Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 733

Chapter 734 Choice of Destiny’s Gate

Traveling through time, this is an old topic, in the more mainstream terms nowadays, it is called rebirth flow. No matter who you are, you will always encounter all kinds of unsatisfactory things or regrets in your life. If you have the ability to go back in time, what will you do?

It will definitely make up for the regrets of the past. This regret is not only a miss of the past, but also a vent of dissatisfaction with the current life. If there is such an opportunity or ability, everyone will definitely make changes. For example, once something has caused a tragedy, I will avoid it; I will take the initiative to grasp the first love “ ” for some reasons; or I am dissatisfied with the quality of life, such as lottery, gambling, housekeeping, etc. All the opportunities.

The rebirth stream is based on this, to satisfy people’s various regrets, it will always be hot.

However, will it be the only thing that changes through time and space?

The butterfly effect, also known as the topological chain reaction, refers to the long-term huge chain reaction of the entire system that can be driven by a small change in the initial conditions in a dynamic system. This theory is very applicable to the topic of time and space.

In the story of “;Gate”, the early stage is the pavement for the butterfly effect. Whenever a text message is sent, something changes a little bit, and maybe something changes in places they don’t know. Maybe they have done something irreparable.

“It would be great if Xianglintang was here too.” Mayuri said to Okabe with regret.

Xianglintang is the Tianman business center set up by Tianman in the world. It is the only one in the world. The story of “;Gate” takes place in the world. Naturally, there will be many industrial advertisements in Tianman.

“Uh, what are you talking about. Xianglintang’s words, isn’t it over there…” Okabe raised his finger, but his arm froze in the air, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

His eyes froze for a moment, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

They are on the streets in the world. However, this is not a place on earth.

The street is still there, but the human world has disappeared.

“Ookabe, what are you talking about?” Mayuri muttered suspiciously.

“How could Xianglintang be here?” Okabe’s companion fat hacker Hashida Zhi also said of course.

Okabe looked around, his eyes were full of trepidation. The street was still that street, but all the familiar things were gone. The open mouth could not be closed for a long time, and the pupils dilated. There is no focal length.

Only the audience and him know that the world line has changed,

Everyone’s memories have also changed, only he…

Originally I felt that this ability was quite refreshing, but seeing the look in Okabe’s eyes, Mu Linfeng’s heart suddenly became restless and depressed.

He seemed to understand the fear in Okabe’s eyes. That was the fear of the unknown. He no longer knew what the future would be like. He didn’t even know what the past was like, because although he still knew his friends, their memories were different.

In this world, he is like a lone observer. Be excluded and isolated from the world.

Accompanied by ED’s passionate singing, Okabe’s panic and confused eyes shocked people’s hearts.

If you compare the story to a spring, the springs were all loose before, but at this time, an invisible force was suddenly compressing the springs, compressing hard, and when the compression reached the limit, the springs crashed. break out!

The outbreak of “;Gate” began with Mayuri’s death.

The most painful thing in the world is not just watching the person you care about die in front of you. It’s because she obviously has the ability to manipulate time to go back to the past, but she can’t change the doomed ending that she will die anyway, and she has to watch her die over and over again in various ways of death.

Mayuri died inexplicably time and time again, and Okabe crossed and saved again and again. Fail, cross again, and fall into the eternal June cycle similar to “When Higurashi Cried”.

However, compared to Rika, Okabe’s burden and pain were even greater, because he had to watch his dearest person dying in front of him. There is always time, so what can I do?

But unable to save his friends.

As if Mayuri’s destiny was destined to die, the whole world united to kill Mayuri.

After more than ten words of foreshadowing, the plot began to unfold like a raging flying machine, and the ultimate excitement in exchange was extremely exciting, like repeating “ ” after a long foreplay. At this time, the previous volt-line nodes have received appropriate and specific responses, as if the length of the foreshadowing is completely testing people’s qualifications to watch the show.

The moment Mayuri died, the moment all the preparations were ready to get a response, the moment the story “ ” spewed out of majesty and the edge was revealed, it was the beginning of Okabe’s transformation into a butterfly and his growth from a boy to a man. .

