Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 814

Chapter 815 The beginning of the party fight-Shura F

“For Tumei, the most ideal outcome is to allow Kyosuke to keep free to enter university. As for her actions after entering university, she will probably not expand rapidly-because Tongno’s identity is a theory for Tumei. It’s impossible. Not only are there historical grievances here, but the more important thing is that the local girl is not a house. If you have read this chapter, please move to Biquge () to read the latest chapter, or you can search for “” on Baidu directly Or “”, please remember our new website pen–,,,,”

“The reason why we have repeatedly emphasized home and no home is because on this occasion, home and no home are an ideological difference. Even if the difference between the soil girl and Ayase is ten thousand miles, they can still form an alliance, because they are not a home; Tong Tong Even though Nai and the black cat are wary of each other, they can deal with the local girls in unison, because they are both homes.”

The emotional dispute between the two parties has even been clothed with an ideological dispute.

“For example, from the perspective of the local girl, taking Kyosuke’safely’ to the university is not only a key step in winning this love war, but also an important step in pulling Kyosuke out of the house group. After Kyosuke graduates, he is next to him. The huts (Saori, Heimao, sophomore in high school, Tongno in high school, Sena, Maki, etc. in high school, ministers…repetition again) are basically unable to follow.”

“Of course, no matter what, the soil girl still needs to lurch for nearly ten months, but at this time, the situation has changed again. The last summer vacation of high school has not been over, and Ruri Ruri confessed like a lightning bolt, occupying Kyosuke’s current position. Girlfriend’s position-one of the things that the Tu girls don’t want to see happened!”

“Moreover, the trouble is that this situation is different from the situation that Tumei has always expected. In fact, the three-way fight was originally a traditional two-party duel of’childhood vs. sister’. The black cat came as a third party. Regardless of whether it was before or after the’two parties became three parties’, Kirino and Tumei always regarded each other as the greatest threat. Because of this, when they found Ayase, the most important thing that Tumei considered was Kirino’s hindrance to herself.”

“However, when the black cat jumped out, the Ayase killer’s tricks that the soil girl painstakingly prepared did not apply. Why did you say that? Still, Ayase’s focus was on Kirino. She was only for Kirino. As for the action, as for Kyosuke, that is secondary. If the local girl abducts Kyosuke away. The worries of the’perverted ghost and animal sister controlling brother’ around Tongno are solved, then the black cat can soak Kyosuke away to achieve the same effect. So Aya Sete has no reason to act anymore, and it is another question whether it is necessary for the rival Tumei, the black cat, to get involved personally.

“First of all, has the situation reached the point where the soil girl must come forward. In a high school relationship that lasted less than a year, can it have an impact on Kyosuke during the four years of college, and how much impact. Will Kyosuke be alienated? Is there any possibility of digging a wall?”

“The reason for considering this is that the stability of the short-term relationship in high school is questionable. Considering the length of the arrival date, at this time, let the black cat be dealt with by Kirino. It is less risky than taking a stalking by yourself. On the other hand, Hei Mao and Tong Na often join forces when the soil girl appears. However, when the soil girl hides, they will constrain each other. So no matter from which point of view, the soil girl has not yet reached the time to take action.”

“That’s probably what happened. The story goes back to that evening on August 18, Zhuge Liuli in the sunset finally said’like’; Sima Tongnai may be lying on the sofa in the living room brewing the next time. An outbreak; Sage Tumei looks like she is out of the world as always. Apart from Kyosuke’s distressed sour and sweet youth, ignoring her own thoughts, many things are turning…”

In response to this three-way love competition, fans have developed a wealth of imagination, and they have transformed an ordinary love comedy into an epic drama of the war of love.

In the end, who is going to die, and become confusing, will it be Zhuge Liuli who is the first to make the best move? Or Sima Tongnai who came first? Or is it the sage soil girl behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole?

Some people think that perhaps the final ending will be even more unexpected. Since it is already so dark, it might as well be darker—for example, Sima Tongna’s runaway and the blackening of the saint’s soil sisters have already revealed their sickness and unwillingness. For Ayase who was a chess piece, the black cat collapsed and turned into a demon cat…

The party struggle has entered a fierce stage, and every step of Kyosuke has affected countless forces!

In the anticipation of all the people, the story is transferred!

The emotional changes between Kirino and Kyosuke naturally couldn’t escape the eyes of their parents-or rather, this was deliberately shown by Kirino, and he was ready to show his parents!

Kyosuke was a senior in high school and was about to face the college entrance examination. The two seemed to have gradually surpassed the relationship between siblings and worried their parents. So, his father asked Kyosuke to move out in the name of preparing for the exam.

