Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 779

Chapter 780 Your gentleness will misunderstand me

Okazaki and Apricot did not continue to kiss, and they were seen and misunderstood. Rumors circulated on campus. In order to quickly quell the rumors this time, Kyung made a contact with Chunyuan against his will.

In other words, she was scared, she was afraid that her true heart would be discovered, and was eager to calm it down.

Okazaki saw and heard this by accident, did not come out, and hid on the side. Xing noticed Chunyuan, perhaps to prove something, or Okazaki’s appearance forced her to escape and completely cut off her feelings. So she deliberately went to kiss Chunyuan.

But when she was about to kiss her, Chunyuan stopped her.

“Do you really want to associate with me? Don’t force it, you’re trembling… From the point of view of a bystander like me, you like Okazaki, right?” Haruhara bluntly tore off Apricot’s disguise.

The bewildered Anri could only stare at the place where Okazaki was hiding, which made Haruhara also find Okazaki, and an awkward atmosphere flowed among the silent three.

When Okazaki was just about to speak, the disturbed Kyrgyzstan lowered his head and ran away in a panic.

After a while, Chunyuan said, “I should have heard all of them, right? Kyung likes you, probably, from a long time ago… But now you are dating Shiu, she is even more unlikely to speak, in order to quickly calm the rumors. , She must associate with other people; she chooses me only because I will have the opportunity and reason to stay by your side often in the future.”

Okazaki was silent, looking at the direction of Kyung’s escape, he said: “For that reason, can I go to socialize with people I don’t like?”

Haruhara replied Okazaki: “Hasn’t she already done this?”

“She obviously just needs to tell everyone,’I’m not dating Okazaki’, that can simply quell the rumors, can’t she?”

“Easy…?” Haruhara asked Okazaki, “Okazaki, Kyōrō is also a girl. He denies that he likes something, but in fact he is the one he likes. It’s very painful, right?”

Isn’t it painful to associate with someone you don’t like? And…isn’t she the one who contributed to her and her?

Apricot and Miu, the two figures flashed in Okazaki’s mind one by one.

“Are you really willing to be with Shizuo? Don’t you think it’s too reluctant? I think you will match a lot with Apricot.” Haruhara said sincerely to Okazaki.

“…” Okazaki was silent.

“What did you feel when you eavesdropped? Peace and pain. Which of the two in your game is the true feeling of’love’?”

As Okazaki’s best friend, Chunyuan asked He Chen seriously. He patted Okazaki **** the shoulder, then turned and left.

Chunyuan’s words, scenes of the past, alternated in Okazaki’s mind.

He began to ask himself, examine his true feelings, who did he like?

Sometimes the feelings are clear and strong, sometimes. Feelings are hazy and vague.

Had he been unknowingly trying to force something, the victim or something to stay with Shiu… He didn’t know, and his feelings toward Xing were also true.

And, if Kyrgyzstan likes him, as Haruhara said, why should he match him with Shirley? Do you just love your sister so hard to suppress your feelings and endure the pain?

Why give priority to others?

At the school gate, Meng was still waiting for her to go home from school. The two of them walked side by side as usual. Such daily life has become a matter of course. Shirley talked happily with Okazaki, and Okazaki examined his feelings. Absent-minded.

The next day, Xing met Xing, Xing just smiled and said not to listen to Chunyuan’s nonsense. She just wanted to calm the rumors as soon as possible.

“I’m also reflecting on what I did to Chunyuan… so don’t care too much, it will affect you. Boyfriends should think about girlfriends. It’s enough to care about people like me. Because I don’t have any special feelings for you.”

Apricot smiled freely and opened up Okazaki.

Hypocritically free and easy, like the moon in the water, like a smiling face that collapses when touched…Why does she keep such a bright, sad, heart-wrenching smile even so?

Okazaki clenched his fists, his nails sunken in the flesh. He was afraid that if he didn’t do this, he would be moved by the apricot who was working alone in front of him, but when he thought about it like this. It’s too late, wait until the heart says goodbye. Okazaki felt a bit of bitterness passing through his chest.

At night, Okazaki had a dream, a dream of holding an apricot wordlessly and crying on the side.

The next day, Okazaki was late for the first time since he dated with Shiu. On the road, I ran into an apricot. Although he was riding a motorcycle and knocked down Okazaki as usual, but then, while riding, looking back at Okazaki, he knocked down a telephone pole. Fortunately, only his knee was injured and the front of the motorcycle was hit. Can be launched.

For lunch this day, Shikui and Okazaki had a bento. The bento was made with apricot and Shikui. The special pork belly was a special dish of apricot…

Okazaki looked at this pork belly, a little surprised. I remember he said before, this is delicious, could it be said that she always remembered…

Miao became more and more active and outgoing. He approached Okazaki directly in the classroom and made appointments for dinner and shopping. The students knew that they were dating and became a public couple. Even on the day of the school celebration, the two kissed in the courtyard under the initiative of Shiguji. When they kissed, their eyes passed through Shiguji’s shoulder, and Okazaki saw Kyrgyzstan.

Apricot watched this scene with an expression that he had never seen before. It was a sad face that would cry at any time. When he found money in Yuu, Apricot ran away like an escape, but that expression was deeply imprinted on it. Okazaki’s heart is also imprinted in the hearts of countless audiences.

