Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 808

Chapter 809 Tonight we are all hermes

“Take a simple example.” Mobis said to He Chen methodically, with a pair of deep eyes shining with wisdom, “In most of the relatively open society, if a girl likes racing, This will be considered a very’cool’ thing. If you say’women should not like racing, racing is a men’s sport’, it is undoubtedly a’political incorrect’ thing, even AFP does not dare That said. On the contrary, if a boy likes pink plush toys, he will be considered a freak, a sissy, no one will be responsible for the statement, and even some conservative areas will regard it as’political correct’.”

He Chen thought for a while and refuted Mobis: “This statement does not apply to China. In China, girls like racing. It is a kind of rebellious thing. They are generally regarded as non-mainstream-this sentence is not what it is. Good title.”

Mobis’s deep and wise eyes immediately looked at He Chen like a class enemy: “For this reason, Hermès can’t develop in China! You first listen to me and finish!”

He Chen shrugged and gestured to Mobis to let him continue. But in his mind, “my–” was originally a work created by Westerners that conformed to the Western thinking model. It is no wonder that China is not satisfied with it. To be honest, he should be grateful that he was not satisfied, if he really did, he would be filled with such fanatical “Hermes”…think He Chen shuddered.

“AFP’s unprovoked accusations against Hermes in its report-homosexuality, sissy, and pedophilia-actually represent conservative stereotypes of’gender roles’, and this kind of thinking is quite common in some parts of Europe and America. And other relatively neutral media, such as n, Huffington Post, etc., when reporting the Hermes phenomenon, the most mentioned words are’gender role’ and’masculinity’.”

“Wait, when the Magical Girl was the subject before. I didn’t see such a statement?” He Chen was puzzled.

“At that time, this trend was just emerging, and it hadn’t attracted wide-ranging attention. Naturally, there was no such saying. “my–” just happened to happen. It just pushed this issue to the forefront.” Mobis explained He Chen’s question. Then he continued. “There is a misunderstanding that Hermès is a reversal of the’gender role’, which is not completely the case. Opposing traditional male gender roles is not equal to femininity. This dualism is a very dangerous view. Moreover, from a psychological survey, Hermès just disagrees with character roles conceptually, it does not mean that they are completely separated from traditional male roles-surveys show. Hermès and non-Hermes’ pas scores are almost the same, and pas was originally designed to test the degree of adherence to standard male or female roles. .”

“From my point of view, I don’t like being expected to live as a man in the social norms. I like the beauty of technology and industry. I also like cute things. I like adventure and excitement. I also like tranquility. This shouldn’t be true. Seen as a’gender’ issue, it’s just a pure’character’ issue.”

He Chen deeply agrees with this point of Mobis.

However, Mobis has not finished saying: “At the same time, this is also a resistance to the cynicism prevailing on the Internet. And the British Guardian mentioned an interesting concept when describing the Hermès phenomenon. They believe that the Hermès culture is the modern Internet. Part of the’Sincere Movement’.”

“What is the New Sincerity Movement? This term first appeared in the mid-1980s and was used to counter the postmodern irony and cynicism of the time. It has expressions in music, literature, film and television, etc. It is the same as post-postmodernism. Both. They have similar concepts, and due to their short appearance and confusing usage, there is no precise definition yet.”

“The meaning of this word is to challenge postmodern irony with positive beliefs, sincerity, and trust, especially the post-Vietnam and Cold War trends of thought. Although the word first appeared in the field of music, the musicians under this banner were at that time It did not achieve commercial success, and it really began to appear on the Internet and mainstream media, which is only the beginning of this century. And the term’geek/nerd’ from the stereotype that is often ridiculed in popular culture. It began to transform into one. Like a cool concept, sincerity is a part of the discussion that we should put back on the ethics meeting. Instead of laughing at it as’childish’.”

“In the Internet age, with the help of anonymity. It is easy for people to hide behind the screen to mock, sarcasm, and abuse others. It seems that everyone has become cynical. If it is on Weibo, you should be able to realize that sincere discussions are often A very extravagant thing. Everyone is used to putting hats on each other, with thorns in the words…”

Ling Yan couldn’t help but nod for Mobis’s words. This is a common phenomenon in the Internet age. This is true all over the world.

