Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Roommate

**Train, the two arrived in the capital of China-Yanjing City!

is just the time of enrollment. Outside the station, there are people holding signs of major colleges and universities to welcome new students.

After He Chen and Luo Hao showed their admission notice, they were picked up on the school bus, followed by a crowd of curious freshmen, and arrived at Yanjing University, the No. 1 institution of China.

After the report, He Chen and Luo Hao were assigned to the same dormitory, which was exactly what they wanted.

Yenjing University has an elegant environment and a rich heritage. Even the student dormitories are much better than other schools. A dormitory for four people is extremely spacious, with air-conditioning, heating and a separate bathroom.

I thought that when I was in school, I lived in an 8-bed room. The heating was enough, but the air conditioner was useless. Every summer, the sultry air is like hell.

“Tsk, this is for school…” Luo Hao exclaimed, and looked around, everything was so novel in his eyes.

The two ** in the house have been occupied, but the person is not there, so they should have gone out.

“He Chen, let me see it now…” Luo Hao quickly cleaned up his own shop, and then helped He Chen clean up while praying. After He Chen agreed, he was overjoyed.

can finally see He Chen’s so-called manga!

Luo Hao is also the first time I heard about drawing comics. If you want to talk about the enthusiasm for comics, he definitely doesn’t have it. He was just curious about something that had whipped his appetite for two months.

He Chen carefully took out the drawing from the bottom of the luggage.

He only has such a copy of the original manuscript. If it is broken, his two months of hard work will be wasted.

“Here you are, don’t break it, I haven’t submitted it yet.”

There are two manuscripts, one is half-painted EVA, and the other is a book-thick pornographic elf.

“…Isn’t this just a little book.”

Luo Hao turned two pages and found that this is the kind of comic book and comics that he read when he was a child. He wondered, is He Chen’s so-called comics this kind of thing?

“If you say that I am a little man’s book, we will break up!” He Chen said coldly.

Luo Hao smiled, but he didn’t give in: “Don’t worry, even if you like the little man book, I won’t laugh at you… Hahaha!” This kind of joke has long been accustomed to the two of them.

“Huh!” He Chen raised his eyebrows, “Let’s take a look first, Huh, I just don’t know if you can appreciate the charm of comics with your IQ.”

“Fuck, I don’t believe that your little book can be more difficult than mathematics, physics and chemistry!”

Looking at He Chen being extremely confident in his comics, Luo Hao was also moved, wondering if this is really different from Xiaorenshu?

thinking about it, just sit on the **** and look slowly.

Soon he realized that there is indeed a big difference. First of all, this is more beautiful than the graffiti-like little man book, the characters painted are more beautiful, and the background is more realistic. Especially for the robot called the No.1 machine, Luo Hao was deeply attracted by the exaggerated and unrestrained shape just by looking at it.

The only pity is that there are too few paintings. I only flipped it a few times. When the first machine was about to be the most exciting, it was gone.

And the other one is very interesting. Those Pokémon are also very cute, but Luo Hao feels that this is too naive. The soft battle is not as exciting as the first maneuver.

“He Chen, you are too eccentric, why do you paint so many elves, but don’t paint E…EVA?” Luo Hao glanced at the cover, and for He Chen to organize it, the cover was a blank A4 paper. The three dark letters of EVA on the book.

“How about it? Is this still a little book?” Old God He Chen was talking, as if he was confident about Luo Hao’s reaction.

Luo Hao smirked and scratched his head: “I’m wrong, I admit, this is so much better than the villain book!”

“I won’t draw EVA for the time being, I can’t publish it.”

“Why? EVA is so wonderful!” Luo Hao asked. Obviously, he wanted to know the story behind EVA, and wanted to see the first unit show its power.

“Because the editors have the same idea as you. They only think that this is something that children only like, so the target group will only target children. The age of EVA is too high, and there are not many wonderful children who watch it. They judged that there is no commercial value, so they will not publish this.”

Luo Hao is not an idiot. He Chen understands it after a little explanation, and instantly understands why He Chen draws an elves. He felt that if he had such a villain…comic when he was a child, he would definitely love it.

But when he thought that EVA might never be seen again, Luo Hao was a little disappointed, frowning and said: “…Is it right that you will never draw such a comic again?”

“Who said this?”

“Didn’t you say that it won’t be published? It won’t be published, you draw it, and only we can see it…”

“Hey!” He Chen sneered, “You too underestimated the comics. My goal is not the present, but the future! First, I will use my younger age to teach comics to cultivate loyal readers, change them from the children, and wait for them to grow up. Capturing them with boy manga, let them understand that manga is not only for younger age! Finally, it is to let the world feel the charm of manga!”

“Comic? What is it?”

was talking, two people walked in outside the door, one of which was thin, wearing a pair of eyes, and dressed plain but clean. The other is not tall, looks less than 1.7 meters, a little fat, holding a lot of snacks in his hands.

