Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 134

Chapter 135 Wild boar forest

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Yao Yue chose a weekend, and went to Xibao Middle School with the girl in the same bedroom.

Before arriving at the campus, Lu Zhi, who came with him, already called out, “The laboratory you said was built here? It can’t be a township laboratory. Will you be fooled?”

“What do I mean by this… feeling of despair?” Yao Yue sighed very well, grasping the small bag behind him, and climbing up hard.

Xibao Town is backward like most towns in the country. Yao Yue still expected this, but Xibao Middle School is not in the town, but on the mountain west of the town.

The loess **** up the mountain lacks style and the road is not easy to walk.

In Yao Yue’s impression, the more a state-owned enterprise that builds a factory in a remote place, the better it will build a good road.

Xibao Middle School is obviously poorer than state-owned enterprises in remote areas.

Such a school, such a laboratory?

“Let Yang Rui be a little more reliable.” This is Yao Yue’s last confidence.

Lu Zhi, who was called by Yao Yue to be brave, has the spirit of revealing the scam. At this time, he emphasized: “Yang Rui is a middle school student? How could he build a laboratory. Just such a township middle school, how much funding can the state have? Look at our department’s laboratory, which was built only three years ago. How do you think there is a problem.”

“Yang Rui did a project for Zelecom. Listening to what he said, Zelecom gave him a lot of instruments.”

“I know, if it weren’t for this or other Kang company, I wouldn’t come with you, and I would sell it to the border to become a child bride-in-law.”

“You are in your 20s and you are still a child-bearing daughter-in-law. After your husband grows up, you don’t have to be 40 years old.”

Lü Zhi snorted: “What a woman with sharp teeth, let me see your teeth.”

Yao Yue ran away with a “Yeah”.

Lü Zhi ran for two steps, didn’t catch up, and hurriedly shouted: “Wait, be careful, don’t run out of energy, you won’t be able to run when you are about to escape for a while.”

Yao Yue smiled and said: “What are you afraid of in the daytime? Look below, how beautiful is the green vine and new tree croak?”

Lü Zhi chuckled: “The same is true of Wild Boar Lin.”

“Don’t watch the Water Margin.”

“Don’t enter every forest.”

“The school is on the mountain, not in the woods.”

“There are trees everywhere under the mountain.” Lu Zhi was also very stubborn, but the debate made the small freckles on her forehead shine.

Yao Yue couldn’t help but shook Lu Zhi’s arm and said, “It’s always a school up there. He can still eat us.”

Luckily, Lu Zhi had never watched a horror movie, and only agreed with Yao Yue’s death sentence.

The two carefully entered the campus of West Castle Middle School.

“The appearance is not too bad.” Lu Zhi hugged Yao Yue’s waist and probed his head outside the gate.

The gate is a newly painted iron fence, three meters high, similar to the gate of the male and female dormitory of Hadong University. Since Zhao Dannian saw the report in the “China Education News”, he has been actively preparing for it. The Ruixue team helped him save a lot of electricity bills, and Zhao Dannian also had the remaining money to decorate his appearance. ,

Yao Yue was also watching carefully, and said: “It’s a regular school, let’s go in.”

“No, we have to ask someone first.” Lu Zhi waited while observing.

After a while, some students carried their schoolbags and went out sneakily.

“Classmate, do you know Yang Rui?” Like a bandit, Lu Zhi jumped out of the hidden place on the only way.

The truant student was taken aback, and he scolded after seeing the person clearly: “I thought it was the principal squatting. It was scary and terrifying.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to be so courageous.” Lu Zhi was not forgiving, and asked, “Is Yang Rui from your school?”

The truant student saw that they were two girls, and didn’t care much, nodded and said, “Yes.”

“Did he set up a laboratory in school?”


“What is the laboratory like?”

The face of the truant student changed: “How do I know?”

Lu Zhi was excited about his words and expressions, and said to Yao Yue: “Look, I know there is a problem, classmate, is there a problem in Yang Rui’s laboratory?”

“I do not know.”

“Are you afraid of him? It doesn’t matter, both of us are students of Hedong University. If you tell us the situation, we won’t talk about it.” Lu Zhi seemed like a confidant elder sister, so she was almost touching.

“Who is afraid of him, what am I afraid of him?” The truant student left Lu Zhi in two steps.

Lu Zhi asked, “What’s the problem with the laboratory? You didn’t have the right expression just now.”

“I haven’t been in, how do I know?” The truant student became angry with embarrassment: “I’m not in the sharp school group.”

Lu Zhi asked suspiciously: “What do you mean by sharp?”