“But Hermes is not like this, at least most of them are not.” Mobis changed the conversation and brought the topic back to Hermes. “All the qualities mentioned in “my–“-friendliness, optimism, generosity, Integrity, loyalty, and friendship are things that everyone should have, not just children should understand. But on the Internet, we will find it difficult to express such positive qualities normally. If you emphasize these qualities , Then there will only be two reactions: first, stop feeding the soul chicken soup; second, be realistic, kid. This is a very strange and abnormal atmosphere for discussion. Of course, the soul chicken soup that is out of the facts is not a good chicken soup, then It’s another question.”

“So, in fact, most Hermès don’t label themselves as’new sincerity’ or’post-postmodernism’, they just use optimism to face the world, and somewhat idealism. Like me , Hermes, who is an adult and has graduated for many years, does not need any education from such an animation like a child, but accidentally discovers a new world in line with his own worldview!”

In Mobis’s eyes, there was a feverish light gleaming!

That is the believer who saw the light of God!

Every artist is an idealist, especially Morbius.

Speaking of idealists, Mobis mentioned Lelouch in the “Rebellious Lelouch” that He Chen just ended. Speaking of which, isn’t Lelouch like that?

So, Lelouch is also an Hermes?

He Chen could no longer look directly at Demon King Lu Luxiu.

“In the analysis of the five personality traits of Hermes and non-Hermes, there is no obvious difference between conscientiousness and openness of experience. The affinity of Hermes is significantly higher than that of non-Hermes. At the same time, the emotional instability and extraversion of non-Hermes Significantly higher than Hermes.”

“To explain roughly, affinity refers to being friendly, compassionate, living in harmony with others, and being more optimistic; emotional instability, refers to the tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anger and anxiety; extraversion refers to extroversion, Energetic and love to find excitement. In addition to the five personality traits, Hermes is also more focused than non-Hermes, that is, they are more likely to be immersed in music, movies and even nature. This kind of personality, in the words of Hermes, It is love and tolerance; to use a more Zen-learning term r-inner peace.”

He Chen looked at the eloquent Mobis, was silent for a moment, and said: “I think I should admit the wrong person. The Mobis I know is a comic artist, not a scientist, philosopher, psychologist, etc. Sociologist…”

“Comic is a kind of art and philosophy. It describes psychology and reflects sociology!” Mobis was impassioned.

It was so good that He Chen was speechless.

“However, these are just my research. It is difficult to confirm whether they can represent mainstream Hermes, but we can get evidence from character analysis. The work “my–” and the formed Hermes community initially catered to inadvertently. After understanding most of the personality characteristics of Hermès, its affinity, openness, and focus have attracted more people with similar personalities to gather here, which has led to such a diverse Internet subculture.”

“After saying so much, in fact, one sentence can be said clearly: “my–” is a good animation. A good animation is a good animation, and has nothing to do with the group or subject matter; the rise of “my–” caters to contemporary youth Dissatisfaction with social phenomena and real resistance—resistance with love and tolerance also cater to the character traits of these optimists and idealists; the open community atmosphere incorporates a large number of contemporary subcultural groups.”

“Wait, this is not one sentence, but three sentences.” He Chen corrected.

Mobis smiled heartily, and once again made He Chen speechless with a sign of Tianman: “If you are serious, you will lose!”

“I feel that the “my–” you drew with me is not a race at all I think I can’t understand “my–” at all now, I think I have to go back and take a good look at ” my–“.”

Mobis hooked He Chen’s shoulders and walked to the stage where the convention and exhibition center was built.

“Huaxia people are humble. Excessive modesty is hypocritical. An important character of Hermès is sincerity!” Moebius stood on the stage and moved He Chen’s body to make He Chen face the group of fanatical believers.

“Come on, follow us and shout my–!”


The believers raised their arms and shouted, if this scene is said to be a cult gathering, I am afraid no one will doubt it.

“Tonight we are all Hermes!”

He Chen suddenly felt that foreign countries seemed more dangerous than domestic ones. (To be continued) –3170++4390347–>

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