Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 744

Chapter 745 Magic ending

October 5th: The surviving Ewa ran through the underground tunnel to the safety point of Jiuha Tori. According to her performance later, she should mistakenly believe that the warrior is dead, otherwise she would not adopt Yuanshou but did not ask about it. The whereabouts of people. In order to cover up the truth about Liuxuan Island, Eyu activated the bomb.

On the other hand, Xiao An found the surviving warrior, and then told the warrior about his plan and the fact that his relatives killed each other because of his plan. Xiao An, who blames himself, blames all these tragedies on himself. , So she wrote a fake book, directing all the guilt to herself-that is, Beatrice, and put it in the drifting bottle. This is the later EP1 and EP2.

At 24:00 on October 5th: 900 tons of explosives exploded on time, and a huge pit with a diameter of 1 kilometer and a depth of tens of meters was directly dug on Liuxuan Island. Everything in the big house, including the corpse and gold, was blown to pieces. Afterwards, only the remaining part of the mandible of the truth sub was found.

October 6th: Ewa escaped a catastrophe at Jiuyu Toan, far from the center of the explosion, and stayed on to the island; Xiaoan and the warrior escaped the big explosion on the secret ship on the other side of the underground tunnel, waiting for daybreak Then take a motorboat to search for rescue.

At this time, Xiao An felt immense regret and pain for her innocence and stupidity, who indirectly killed so many people. She couldn’t bear such a huge crime (this is also one of the evidences that it is speculated that Xiao An did not really want to kill people). In addition, the warrior did not recall his promise six years ago in the end, and Xiao An, who was discouraged and lost the meaning and hope of life, decided to atone for his sins with his death.

On the sea going back, Sayin suddenly picked up a gold brick that was temporarily rescued before the explosion and jumped into the sea. The warriors immediately turned back to rescue, but the high-density gold bricks quickly pressed Sayin to the bottom of the sea. The warrior drowned severely and was unconscious and was taken away by the ocean current, and the two of them couldn’t pull their hands together in the end.

From 1986 to 1998: Hui Yu returned as the only survivor, concealed what happened on Liuxuan Island, took Yuan Shou as an adopted daughter, and treated Yuan Shou as the last and only relative. But the 6-year-old Yuan Shou didn’t appreciate it. She credulously believed the unprovoked speculation from the outside world, and deeply believed that it was Aunt Eyu who killed everyone else and deeply hurt Eyu who was also a victim with her words. Hui Yu was exhausted in spirit, Yuan Shou’s hatred was like the last straw that had crushed the camel, and the relationship between the two was gradually distorted, and the two should be dependent on each other. Become an object of mutual hatred.

In the next 12 years, Yuan Shou’s wish gradually changed from “maybe which family member will return miraculously” to the “truth” of the incident-that is, to find evidence to avenge Hui Yu.

The drowning warrior was rushed to the shore by the ocean current and encountered a traffic accident. He was rescued by Bacheng Jizi and stayed in Bacheng Jizi’s home to recuperate, but his brain has been permanently damaged since then. Produced personality disorder, lost the memory and personality of being a warrior of the right generation palace.

Since the warrior with amnesia only remembered that he was 18 years old, the Bacheng Jizi helped him to name him “Eighteen.” In the following days, at the cost of intermittent severe headaches (which finally caused permanent paralysis of the lower limbs), the eighteenth gradually recalled the memory of being a warrior in the right generation palace, but because the personality of the warrior had died, the self-defense was rejected. These memories refused to admit that he was a warrior. I had a chance exchange with a few sons and talked about the Liuxuan Island incident that was hotly discussed in the society. I found out that I was one of the parties involved, so I took this as an opportunity. Eighteen was responsible for creating the original case, while Ji Zi, who was good at writing mystery novels, was in charge of writing. The two of them were aliased as “Eight Cities and Eighteen”, and began to create and the Liuxuan Island Incident. The relevant “pseudo-books”-so that is EP3 to EP8.

Hoping to retrieve his memory faster through this process, he realized that Ewa was still alive, so he suspected that Ewa was also involved in the killing, and wanted to use this to pressure Ewa to announce the truth, which is EP3. This EP has been widely recognized by the society. But I didn’t expect Yuan Shou at the time to follow along and believe it.

1998: Hui Yu became ill due to overwork, died of illness, died with hatred, the right generation of the palace family’s industry was inherited by Yuanshou. His huge wealth and his bad attitude towards the Udainomiya Group’s indifferent and arbitrary disposal have aroused resentment from the company’s president, Ozaki. And the coveting of the family where his mother Wujiang is.

During the period, Yuan Shou tried to visit Bacheng Eighteen who claimed to have “arrived in the real”, but due to personality disorder, Shiba was unable to identify and accept this sister. He refused Yuan Shou’s request, and because of this, he ordered Shishi. Eight I regretted my lifelong mistake.

