Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 112

Chapter 113 Batch

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Chapter 113

Written test day.

Yang Rui prepared two relatively simple test papers and handed them to the Xibao Meat Factory. Today, there are as many as 12 children from the Roulian Factory in the Ruixue Group, including the children of ordinary workers and the children of factory leaders. Therefore, the management of the factory still knows Yang Rui’s level quite well.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it. In the 1980s in China, things that foreigners can recognize are good things, and people who can be recognized by foreigners are naturally amazing.

A total of 120 candidates were all concentrated in the auditorium, and each of them issued two oil pens. The officer who helped invigorate the exam made it clear that after the exam, both oil pens can be taken home. Xibao Roulian Factory thanked everyone for signing up.

This decision immediately made the Xibao Roulian Factory feel like a big company in the eyes of everyone, and many people laughed.

However, after seeing the test paper, there are not many people who can laugh.

Yang Rui’s so-called simplicity is calculated based on the level of the college entrance examination. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the size of the college entrance examination has been obvious. In a simple year, the questions are not much more difficult than Yang Rui’s.

However, even in a simple year, not everyone can get high scores. The increase in average scores is more due to the increase in the number of high scores. Those with low scores in the test still have low scores.

For students who fail to pass even 300 points in 7 subjects, is it a simple test paper or a difficult test paper? In many cases, it is not even noticeable.

Most of the students sitting in the auditorium are students from factories and mines children’s schools. Among the various schools, they are among the worst. It can be said that except for the schools built by a few super state-owned enterprises, ordinary schools for the children of factories and mines all give students time. Like the school for children of the Xibao Meat Union Factory, students with a little bit of purpose will not go. The teacher’s goal is not to let them go to school, but not to cause trouble, obediently waiting to line up to work in the factory.

Middle schools that do not aim for further studies are basically hooligans. Students in these schools, let alone 300 points, most of them fail to even 200 points, that is, the average level of each subject is less than 30 points. The difficulty of the college entrance examination is the most. The test paper was only one-line below the level of the college entrance examination. Needless to say, the whole body was shocked. If there was a personality, he scolded at the scene: “Which turtle grandson asked me to see the question, I will kill him!”

Yang Rui was right there, took a look from the air, found the numbered name on the stage, and drew a line.

If someone scolds again, draw another line.

The proctor who came to see it, came over and smiled and said, “Or, I just kick the people out?”

“No, let him take the test, and he won’t be admitted at that time.” Yang Rui said calmly, and then asked as if thinking about it: “By the way, am I eligible to choose?”

The secretary said awkwardly: “The manager from Hong Kong listens to you, of course you are qualified to choose someone.”

“Then let him take the test. Maybe it’s a good test. If you take the first and second test, you can record it.” After Yang Rui finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the auditorium.

The officer looked at his back and couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: Can you take the first and second exams. As for you, you will scold you when you see the test paper?

Tian Shichang kept his head down, afraid of being seen by Yang Rui. It was not until Yang Rui left that he felt relieved to prepare to answer the question.

According to Hongrui’s class test method, Tian Shichang first glanced over the questions, starting from the big questions in the biology test paper.

This is because the biology test paper has a large amount of text and requires more time. On the other hand, the difficulty of middle school biology is limited. Even if you can’t do all the big questions correctly, you can complete most of the questions and fabricate a small part of the questions. Usually, the problem of jamming will not occur.

The same method is also applicable to the physics and chemistry test papers in the junior high school. Because of the low difficulty, students who can get 90% or even 85% of the scores on the usual tests, starting from the big questions, than starting from the small questions, it is easier to get higher Scores.

Of course, this method has some slight requirements on the psychological quality of the students, and occasionally I do encounter big problems that can’t be done how to do it. I need to grasp the time and give up decisively. However, the more formal the exam, the less likely it is to encounter odd questions. With sufficient review, simple subjects such as high school biology, middle school physics and chemistry are difficult to have completely unknown questions.

As for when to give up, when to postpone, and to do more test papers, there will naturally be a decision in my mind.

In short, as long as students have the ability to judge the difficulty of a question, and know the difficulty of the question they can make, they will know how to judge.

The most difficult part of the biology that requires 50 points in the college entrance examination is genetics. It takes a little time and it will not be impossible to do it.

For students in the 1980s, what really troubled them was not the difficulty of the textbooks, but many teachers did not understand it.

In 1982, many students could not even find a full-time biology teacher, and they were often replaced by teachers of other science subjects. Even if a full-time biology teacher is found, their knowledge structure is often from the 1960s.

In the 1960s, genetics was still a cutting-edge science. Many teachers did not learn genetics themselves. When teaching students, they would definitely stumble. From time to time, there would be rumors of “teaching wrong”.

Education bureaus in various places had a large number of training teachers throughout the 1980s. However, the distant water did not quench the thirst of the near. The biology subject was once cancelled in the college entrance examination. This is also related to this-students in big cities have difficulties in this regard for students from towns and villages. Comparative advantage.

However, the sharp learning group has inherent advantages in this regard.

Yang Rui himself was studying biology. Although there were very few people in the cram school, Yang Rui was teaching everything. Compared with teachers in the 1980s who are not skilled in his own business, Yang Rui’s level is definitely at the top of the pyramid.

On the other hand, the biology test itself in the 1980s was very clumsy. Yang Rui set the goal for the sharp school group to score more than 40 points on the biology test paper and strive for 45.

