Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7140

Chapter 7238 Remembrance

Global uproar!

Prior to this,’Virtual Reality 1.0′ shocked everyone and fascinated all players. This’Virtual Reality 2.0′ was even more shocking. It could actually allow people to enter the game world and achieve what is described in virtual online games. A world.

This is a great surprise. However, everyone does not know whether this surprise can be achieved.

As a result, Lin Feng came up with a “virtual reality 3.0”, claiming that humans might be able to live in that world.

This, the impact on people is far greater than the ‘virtual reality 1.0’ and ‘virtual reality 2.0’. No one can believe what Lin Feng said.

Live in another world, a world independent of all systems.

This is simply God!

“Aeolus, are you trying to play God?” someone asked cautiously.

“I am not God, nor do I want to play God. I am just a businessman with a little exploratory and scientific nature! If possible, I will try my best to achieve it. This will not only lead mankind to a greater shore, but also It allows me to make more money. Of course, it may also bring a side effect: longevity!” Lin Fengyu is not surprising and endlessly dying.


This is such a desirable but unreachable word.

Can people live forever?

Can’t! At least ancient and modern, both at home and abroad, only those gods and angels described by writers can live forever. And these literary characters, or mythological characters that they created, are a kind of beautiful fantasy of human beings about things that they did not have.

Life has a beginning and an end. However, for an intelligent life, once it has thoughts, culture, and understanding of life, then it definitely does not want to die.

However, how can people not die. There is life, there is death.

These are destined, the reincarnation of the laws of heaven.

No matter how powerful you are, how powerful you are, how much wealth, how much you don’t want to die, you will have to die when the time comes.

This is a fact that everyone has long accepted. No one can change, and no one can break.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly said that a world can be created, a world in which humans can live, in which humans can live forever, and may even live forever!

Oh my God! This is amazing.

It’s as if someone came up to you one day and said that you are the son of the richest man in the world. This is amazing, no one believes it.

However, Lin Feng said this.

It’s Lin Feng!

That Lin Feng!

That’s what Fengshen said, who never breaks his promise and will do what he says.

His words have never been fulfilled. You can never take his words as bragging. He is Lin Feng, not someone else!

He is Lin Feng!

In this case, is it really possible to realize what Lin Feng said?

“I said that this is the ultimate theoretical state. As for whether it can be realized, I don’t know. Because there are still some very difficult problems to overcome. And here, the reason why I say this is that I I hope everyone will remember that there will be today’s “virtual reality 1.0”, the “virtual reality 2.0” that can be expected in the future, and the more exciting “virtual reality 3.0”. Please remember one’s name, one forever A name that shouldn’t be forgotten: Jobs-Steve! “Lin Feng paid respect.

Everyone was surprised.

Naturally, there is no need to question the greatness of Jobs.

However, this ‘virtual reality’, isn’t Lin Feng’s ‘Second World’ unique skill? It belongs to the secret of the ‘Second World’. What does this have to do with Jobs?

“I believe everyone should be clear that Jobs chose to freeze his body. It was instantly frozen under liquid nitrogen. Waiting for the emergence of medical technology that can solve his physical condition in the future, and then thawing it.” Lin Feng said .

Everyone nodded. This point is naturally clear to everyone.

“But what everyone doesn’t know is that although Jobs is frozen, he is still making contributions to the world. He agreed that we use his frozen body to try brainwave communication, and continue to try here. We have made a breakthrough. This is also one of the reasons why “virtual reality” can be born so quickly! And, if there is “virtual reality 2.0″, then the breakthrough point is the communication with Jobs. He is the technology of this world Breakthrough, made an outstanding contribution. Of course, this kind of breakthrough is not the kind that is very tall and sophisticated, but can popularize people’s livelihood, so that everyone can enjoy the dividends brought by technological breakthroughs. A technological breakthrough. We can’t forget him!” Lin Feng said.

“To Jobs!” Lin Feng held up his teacup.

“To Jobs!” In the live broadcast room, everyone raised their tea cups.

Pay tribute to Jobs with tea instead of wine.

At this moment, Jobs’s wife and daughter covered their faces and wept.

It has been two years since Jobs’passed away’, but Lin Feng remembered him on such an important occasion and praised his great achievements. This was a kind of spiritual comfort for his’widow’. My husband and father have paid so much for science and have not been forgotten. Even though it has almost disappeared in this world, it has not been forgotten.

Of course, there are still a large group of people at this moment, and they are also in agitated mood.

This group of people are employees of various companies under Linfeng.

It has been so long since Jobs’passed away’, and Lin Feng can still remember him on this occasion. What about other employees? An employee who treats his subordinates so courteously, do they still worry that they will be treated unfairly?

In other words, are they still worried that their talents will not be able to be used, and they will not receive the respect and rewards they deserve?

Obviously, the answer is yes.

Lin Feng’s move to cherish the memory of Jobs not only makes the world remember Jobs again, but also makes all his employees more centripetal.

The upper limit of a company depends not on the employees but the boss.

The boss is the upper limit of this company!

“Everyone, tonight will be a sleepless night. Of course, staying up late is not so easy. After all, it is a bit of a damage to the body’s biological clock. However, staying up late once or twice a year is harmless. And today, I Give you caffeine, I give you a stimulus, so that you can easily spend tonight’s vigil!” Lin Feng said with a smile.

The whole live broadcast room began to boil.

What can stimulate everyone? Naturally, the most exciting thing in this world is money.

Money is not everything, but money is everything that no one can give up.

Is Lin Feng going to distribute the tens of billions of red envelopes?

Everyone started to boil in their hearts, their blood began to burn, their souls began to jump, waiting for Lin Feng’s tens of billions of dollars red envelope award!

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