Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 819

Chapter 820 I implore the gods to listen

On the subway, there was a melodious singing. Although I don’t understand the language, I don’t know what it means, but it can make people feel calm and comfortable.

Cai Ye listened intently, he felt as if he was bathed in the holy light of all sentient beings.

Following the reputation, he saw a young man sitting on a chair with a mobile phone in his hand, and the singing came from his mobile phone. Accompanied by that unique rhythm, his feet swayed together.

“Hey, what is this song? It’s pretty good!” The young man who appeared to be his friend suddenly asked him.

The young man said, “Don’t you know? The elves song that has been popular recently.”

“Song of the elves? What is that? I haven’t heard it.” His friend thought for a while, frowning in confusion.

“Tianman’s latest game, the song of a race in it…”

Cai Ye didn’t hear the words behind, because he was here. But he heard a key, this is a new song in the game released by Tianman.

Cai Ye noted in his heart, after finishing his own affairs, he returned home and directly logged into Tianman’s official website to see what games Tianman recently released.

Tianman is now getting bigger and bigger, and there are many games. In addition to the works of the Great Devil, many of the works of its authors have been adapted by Tianman himself.

If even the mobile games are counted, Tianman will launch a new game within a few days on average.

On the game release page, he looked down in chronological order. Among the latest games, three games came into view.

It seems to be well-made, one is a science fiction work, the name of the game is “StarCraft”, the other is a fantasy work, the name is “Warcraft”…

For these two names. Cai Ye is really powerless to complain-because Tianman still has a game “Three Kingdoms” before it. The classification of these two games also happens to be real-time strategy games. Cai Ye wonders how much Tianman likes the word “hegemony”, can’t he think of the name of a few tyrants and cool off the stubborn sky?

These few names. It instantly lowered the style of the Great Demon King.

These two games are basically launched one after another, although they are the same type of game. However, in addition to the different backgrounds between the two, the one with heroes and the other is pure corps tactics, so the tactical system of the game is different, so He Chen decided to launch the two games together.

At the same time, these two games are included in Tianman’s e-sports event.

“StarCraft” He Chen adopts the first-generation game settings of “StarCraft”. That setting has become perfect in real-time strategy games. He Chen has made a lot of optimizations on the game screen, quality, and engine. And “Warcraft” also adopted the setting of “Warcraft 3”.

In addition to these two games, the name of the third game seems to be related to “Warcraft”. It’s just a game, the name is “World of Warcraft”.

Three games, two worlds.

The comics of these two worlds were basically launched simultaneously with the game by He Chen, but the timeline of the comics is not the same as that of the game. After all, the game pursues gameplay, while comics need storytelling.

The three games all start in the middle, and the comics of the two worlds start from the beginning of the timeline-that is, the creation of the world. The comics do not take a certain person, a certain force, or a certain organization as the protagonist. Instead, it takes the world as the protagonist and describes the changes in the two worlds from a macro perspective of the world.

Comics are like the background introduction of the game, when the plot of the comics develops to be synchronized with the game. It is also the time when the whole world has been laid.

Cai Ye remembered that the person said the song was “Song of the Elves”. After searching it, there was no such name, but “Warcraft” and “World of Warcraft” did have this race.

In this special area of ​​the world, while watching the introduction of the elves, he heard this song again.

It’s like singing a hymn.

“Which language is this? What does the lyrics mean?”

The song is really nice, but the page of the elves only has an introduction to the elves in the game, and there is no information about the song.

Cai Ye wanted to go to the discussion area to inquire about the song, but only found out after entering the discussion area. There are already many people who have the same doubts as him asking this question.

Clicking on the most popular post on this question, he understood why the person before described this song as the song of the elves—not just the background song on the introduction page of the elves. This song is the theme song of the Elves sung in Elvish language!

What is Elvish?

This is a long story, but in a nutshell. This is another language created by the great devil while he is bored!

In order to make the atmosphere closer, and to make the background setting higher, to create a race, He Chen created a language that belongs to that race.

In a game “Magic Tower Continent”, Akatsuki Tsuchiya created a self-made language, mainly used as the language of poetry and magic. Because it is an artificial language and only exists in the game, it is called “the language of the second element” (the language that exists in the virtual world) by the nerds.

