Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 58

Chapter 5 The alibi (second more)

(Recommend a friend’s new book Zhao Yun Xin Biography, a “corrected” biographical novel about Zhao Yun’s life. Friends who like Zhao Yun and the Three Kingdoms are welcome!)

The September season, although midsummer is coming to an end, it wasn’t until eight o’clock in the evening that the sun slowly recovered the last glimmer of light and heat. The bright moonlight softly lit up the earth, and another night fell.

Lin Feng took Wang Meng and patrolled the Net City and the “Killing Club” as usual, greeted the acquaintances he knew, and finally came to the barbecue shop. The two ordered a bunch of barbecues, drinking beer while grinding their time. .

“What time are you going to do?” Lin Feng asked in a low voice while drinking his beer.

“3 o’clock in the morning.” A cold light flashed in Wang Meng’s eyes.

“Do you want to prepare the car?” Lin Feng asked.

“No, it’s easy to be exposed if you have a car. This distance is not as good as the previous special training for cross-country running.” Wang Meng said lightly.

The two smiled at each other.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the barbecue restaurant.

Lin Feng frowned and called the waiter to ask, and it was a few unfamiliar gangsters in this area who didn’t pay for food, and played a rogue saying that the barbecue was not clean.

“Damn, these little gangsters are really annoying.” Lin Feng scolded bitterly, and ordered, “You tell the cashier, you will say that you will be exempted today.”

Lin Feng didn’t want to be troublesome at this festival tonight.

“Wait!” Wang Meng stood up in Lin Feng’s surprised eyes and said to the waiter, “Take me, as the head of the security department, I must not let the company’s property be damaged.” After that, Wang Meng drew on the table with a drink. The three numbers “120” are written on it.

Lin Feng frowned. How could Wang Meng’s skill be injured, but his character would not be good enough to call an ambulance to these bullies. After frowning and thinking for a while, Lin Feng was stunned. This is again the best alibi that Wang Meng has produced.

Lin Feng smiled and went out to see how Wang Meng was going to act in this scene.

Four young people with dyed red and yellow hair sat there with toothpicks in their mouths, pointing at the waiter and scolding, the food at the big barbecue restaurant is unsanitary, eating bad stomachs, and losing money.

“Who is going to lose money?” Wang Meng strode forward, standing in front of a few people like Mount Tai.

The four young gangsters looked stiff-Wang Meng, who was burly and full of murderous air, looked like a future warrior Aran in their eyes and defended it-a moment of nono in his mouth, Nana’s speechless, instinctive Want to bugger.

Wang Meng chuckled. This disdainful laughter was extremely harsh, which made the four **** who had wanted to stray stiff, their faces turned green, and the shame and long-term cruel mentality in their hearts suddenly Came up.

“Who the **** are you scoffing!” A tall, yellow-haired man pointed at Wang Meng and cursed. However, although it looks full of momentum, the unnatural trembling between his fingers betrayed his true mentality at the moment-lust!

“Wang Meng, the head of the security department of the barbecue restaurant, I asked you to have this meal today. If you come to make trouble, I will interrupt your dog legs.” Wang Meng’s words plunged into the hearts of the four people like an awl.

Although the four of them were afraid of the king’s size and strength, they were called and scolded by their names. If they didn’t fight back, they wouldn’t have to go out and confuse.

“I’m going to your mother ” The tall man Huang Mao turned his face to the extreme, and punched Wang Meng fiercely.

“Bang!” With a muffled sound, the taller yellow hair collapsed to the ground without even making a sound.

The other three **** were even more panicked. The tall yellow hair was already the best one among them. He couldn’t stop the man, and the three were even less opponents.

“Go, **** guys together!” The other three looked at each other in horror, and took out guys one after another. The two took out a throwing knife from their arms, the other took a chair, and the three screamed and rushed towards Wang.

Wang Meng let out a cold snort of disdain, and made a move of “Double Dragons grab the pearl”, and directly printed his palms on the two gangsters holding knives. The two screamed and flew upside down four or five meters. , I was pleasantly surprised to find that Wang Meng did not turn around, and the plastic seat in his hand slammed into Wang Meng.

With a “clang”, the plastic seat was torn apart, but Wang Meng was completely okay, his eyes just glared, and he swept away the last gangster with a sweep of his legs.

At this time, 120 arrived. Several ambulance personnel came down, looked at the four gangsters who fell to the ground, frowned and asked, “Who hit 120 just now?”

“Me!” Lin Feng stepped forward and pointed to Wang Meng. “He was smashed by a chair and needs to be hospitalized for an X-ray.”

“Lie on the stretcher, don’t move!” The paramedics let out a long sigh of relief, nodded, lifted Wang Meng onto the stretcher, and the ambulance whistled away. As for the four **** lying on the ground yelling, they ignored them.

The ambulance is dispatched once to collect money, and the hospital sees a doctor even more. These people with dyed red and yellow hair are the ones who have no money. Sooner or later, they will “run the order” if they don’t make money. Won’t do it. What’s more, these gangsters fight and make trouble, and no one will complain if they are not saved.

Lin Feng smiled and watched the ambulance leave. After calling the Lanzhou Police Station, Officer Zhang personally dispatched several police officers to handcuff the four gangsters who were still screaming back to the police station.

At this moment, Lin Feng realized the feeling of Hu Xiaobing, the boss of Daya Chemical, instructing Deputy Director Li, that the collusion between officials and businessmen is indeed very cool! These headaches can be easily resolved by handing them to the police station. When these gangsters entered, not only was there no one to treat them, but Police Officer Zhang and the others had to knock them out before they could be released. No money? Yes, squatting. When you are hungry and can’t stand it, you will naturally be rich.

However, it is not free for Lin Feng to ask Police Officer Zhang to work. In addition to the “monthly payment”, he always has to be interesting every time he is dispatched. Of course, like today’s situation, the police station can also have harvesting incidents, so there is no need for Lin Feng to express that the wool is on the sheep, so naturally I go to find a few bullies. Increase the performance of the police station, and can also pay dividends. Why not do it!

After the matter was dealt with, Lin Feng rushed to the Fourth People’s Hospital in the Lanzhou Special Zone. Helped Wang Meng handle the special ward, and after tacitly looking at Wang Meng, Lin Feng rushed back to the Lanzhou District and found four police officers and others who were extorting confessions by torture, and invited them tonight. Several policemen spent the night.

Lin Feng also had to create alibi for himself, and it was perfect alibi to spend the night with Officer Zhang and others. As for Wang Meng’s side, Lin Feng believed that with Wang Meng’s experience and methods, it couldn’t be easier. Although Wang Meng’s ward was on the seventh floor and was attended by a full-time nurse, Lin Feng believed that this would be more conducive to Wang Meng’s work.

Everything is waiting for the answer to be revealed during the day tomorrow! ——Lin Feng held up the wine glass again, smiling to Police Officer Zhang and the others.

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