The next day, Okazaki went on a date with Muji. Okazaki joked that he was going to “that” where no one else was. Unexpectedly, Muji gave a serious answer to his joking remarks.

“If you really want to… me, I’m fine.”

Looking at the shy but serious measurement, Okazaki realized that he couldn’t make jokes anymore. He was already willing to do everything for him, and he liked himself to this point…

Because of this, he can no longer say such irresponsible remarks… and, this is the chasm that he still cannot and is not worthy to cross.

On this day, Okazaki’s heart is still chaotic.

“I will cherish and love you very, very much, so this kind of thing. It’s too early.”

Miao had already expressed his willingness, but he could still insist on not getting over the thunder pool even when he still couldn’t figure out his own mind. Such a person has captured the hearts of countless girls.

However, he can only use such lies to cover up himself. Okazaki felt that he was really a hypocrite. But then Shizuo suddenly asked Okazaki: “Although it’s a little strange for lovers to ask like this…Do you like me?”

Okazaki realized that he had never said that he liked it, but Okazaki couldn’t answer the question that most people could blurt out at this time.

Maki understood this as Okazaki’s embarrassment to say it.

At noon the next day, Tom also took a bento made by Shirley and waited for Shirley in the courtyard, and saw the energetic apricots. After chatting about the messy bento, I went to eat with the peony that kept humming.

The sturdy bento is not particularly delicious, but it is already at the level of a normal person. Compared with the previous dark dish that allows Peony to convulse and faint for a day with just one bite, it can be said to be a rapid improvement.

Looking at his hands full of Band-Aids, all these efforts were carved nakedly on these delicate hands that should be cared for.

After eating, the two of them returned to the classroom when they learned from Xing’s classmates that Xing seemed a little uncomfortable and left early. But wasn’t he still very energetic before. Okazaki was puzzled.

It started to rain heavily in the fifth class, and Okazaki was sleeping on the table, suddenly an inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart. Through the window, Okazaki saw Peony looking in his direction at the school gate.

Didn’t Apricot leave early? I shouldn’t leave Peony alone.

The ominous premonition made Okazaki rush out of the school gate and ran to the woods with Peony. Xing stood alone carrying the rain.

“Leave me alone!” Kyrgyzstan Okazaki approached.

“How could I leave you alone…”

“You must ignore me!”

Kyoko shouted hoarsely, and Okazaki’s footsteps stopped.

“You are the boyfriend of Shirley, as long as you care about her, I am the elder sister of that child, and you are the object I can never get too close to, and I am also the object you can never get too close to, I know you also understand… It’s painful to stay with you who are becoming lovers and your relationship is getting closer… Meng told me that I kissed you before. She said’Thank you sister’… And I also smiled and said to her,’It’s great’… …After returning to my room, my chest hurts… I saw you both at school the day before yesterday… It’s not a strange thing to say. It’s not the first time for lovers. But when I think about it, I cry More than that, no matter how many times and how many times I can comfort myself, I still can’t stop… I can’t face you now… I can’t stay in school anymore when I think of you doing that kind of thing… It’s too late …Whether it is discovering… or deceiving…”

Who is too late? In the past few days, I have already noticed the discomfort, anxiety and confusion of being with Shirley…

“The confession is terrible… I’m afraid that after the confession is rejected, even my friends will not be able to do it. I can’t stay with you anymore. It is better to suppress my feelings and continue to be friends. I want to say that I won’t be hurt… I regret… …Obviously it’s my own determination, but I can only regret it…I’m actually very cunning, so I stick to you and Hu Lu. Although I cheer Ma Li, I don’t want her to go so smoothly. If Hu Lu is rejected, much Well… I was thinking of such a dirty, ugly, nasty, and despicable thing in my heart…”

Okazaki raised his hand. He wanted to say that it was himself who was sly, who he wanted to see through his face…

“…I really hate myself like this! I look like helping others, but I only think of myself; I am afraid of being hurt but I expect others to be hurt…”

Apricot’s painful voice also pierced Okazaki’s heart with a knife. Although he had discovered it, who was the one who pretended not to see and continued to hurt people… Looking at Apricot through the stubble, who was the most despicable ?

It’s himself.

Okazaki hugged Apricot.

“I’m sorry… I like you… so stop being gentle to me, because I’m a fool, and your gentleness will misunderstand me…”

Rain and tears formed a line, leaving behind from the face.

Apricot’s helpless, sad, and painful look makes countless people feel heartbroken.

Stop being gentle to me Because I am a fool, your gentleness will misunderstand me…

Hearing Xing’s words, many people were in tears.

Okazaki puts an arm around the apricot: “Apricot…I am to you…”

“Okazaki!” Anri knows what Okazaki wants to say. When Okazaki said “I like long hair”, she vaguely knew and regretted it, so she stopped Okazaki to say it, and she was afraid that Okazaki would say that. Then, the persistence she has been working hard to maintain will collapse in an instant.

“I’m Fujibayashi Apricot…not Fujibayashi Jun!”

Hearing Yu’s name, Okazaki felt a tingling pain in his heart. He relaxed his arms tightly holding Xing. Xing said “bye bye” with a small voice with a smile, and then ran away.

The sound of rain masked the cry of crying.

Okazaki lowered his head, letting the pouring rain hit him.

The drenched clothes, just sticking to his body, were cold, but he didn’t realize it. (To be continued)

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