Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 747

Chapter 748 Guan Gong said things

“He Chen, come and read my cartoons!”

Before going to bed at night, Yi Jing’s held an ipad for He Chen to watch.

“Well, it’s not bad.” After He Chen looked at it seriously, he nodded and said to Yi Jing’an.

Yi Jing’s enthusiasm came, pestering He Chen and asked: “Really? Which is not bad?”

He Chen thought for a while and replied: “ipad is good.”


Then Yi Jing’s left a row of imaginative tooth marks on He Chen’s shoulder, and He Chen helplessly said: “If you want to bite, don’t bite here, in summer, do you have to wear a high-necked dress when I go out. ?”

“Hey, you won’t go out recently.” Yi Jing’s eyes looked at He Chen’s other shoulder uncomfortably, as if she wanted to leave a symmetrical mark on the other side, looking comfortable.

“……makes sense.”

“Tell me well, what do you think of my manga?” Yi Jing’s acted like a baby to He Chen, her voice was awkward, and He Chen’s bones were half crisp, and she looked at Yi Jing’s eyes with spring water. With the appearance of “being cute, warming the bed, begging to be nurtured”, He Chen’s other half’s bones are also crisp.

“Probably equivalent to the level of the kindergarten little Lolita’s graffiti.” He Chen gave a very pertinent evaluation. After Walnut drew comics, Yi Jing’s also became interested in drawing comics, so she also tried comic creation in her free time. . However, she can be said to have no manga knowledge-if the graffiti in the Lori period is also considered knowledge, then she is also considered to have some knowledge, although this “definitely” is very small.

Although she knew her painting was not good, Yi Jing’s mood was still very depressed when He Chen gave her such an evaluation.

He Chen hugged Yi Jing’s and said, “Although the painting is not very good. But the story is not bad.”

The story painted by Yi Jing’an is to tell some stories in the life of the two. Although Yi Jing’s doesn’t know how to draw cartoons, he knows some things about cartoons very well under the influence of He Chen’s ears and eyes. Because I just want to paint the story I want to paint, not to make a living by it. Therefore, skip the stage of honing the basic skills and directly use the digital tablet and the drawing software developed by Tianman specifically for cartoonists to draw.

And she knew her abilities, so she drew the lowest four-frame comics.

Seeing Yi Jing’s cartoon, He Chen thought of another similar work-“About Not Understanding What My Husband Is Saying”, which is also a four-frame comic. The ol “Kaoru” who is enthusiastic about work is a Ordinary people. Her husband is A Zhai who is addicted to a large-scale online message board. The story revolves around such a couple of two.

Because of the different identities of He Chen and Yi Jing’s, the story has also changed. For example, various animation stalks appeared in the original work, and they fell into the hands of Yi Jing’s. It is that He Chen said a lot of inexplicable things first, and then went to draw cartoons related to this, and then what He Chen said became popular stalks.

In the comics, every time He Chen’s convulsions are described in a witty and exaggerated way, he completes the system task.

In general, the two are actually similar.

“Isn’t it fooling me?” Yi Jing’s mood turned cloudy, but she still looked at He Chen suspiciously, not sure if He Chen said it to comfort her. He Chen still feels really good about it.

He Chen squeezed the tip of Yi Jing’s nose and said, “The story is really good, but there are some flaws. But let me make up for this flaw. If you want a story, I will paint and let me be an assistant. Yes, you know what an honor it is.”

“Cut.” Yi Jing’s scorned He Chen a glance, and then said: “Forget it.”

Yi Jing’s is considering that He Chen has so many comics serialized. He didn’t want to cause trouble to He Chen, He Chen could see it naturally. Then he smiled: “Such a four-frame comic is very simple, you can finish it casually. Don’t you want me to be your assistant when you get it?”

After listening to Yi Jing’s, she was quite moved-this manga is about the story of two people. If she can think of the story, He Chen will draw it, and the two will create it together, it will not be more in line with this comic, but more memorable Does it make sense?

“I haven’t figured out what the comic should be called. Would you like to think of one for me?”

“Guan Gong said things.” He Chen said.

“What?” Yi Jing’s brain fell into a crash once again, perfectly fitting the theme of the story-she couldn’t hear what her husband was saying at all.

“Why is it called this name? What does it have to do with Guan Gong?”

“Well, let’s talk about the full name, so it’s “About totally not understanding what my husband is saying”.” He Chen applied the name directly, anyway, the two are the same.


The name is so apt that Yi Jing’s can’t find a reason to refute it at all.