The cycle of vain crossing and redemption, the repeated failure of fate that cannot be changed.

The foreshadowing of the long foreshadowing before was also solved little by little, and the identity of the working soldier was also decrypted. It turns out that her true identity is to travel back from the future, wanting to change the future.

The working soldier has always been her disguise, and staying at this point in time is also looking for her own father.

In the end, she had given up looking for her father and was going to complete her mission in 1975. Mayuri, based on the name of the time machine she was riding (made by her father), speculated that her father was Hashida Zhi.

The time machine can only go to the past and cannot return, which means that the working soldiers have traveled back. For Okabe and others, they may meet in the next moment, but for the working soldiers, it has been a long experience. Ten years time.

Mu Linfeng rubbed his eyes, and when he saw the father and daughter who had just met but were about to be separated, he was a little bit in tears.

However, I never thought that this is a farewell.

In the next second, Okabe and the others received the suicide note from the migrant worker handed over by MR. Brown… She had passed away ten years ago.

“Failed, failed, failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed…”

On the letter, a series of “failures” were written very hard, as if to pierce the paper. Even through the TV, Mu Linfeng could feel the deep regret and pain.

This… actually failed?

Mu Linfeng was stunned like Okabe and the others. The migrant workers just said goodbye to them, and died in an instant, and the mission failed…

It seemed as if there was a stone pressing on his heart, making him exhaust his whole body with every breath.

The time machine malfunctioned. She had an accident and lost her memory. It was not until a year before her death that she recalled her identity and passed away in pain and regret.

Her pain and regret are for herself, and she thinks it would be nice to go to 1975 instead of detouring to this point in time.

“I am sorry……”

What kind of pain did it take to write these three words?

“What on earth did I live for now? I forgot my mission, but survived leisurely… Such a life is meaningless…”

The last stroke of the last word “yi” was stretched very long, as if the mark left by the pen on the paper with a weak hand hanging down.

On the paper, there is sadness flowing.

Undo everything that was sent before and let the world return to the original world line-Mayuri can be saved, and the world in 2036 will not become a desperate town ruled by SERN, the holding institution of the time machine. And everyone’s memories will be sacrificed for this, but Okabe, who is guilty of this, has no chance to apologize. No one remembers everything he remembers. It is the lone observer who witnesses everything with his own eyes, destroys everything, bears everything alone, and then remembers everything.

The world was too cruel to Okabe, and even this step did not show him any hope. Revoke everything. Let the world line return to its original state. There is a world line where there will be no hopeless township under the rule of SERN. A world line on which Mayuri will not die. Then, on that world line, Muze Hong Lisu, will die…

The dilemma has become the most severe test for Okabe.

If we say that there is something like “Obviously has the ability to manipulate time to go back to the past, but cannot change the doomed ending that she will die anyway, and have to watch her die over and over again by various methods of death” If there are more painful things, it is only if he has the ability to change the future, but he has to make the choice whether to sacrifice his lover or his lover.

Okabe, who has sacrificed countless precious things , has to sacrifice his favorite person in the end-to achieve an ideal home that he doesn’t care about, and to return the world to its proper track. At the same time, he became the only person who remembered Hong Lisu in the world without Hong Lisu. Okabe, who had nothing to lose, still spoke with the same S2 as usual, and announced the remake of the world with a strong smile.

Mu Linfeng thought, if it is for him to choose… it is really difficult for him to make a decision, I am afraid he would rather die by himself than face such a choice.

In the last wave of “ ”, the OP “–theGate” reached a perfect unity with the story, which completely ignited the passion in the hearts of the audience.

At the beginning, most people didn’t feel much about this extremely second-degree male lead, and even a little disgusted, but until this time, people’s attitudes have changed drastically.

Gentle, strong, forbearing, mature… All the compliments that can be used to describe a real man are used in Okabe who has experienced too many at this moment, it is not an exaggeration.

“This is the choice of Stone Gate of Destiny.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read .)

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