It was the little fat man who was talking, and it seemed that the two of them should be out shopping.

“You are here too, my name is Zhou Zhe, a philosopher of philosophy, and a major in economics.” The glasses man smiled kindly.

The little fat man took out all the snacks: “My name is Zhuang Bufan, but it’s actually quite ordinary. Just call me Xiaopang. Come on, eat whatever you want. You’re welcome! Computer professional.”

“Luo Hao, the one who told me in vain, thank you brother! Oh, I am also a computer professional, what fate!” Luo Hao raised his hands to say hello, and took a bag of potato chips. He is a self-familiar person, as long as there is no contradiction, he can quickly become one with anyone.

“He Chen, morning in the morning. Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts.” He Chen thought that these two people should be their future roommates, and they all seem to get along well.

“Hey, Luo Hao, I have eaten potato chips, don’t touch my artwork, it soiled my paper, how can I submit it!” Seeing Luo Hao grabbing potato chips in one hand and turning the page with the other, He Chen hurriedly said remind.

Luo Hao smiled awkwardly, carefully removed the sketch with his clean hands, handed the potato chips over to eat with He Chen, and chatted.

“Fine Arts Department?” Zhou Zhe and Zhuang Bufan looked at each other and looked at He Chen curiously.

He Chen touched his nose, but he didn’t know why: “What’s the matter?”

“No, nothing, but I didn’t expect that we could live in the same dormitory with the great artist!” Zhuang Bufan squeezed his eyes and laughed loudly, apparently mocking He Chen.

“Don’t bury me.”

“By the way, what you were talking about just now, although I don’t understand, but it sounds terrific!” Zhou Zhe pulled a chair and sat down and asked, Zhuang Bufan also showed interest.

Luo Hao’s spirit was shocked: “Comic! This is the first concept proposed by our great artist He Chen. Comics…I said that you don’t understand it. Come here, take a look at our master He Chen’s work. You should Fortunately, you are the second…no, the third or fourth person to witness the manga!”

While talking, Luo Hao handed the two cartoons to two people separately, and asked them not to damage them or get dirty.

He Chen also wanted to see other people’s thoughts. After all, his younger sister and Luo Hao were close to him, with preconceived notions and a certain emotional color.

And these two roommates are seeing each other for the first time, and they are more likely to give the comics the most objective evaluation.

“I’m saying that I’m a big artist, I won’t let you guys see it…just say I’m a cartoonist.” He Chen said while watching the reaction of the two.

Zhou Zhe was looking at the monster elf, his expression was calm and his reaction was mediocre.

Zhuang Bufan was looking at EVA. Just turning a page, He Chen noticed that he was visibly stunned, and his brows frowned, his expression complex…

This reaction is really weird. Even if EVA has a deep connotation, it is reflected later. As for the first 4 episodes, only the background and characters are introduced. How can it be possible for people to see what needs to be contemplated?

“The little book…but the painting is very beautiful, the story is simple, but it is not bad.” Zhou Zhe looked at it and gave an evaluation.

** The elves are young, after all, they follow a relaxed and humorous route, so the main line is clear, and every story is extremely simple and straightforward.

“Um… isn’t it just a little man’s book? I thought it was something fun.” Zhuang Bufan suddenly showed a nonchalant look and threw EVA aside. U U Reading

Zhou Zhe glanced at the exposed page of the EVA, and found that it seemed to be painted more delicately than that of an elf, so he picked it up and looked at it.

After reading it, Zhou Zhe pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said: “EVA paints much better than monster elf… and the story seems to be more than that.”

“Of course, he said, it will be more exciting later, but because there is no way to publish now, so I can only put it down temporarily.” Luo Hao said happily, as if he was complimenting him, and then turned his head to despise Zhuang Bufan. Said: “Buffalo, you really have no vision, such a wonderful work, it is said that it is a little man book, this is a comic! Can a little man book have such a story?”

“Well, all the themes published now are like Xiaorenshu. There is no such kind of comics to test the market, so publishers will not publish… The risk is too high and the profit is unknown. However, if it is a genie, I think it should be fine.”

Zhou Zhe’s analysis was very rational, and Luo Hao also praised: “Same as He Chen said.”

Zhou Zhe raised his head and took a deep look at He Chen.

Zhuang is extraordinary, but as if he is old and stubborn, he stood up and shouted: “No matter how good the story is, it is also a little man’s book. A little man’s book is a little man’s book, children’s stuff. You are still doing this, so naive!”

“I’m leaving, there will be a class meeting in a while.” After finishing speaking, he flung his hand and left.

The three looked at each other, wondering why Zhuang Bufan was so excited.

PS: Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, and there will be a gathering with friends, and we can only change it today, and we will add it tomorrow!

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