This is Talang, also known as S language. Because of the characteristics of this language, the differences in grammar, and a certain understanding of the history of magic towers, few people really have a deep understanding of S language. The interesting thing is that many words with strong sense of feeling are added. The vocabulary is mostly related to emotions, gods, nature, beliefs, and salvation.

The sacred and natural atmosphere of Tayu is very compatible with the elves, so He Chen used Tayu on the elves and turned it into elves.

And that song, which resembles a chant, is also called the “Song of the Elves” by fans-a song belonging to the Elf family.

The name of that song is “”, and the Chinese name is “I beg the gods to listen at this moment.”

The translation of the lyrics is to the effect: “At this moment, I beg the gods to listen. I am not trying to steal your divine power. Life in the world is a unique existence. Even if I have not been selected by fate, I beg the gods to give hope at this moment, even though I know Everyone has good and evil, and I would like to exchange hope for those who pray for forgiveness…”

This language is simply born of music!

Cai Ye’s heart is jumping for joy!

He felt the trembling of his soul-trembling with excitement!

That kind of holy and pious singing makes people’s souls seem to be baptized!

Excited brain, inspiration is erupting, one note after another, uncontrollably gushing out from the depths of the soul. He found an Elvish dictionary in the special area. This is not an accidental song. Everyone can write songs in this language!

With a move in his heart, he clicked on the V home area again, and found that this holy aria had already emerged in the new song released.

Of course, He Chen would not favor the Elves alone.

He created “language” for all races in line with their respective styles, the low and wild of the orcs, the high-pitched and unrestrained dwarves…Each race has its own characteristics.

The setting of these languages ​​is only a trivial part of the game, and it does not even attract people’s attention at all. However, with a song, these languages ​​are more famous than games.

Although He Chen is not the pioneer of these races, as long as it is fantasy and magic works in the future, as long as these races are used, then these languages ​​will really become the symbols of these races!

“The big devil is horrible! Learning a foreign language is painful enough, but when I’m playing a game, I need to learn a few more foreign languages! Can I still play well!”

Many people are crazy about He Chen’s frenzied practice.

Of course, this is just a complaint. He Chen will not lose the gameplay for such boring things. This is just a modifier. Unless the player is specifically set to display the race language, everyone will see the default player location. Language environment, the game still has to rely on gameplay to attract players.

Illidan was in a bad mood, because he found his name appeared in the game again!

Although “World of Warcraft” has just been released and has not yet advanced to Illidan’s progress, Illidan’s name has already appeared in the game, which is the pavement for future copies.

So Illidan was angry!

His original name was Makoto Ito, but the Great Devil released an “l-days” that prevented him from finding a girlfriend.

He had no choice but to change his name to Illidan, but the Great Demon King unexpectedly produced another “World of Warcraft” and there was also a person named Illidan!

The most deceptive thing is that from the “book records” in some missions and some games, Illidan Taya is also a tragedy!

How can Illidan stand this?

“Change your name! I want to change your name!” Illidan ran to the police station angrily.

But the answer was not allowed.

The name is an important symbol of a person, and it is the main means of distinguishing and recognizing people from each other. If everyone’s name changes frequently, it will cause chaos in household registration management and even the entire society So the state is about people. Names are strictly managed, and citizens are neither allowed to choose names randomly nor to change names arbitrarily.

“I’m really sorry, you can’t apply for a name change for your reasons.” The police politely rejected Illidan’s application.

The first time I changed my name, it was already extremely accommodating. But after a long time, he ran to change his name again. Even if the police sympathized with him psychologically, there was nothing he could do. The reason was not enough. Can’t just change the name just because the name is the same?

Compared with the huge influence last time, the influence this time is much lower. Isn’t it just the same as a name, and that doesn’t have any bad influence, so naturally it can’t be accommodating again.

“It’s your fault that I can’t find a girlfriend!” Illidan shouted angrily.

The police sympathized with him, so he corrected him: “No, no, it’s not us, this has nothing to do with us, it should be the devil! I personally support you to sue the devil for infringing your right of reputation!”

“Can it succeed?” Illidan asked expectantly.

“It’s useless,” the policeman replied. (To be continued)

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