Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 A distinctive local mansion

After bringing the cat home, the system prompts that “My Neighbor Totoro” has been unlocked, and He Chen will exchange it directly.

“My Neighbor Totoro” is a genre, He Chen does not intend to publish a comic, there is no sound and BGM, feel that “My Neighbor Totoro” quiet atmosphere will be greatly reduced.

But now the animation department needs too much work, and it is temporarily unable to take care of “My Neighbor Totoro”.

Three beautiful girls surrounded the cat bed that the pet shop owner gave to He Chen. They teased the kitten who was only eight or nine months old. After seeing He Chen came back, they put the kitten aside and didn’t ask, Yi Jing My sister asked strangely: “Didn’t you want to raise a cat? Why do you have no reaction at all when the cat is bought?”

The kitten lay on its back, waiting for a pair of big, curious cat eyes, watching the three mistresses who surrounded it tightly, waving two front paws.

Six slender hands gently scratched its fluff, and the kitten narrowed his eyes comfortably.

“Wow, so happy!” He Chen cooperated with a dull expression.

Yi Jing’s smashed the cotton ball teasing the kitten at He Chen, and He Chen tilted his head and easily escaped.

The little cat turned over, ran over dexterously after the cotton ball, and then was picked up by He Chen: “Little cat, look, today I brought you out of that simple little cage and let you live in such a big house. There are also three beautiful women who will give you a full body massage. As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water should be reported by the spring. As a kitten of the new era, we must not forget our traditional virtues, and we must remember to repay the grace. It is best at night Repay, do you understand what I mean? If you understand, just say “understand” to me.”

“Meow!” The little cat looked left and right, but she didn’t find the fur ball, and meowed softly.

“You think every cat can talk like Meow and Doraemon!” Li Youyou walked over and leaned close to He Chen. Hold the funny cat stick and play with the kitty.

“No one can understand your crazy words, let alone a cat?” Yi Jing’s also said, and then sat down next to Li Youyou, Mamiko resumed her job again, habitually preparing fruit and fruit juice.

Ling Yan walked out of the study. After seeing the cat, he asked: “Black cat?”

Black always has a sense of mystery. There are many horror legends at home and abroad that are related to black cats. Coupled with the recent hits, He Chen’s horror masterpiece “The Grudge” has suddenly made the black cat’s pet status precarious. The boss also made a roundabout way to express a strong protest to He Chen for the black cat.

“It must be a black cat that goes with’Jia Coconut’. If there is another son named’Junxiong’, it would be even better.” Yi Jing’s teased.

Mamiko’s face flushed: “I’m not Kayako. I don’t have a son, and I don’t even have a friend of the opposite sex.”

“… Am I not your friend? Or, in your eyes, I am not the opposite sex?” He Chen interrupted.

“No, it’s not…”

Seeing Mamiko’s face flushed as if about to bleed, she was anxiously speechless. He Chen smiled very happily, this kind of game of teasing honest people is really unstoppable.

“What’s the name of this cat?” Ling Yan took the cat from He Chen, and then stared at the cat in the air. The strong mental pressure made the cat unbearable, and his mouth kept meowing uneasy.

“Black cat!” He Chen said.

“Good soil!” Li Youyou immediately complained.

“It’s too ugly!” Yi Jing’s was not to be outdone.

“Then what do you want to call? Meow?” He Chen asked back.

“Pikachu is better than meow!” Li Youyou disagreed.

“But Pikachu is a rat.” Mamiko interrupted weakly. He immediately kicked Li Youyou out of the game, and He Chen extended his thumb to Mamiko and cast a complimentary look.

“The names in your comics are pretty good. How can you name your pet without using snacks?”

Ling Yan and the black cat looked at each other for a while, then put down the kitten and sat aside. Yi Jing’s continued playing with the kittens with a cat funny cat, and at the same time scolded He Chen for not taking her pets at heart.

“You don’t like such a fascinating name for the black cat…” He Chen muttered as he looked at the black cat.

“Black cat, such a nameless name, what is there to think about? I really feel sad for it. Why did I meet such a master like you?” Li Youyou said.

“By the way, is this cat a male or a female?” He Chen asked while tasting the pineapple and drinking Mamizi’s freshly squeezed watermelon juice.

“Do you like cats or not? You are clearly saying that you want to raise a cat, not just naming it. You don’t even know the **** of your cat! I have decided! I will take the kitten away! I will not raise it for you!” Li Youyou Speaking angrily, he looked for a small dish for the cat to drink, then poured his own watermelon juice, hesitated, looked up and asked, “Can the cat eat watermelon?”

“Yes!” Mamiko nodded and said.

“You don’t even know if a cat can eat anything. If you follow you, it’s really dangerous!” He Chen relentlessly despised, and then said: “Who said I don’t care about naming it? This is not forgetting it. Is the gender of the cat? The gender is different, of course I have to prepare a different name for it. For the male cat, it is called Sheriff or Torre; for the female cat, it is called Luna or Wugeng Liuli.”

