Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1383 Bright smile

If you say which kind of person is the most greedy in the world, it must be the scientist. Fan ○ Jia ☆ Novel Network △▽△w-w`w-. x`f-q`x-s-w`. `c`o- m

To say that ordinary people make money for enjoyment, how much money do they need? Learning from Bill Gates to buy a small island in the Maldives, usually taking a private jet to and from his own mansion where whale sharks are raised, and occasionally learning from the Prince of Saudi Arabia to buy a destroyer-modified yacht worth 300 million US dollars. This is about the limit, or even say it is. Extremely willful.

Women’s willfulness can also be added with expensive jewelry and luxury goods like Hermès.

But is an island a cost to scientists? There are no islands all over the world. It’s just that scientists are poor and can’t afford funding. Don’t you see that countries who study frozen soil, tropical rain forests, climate change, and paleontology have established scientific research stations in the Antarctic and Arctic Amazon jungle. Investors, whether they are individuals, institutions, or countries, have only two choices, either they don’t invest, they have to spend n times as much as Bill Gates, and it’s a perennial expense.

Taking biologists as an example, the most needed environmental protection model for human beings is to establish various animal sperm and egg banks, improve DNA banks, and perform various sequencing activities, so as to ensure that no matter how bad the earth environment is, no one will be completely lost. Genes evolved by animals over millions of years. As for wildlife sanctuaries, etc., it is more about protecting animal culture and human culture. It is not about protecting animals themselves. Different wild animals will behave differently in different regions. It shows the ability of animals to adapt to the environment.

However, the human genome project cost US$3 billion to complete. Although most of the expenses do not need to be repeated on wild animals, the sequencing of wild animals will also add more costs. Then, sequencing the world How much does it cost millions of animals, insects, microorganisms and plants?

Some people will say, can’t these money be applied for from the country?

The country’s money is also limited, and it is not really printed by money.

Schools such as Tsinghua have an annual funding of 4 billion yuan, and Harvard has just over 10 billion US dollars a year, all for the Department of Biology, and can sequence several products.

Not to mention, scientists also have preferences.

If you take the country’s money, you must consider the issue from the public’s perspective. Rice, wheat, or important animals and plants such as pigs, chickens, and yeast will be the front row of the sequencing list. Even if the cost of microorganisms such as yeast and rice is low, pigs The cost of mammals such as chickens and chickens can be high.

If you take money from institutions, you have to listen to investors, like Comrade Bill Gates, who have a preference for whale sharks, and they can ask for whale shark testing.

What is the scientist’s preference?

If Yang Rui is to sequence cattle, he can also apply for a little public expenditure. If he wants to sequence alpaca, it will not be so easy. If his hobby is a little bit more partial, then he will not want to get public expenditure at all.

Instead, it turned out that wealthy capitalists protected the whale sharks they might not like so much. Where does this make sense?

From this point of view, Yang Ruicun’s tea is only enough to complete a small hobby.

As for the luxury of raising a whale shark? Regardless of the cost of construction or maintenance, a smart house with whale sharks is far less than that of an oceanographic research institute. In the modern Institute of Oceanography, a whale shark is nothing.

Rubies were once used to make watches, and later they were also used by scientists on lasers. The bigger the better.

Big diamonds are not attractive to scientists, but the annual consumption of diamonds for industry is not less than the demand of women.

Hermes silk scarves are often woven with special butterfly silk, but if a biologist wants to play with butterflies, selling Hermes is not enough.

It’s nothing more than no money to make trouble.

Who should control the distribution of social resources? politician? Civil servants? capitalist? Economist or scientist? This is a philosophical proposition.

But Yang Rui was sure that he was qualified to hold certain distribution rights.

In time, is Yang Rui, a biologist, qualified to build a scientific research station, seed bank, and even gene bank in Antarctica free from stupid bureaucratic influence?

On the day of the tumult of genetic modification, can scientists who are unable to obtain social funding be able to do the research they want to do?

When biofuels are prevalent, the act of cutting down tropical rainforests to grow corn needs to be stopped by deafening sounds, do people who make a sound sensible have enough propaganda capital?

Or, when biological experiments have illusions about space, when biologists have illusions about the deep sea, when biologists need supercomputers, when biologists need superb mechanical and engineering facilities, when When biologists want to raise fish in the sea and clone wagyu…

Of course, biologists don’t have to do this. It must be something that rarely appears in a scientist’s dictionary.

In most things, there is always a tactful way of turning around.

However, biologists can also be willful.

Biologists at the Nobel Prize can naturally be more willful.

Facts have proved that most of the Nobel Prize winners do not easily obtain the right of waywardness in social life. Instead, they will be treated more harshly.

As if you are poor and you are reasonable, the concept that the higher the status, the more you should suffer, is almost deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Yang Rui does not want to be a high-ranking mascot. He is a scientist. Scientists are also qualified to consume high-priced tea, live in luxury houses, and drive luxury cars. Of course, such a desire is probably difficult for most scholars. Achieved.

Even 30 years later, the average salary of scholars will hardly reach the standard of 30,000 US dollars. If the salary of 50,000 US dollars is not changed for money, it is almost the high point of a well-known scholar.