Lost the goal in life (Eu Yu is dead, unable to get revenge), unable to know the truth (Eight Cities and Eighteen refused to meet), lonely, solitary, surrounded by tigers and wolves, 18-year-old hopeless fate and longevity eventually became unbearable in all aspects Under the pressure, he chose to end his young life by jumping off the building.

Yuan Shou’s death dealt a big blow to Shiba, and forced Shiba to continue thinking about the character of the warrior who failed to come to a conclusion before. There are two questions: First, what is the truth about the Liuxuan Island incident? Second, what is the sin of the warrior 6 years ago that Xiao An (Beado) said? In view of the inextricable relationship between these two problems, the eighteenth chose to give priority to solving the latter problem, and based on the answer to derive the former problem, to build a complete ins and outs.

In the end, when Shiba analyzed the “combat plan” that Xiaoan on the island showed him like a detective mystery, he finally realized that he was guilty of breaking his oath. It was this crime that hurt Saeane and made him obsessed with love. The warriors are called back through a fake murder game, but in front of people blinded by money, the fake drama is actually done, forming a tragedy. Ironically, until Xiao An drowned in the sea, the warrior couldn’t recall it. This was undoubtedly the last straw that crushed Xiao An’s nerves. In line with the plot of EP5, the warrior did not reach the truth until after the death of Beado, but it was too late.

Therefore, through EP4, the eighteenth took the reasoning journey to the truth with the failure to wait until the final fate. Through EP5, he showed to the deceased Xiaoan that he finally understood his inner meaning and repented. Through EP6 Reveal the truth of the “Trinity” (Sayin = Jiayin = Bea Duo) to prove that you have arrived in reality and provide the key to solve all the previous EP secret room problems. Through EP7 to record Xiao An’s true growth process and restore the Liuxuan Island incident Finally, through EP8, Yuanshou can reach the truth, find himself, and move towards the future. At the same time, it also gives everyone a happy and happy ideal ending. It is actually the last confession and tribute of the eighteenth.

“This is the truth about Liuxuan Island.”

“Why do Xiao’an and Hui Yu want to hide the truth?” someone asked Liang Xiaoqiu.

Liang Xiaoqiu replied: “Xiao’an’s words, one of them is because it was originally her own. She thought that she had caused the Liuxuan Island tragedy, so she blamed all this on her own body-the same goes for the witch who claimed to be the golden girl. All because of gold disturbed everyone’s hearts. She wanted to redeem her sins, so she turned herself into a witch to attract all the hatred for the honor of the right generation palace group. Also for this reason, in EP1 and EP2, although the family members seem to be a little bit arguing , But everyone has the shining point of human nature, and they want to use these’goods’ to cover up the original’evil’.”

“Secondly, who else will survive this family’s fratricidal killings? Xiao An may not know. She only finds the warrior, so the warrior will definitely survive. If the warrior survives, Then the suspicion of the warrior will be very big. For the warrior, she left a fake book.”

“As for Hui Yu, it can be seen from her adoption of Yuan Shou that she is kind in her heart-at least she will miss her old family affection. Even if the Rufus killed her son, she did not link this hatred to Yuan Shou. Otherwise, she could not adopt Yuan Shou, or even find someone to kill Yuan Shou, but she did not do so. She concealed the truth, one of which may be for the reputation of the Youdai Gong family. The Liuxuan Island incident is simply OK Said to be the biggest scandal, killing each other for money, tearing all the good things to pieces, so in the face of any speculation from the outside world, she made no sound and concealed everything. Second, it was also for fate, if Tell Yuanshou that her parents were the murderers of Liuxuan Island and they killed all her uncles, uncles, grandpas, brothers, sisters, and sisters. What would she think? Can she accept the truth in her psychology? And she finally paid it back What would she think if she killed her parents by herself? And this shady, especially when she was the only survivor, would not believe it, so she simply concealed it, no matter what. How to guess is better than this true truth. But what is tragic is that Yuanshou was disturbed by various speculations circulating in the world, and became hateful for adopting her own Eyu, and Eu Yu also became distorted with Yuan Shou under all kinds of pressure, and both of them died with hatred.”

And this also explains why the attitude of warriors in EP will change.

In EP1, all the clues are directed to the witch, this natural beauty believes-at least Eyu is alive, so there must be something else hidden.

As the warrior lost his memory due to an accident, as his memory gradually recovered, he knew that he was one of the parties involved, so he also wanted to find the truth. First, he pointed the finger at the surviving Eyu-Eyu is the most suspicious. Because according to the result, Eyu is the ultimate beneficiary, she got everything from the Udaikon family.

But as the memory gradually recovered, he learned more about the shady scene, and finally discovered the truth-this truth was too cruel, and he also understood Xiao An’s painstaking efforts, so his attitude gradually changed before the last one appeared. Magic ending like a happy reunion.

In other words, this ending is the ending he dreamed of and expected. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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