The kitten seemed to like watermelon juice very much, and Li Youyou’s pour was quickly licked clean, and then raised his head, looking at the cup in Li Youyou’s hand with innocent big eyes.

Li Youyou fell a little happily.

“Why is your name so strange? It sounds so like a person’s name? Five more colored glazes, why don’t you call three more amber and seven more emerald?”

Although this name is still very embarrassing, it is at least more high-end and western-style than the black cat. Since their cat is female, among the two names of Wugeng Liuli and Luna, after a show of hands, everyone unanimously chose Lu. Na.

“Luna’s two words are clear and catchy, easy to remember. Five Geng Liuli, four words, it’s too troublesome to call out.”

This is the reason why everyone chose Luna. It is simple and straightforward, and even He Chen can’t refute it.

A new member was added to He Chen’s family again, and a simple welcome party was held.

He Chen began to consider the issue of unlocking “Sailor Moon”.

The condition given by the system was Sailor Moon, and it didn’t say that he had to fight him in person, so He Chen decided to try it on other people first.

Sailor Moon’s sailor suit is anonymous by He Chen through a well-known online design platform. In a famous clothing store, I asked its famous designer to make it to order-the sample picture was provided by He Chen, and then through layers of turns, it was finally mailed to He Chen.

After all, he didn’t want to see news such as “Breaking! The Pervert Master Porter!” and “What on earth would make a single man customize such a nasty women’s clothes!” and the like on the headlines.

Several sailor suits were tailored to the figures of acquaintances around him provided by He Chen based on his superb visual inspection skills.

But after He Chen’s countless inferences, he felt that it was possible to wear such a high level of shame. Only Mamiko—and it must be when no one else knows. Otherwise, according to He Chen’s inference, their plan to lure Mamiko into a sailor suit will definitely be ruined by them.

So, after a summer rain, in a sunny day that washed away all the heat and dust, Ling Yan went home with some business, and Yi Jing’s went to work. Only He Chen and Mamiko were left at home.

He Chen smiled evilly and stretched his claws towards Mamiko.

“Mamiko, these are the clothes I bought for you, how about you try?” He Chen took out a set of folded clothes.

“Chenjun, I…thank you!”

Mamiko was very moved and came here to eat He Chen’s. Using He Chen’s, He Chen not only taught himself a lot of knowledge, exercised himself, and also gave himself gifts (cat ears). Such a great kindness made her useless, so she could only cook better meals for He Chen (the chef) and clean the room (maid) carefully.

Mamiko took the clothes. He bowed deeply to He Chen, and then walked into the house happily. He Chen picked up Luna, rubbed her furry head lightly, smiled and said to herself: “Luna, Sailor Moon is about to be born!”

White pure blue mini skirt, blue collar and white strips, the bows on the chest and back skirts are sky blue, the round jewels on the bows on the chest are pure blue, white three-ring shoulders, white V-shaped waist; white three-ring blue beams Gloves with long sides (to elbow); boots with pure blue and white sides and half-height roots; pure blue ribbon collar; headwear with golden V-shaped strips. Inlaid oval sapphire; and sapphire ear studs.

This time, He Chen has lost his blood. The headwear is made of 24K pure gold. The inlaid sapphires and earrings are also genuine sapphires, which can be described as full of local tyrants!

After the cat ear hairpin turmoil last time. Mamiko thought that these were also props, so she was not surprised, but was deeply attracted by this gorgeous equipment.

“It’s so beautiful…Can I wear something like this?” Mamiko was a little skeptical of herself, because of her personality, she has never been noticed, and she has always felt that she is very ordinary. To her, such clothes seemed to be an ugly duckling who saw a swan.

However, these clothes are so beautiful, or He Chen gave it to her. If you don’t wear them, wouldn’t you let He Chen down?

With this thought in mind, Mamiko took off the cat ear hairpin and tried on the clothes.

The dress was just right, as if it was tailor-made for her, not too big or too small, very comfortable.

Mamiko’s face flushed and she was a little cranky. He Chen cared about her so much that she even knew her figure, so Mamiko was even more moved.

However, after seeing the skirt, Mamiko almost cried-too short!

The introvert Mamiko has never worn a skirt that is higher than her knees, but the one in front of her, let alone her knees, can cover her buttocks.

So Mamiko changed her clothes back and came out timidly to He Chen guilt and said shyly: “Chen Jun, that skirt is too, too short.”

“This is made by Master So and so. It took me a lot of effort to invite him to make it. Normal stars have to line up to find him!” He Chen urged, “Besides, I am the only one at home. What are you afraid of? Let’s take a look first, if it’s not suitable, I’ll change it for you later! It’s okay, be good, go and wear it!”

Mamiko was stubborn but He Chen was pushed back into the room by He Chen, and finally put on the shameful skirt while his heart thundered.

Putting all the equipment on, Mamiko looked in the mirror, and she felt as if she saw a princess. Pat **** his red and hot face, then press down on the skirt, take small steps, and move out one by one.

“Chenjun, I’m ready to wear it.”

“He Chen, what are you doing!”

Ling Yan, who has the door key, is back, and Yi Jing’s and Li Youyou are also coming back with her. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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