In contrast, Pu’er tea can bring a lot of comfort to Yang Rui. If one million yuan is spent every year for the income of tea, the money can be exchanged into billions of yuan in 20 years.

For 10 consecutive years or even longer, the total value can be exchanged for about the market value of a Fortune 500 company. Of course, this will have to sell a little bit slower.

However, even if it is hundreds of billions of yuan, or even hundreds of billions of yuan, it is more than enough to maintain a world-class laboratory, and it is still difficult to build a new one.

Not to mention the tens of billions of dollars in Harvard’s annual funding, which is Tsinghua’s annual funding of 4 billion. The fingers are slightly wider, and it is easy to spend ten times more.

Who doesn’t want to use better reagents and equipment, just can’t afford it.

However, if the mahogany and porcelain are sold again, it is still easy to join a laboratory.

That’s almost the limit.

Bell Labs, as the top company laboratory, is still living so hard. Yang Rui is not optimistic about the revenue and expenditure ratio of private laboratories. Additional investment is inevitable and will exist for a long time.

As for the impact of public expenditure on science, it often fails to achieve the impact of ignorance on IQ. Let a group of people who don’t know the Lagrangian median value theorem judge the value and direction of science, it is better to pull a wolf day, and then let the surviving throw coins, at least people can train their muscles.

The benefit of rebirth is that it is easier to hold money so that you can do what you like.

The good thing about the Nobel Prize is that you don’t have to worry about being slaughtered.

Yang Rui changed hands and threw hundreds of billions of big business to Jiang Zhijun, and said: “If you have time, help me buy some rough jadeite, as well as Hetian jade and Hetian jade seed material, which is easy to store.”

Jiang Zhijun is immune to Yang Rui’s spending money, only when his desire for consumption has skyrocketed after he won the Nobel Prize, and just as if he had another job, he asked weakly: “How much do you want to buy?”

“How much money is emerald now?”

“You don’t even know the price…” Jiang Zhijun was unable to complain, and said: “A few days ago, a friend of mine bought two pairs of jade bracelets. I heard they were quite good. I gave them a total of 1,000 yuan and bought them in the mall.”

“What level of jade bracelet?”

“did not ask.”

“Yes, if you want to do this, buy a million and try the water first?” Yang Rui wasn’t very anxious either. The price increase of jadeite is a future thing, and it’s all hoarding now.

His Nobel Prize alone is going to take up several million, and he can’t deposit it in the bank, so he can be used as pension money in 30 years.

Jiang Zhijun didn’t care at all, he was a little curious: “You are not busy with the joint venture in these two days?”

He helped Yang Rui, but it was just to mix a supporting factory.

I just don’t know how embarrassed Comrade Jiang Zhijun would think of today’s scene more than ten or twenty years later.

“It’s basically done. It’s all ceremonies. At the signing ceremony of Northern United Pharmaceutical, Zeleca won the bid. I am very happy and sent the president. Taking pictures and so on.” Yang Rui was very tired when he talked about things.

Business is really not his interest. Nothing more than a pharmaceutical company like Huarui Pharmaceuticals. In addition to preparing to produce orphan drugs for Gaucher’s disease, Northern United Pharmaceuticals may also produce a variety of common medicines, which is out of Yang Rui’s professional scope. Now, he is unwilling to spend time, doing more perfunctory than said.

Jiang Zhijun was in a hurry and said, “Zelikang is your old acquaintance. This is also a good thing.”

“I’ll introduce you when I have time.” Yang Rui saw what Jiang Zhijun meant, and was too lazy to scheming, so he said: “The vice president of Zelecom China is Frank. He will be responsible for this joint venture project in the future. He is indeed an old acquaintance , I will take you to identify someone another day.”

“Great, thank you Professor Yang.” Jiang Zhijun was now quite content with the bunch of purchasing tasks that were pressing on him.

Zelecom’s advantage in China is too obvious. Such a joint venture is not only satisfied with Hu Chi and others, but Jiang Zhijun is also quite satisfied.

Zelekang has ready-made domestic channel resources for the new-born Northern United Pharmaceutical to distribute goods. On the other hand, they are also the top ten super pharmaceutical companies in the world, capable of applying for new drugs and generic drugs Of course, the relationship with Yang Rui is also one of the reasons why they won the bid in the end.

This is not only because Yang Rui prefers them a little bit more, but because of Yang Rui, Zelican also has some trust in Beifang United Pharmaceutical, which has no reputation at all. After all, it is difficult to make up your mind and pay a lot of money if you don’t have a trustworthy and powerful person to invest in a third world country.

The next day, Jiang Zhijun specially sent people to find several newspapers, and looked at the bright smile of Hu Chi, the director of the Chemical Drug Promotion Office, and he also showed an extremely bright smile.

Just spend whatever Yang Ruiai spends, it’s best if you run out of money and come to me.

At that time, if Yang Rui asks me to borrow money, should I borrow it?

Jiang Zhijun fell into deep thought, dreaming of the scene secretly, and said: At that time, he must be asked to buy mung bean cakes in the east, red bean cakes in the west, oil cakes in the north, eggs in the south, and borrow some more Give him money.

With such a wonderful fantasy, Jiang Zhijun embarked on the train to the south to spread funds in order to improve the living standards of the people in poor areas of the motherland.

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