According to the average score of the students who can enter the university, only biology, the sharp group can get at least 10 points or more.

As for the average scores of students who fail to enter the university, it is simply difficult to count.

In these years, Mr. Baijuan is not a minority.

Shichang Tian, ​​like most of the students at this time, was very familiar with the biology that he had just started learning in high school. Among the seven subjects in the college entrance examination, this is the only subject that has no prerequisites. Even if students do not study well in junior high school, senior high school will not be affected.

Therefore, in less than 30 minutes, Tian Shichang finished the small bio-roll from back to front.

At this time, he went back to check the big questions and used the information obtained during the exam to make minor modifications, even if he had completed the entire paper.

Shichang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, dried the bio roll, then pulled out the chemical roll, ready to continue.

Suddenly, an examinee got up and handed in the paper.

Following his movements, at least 20 people gathered up their stationery and handed in the test papers to the front.

Tian Shichang suddenly became nervous and thought: How come these people have finished answering.

He didn’t want to rest anymore, so he covered his head fiercely.

It took a total of 70 minutes and Tian Shichang completed all the test papers. This is also the result of Yang Rui’s regular training. In the case of simple questions, most subjects will be completed within 45 minutes. Unlike normal training, Tian Shichang carefully checked this time. After another check, I have time to look around.

The people who handed in the paper in front are no longer there, and the ones left are not handing in the paper anymore.

“It’s okay.” Tian Shichang bowed his head and prepared to do another inspection without looking into the cause.

In the current Hongrui class, the competition among students is becoming fierce, and the loss of scores due to insufficient care is totally forbidden. Students are not willing to fall behind in the rankings because of mistakes.

Zuo Chao next to    also felt it went well.

Although not every question can be done, Zuo Chao estimates that at least one-third of his questions are definitely correct, and the remaining one-third may get the most points.

If you count it like this, you might be able to pass!

Zuo Chao is very excited. Calculated based on the results of the refreshing class, as long as he passes, he will definitely be ranked first.

He looked around, many students were scratching their heads and doing the questions, Zuo Chao couldn’t help but secretly proud: such a difficult question, I don’t believe that a double-digit person can pass.

He looked down at the test paper again and filled in the blanks randomly. Zuo Chao was already satisfied. He also saw that Tian Shichang was doing the calculations, so he followed the calculations with a few questions, and felt that it was right, so he didn’t bother to ask each question one by one. The calculation goes on: check it again, maybe you got it wrong.

With this thought in mind, Zuo Chao naturally waited for time.

In the last five minutes, Yang Rui returned to the auditorium and won the approval of the invigilator, saying: “After the exam, please don’t leave. I will approve the papers on the spot. You can know the results as soon as possible and prepare for the interview in the afternoon.”

“How long will it take to approve so many papers?” a student in the front row shouted.

“I appraised the paper very quickly.” Yang Rui’s answer was not satisfactory, but no one disputed.

After a while, the invigilator collected all the test papers, and placed them on the long table covered with cloth in the front desk according to the two subjects of chemistry and biology.

Yang Rui picked up a stack of papers and placed it in front of him, holding a red pen in his hand, and began to make corrections.

Some curious students rushed to the front and blocked the table to watch.

The invigilator was too late to stop, so he could only let it go.

Yang Rui doesn’t matter. When he was a tuition teacher, he had never encountered a class with obedient children. When he arrived in the Rui school group, students could also watch him correct the test papers.

I saw that Yang Rui wrote very quickly, and only typed the wrong number, not the check mark, and a copy of the paper, less than half of the approval, was thrown aside.

A student with thick eyebrows and big eyes asked extremely dissatisfied: “Why didn’t you finish the approval?”

“The points deducted exceeded 40, and it is impossible for all the following to pass, what will the batch do?” Yang Rui’s answer was still sharp.

The student with thick eyebrows and big eyes blushed, and reluctantly said: “Even if you fail, you should finish the approval. Maybe you can be ranked first? Moreover, they are all carefully made test papers. It doesn’t take much time to correct them. …”

Yang Rui did not lift his head and said: “There are 120 people taking the exam today, and there are 240 test papers in total. I spend 15 seconds for each test paper, which is 3,600 seconds, which is exactly one hour. There are 100 people present. It means that everyone has to wait one more hour, and a total of more than 100 hours are wasted. I don’t think that the failing test papers have this value, what do you think?”

He raised his head sharply and looked at the student with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The latter’s face and neck are all red like shrimps.

Another mostly blank paper was pulled aside by Yang Rui, but there was no correction, and it took less than 5 seconds.

Obviously, without correction, it can be calculated that its score is less than 60 points.

Many people saw this situation and left silently without saying a word.

Yang Rui didn’t even look at it, the movement of his hands was not slow at all, and he quickly approved Zuo Chao’s test paper.

“55 points. Keep it.” Yang Rui spent 20 seconds to buckle from start to finish, amazingly fast.

Zuo Chao heard “Stay.” He couldn’t help but smiled triumphantly, and then squeezed his eyebrows around to show that this was his test paper.

Others are envious and anxious, their eyes are fixed on Yang Rui’s red pen, waiting to see his score.





◇【To be continued. “This text is provided by @gwj”. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the official website for rewards. Your support is the author’s greatest motivation. 】

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