Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1464

Chapter 1397 Value geometry

The end of 1987 was an unforgettable memory for many cadres of factories and state-owned enterprises.

This year, they (travel) traveled through the great rivers and mountains of Western and Southern Europe, and saw the customs and girls of Northern Europe. During the days when they passed through Amsterdam instead of going to the red light district, the members of the delegation discussed many projects.

During this process, Yang Rui devoted himself wholeheartedly.

Scientific research is a process of piling up sand castles, requiring the participation of many sand castles, so that such sand castles can be erected a little longer. Of course, sand castles are always going to collapse, the great building of classic physics has collapsed, the great building of perfect mathematics has collapsed, the great chemistry…the thatched house will collapse when it collapses, nothing is rare.

The key problem is that scientists need unlimited resources and unlimited support.

As a Chinese scientist, the more the top scientist, the more he hopes that China will be strong and prosperous.

Even if the influence cannot be broad to this extent, it is very good for one industry or several industries to grow up.

In fact, there are not many countries that can do this. China has a large land area, a good industrial foundation, a large industrial population and a large number of scientific researchers, and a certain amount of foreign exchange. This is the only way to relax and slowly find suitable industries to develop.

In other developing countries, it may not be difficult to save more than tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange a year, but it is difficult for a large number of basic-educated laborers. As for the 2 million scientific research talents that China had in the 1980s, there were many more. Developing countries are hard to beat.

It can be said that the group of scientific researchers accumulated over the past 30 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China is China’s biggest asset and the main reason for China’s rapid development after the reform.

Compared with the requirement that workers can work in three months, be proficient in three years, and be proficient in ten years, the first requirement of scientific research personnel is to have a higher education, regardless of undergraduate and junior college, this is almost 15 years of education. time.

And to be able to work, plus three years of master’s degree or graduate school walking is a necessary condition, learning a bit slower, 6 years to get started is not surprising. As for meeting the proficiency requirements, perhaps it only needs an additional three years, but in terms of proficiency, more than time is required, the talent and the intensity of learning are both very high.

I have only heard that workers have an eight-hour work schedule or three shifts. I have never heard of scientific researchers working on time. Self-study after get off work and constant increase is almost a normal life state for scientific researchers.

The development of China’s industry is not so much the increase in factory efficiency as it is the output of continuous technological innovation.

Wu@The famous Sunday engineer is an engineer who goes to work in a small township factory on weekends, makes drawings for the township boss, installs equipment, teaches workers…

Most of China’s township factories have developed in this way. A courageous township boss called out a few mud legs that were still hoeing the ground three months ago, and started production after opening a factory—all skilled industrial workers. In state-owned enterprises, apart from farmers, township and village enterprises cannot find labor.

However, mud legs are not born to understand machines, they are skilled in technology, and township bosses can’t grasp all the design of the factory by lathes, milling machines and welding fitters. Come teach.

This is how Sunday engineers are born.

A similar pattern has not changed much after 30 years.

A chemical plant has produced new chemical products, a food plant has produced new food additives, and a machinery plant has produced new equipment. But if you look deeper, it’s easy to find that this chemical plant, this food factory, This machinery factory does not have its own research institute.

Not to mention that ordinary factories are gone. Many listed companies do not have large research expenditures in their financial reports.

So, is it that workers who have only received elementary and secondary education have figured it out by themselves after they have studied advanced mathematics, CAD drawing and the principles of Marx?

If you ask the boss of a business, the boss will surely say something crazy! How high the wages of workers are, they are a little bit technical, and they are more than five thousand yuan a month, and they need to understand Marx’s principles or something, and the monthly salary is properly broken. Who wants to use such expensive labor to do research?

It is enough to raise a researcher for three to five thousand yuan a month. That’s it, the factory is reluctant to raise it. Who knows how long it will take him to research something.

Raise a worker whose salary is twice that of a researcher to do research. For such a wasteful spirit, don’t hesitate to get rid of the matter, wait for him to infect the entire factory?

Think of the scene in a factory where workers are working attentively while concentrating on research, using production-grade raw materials to do experiments, and wasting the boss’ crotch. It is fascinating.

However, as the rear of scientific research, the higher the technical content of the factory, the stronger the ability to promote scientific research.

It’s like all kinds of reagents and equipment needed for scientific research, in the final analysis, have to be cheaply produced by the factory, even if they are prepared in a laboratory, there must always be chemically pure and analytically pure basic reagents.

From the bottom up, Yang Rui doesn’t mind spending some time helping these state-owned enterprises and factories regroup.

Anyway, it takes time to buy equipment and redo the project. Naturally, it is necessary to choose higher-value and lucrative ones.

Yang Rui’s understanding of information is superhuman in this era, and his current identity makes him have a superhuman posture in the process of using this information.

The winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology predicts the development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the next ten or twenty years. Accurate is foresight, and inaccuracy is rare.

In fact, Yang Rui’s current status and status inevitably need to write papers related to industrial development. At that time, let alone analyze the industrial development in ten or twenty years, someone will even let you judge the world in fifty years. . Business people, including Hu Chi, Factory Manager Chen, etc., have basically maintained a half-trusted attitude during their travels throughout Europe.

However, they do not have many choices.

The opportunity to purchase equipment is fleeting, and Yang Rui will not stay in a factory or even a city for too long. Factory managers give up a purchase of equipment, and then it is their turn to wait for a long time.

Moreover, next time, they still don’t have much choice.

At this time, the delegation is like a home buyer who has paid the money of intent, and can only choose from the limited space given by the developer.

In the winter of 1987, no one knew how valuable their choice today was.

However, with the passage of time, there are some similar stories circulating in different companies: At the beginning, if our factory donated hundreds of thousands more, there was a project at that time, **x selected away, and earned I don’t know how much. If we were to choose first, there would still be their business.

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