Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7097

Chapter 7195 I didn’t lie

The world is suffocated at this moment.

Madoff’s appearance was originally a curse. Such a big liar has caused many people to go bankrupt. His Ponzi scheme has been miserable.

Although it seems that this time it was all rich people who had nothing to do with ordinary people. In the past, Ponzi schemes and MLMs all deceived the poor. This time, Madoff deceived the rich. This should have nothing to do with the poor.

But in fact, the impact is more.

This Ponzi scheme deceives the poor, how many people can it deceive. If you cheat too much, you will naturally be noticed, reported, and eventually the scam will go bankrupt. Therefore, the harm is limited. Of course, such as the current situation in China, Lin Feng doesn’t know how to say it.

Do you say that Chinese people are ignorant? It’s not stupid. Most foreign countries don’t know what’s going on in the country. Look at the United Kingdom and hold a referendum on Brexit. Everyone doesn’t know what will happen if they vote.

On the contrary, in China, from high-ranking officials to traffickers and pawns, once this is idle or sitting down, they are all pointing the country, knowing astronomy, geography, and omniscience.

Is this ignorance? Not stupid, Chinese people are not stupid at all, they are very clever. But why is the Ponzi scheme so popular in China? The prevalence of one city, one city, is obviously due to greed.

Of course, if the topic turns back, deceiving the poor, the harm is really limited. On the contrary, deceiving the rich does not seem to be directly related to the poor, but when every rich man falls, tens of thousands of poor people are implicated.

Think about it, after Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, how many wealthy people went bankrupt, which directly led to the world financial crisis and affected the whole world. Everyone is not so well.

To enlarge this point a little more, it can be said that the so-called chivalrous acts of robbing the rich and helping the poor in ancient times seem to be good for the common people, and the common people have a bad breath, but in fact, they are more harmful to the common people.

Indeed, you have robbed the rich and helped the poor, and the rich and the rich have become poor, and part of the money has been exchanged for the common people. But are you paying it back? No! Most people have not taken back what they originally belonged to. Only a small part of it has made a profit, so it touts those grand thieves.

Then, more people began to look forward to the appearance of these chivalrous men, hoping that they would save themselves.

As a result, these chivalrous righteous men deified themselves, thinking that they were the incarnation of justice, and constantly robbed the rich and helped the poor. The final result is that it is natural to bring misfortune to himself, and the chivalrous righteous can have a good end, almost none.

Because you broke the rules, you break the rules of the game like this, you don’t have the ability to crush the rules of the game, so sooner or later you die. And in this world, does anyone have the ability to break the rules of the game?

No! No one. In ancient times, there were so many changes of dynasties. They seemed to break the rules of the game, but they only broke an old game rule that was not good for them, and then formulated a new game rule.

Regardless of how the rules of the game are modified, its essence has always been to squeeze the poor and benefit the rich. The only difference is that with each revision, the positions of the poor and the rich will change to a certain amount.

Including the current Lin Feng, he is also breaking the rules of the game, but at the same time he is making the rules of the game. Lam Fung cannot make all people equal, nor can it be equal. It will still be a game system that exploits the poor.

No way, the law of the jungle, the weak eat the strong. This is the eternal truth. This is true of any country and system. The only difference is that under some systems, it is to stifle the opportunity for others to change their own destiny, while for others, the opportunity is given to everyone, and those who can live in it.

Speaking of the topic, did those who rob the rich and help the poor do good things? nor.

Let alone those who rob the rich and help the poor for their own selfish desires are those heroes who want to do good for the people. As a result, if you rob the rich and help the poor this time, people will be more greedy, but the local people will suffer. .

No matter how much you grab, in short, it is not the high-ranking officials, not the local parents, but the common people who will bear all this in the end. Therefore, this kind of chivalrous righteous man, in the final analysis, is actually just for himself. Everything they do can’t help the people, just for their own fame, for their own short-term happiness, for their own happiness!

Therefore, in this world, if you want not to be bullied, there is only one way to make yourself stronger.

It is true that it is impossible to be the strongest in the world. After all, there is a mountain high, but there is one thing, like the antelope in Africa, you can be better than others. It’s better to be stronger than the people around you. That way, you can bear the cost of this social change.

You can make you and your loved ones happier.

At this moment, Madoff’s words came out, shocking everyone.

“Everyone, I believe you should have guessed it, that is, I am not bankrupt. My investment plan is indeed crazy, but it succeeded. Because Paul has discovered an asteroid in outer space, a planet made by gold Once captured, asteroids composed of mines can probably bring tens of trillions of dollars in revenue. There is a gold mine the size of the entire United States!” Madoff’s words caused the audience to exclaim.

A gold mine as big as the United States, my God, how many tons of gold are there!

You know, gold is the most valuable thing in the world.

Don’t talk about diamonds, that stuff is used to defraud women of money. There is no shortage of diamond mines on the earth. There is a super mining area in Russia that can break the price of diamonds in the world, but there is no mining. Because once it’s mined, it’s over. The global diamond price will become the price of cabbage.

Once it’s not rare, women don’t like it anymore. Women don’t like it, and this man won’t like this shiny little stone so much.

But gold is different. This cannot be generated, it is pure natural. Moreover, unlike diamonds, gold has limited uses. The element of gold has uses in many places.

Its excellent physical properties, such as extremely excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, and excellent chemical properties that do not oxidize in a conventional state, allow it to be used in the electronics, communications, aerospace, chemical, medical and other sectors, as well as everyone’s daily necessities Found in.

For example, computer integrated circuit boards, watches, gold-plated glass with super strong protection against ultraviolet rays, etc., gold is so useful that it is no longer just used as a currency unit.

Therefore, in this case, gold is very valuable and will not decline because of human needs. Unless another heavy metal is found that is superior to gold in terms of chemistry, physics, and price.

Otherwise, gold must be very valuable.

Now that Madoff owns one-third of the proceeds of a gold mine the size of the United States, all the allegations of fraud against him will naturally cease to exist!

“So, I tell you, I am not ashamed of my heart, and I can repay you all the interest I promised!” Madoff said proudly.

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