The student curled his lips: “Yang Rui’s laboratory, only people in the sharp learning group can enter.”

“What is the sharp learning group? Don’t you like it?” Lu Zhi became curious.

The truant student snorted and said, “Who likes to like, who likes to go. They are students who can take the undergraduate entrance examination, so they look down on us. Oh, there are people who are preparing to take the entrance examination of Hedong University. You are the students of Hedong University, you guys. Is it also from the Ruixue group?” This chapter was uploaded by netizens in []-[]-[]-[]-[]. If you like it, please tell your friends around you, thank you!

“Of course not, I don’t even know what the sharp learning group is.” Lu Zhi asked curiously again: “What is the sharp learning group?”

“On a small hill. A few years ago, the buddies could kill them. Now they are shaking. They are preparing to take the university entrance examination. They seem to be able to pass the entrance examination. I want to say that if people don’t know it, they must do nothing. The monthly exams must be made by cheating, so what kind of simulation of the college entrance examination? Do you know what the college entrance examination is required to review?” The student became more upset as he said. He is also a student in the Huizhou class, and since he has repeated his studies, of course he is aiming for the college entrance examination. However, a few months ago, the vote selection was kicked out by Yang Rui. Now seeing the prosperity of the former classmates, the uneasy feeling in my heart has exploded with the list of Hongrui’s monthly exam.

However, life is originally made up of countless choices. Anger does not change the outcome of the choice. The student cursed, feeling a little more comfortable, strangled his schoolbag, ignored the two girls, and walked away.

Lu Zhi tilted his head and thought for a long time, and asked, “Do you understand?”

“It feels like you are jealous?” Yao Yue said uncertainly.

“It must be jealous. I think people have high scores. Maybe there are some secrets that I don’t show to others. We didn’t do that during the college entrance examination? I took the exam the first year and couldn’t find a book on World Geography. The girls in the class found a copy from a foreign place, and they didn’t want to lend it to anyone. In the end, it was stolen at night. We copied it all night and all night. It’s interesting to think about it now.” Lu Zhi said in the voice of someone who came over. It’s very sweet.

Yao Yue is lucky. He didn’t repeat the reading and couldn’t empathize. He laughed twice and asked, “Is there a secret for the college entrance examination?”

“The politics teacher of our former school said that he was accurate in guessing the question every day. Don’t tell me, if you guess it correctly, you can get 10 or 20 points.” Lu Zhi was talking, pulling Yao Yue into the school. She was too curious. Up.

Yao Yue trot for two steps to follow, walked through the corridor made up of blackboard newspapers, and was led by Lu Zhi straight into the teaching building.

Leveraging on her identity as a female college student and her sturdy personality, it took only ten minutes for Lu Zhi to ask about the sharp school group and the reasons for the atmosphere of truant boys.

In the monthly exam a few days ago, there were nearly 20 students in the Ruixue Group who crossed the junior college line, and 8 people crossed the undergraduate line.

Because Yang Rui has always claimed that the monthly exam is a mock exam for the college entrance examination, this result was regarded by some members of the Ruixue group as a possible college entrance examination result, which was boasted by the school.

Most students and teachers outside the Ruixue group do not equate their monthly exam papers with the college entrance examination mock papers. However, those who see the monthly exam papers for the Ruixue group do not dare to say that this set of test papers is simple.

In fact, in addition to the sharp learning group, students in West Castle Middle School also borrowed monthly test papers to make them by themselves, but no one can use this set of test papers to test 340 points.

Therefore, even if the relationship between the test paper and the college entrance examination is not considered, this also shows that the performance of the students in the sharp learning group has improved extremely fast.

In the West Castle Middle School, a new storm of applications for entry into the sharp learning group was blown up.

However, Yang Rui almost rejected all applications. It is natural that some people are unhappy.

Lu Zhi understood the cause and effect, but she admired it: “I admire your cooperator, Yang Rui. Adding up to the schools in our city, I haven’t heard of 20 college students.”

Yao Yue was not so excited, but showed some worried expressions, saying: “If he is busy with the college entrance examination, he will also prepare for the college entrance examination. I guess there is not much time for experimentation.”

“You have to change your thinking. If people are not so busy, maybe I won’t ask you for help, right?” Lu Zhi grabbed Yao Yue’s shoulder and smiled: “This way I can rest assured. There is a valid reason. , Lest this Yang Rui has ulterior motives.”

Yao Yue broke loose gently and said with a smile: “You, where are there so many bad guys, just so we can meet.”

“It’s not that there are no bad people. You didn’t recognize the bad people when they were around you.” Lu Zhi and Yao Yue said with a smile, and went to the laboratory.

