Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7101

Chapter 7199 Shameless

“Let everyone apologize?” Madoff was surprised.

Is this possible? Those media are not good stubborn, they will bow their heads? These media have always bullied people, and no one bullied them.

Of course, the Lord in front of him doesn’t count. This guy, that’s no ordinary person. He has a set for dealing with the media.

Therefore, Madoff decided to listen to Lin Feng.

Later, Madoff sent E-mail letters to major New York media, telling them that they would apologize sincerely to decide which one to accept the front page invitation.

At this time, the New York media were directly stunned.

This requirement is not absent, but it is not so exaggerated. It was decided by their sincerity to apologize, which media to interview, this method is too awkward, it always feels a bit familiar.

What is this familiar feeling?

Lin Feng! This is Lin Feng’s method. Damn, this must be instigated by Lin Feng. Numerous media in New York gritted their teeth.

But they have to think about it, because the second E-mail will arrive soon. This time, they are told that if they choose to refuse, then Madoff will consider media outside of New York.

At this time, many New York media are really anxious.

If the front page of such important news is obtained by media outside of New York, then they will be embarrassed.

In the world financial center, financial headlines are taken away by other regions, and that is to slap their faces severely.

Therefore, there is no alternative. There is no choice among the many media in New York.

They began to apologize for their thoughts. After all, this is not like a price increase. You can increase the price multiple times. There is only one chance. How to apologize can just overwhelm other media without making yourself too embarrassed or embarrassed. That is an art.

This is very difficult to grasp.

But no matter how difficult it is, no matter how twitchy it is, it will have to apologize. Unless you don’t want an exclusive interview, the front page is exclusive.

Therefore, “USA Today” apologized for the first time, and it was very formal and grand. It was still on the front page. The headline: Regarding the series of accusations against Mr. Bernard Madoff about liars and abuses, the newspaper officially Apologize to Mr. Madoff, this is our negligence, because we did not understand the details of the case, and made groundless accusations against Mr. Madoff, this is very rigorous and unprofessional behavior. Here, we apologize deeply and hope that Mr. Madoff can forgive us. And, can accept our formal face-to-face apology!

As soon as the “USA Today” statement of apology came out, world public opinion exploded.

This has never happened before. The newspaper apologized, it was all concise and concise, and ended in a short sentence. After all, this kind of thing is extremely embarrassing for the news media, so it can be as short as it can be, as long as it makes sense.

But this time, “USA Today” is full of apologies, and the attitude is extremely sincere and correct, which is unprecedented.

This allowed the outside world to see the attitude of “USA Today” and the great potential of Madoff.

Behind him is a golden mountain the size of the United States. This is crazy. Think about the scene, a golden mountain the size of the continental United States, wandering through the stars in the universe, was captured by Paul Allen. What a spectacular scene.

This gold mine will greatly nurture mankind and make human life better. Even if it is controlled by several companies, the huge gold mine belt with endless sources of gold can make human life better.

You should know that the economic trend of the world is, generally speaking, an inflationary pattern. Only when inflation is over, life will be better. You want deflation, that’s when books are unlucky.

It’s just that this inflation must be within the range of people’s income increase. In that way, human beings will become happier and happier.

In simpler words, as long as everyone can create more wealth, then life will get better and better. To be simpler, as long as the economy circulates, the world economy will get better and better.

In this regard, as far as Lin Feng’s personal perception is concerned, why the country had to carry out various economic reforms in the first place, first of all, was housing reform. This initial reason was also good. At least don’t let Chinese people keep saving their money.

This money keeps saving, it’s horrible. If the money is not in circulation in the bank, then there is no consumption. Then the factory does not need to produce so many items, because they are not used. If you don’t produce so many goods, you don’t need so many workers, and if you don’t need so many workers, then there will be a large number of unemployment.

This large number of people are unemployed, so they naturally have to save money, and they don’t dare to spend money indiscriminately. Then, it’s a vicious circle. That is the worst picture.

Therefore, a country really cannot save too much money, too much, and the economy is not circulating, the consequences would be disastrous. Of course, as to why the housing prices got out of control later, that’s another matter.

At this moment, back to this matter, a gold mine as big as the mainland of the United States must be mined. If it is mined and put on the earth, the gold will definitely be valuable, but there is one thing that must be used for gold. The prices of products in various industries will inevitably fall sharply.

This kind of decline is positive. At the same time, the people in these companies must have good benefits and high wages, so they will get rich and must spend money. When they spend money, they will stimulate economic consumption and drive the entire surrounding industry.

This is a big plus!

Counting the troubles that Madoff caused before, so many companies went bankrupt, such as Enron, Lehman Brothers, and so on. These can be returned now. It can be said that a Madoff is more important than Lin Feng at this stage.

It deserves so much attention from USA Today.

So apologizing, it’s worth it!

However, this other media is depressed. They were still twitchy and reserved, but it turned out to be a good one. They were taken advantage of by “USA Today”. The most important thing is that all the words that should be said have been said, and the attitude that should be stated is also clear. This “USA Today” is too shameless, as such a famous mainstream media, how can you be so shameless!

The media in New York are very angry, how can you say everything we want to say so brazenly! ——The New York media have a grievance.

But no way, I still have to apologize. What should I do if I don’t apologize.

Therefore, many New York media, such as the “New York Times”, “The Wall Street Journal,” and so on, all kinds of New York media have published their apologies to Madoff on the front page. However, no matter how you apologize, it is like that. a few words. After all, as a mainstream media, you can’t be too shameless.

But, it’s really shameless!

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