When school was over, Kyosuke told the local girl the news. As usual, the local girl smiled and said that she would gather everyone together and hold a celebration party for Kyosuke’s move.

Kyosuke was puzzled and asked why he did it. After all, it’s just moving to prepare for the exam. It’s not a big deal. Does it need to gather everyone to watch a celebration? Isn’t it more appropriate to hold a celebration party after he finishes the exam?

The soil girl said with a smile: “Don’t ask so much.”

“Carefully thoughtful. From the trivial things Kyosuke told her, she has already noticed Sima Tongnai’s aura of breaking the boat. Sima Tongnai is ready to have a showdown with her parents! This is not good news for the local girl, Sima Tong Nai’s hand pushed the Tu girl to a dead end, and did not give the Tu girl any time to use the means of going to school to delay. So the Tu girl can no longer sit idly by. If she continues to sit idly by, everything is really too late. Up!”

“That’s why she immediately made such a plan in the time she only talked about these few words-in the name of the celebration party, to gather everyone together, put everything on the table, and spread the firepower of the place. Disintegrating the opponent’s front, this move can immediately eliminate Sima Tongnai’s first-hand advantage and reverse his own disadvantages. This is a declaration of decisive battle! Resolute and decisive! Worthy of being a sage girl!”

Yi Jing’s, Walnut, and Ling Yan gathered together to discuss seriously and earnestly. Mamiko had an “unclear” expression on her face. He listened carefully and looked at the people who were analyzing with admiring eyes.

“It’s amazing!”, “So it’s like this!”, “I didn’t see it at all!” Mamiko kept talking.

He Chen wanted to say, “What you see is correct. This is just a very common love drama story, not a Gongdou drama”, but no one listened to him.

After Kyosuke moved out, some other female friends suddenly began to communicate frequently, and they went into and out of the rooms rented by Kyosuke.

“Perhaps, Kyosuke’s parents have found out the clue, but it is not easy to say so, so they let Kyosuke move out, one of the purposes is to separate the two, and then let the relationship cool down, the second purpose is to give Kyosuke space, and This also gives other women great space! Outside, living alone, think about it, this can happen too many things! As long as Kyosuke is attacked by other female friends, Sima Tongnai will not be able to return no matter how great his skills are. Oh my god.”

Regarding Walnut’s statement, the others nodded with deep approval, and Yi Jing’an said: “It’s not simple. In the story, it seems that everyone except Kyosuke has a deep castle!”

“It’s terrible!” Mamiko said anxiously. If she lived in such an environment, Mamiko felt that she might be eaten.

Yi Jing squinted her eyes and glanced at He Chen. It seemed that He Chen and his parents had used this trick.

Ayase also visited. From her words, Kyosuke knew that it was the local girl who had told her Kyosuke’s address and invited her to the celebration.

“Why did the soil girl invite Ayase? It goes without saying that this is a war, and it is impossible for unrelated people to join the battle. The soil girl has already discovered Ayase’s growing intentions. So she will use the plan and use Ayase. Disintegrate Kirino’s power. Ayase and Kirino both attach great importance to each other. If they become hostile because of this, it will be a heavy blow to both parties. This is a trick to divorce!”

However, at the same time, the black cat also came to Kyosuke, and two people with their own minds met on a narrow road. This is the prelude!

Ayase and Black Cat do not have much intersection with each other, so they are not familiar with each other.

Early in the morning, I came to my beloved man’s house full of heart, but saw a lovely girl.

On the other hand, early in the morning, I saw a cute girl visiting the man.

What an exciting Shura field this is!

It has always been hidden behind you and you are fighting. This is the first head-to-head confrontation!

However, Ayase’s combat effectiveness was still too weak after all. Zhuge Liuli only gently pulled Kyosuke’s sleeves, then looked at Kyosuke with a faint smile, and immediately drew Kyosuke’s attention to her.

Ayase was not reconciled to and followed Zhuge Liuli’s appearance, gently pulling Kyosuke’s sleeves, and with a cute gesture, when Kyosuke turned back, he gently poked Kyosuke’s. Cheeks, I want to express the intimate relationship between two people.

But who is Zhuge Liuli?

How can you surpass her if you just imitate her?

However, Zhuge Liuli lowered his eyelids and chuckled disdainfully.

“Sorry, we created a two-person world, but there is no way. Even if we separate for a while, this man’s soul is mine! Forever!”

Although Zhuge Liuli is not as tall as Ayase, he looks down at Ayase with a high profile.

The status of the two was reversed in Zhuge Liuli’s chat and laughter, and Zhuge Liuli became the main guest!

It is indeed Zhuge Liuli who dared to preemptively in this chaotic situation and forcibly turned the “two strong rivals” into the “three kingdoms”! (To be continued…)


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