Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 120

Chapter 121 Production preparation

Xibao Roulian Factory is reluctant to send invitations. They want to be sure of the situation before they can show the production capacity of the new factory in front of everyone.

However, WestJet Pharmaceuticals is not in the world of West Fort Meat Union. Major shareholder Zelikang hopes to start production as soon as possible, so as to promote this set of models across the country to seize the Chinese market. The second shareholder Sinomedicine Foreign Trade also wants to prove the results of their negotiations, so as to attract more foreign pharmaceutical companies to China. Xibao Roulian Factory is essentially a balancer brought by Yang Rui. It is the weakest politically and the right to speak is even smaller.

As a freshman of China Pass, Frankie also gave two choices at a level: either send the invitation letter now or never send it.

The leadership of Western Union was shocked. Without a grand ceremony, no celebration party, summary meeting, or report meeting, how can you prove that you have done something?

Of course it is impossible not to send an invitation letter!

In contrast, sending the invitation letter in advance has become acceptable.

Think about it another way, maybe it’s a good thing. After all, we have completed the factory construction at a speed that our domestic counterparts can’t match.

Even if… even if there is a slight omission in the production process, the product is too high-tech, and we have not yet fully grasped it.

As for when to eat thoroughly, we can wait until the next celebration party, summary meeting, and report meeting.

The Xibao Meat Union Factory, which could not resist, delivered hundreds of letters after struggling for two days.

Colleagues from state-owned enterprises, research institutes and universities that received the invitation letter first expressed their disbelief, but the invitation letter was absolutely true.

As a result, many people simply called the Xibao Meat Factory to inquire about the situation.

Today’s Xibao Roulian Factory has installed a total of three external telephones. The frequency of use is already high. When there is a flood of enquiry calls, the factory office suddenly becomes a mailing room.

Even the factory manager himself has to answer some phone calls from time to time and cope with it repeatedly.

Others were too busy to deal with each other, but Yang Rui became idle. A total of more than 2,000 square meters of workshops, the real aseptic workshop is less than 200 square meters, and the rest are mainly clean workshops.

After the instrument is debugged, Yang Rui does not need to continue to intervene in tests such as pipelines. Instead, the pig myocardium is continuously stored in the cold storage, making people look straight.

A monthly production of 30 kg of coenzyme Q10 means that 100 tons of dry myocardium are consumed every month, and the consumption of fresh pig heart is even greater. This is also the reason why Sinomedical Foreign Trade and Zelekang agreed after Yang Rui proposed to join the Xibao Meat Factory. one. For such a large amount, without the support of a huge meat consortium, the current domestic environment is really unsustainable.


Guests from all walks of life gathered in Xibao Town, and unlike the spontaneous gathering a few days ago, there were more people coming this time and the level was higher.

Coenzyme Q10 is still an unfamiliar term to many people. Everyone wants to see what such advanced factories are producing.

Yang Rui was called up early in the morning. The Western Union sent an officer to accompany him on a special trip, so as not to cause the young man to make another moth, and also to supervise his arrival on time.

Yang Rui, who was woken up, didn’t look like that. He put on clothes, washed up, and watched again. The hair suddenly exploded. He opened the door and said, “It’s not light at 5:30 in the morning? You ask me to get up. What, you don’t have to rush to check out of the guest house, right?”

Ding Zhi, the secretary waiting in the corridor, smiled forever, and said: “It’s dawn, how can I call you when it’s not dawn, look at it, it’s bright. Let’s dawn early in Xibao Town.”

Yang Rui said helplessly, “I live in Xibao Middle School. How early can I get here?”

“Everyone in the factory wakes up early, and there are people who work evening shifts. They come back at this time.” Ding Zhi smiled, the standard configuration of the good guy.

Yang Rui shook his head: “My grandfather’s house is in the enterprise. Where can I get up so early. Forget it, what do you want me to do?”

“Let’s check the situation in the workshop. By noon, we will be able to receive people from all units. In addition, it is best to have a trial production today.” Ding Zhi took a small notebook, which contains the reception process today. .

Yang Rui nodded and said: “I was planning to make trial production today. I will go to the workshop to check it out later. If there is no problem, just follow what you said. Alas, in fact, it’s not too late after eight o’clock. We are doing biopharmaceuticals. It’s not a lathe, the production process is very simple.”

“It’s you who seem to be simple, and I feel a headache at first sight.” Ding Zhi complimented Yang Rui, who was 20 years younger than himself, without embarrassment at all.

Yang Rui was not embarrassed either, his mental age was already over 30 years old, and Ding Zhi looked about the same as his peers.

Going back to the room and sorting out his belongings, Yang Rui deliberately stuffed an English novel into his schoolbag, ready to read it when he has free time. Recently, he often chats with Frankie, Trapp and others. He is aware of his English proficiency. With considerable progress, coupled with the fact that there are currently very few readable books in the country, the novels borrowed from Frankie have become Yang Rui’s main readings.

