Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 796

Chapter 797 Arms dealer?

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The incident of Xia Li’s father quickly made Lulu Xiu mature in tactics. △,

As long as it is a war, it is destined to be sad. With such a mood, he will no longer be complacent about any victory. Just as he often said, “Only with the consciousness of being shot can he be qualified to shoot.” Only when he understands the cruelty of war will he attach importance to war.

In the subsequent war, Lu Lu Xiu broke away from the low-level taste of relying too much on conspiracy, and began to show the demeanor of a generation of military gods. Not to mention ordinary people and military enthusiasts, even military men could not find Lu Lu. Fix any problems in combat. The military and political competition involved in these wars is a realistic and perfect deduction of the fictional world.

“Today, the content of the lecture is the art of command covering all aspects in modern warfare.”

In a lecture of the Command Department of a National Defense University, as the projector was turned on, the cadets who should have been disciplined broke out loud.

No wonder they would make such a sound, because what appeared on the big screen was not any classic battle that took place, but an animation…an excerpt from “Lelouch of the Rebellion”.

In the eyes of ordinary fans, apart from “Three Kingdoms”, they have never seen such a wonderful description of war. From the scene alone, some people even think it is more exciting than “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, after all, it has already passed. Over the years, the war has undergone earth-shaking changes, and various tactics are evolving. It is said that only by standing on the shoulders of giants can you see farther, but very few can climb on the shoulders of giants, and now. Just in the testimony of people. Finally, a work standing on the shoulders of giants was born.

For the United States. This is not good news.

The broadcast of “Lelouch the Rebellious” even caused their panic.

“The most vulnerable part of mecha has always been criticized is the joints… It is also described in “Lelouch of the Rebellion”. Although it is quick to act, as long as it is attacked to the joints, it will be destroyed. But… if there is a kind of energy. Can the shield provide partial protection?”

In the narration of strategic and tactical analysis experts, Suzaku’s body was magnified on the screen, the turquoise energy shield. It’s so dazzling.

The crowd was silent.

“New energy!” An energy expert said after a long silence.

“We have reason to believe that China has made very mature progress! If it is not mature, how can such a very complete mecha cooperative combat tactical system appear! I don’t believe a person who has never seen this thing before can imagine Such a mature and complete tactical system! This is not a delusion, as long as it succeeds, this is a tactical system that can be directly used! **! Is our intelligence department all shit! Is it true that you will wait for other people’s Gundams to come over? Does the Communist Army actually have a Gundam!”

In the end, a general sprinkled fire on the intelligence department-there is no news that the intelligence department gets so much funding every year. He has no doubt that these funds have been embezzled by some people!

If it’s just a simple mecha, I’m afraid they won’t panic so much. However, what He Chen produced was a mature, highly feasible and complete mecha cooperative combat system…according to the analysis of their tactical experts. If the mecha is really successfully developed, then this tactical system is tailor-made for mecha!

How can a person who has never seen mech combat on the ground come up with such a tactical system?

Moreover, this kind of perfect tactical system that can be directly used is certainly not a single person’s idea. It must be the military’s cooperation in tactical exercises and the final conclusion.

Originally, Tianman’s background was confusing, and this time it made them even more convinced of Tianman’s “red background”.

And what does this tactical system represent? It means that China has already started the mech live ammunition drill!

This is not a gadget! It can be done sneakily.

However, Huaxia conducted a live ammunition exercise, and they did not receive the slightest information!

Even if it hadn’t been deliberately released by “Lu Lu Xiu of the Rebellion,” they would never have known such a thing!

“Some reactions have been detected before, but it is not clear whether it is a mecha live ammunition exercise,” a staff officer explained.

“I suspect that our intelligence department has been infiltrated and it is very serious!” Another military officer said solemnly, and his words were seconded by everyone. Everyone saw that the intelligence department, which had a large amount of funds but did nothing, did It’s pleasing to the eye. Recently, the intelligence department broke a lot of scandals, and it’s time to rectify.

