Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 7233

Chapter 7343 Intelligent Chinese Medicine (Plus Group

Lin Feng sighed.

Now this is finally a breakthrough.

Longevity, this is the instinctive pursuit of all living things.

The first pursuit of mankind has always been longevity. On the premise of longevity, being able to be happy is the greatest happiness. At present, I finally made a big step in this regard.

“Old Hua, this is the latest technology we got. In theory, if you cooperate with your medicine, you can extend the life span of human beings to 150 years old.” Lin Feng said excitedly.

150 years old? Hua Lao couldn’t believe it.

Although human beings have longevity, and there are many incredible longevity, for example, the legendary Peng Zu is more than eight hundred years old. Of course, this is a legend. The record is Li Qingyuan. He was born in the 18th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty and died in 1679-1935 in the 24th year of the Republic of China at the age of 256.

Of course, this may be questioned. So what about the West, are there longevity?

This is of course, identifiable and well documented, and the longevity champion of all time is a French woman Jenny Louis Carmen. Her birth certificate indicated that she was born on February 21, 1875. She sent away her husband who died in 1942, their only daughter died in 1934 and their only grandson died in 1963.

Speaking of this French longevity champion, there is an interesting fact.

In 1965, a lawyer signed an agreement with her to give her $500 a month for living expenses in order to inherit the apartment she lived in after her death. The lawyer was 47 years old at the time, and she was 90 years old, and the deal seemed to be a good deal for the lawyer.

Unfortunately, 30 years later, the lawyer passed away at the age of 77 after paying US$184,000, which was more than double the market price of the apartment. Live well, and according to the agreement, the lawyer’s family must continue to pay Mrs. Carmen’s monthly living expenses.

Inspiringly, at the age of 85, Mrs. Carmen began to learn fencing. When she was 100 years old, she was still riding a bicycle. He moved into a nursing home when he was 110 years old. On her 121st birthday, she released a record called “The Time Housewives”, which contained memories of the past in the context of music.

This Mrs. Carmen died in a nursing home on August 4, 1997, at the age of 122 years and 164 days.

This is the longest life ever recorded in human history.

150 years old, this is really incredible. Even if it is Hua Seventeen, although Huamen are all over a hundred years old, they have never had such a long life.

At the age of 150, this is beyond recognition in Huamen.

“This is the breakthrough progress brought by modern technology!” Lin Feng said, “I hope your elderly can live a little longer, and give more guidance to the younger generations of us. There is an old person in the family, if there is a treasure!”

“Xiao Lin, in fact, life is long enough for me, and there are no regrets in life.” Hua Shiqi is not too excited about life extension. The reason is simple, he has experienced too much.

Throughout his life, he has been fighting for the glory of Chinese medicine. Over the years, he was really tired and hard. Fortunately, after meeting Lin Feng, relying on Lin Feng’s absolute wealth and power, Chinese medicine is now regarded as a spark of power.

What is missing now is the accumulation of time. What he has learned throughout his life, although there is no real disciple who can get the true biography for the time being, it has also been passed on to Nuwa. The rest is the accumulation of time, and then teach enough suitable Chinese medicine doctors.

Of course, this may still be slow, so Hua 17 is also studying whether to make Chinese medicine intelligent.

The so-called intelligentization of Chinese medicine means taking advantage of Nuwa to perform auxiliary treatment.

To become a qualified Chinese medicine doctor, you need to learn traditional culture from an early age. Only in this way can you understand Chinese medicine. Then, you have to study the ancient books of Pre-Qin Dynasty such as “Book of Changes”, “Huang Di Nei Jing” and so on. These are all very difficult.

After this, one must recite the properties of thousands of medicinal materials, various prescriptions, and an understanding of various aspects such as the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Only when these are balanced, you can go to practice medicine.

Of course, this is their Huamen rules. Other schools, some of the requirements are just as stringent, and some are just filling the numbers, as long as the disease can be cured temporarily.

After all, for patients, their biggest appeal is to prevent them from suffering from illness at the moment. For example, if you come to see a doctor with a headache, as long as you don’t let me have a headache, you are a genius doctor.

As for the other consequences caused by this, they are all things to be considered in the future. At least it’s fine if I don’t hurt.

This cannot be said to be short-sighted by the patients, because they are not clear. This is your duty as a doctor.

Unfortunately, it would be too difficult to cultivate in this way. Especially this still needs a little talent in the middle. If you have been studying medicine for 10 years, if it proves not to work and your medical skills are not good enough, then you can learn other knowledge, it would be too late. This delays life.

Therefore, Hua Shi 17 considers using Nu Wa as an intelligent assistant to help those Chinese medicine practitioners to practice medicine. Originally studied Chinese medicine, from elementary school medicine, without 20 years of work, the master will not allow you to become a teacher.

But life is short, so if you have Nuwa’s help, as long as you have an overall system overview and a general judgment and cognitive ability, then you can become a qualified or even qualified person with Nuwa Excellent Chinese medicine.

“This plan is good, I think it’s very feasible.” Lin Feng nodded repeatedly.

For Nuwa, her calculation ability is improving every day, and the biggest drawback of Chinese medicine is that it requires a lot of experience to accumulate. This requires years of waiting.

Human beings are a group of organisms with a very short life span. Chinese medicine is too time-consuming. But for Nu Wa, these are not a problem. With the help of modern equipment, there is no need for high-end equipment, as long as a simple heartbeat, blood pressure and other test instruments, and then equipped with a high-definition camera is enough.

In that way, Lin Feng’s Chinese Medicine Hospital can truly be extended to thousands of households. At present, although Chinese medicine is also available in various places, to be honest, at least those old Chinese doctors that everyone believes in, who are famous, do not believe in young Chinese doctors.

Coupled with Lin Feng’s universal medical insurance policy, the real universal medical insurance makes everyone more willing to see a western doctor. For Lin Feng, this is also a helpless thing to throw himself in the foot.

Of course, Lin Feng did not regret it. After all, after the universal health insurance, the happiness index of the Chinese has risen significantly.

As long as you are sick, I will be responsible. Regardless of serious illness or minor illness, you will not become poor due to illness. But Western medicine is expensive. This cost pressure is very high.

Traditional Chinese medicine is still the most economical, plus medical technology that truly treats from the source.

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