Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7052

Chapter 7150 Different ways of thinking

“Come out!” The reporters from various countries who had been squatting outside for a long time saw the huge royal delegation coming out of the “Second World”, all of them boiled.

In the past few days, no news has come out. As a result of their exhaustive inquiries, these royal family members didn’t seem to see Lin Feng at all. In this case, these reporters are very boring.

Without news, they can’t do anything. Can only wait here.

This kind of waiting without knowing the end is the most helpless and depressing for reporters. After all, they are not paparazzi.

Paparazzi, who looks like a reporter, is also a tracking hot spot. However, reporters interview hot news figures, and then pass their views to society so that the public has the right to know.

As for the paparazzi, it is a way to shoot various indecent incidents and vulgar incidents, and then pass them on to everyone. It is a way to attract the crowd.

It can be said that there is a natural and essential difference between the two sides.

Journalists often disdain paparazzi.

It’s very simple. No one can fault a sage. This person, in this lifetime, how could he never make mistakes and have no ugly side. And the paparazzi has to dig out your ugly side, which is a bit too much.

It is true that as a public figure, it is natural to set an example. However, public figures are also human beings, and they may also be depressed, irritable, and anxious and irritable. You have to deliberately cause trouble at this time, and then take pictures and publish it, it is a kind of harm to it.

After all, what a public figure has to do is to set an example in public, not to act as a saint all the time. In private spaces, public figures can also relax. The role model in public and the self in private space are two completely different concepts, but in the eyes of paparazzi and many virgins, they are confused.

It is obviously immoral to require public figures to act as moral models like saints no matter when and where they are.

Those reporters also disregarded the behavior of paparazzi.

But in the past few days, they have almost become paparazzi, squatting here to test and obtain various possible intelligence. This feeling is really bad.

Now that these royal family members have come out, it is naturally better.

“Quick, get in the car! They’re going to the airport! To the airport!” Hundreds of reporters started to act immediately.

The mighty motorcade followed the royal motorcade and went straight to the airport.

“Finally gone!” Kazama Huilisha stood by the window and sighed as she looked at the caravan going away.

These days, receiving these royal family members is really exhausting. It’s not an exaggeration to work hard.

You know, these people are all princes and princesses of European countries. They are very picky about many details of life. Whether it is food, rest, meeting guests, etc., they all have their standards.

If they think you are not up to the standard, they will directly raise it and ask you to improve. This is different from the domestic perception.

In the West, they think that when they ask for your opinions and opinions, they are helping you improve, not embarrassing you. Because your work is not up to the standard, so naturally you have to make progress. You can’t know the shortcomings, but don’t improve.

I said that I am asking you to improve, and you must also improve, because you are a service worker. This is not what I do for your own good. For these royal princes and princesses, there is no such concept in their minds.

They are not for your good, but ask you to improve. But because this is your job, you must improve.

This sounds a bit brain-burning. But it is a common sense of thinking in Western society. This is the biggest gap with China.

Why do many Chinese people still feel lonely after living in Western society for so many years, that life is too boring without friends? That is because their thinking is still Chinese thinking. If the Chinese mindset remains unchanged, it is difficult to integrate into Western society.

Then, it will be difficult for you to make friends, and you will naturally feel lonely, without friends, and life is extremely boring. In fact, life in Western society is never boring.

Their lives have their splendor. After get off work, go to the bar to drink beer with friends, chat, talk about interesting things in life, or take your family to a friend’s house for a dinner. When resting, there are more things you can do, such as camping, barbecue, mountain climbing, hiking, sea fishing, diving and swimming and so on. Too much, too much activity, never alone. Because, you will always meet friends with similar interests on the journey to play together.

So why many people feel bored when going abroad. Because these are activities that need to communicate with people and communicate with people. Especially in modern society, when each other is busy, it is difficult for you to find friends you usually know and travel together. Then, you need to meet new people with similar interests and hobbies during your journey.

In this regard, because many Chinese people who go abroad cannot integrate into the other party’s society due to language or living habits, there will always be obstacles to communication and misunderstandings in communication. How to play together? Naturally, I feel lonely.

On the contrary, in the domestic society, when you are resting, sitting in front of the computer and pressing it up, you don’t need much communication, at least you don’t need communication outside of games. Social networking will become very simple.

In other words, sitting on the mahjong table makes it easier. You can kill the whole night without talking almost the whole time.

The different ways of thinking have resulted in different attitudes towards life between each other.

The same is true these days. These picky royal princes and princesses put a lot of pressure on Kazama Huilisha. At this moment, their departure can be regarded as relaxing.

“Dear employees, you have worked hard these days!” Hui Lisha Kazama gathered the many beautiful employees who were responsible for receiving these days, and personally thanked everyone.

“President Kazama, this is what we should do!” Everyone waved their hands again and again.

It is true that these days are very tiring. But the more tiring is the president, who not only has to manage everything, but also gets scolded. Although they are a bit tired, they are not scolded. Those princes, the princess did not bother to trouble them. Therefore, mentally, they are relatively relaxed.

“Everyone, for these three days of work, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the company, and convey the boss’s meaning, and give each of you a red envelope for your hard work!” Hui Lisha Kazama personally handed out a bulging red envelope to everyone.

“Thank you, President! Thank you, boss!” Many beautiful employees looked excited.

Such a stack of red envelopes, not to say too much, there are still thousands of dollars less. In addition to normal work these three days, there are still red envelopes, which really surprised them. Naturally happy!

“In addition, there is one more point, that is, I will set up the’Etiquette Department’, separate it from the Public Relations Department, and set up a brand new Etiquette Department, which will be responsible for receiving guests in the future!” Hui Lisha Kazama announced, “One An etiquette specialist who specializes in receiving VIPs!”

(The three shifts today are over, and we will continue tomorrow! Thank you for your support!)

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