“The Lelouch of the Rebellion that burst out suddenly this time is a smoke bomb! The despicable and sinister Chinese people have always pursued caution and don’t fight insecure battles. It seems to be a simple cartoon, but it hides them. Insidious temptation. First of all, there are only three countries that can independently manufacture mechas, Britannia, China and the Soviet Union. According to our intelligence, we, China and Russia now have mecha projects. Although Britannia in it seems to be referring to the United Kingdom, it is obviously filming us!”

Because the United States comes from Britain, and Britannia’s global hegemonism is basically the same as their global strategic goals at the moment.

“And the war between Britannia and Huaxia is an allusion to our war with Huaxia. The story is that Zhonghua Xia was occupied, and the reality is that Zhonghua Xia has never been occupied. From the story, this is to send out a signal-this It’s a fictitious story! This is China’s sinister place! They are deliberately paralyzing the public! And the most despicable thing is that they planted us and blamed us! Obviously they developed the mecha first, but at the moment it shows Burri Tania—that is, we are the strongest. To confuse other countries and make them think that we have made progress, so as to hide themselves, and induce others to target and isolate us at the same time!”

“And I think other than that, this is a signal deliberately revealed to us! It is to test our reaction! If we do not respond to this, it means that we are already far behind them and have a mature combat system. They, it is very likely that they will no longer dormant, reveal their fangs, and launch the next era war-Mecha War!”

“This is a sign that the despicable and sinister Chinese people are very dangerous! A sign of war! We must be careful!”

Another weapon expert added: “Gundam is probably just a smoke bomb. It is the future combat form of the mecha, and the mecha in “Rebellious Lulu Xiu” is the true face of the mecha at this moment, and it is also realized by China. Mecha.”

The situation in the world seems to have become tense overnight, various activities have become more frequent, and the monitoring of experts in weapons, energy, machinery, and electronics has become stricter.

He Chen has also been promoted to the highest level on the danger list of various countries.

Even if this tactical system was not proposed by He Chen, it was only tested by him, but from this it can be seen that He Chen has close ties with the Chinese military. Such people have always been very dangerous. According to the information obtained by various countries, the security system around him has been raised by another level, which has deepened the speculation of various countries.

However, the guesses of all parties are only half right. He Chen has indeed seen mechs and experienced and commanded mech wars, but only He Chen understands it.

This incident, He Chen, who didn’t know anything about it, was also greatly affected – but it was a positive effect. After “Lelouch of the Rebellion” was broadcast, He Chen had already received orders before he started selling (models).

He also said that he didn’t care about the money, as long as He Chen sold it. Not even the machine body is required. There are several super local tyrants who even ordered the first generation of mass-produced dragon kits.

He Chen suddenly realized that he didn’t quite understand the aesthetics of the local tyrants. Is it that the local tyrants no longer pursue the tyrannical style of Honglian and Honglian, and begin to pursue the feeling of low-key luxury and connotation?

However, low-key is low-key for a generation of gadgets, but where is the luxury and connotation?

Invisible force is the most deadly.

He Chen felt that he was a little far away from the realm of a real local tyrant.

However, since the customer is willing to ask, He Chen will naturally not drive the customer away. So the first batch of Gundam has not yet been produced, and the second batch is included in the production list.

Some peripheral manufacturers have been silent on this for a long time, and they are also producing peripherals, but why is the gap so big?

They feel like they are toy dealers—in fact, and Tianman, the **** arms dealer—on another level, other countries think so.

No matter how you hide your tracks , as long as there is action, you will show your feet.

Lu Lu Xiu was suspected, and Xia Li was accidentally involved in the battlefield in order to prove Lu Lu Xiu’s innocence.

Her luck was very good, Lelouch was injured and unconscious, she was the first person besides to know the identity of Lelouch.

Her luck is also very bad, Lelouch turned out to be!

The man who killed her father was also the one she loved so much!

If the death of her father still has Lulu Xiu in her heart as the support of her soul, then at this moment, her world has completely collapsed!

She wants to avenge her father, she wants to kill!

But facing Lelouch, the one she loved so much, she couldn’t do anything!

Lelouch has always been so gentle, but he, why did he kill her father!

She could not accept this result. (To be continued…)

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