Thanks to the equipment of 30,000 dollars from Zeleca, today’s laboratory is no longer what it used to be. Although it is still the main structure of bricks and tiles, it has been isolated and reinforced a yard. In appearance, it is very similar to the independent laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Coal Science.

The most conspicuous thing in the laboratory is the gate. The whole piece of steel plate is equipped with a huge lock, which is all locked in and out. A headlight hung high at the door, and it was on all night long.

Some students who wanted to read at night simply gathered at the door of the laboratory, one inside and one outside, studying together with the experiment assistants who were doing experiments all night, and at the same time serving as volunteer duty attendants.

Inside the gate is Wei Zhenxue, who has stayed behind for a long time. Since the instrument was delivered by Zeleca, he has almost moved his family to West Fort Middle School.

If the former West Fort Middle School laboratory was still inferior, with only basic equipment, the current West Fort Middle School laboratory is already very sophisticated.

30,000 US dollars of equipment, even if institutions like the Institute of Coal Research can produce it, it will be like peppering it. Each laboratory will give it a little. In order to reduce the average cost, a certain type of equipment may be bought several sets. After all, they are considering the long-term plan of the research institute. They don’t expect to jump to a high level at once, but hope to reach the average level for a long time. Therefore, it is impossible for a domestic research institute to invest money into an experiment like Yang Rui. In the room, and even the basic equipment is not equipped.

Wei Zhenxue doesn’t care about the basic equipment, or whether the research institute can maintain the average level for a long time. He just wants to use better equipment and research better technology.

The efficiency of public research institutes has never been able to meet the requirements of Wei Zhenxue and others. Yang Rui’s laboratory was just the opposite. After supplementing the equipment, Wei Zhenxue was shocked. If he had to go back to the Coal Science Institute frequently to report and receive a salary, Wei Zhenxue would like to stay in the laboratory forever.

Yao Yue and Lu Zhi knocked on the door, and Wei Zhenxue opened a small window through the iron door.

“Are you two here to sign up as experimental assistants?” Wei Zhenxue asked the two girls like an uncle at the door.

Lu Zhi smiled slightly, before Yao Yue spoke, said: “We are here to see Yang Rui, can you open the door to let us in?”

“No way.”

Lü Zhi was taken aback: “Why can’t you?”

“Yang Rui is not here.”


“Where is Yang Rui, are you asking me? I haven’t been out of the laboratory for three days.” Wei Zhenxue smacked his lips, took out an enamel jar, and said: “It’s just right. I haven’t eaten my food yet. Give me a meal. come.”

Then, a meal ticket and a few cents were thrown into the enamel jar.

Lu Zhi suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Yao Yue carefully placed his head in the field of view of the window, and whispered: “I am a student of the Department of Biology of Hedong University. My name is Yao Yue. Yang Rui asked me to do experiments with him. Do you know about this?”

“Oh, there seems to be a mention.”

Yao Yue’s face was beaming: “Can I go in and see the laboratory?”

“Call me the meal first put more oil and more meat, I don’t know where the student delivering the meal went…” Wei Zhenxue muttered, “pop”, and opened the window. It’s closed.

“You’re done, there will be such a colleague in the future.” Lu Zhi smiled at Yao Yue, who was holding the enamel jar.

“I mainly look for materials at school and do cooperative experiments, so I don’t have to come here often.” Yao Yue comforted herself.

The small window on the iron door opened again, and Wei Zhenxue’s big face was revealed: “I haven’t left yet. It’s just right. Make it clear to the kitchen that it is for Lao Wei to cook food, put more oil and more meat. Remember. Have you lived yet?”

“Remember.” Yao Yue hadn’t seen such a person, and suddenly there was a sigh of stepping into the society.

“Repeat it again.” Wei Zhenxue felt uneasy. Eating is the most anticipated time of the day, and you can’t just casually.

Yao Yue was stunned for a moment, and Lu Zhi said in an angry tone: “Put more oil and more meat, remember.”

“I have to say that it was for Lao Wei. You student dolls, give me a spoon less whenever you want. Okay, go and get back soon. The meat is not too much and the oil is not too much. I won’t open the door.” Wei Zhen must be sure to say serious.

Yao Yue foolishly watched the small window close again, and a jealous voice said: “It’s over, my future colleague is this kind of person.”

“I just told you. When you talked to that Yang Rui, didn’t you realize that he has this potential?”

“Yang Rui is not like this.”

“How is that like?”

“You know it when you see it.” Yao Yue had a fever on his face, lifted the enamel cylinder upside down, and ran away.

A food stamp and a few wool stamps, with the wind.

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