When Mo Mo was uploading his own cartoon, he saw a new cartoon on the homepage.

“”Guan Gong Telling Things”? What the **** is this?” Mo Mo thought to himself, is this the story of Guan Gong Guan Yunchang in the Three Kingdoms? Judging from the style of this name, it seems to be the line of humorous flow.

But then, she found out that she was wrong. “Guan Gong Says Things” is a big title, and under it, there is a sub-title-“About Cannot Understand What My Husband Is Saying”.

If there is a mirror to see, Mo Mo thinks that his expression at that time must be very wonderful.

The so-called “Guan Gong talking about things” turned out to be “about totally not understanding what her husband is talking about”. At that moment, Mo Mo’s heart seemed to be running by ten million horses.

Mo Mo glanced at the author for the first time. His name was Bifang, and he had never heard of this name.

I don’t know if it’s a newcomer, or some father-in-law’s newly opened vest, which can get a big push on the homepage. It must be a very powerful comic — at least in one aspect.

She noticed that the author only wrote the original work, indicating that this is also a combination like her and Xu Yiru. She looked down…

Rubbing his eyes, looking again, rubbing his eyes again, looking again…

Mo Mo was messed up in the wind, what did she see?

She actually saw the three words porter on the artist’s name column!

This is fake!

But soon I denied my idea. This is Tianman’s official website. No one can use this id except the big devil who can use this name.

Who is this person?

Can the great devil be a painter?

Suddenly a strong curiosity arose in Mo Mo’s heart.

“I never thought that one day, I would be stunned by a comic show!”

“About Not Understanding What My Husband Is Saying” Although it is only a four-frame comic, it is still serialized from time to time. (After all, Yi Jing’s didn’t want to be a professional cartoonist, she just wanted to draw their stories, so she thought of being interesting The story will be serialized, if the plot is stuck, it will be mercilessly updated), but the comment area is extremely hot.

Fans love and hate this comic and the author. What I love is that they see a big devil in life and feel more cordial; what I hate is that single dogs enjoy tons of crit damage.

After reading a word, anyone who knows the Great Devil and Tianman can basically guess the true identity of the author.

“The presence of the streets has caused single dogs to lose their living space. Even reading comics, they have to face tons of crit. I can’t help asking, what happened to this distorted world? Isn’t it there? Do you have the heart of love? There is no killing without buying or selling. Publicly showing affection is tantamount to a crime. Please pass the Single Dog Protection Act!”

“If you are so unscrupulous, you will still be moved, and the single dog will kneel.”

“Suitable for married people to watch. It is highly recommended for couples to watch together, watching while watching*. After reading and singing ed, you can directly enter the’Did it cool’ mode, which will help enhance the relationship between husband and wife. This cartoon hurts singles. 999999+.”

“The single dog said that he couldn’t stop watching.”

“Married people say it looks very emotional.”

“Envy, jealousy and hatred, this is exactly the daily life I expect. It irritates me mercilessly, but I can’t stop it, love and hate!”

“The former creator of the fff team has betrayed us! He has fallen, violated the purpose of the fff team, betrayed the fff team! Lords! Hold high the torch in our hands and burn the traitor!”

“For some reason, there were torches and gasoline in my hand.”

“I just want to read comics, can I let people read the comics well!”

“A story of warmth and healing. It’s really hard for a person to live well. Who isn’t looking forward to finding someone who is happy together?”

“No job, car, house, wife, this is just anime…”

“Why do people hurt each other!”

In addition to the show’s love for the show that blinded countless people’s eyes , some people gave this cartoon another name, and got a enthusiastic response-about the single dog can’t understand this cartoon at all. What’s the matter.

After the serialization of “About totally not understanding what my husband is saying”, its influence has not only made the comments extremely popular, but also has some influence in other aspects.

For example, some people found it strangely that the original “Spirit of Food”, which had been working hard, had an unprecedented update. There was no request for leave, no explanation, and no news at all. Many people who like this comic are worried about the author. Do you want eunuchs?

For readers, the most painful thing is not not finding a good book, but after finding a book they like, only to find that it was given to the eunuch!

Among the countless single dogs that have been injured, the one that has been hurt the most is probably Walnut.

After I heard that Yi Jing’s also drew comics, she went to read the comics with the most anticipation, the most longing, and the best mood, but she was hit with a fatal blow.

Under this circumstance, how can Walnut still have the mood of drawing cartoons, so the melancholic Walnut segment has changed. (To be continued)

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