Ding Zhi obediently waited outside, and then accompanied Yang Rui out of the guest house. Fang flaunted and said: “The factory manager has specially approved a car for you today. Whenever something happens, call the driver to save time. This is Master Wang, The deputy captain of our factory’s trolley squad.”

“Master Wang.” Yang Rui greeted him, handed a cigarette, and got into the broken jeep that leaked everywhere.

There are so many guests today, and cars that sell well are owned by them. In fact, it’s not easy to be able to separate a motorized car.

The jeep was spraying strong black smoke, bumping towards the workshop of the pharmaceutical factory.

Yang Rui asked without words: “When will the workers come?”

“It’s probably all here now. Someone called them to get up.” Ding Zhi was holding his sides with both hands, shaking his body, still smiling.

Yang Rui laughed: “I guess so, are everyone here?”

“Here. But… a lot of people haven’t actually done it, and the leader is very worried.”

“The trial production is to give them a chance to actually operate.” Yang Rui didn’t want to talk about this issue anymore, so he asked, “When did they get up?”

“A little earlier than you.”

“Five o’clock?”

“Roughly the same.”

Yang Rui snorted and said, “Everyone was called up early. By noon, everyone was sleepy to death. Do you want to watch the workers sleep?”

Ding Zhi stayed for a while: “I didn’t expect this. Let me make some strong tea.”

“My share doesn’t need to be too thick.” Yang Rui said, looking at the location, and said: “Okay, throw me here, I’ll run to the workshop.”

“Don’t, the workers are waiting.”

“Let them warm up the machine, has the Hong Kong manager come? The workshop management handed over to him.” Yang Rui stopped, handed a cigarette to the driver, and turned to Ding Zhi: “I run every morning, or now Put me down, or send me to the workshop, and I will run over and run back.”

Ding Zhi couldn’t help but patted the back of the driver’s seat and said, “Master Wang, please stop.”

He looked at his watch again and said, “Yang Rui, Director Li arrives at the factory at 7 o’clock, and he must be ready by then.”

Yang Rui smiled and didn’t answer, and gave Ding Zhi the bag he carried, and ran forward slowly.

Taking a detour, Yang Rui spent almost 20 minutes before arriving at the factory. After taking a shower and changing clothes in the locker room, Ding Zhi and the workers were all waiting in the workshop.

“How long has it been warming up?”

“A quarter of an hour.” He Haichuan is the most experienced among the workers, or rather, one of the few.

Yang Rui looked around, confirmed that there was no problem, clapped his hands again, and said, “Have you done all the homework for you? Hand in.”

More than a dozen people gave Yang Rui their homework with a grimace, just like an experiment report, Yang Rui also asked them to hand in a production report.

“The 10 people with the highest scores are on duty today, and others are waiting. Those who are not in production units, just find a place to stay.” Yang Rui made no secret of his contempt, like this kind of small factory, personnel, labor, etc. , Whether it is outsourced or completed by a dedicated person, eight people are not needed.

Ding Zhi laughed awkwardly and said, “Otherwise, let everyone find a job and make specific arrangements after the visit is over?”

Yang Rui didn’t know whether it was his idea or whose idea, but at this time, his attitude resolutely said: “Do you want to be responsible for today’s trial production?”

“No I just made an opinion…” Ding Zhi didn’t expect Yang Rui’s reaction to be so tough, and he narrowed his neck and smiled.

Yang Rui lowered his head and finished the production report, and raised his head and said: “I am calling now, the top 10 preparations, and the remaining substitute, the first place is He Haitao…”

Tian Shichang unexpectedly ranked fifth.

Yang Rui nodded secretly. It would be difficult to compete with others if he even lags behind in homework.

“Everyone is in place, ready to stir.” The first step in the production process is to break up the heart muscle with a tissue mixer to extract Coenzyme Q10 from the cells. The mixing volume of more than 3 tons per day is not a small number.

Ding Zhi also learned a little recently, and asked carefully: “Wait until noon, then start stirring?”

“Do you mean that everyone will not see a crystal of Coenzyme Q10 by the time of dinner?”

Ding Zhi was stunned: “So slow? Wasn’t it quick to repeat the experiment?”

“When I did the experiment, I started the extraction from the suspension, but now I start the extraction from the myocardium. It takes an hour or two for one more step.”

“Then when it’s noon, which process will it go to?”

“This factory is continuous production. No matter when they come, they can see the organization stirring, if they want to see it.” Yang Rui said here, disregarding Ding Zhi, facing the group of workers, speaking loudly. : “We are currently in a clean workshop, using world-class equipment to produce, the quality of the products must be good, don’t let the peers to exceed, all cheer up.”

“Don’t lose the face of the Chinese.” I don’t know any worker suddenly yelled, and the slightly sleepy people suddenly became energetic.

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