Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 722

Chapter 723 Sweet or salty?

“The big devil turned out to be a sweet party!”

“Here! Zongzi and rice **** are not salty to eat?”

“No, the big devil should be the Salty Party. Didn’t the story tell that the sweet rice dumplings (rice balls) stepped on the ground? The real Sweet Party would not do such a thing! Not even in the story!”

“There is a salty party here, call the headquarters of the sweet party and ask for support!”

“Damn! There are people who can eat something as disgusting as salty rice dumplings (rice balls)! Zongzi must be sweet, so you can withdraw from salty to ensure safety!”

The sweet and salty dispute has once again set off an uproar on the Internet. I don’t know if it is too boring in reality. People all over the world have joined this boring discussion. Four Five Chinese +◆, like a holy war, have waved the flag for the party they like.

There are even scholars who are painful to analyze the necessity of sweet (salty) from the biological field, the food field, the nutrition field, and even the philosophical level.

The biggest party fight in the world is probably only the sweet and salty dispute.

And this partisan dispute that has spread all over the world originated in the third chapter of “one-“.

“One-” is similar to “Dragon Ball”. The real popularity of “Dragon Ball” started from “The World’s No. 1 Budokai”, and “one-” also broke out in the middle of the story, and established its unshakeable. status.

Therefore, when He Chen was first serialized, “one-” still seemed calm-after all, there were only a few words, no matter how godly works, this foreshadowing was not open, how could it be possible to see that the classics are not classics?

Moreover, the number of classic works written by He Chen is really too much, so among these many works. The story of He Chen’s serialization must be interesting. It’s a matter of course for fans. Coupled with the “alternative” style like “one-“. So in the early days, it was nothing.

Speaking of it, the style of “one-” is not pleasing. Among the three major migrant workers, if you look at the cover of the first impression, He Chen would definitely choose “Naruto” and “Reaper.” Not “One Piece”. So, waited until One Piece serialized to the top of the battle. He Chen, who had no books to read, went to watch “one-“… and then, it was out of control.

Only those who have seen “one-” can feel it. Only this style is the most suitable for “one-“, because it tells the story of a pirate!

It is the story of a group of unfettered, unscrupulous people!

He Chen once remembered that some netizens said that if “one-” could change the style of painting, it might be even more popular. But then He Chen thought for a while, if he was limited by the so-called “style”. That also lost the free taste of “One Piece”, which tells the story of the pirate. It’s not a gentleman’s story. Only that flamboyant, free and easy style, can perfectly interpret “One Piece”!

So He Chen still adopts the original style of Oda, no, it should be said that it is the style of “One Piece” that Oda has developed in the later period. Of course, it is limited to characterization.

In He Chen’s eyes, although the sales of “one-” is unmatched in the island country comics industry and has a huge fan base all over the world, it is not the perfect kingly enthusiasm.

As long as this genre is mentioned, people will definitely think of “Dragon Ball”, followed by “One Piece”. The former is the king of the old era, and the latter is the king of the new era. Both stand at the pinnacle of this type.

If “Dragon Ball” is the ultimate battle, then “one-” is the ultimate story.

Even if He Chen is a loyal fan of “Dragon Ball”, he still has to say how bad the story of “Dragon Ball” is… or it should be said that the group of brain-dead editors has pitted a generation of great gods. Only “Dragon Ball” is used to upgrade the dungeon stream so frantically and so crudely.

However, I have to admire Master Toriyama’s accomplishments in comics. Even if you know what the story is behind, even if the enemy comes out inexplicably, illogical, and contradictory, even if you know that the protagonist will definitely defeat the enemy, the battle scenes are still exciting to watch.

In all the comics, He Chen has only experienced it in “Dragon Ball”.

To describe it with a word in martial arts novels, it is “momentum.”

Although “one-” is equally passionate, it also has a similar aura that can make readers feel a similar passion, but its aura is not achieved by the picture, but uses its wonderful stories to pave the way, and finally burst out. of.

At the beginning, I felt that the story of “one-” was like this. But I’m not afraid of not knowing the goods, I’m afraid of comparing goods. Especially when I think of the other two stories that He Chen liked the most at the beginning, but collapsed into Chengxiang in the end…not to mention, it was all tears.

After reading a lot of long stories, and then looking back at “one-“, you will find that the story can be told so wonderfully in this super long story, and the overall story structure is basically intact without breaking down. It is really rare. And after this lengthy preparation, the last open and dark lines are all drawn out, just like a large net spread out in the deep sea, shrinking slowly, slowly shrinking, and the last net is exhausted!

