin Feng sneered, shaking the wrench in his hand and said, “Deputy Director Li, these are tools in the factory, they are not controlled knives. The state does not stipulate that citizens cannot bring tools to the streets. Right!”

“You ” Deputy Director Li didn’t expect Lin Feng’s mouth to be so tricky, but Lin Feng couldn’t help it. The panic in my heart held a sigh of breath, and it took a long time to breathe slowly.

“If you don’t give way to me, if you stand in front of Boss Hu’s factory, I will arrest you for the crime of gathering crowds to disrupt social order!” Deputy Director Li was angrily and scolded.

Lin Feng smiled coldly and said, “Come on, let’s step aside and don’t block Boss Hu. Lest Deputy Director Li tells us to gather people to disrupt social order.”

The crowd laughed and stepped aside, but they did not leave. They were dangling with wrenches, hammers, etc., while comparing themselves to the security guards. Hu Xiaobing and the security guards had numb scalp and chills in their hearts.

Helpless, Hu Xiaobing can only pin his hopes on Deputy Director Li again.

Deputy Director Li is also angry at this moment! He has been in the public security business for more than 20 years, and he has never encountered such a “diaomin”.

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