The story of “Dragon Ball” is far inferior to “one-“, and the depiction of battle scenes in “one-” is not as good as “Dragon Ball”.

Both are regarded as the pinnacle of this field from different angles.

What if these two styles are combined?

This idea is completely feasible, because the battle and the story are completely two aspects and will not conflict. Master Oda was limited by his own style and couldn’t do it.

In other words, it is like a competition between two people. “Dragon Ball” can fully show people the scene of the competition, making people feel as if they are on the scene, they will naturally be infected by the atmosphere and plunge into it. In “one-“, there are moves. There are results. But it lacks the link of dismantling moves-it is not the so-called skill. Then the kind of tricks that hack each other, that’s called the Biao skill.

The “demolition” is to maintain the continuity of the picture. Without this continuity of the picture, the appeal of the picture will naturally decrease.

But He Chen can, so He Chen shaped the mission and story structure in Oda’s style. However, in the battle scene, he added the combat performance he learned in “Dragon Ball”.

After optimizing the battle scene, it is He Chen’s version of “one-“.

The passers-by and background of “one-” are very similar to the style of “Dragon Ball”. I don’t know if Oda Eiichiro learned Toriyama Akira’s style.

All in all, on He Chen’s side, people are familiar with the style of “Dragon Ball”, so after seeing this style and seeing this theme, fans immediately believe that after “Dragon Ball”, the master has finally started to create new The blood is overflowing.

But in the third episode, which is not good looking, it triggered this dispute between sweet and salty.

The animation of “one-” is not the same as the opening of the manga version. The opening of the manga version is very exciting. The rhythm is bright and the story is smooth. And the animation version has a lot of pitfalls-compared to other animation versions that like “original”, “one-” is okay, but from the perspective of viewing experience, the animation version is still far from the rendering power of the comics.

In the beginning of the comic, the third episode is the plot of Luffy’s encounter with Sauron and La Sorron’s joining in. The first encounter with Sauron, when Sauron was **** by the navy, a little girl rescued by Sauron sneaked in to deliver food to Sauron, but was arrogant and domineering by the “second generation of the army” (relying on her father’s navy reputation) The waste wood) to find the difference story.

A very ordinary plot, for the plot conflict, the appearance of such a harlequin is very necessary and timely. However, all the targets that people pay attention to are placed on the little rice ball (Zongzi) in the hands of the little girl.

Because He Chen didn’t write about what it was. From the comics, Chinese fans thought it was a rice dumpling, while fans in the island country thought it was a rice ball.

But this is not the point, the point is that this thing turns out to be sweet!

And being thrown on the ground mercilessly by the second generation of the army, he stepped on his foot and said: “It’s terrible! It’s sweet? You put sugar in it? How can you eat it if it’s not salty!”

After seeing this sentence, how can fans bear it?

The salty parties waved their flags and shouted, the sweet parties rose up to resist, and the sweet and salty dispute broke out again.

But the key to this war lies with one person—that is, He Chen, what kind of taste does the Great Demon King himself have?

From the background of the role of the story, the “junior second generation” is obviously a villain, and the little girl is obviously a positive and affectionate role. Such a role belongs to the protagonist. Such a role is a sweet party. Some people regard this as strong evidence that the big devil is a sweet party.

However, this evidence cannot convince everyone. Because compared to this character, although the second generation of the army is only a villain, the statement in the story was made by the big devil to “speak”, and this is a sentence that has nothing to do with the plot of the story, what to say The words are not good, so you want to say this sentence? It is really fascinating, so this sentence can also reflect the meaning of the big devil from another angle.

“Chenjun, do you like sweet or salty?”

Mamiko held two rice **** and asked He Chen Although she understood He Chen’s taste, after thinking about it, it seemed that the sweet and salty food she made He Chen liked was half-and-half.

Unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, and in order to clarify He Chen’s taste and adjust the future research direction, he asked He Chen.

“My drawing is a combat comic! Not a gourmet comic!”

“Well, I know. But Chenjun, do you like sweet ones? Or salty ones?”

“I drew the legendary adventure story of a pirate!”

“The pirate is sweet or salty?”


He Chen wants to be quiet, don’t ask him if Jingjing is sweet or salty. (To be continued…)

ps: It’s Calvin again…Card’s ecstatic.


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