Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1413 reserved

Yang Rui walked out of the concert hall to hide quietly.

Of course, the assembly outside the concert hall is even more noisy, but, after all, no one keeps pulling oneself, talking long and eloquently, and exchanging opinions while exchanging ideas.

Although some international scholars actually like such occasions and even pursue such occasions, Yang Rui has no need to promote relations, especially international relations.

On the one hand, he has his own Huarui Pharmaceuticals and Huarui Laboratories to base, on the other hand, the money of international companies is not so easy to get.

Scholars in Europe and the United States can take money from European and American companies without any scruples—in fact, they are not completely unscrupulous. Sometimes they can’t get public funds if they take money from private companies. If they take public funds, they may not be able to get school funds. If you take money from a black organization, it’s not easy to raise funds in the South. If you take money from a cosmetics group or a pharmaceutical group, you have to give up the banknotes of environmental protection funds. For Yang Rui, you have to be more cautious in taking money. Up.

Although the Chinese have begun to play pragmatism, the former G-spot has not disappeared. Like the money of Japanese companies, can you take it?

If it is sensible, it is possible that among Japan’s more than 100 million people, there are three or five rich people who are willing to contribute to the development of the world and mankind.

Besides, using Japanese money to do research for Chinese scientists does not seem to be a problem. In the decades before China became rich, it did not take less interest-free loans from Japan.

But if you look at the smashing of Japanese cars and the remarks about boycotting Japanese goods from time to time, you will know that no matter how fair the money is, it is not without a price.

As for other countries, it is not bad. South Korea will cause troubles, North Korea will not be quiet, Indonesia has anti-Chinese, Malaysia and Singapore’s Strait of Malacca is simply a problem bomb, not to mention the Middle East, and strange things can happen. . In Europe a little further away, first count the eight-nation coalition forces. The remaining Portugal occupied Macau, the Netherlands occupied Taiwan, and the little-known Bhutan pulled a piece of land in southern Tibet through the McMahon Line…

Since modern times, there have been few countries that have good relations with China. Regardless of the world, you can find three to five points if you want to count the nasty ones.

In this case, you have to be very careful when you take money, especially in the 1980s and 1990s, when people’s emotions were simply exploded. If Yang Rui really used his own money to do research, it would be fine, but in this world, no one can really do this. After all, public funds are needed, which requires public support.

If Bill Gates dared to put his money out for scientists to create, at most it would be to watch two tsunamis-it must be bigger than a splash of water, but if you think about it, if scientists really use money to create tsunamis, pay the money. People still feel tired.

All in all, Yang Rui had a choice about who to take the money and how to take the money.

He is also qualified to choose.

The same scholars, even Nobel Prize scholars, have different status.

Some Nobel Prize scholars get hundreds of millions of dollars in funding a year in wealthy schools and majors, and just do their research. This is also the main means for prestigious schools to attract high-end scholars.

However, such scholars also have relatively small self-determination rights. Whatever money they can get and what money they can’t, they must be controlled by the school. For example, Harvard stipulates that donations cannot be provided with conditions. No matter how attractive the funds are, Harvard scholars will not get it.

In comparison, scholars like Yang Rui can’t leave all matters other than scientific research behind, but they have greater decision-making power.

If there is a high enough price, Yang Rui believes that Peking University will not mind changing the name of its School of Life Sciences. As for things like the Yifu Building, it will not be a problem, and it will save the trouble of naming Building No.1 and No.2.

In addition, the funding required for different scientific research projects is also different. Theoretical physicists can think behind closed doors, and experimental physicists will lose their hair for the construction of the particle accelerator.

Biology’s expenses are not as high as that of chemistry. It is more expensive than chemistry. After all, it is still not as expensive as physics. In addition to the domestic expenses and status, Yang Rui’s situation is between sleeping and running. between.

Just a banquet, Yang Rui’s own judgment ability is not enough to test the sanity of the money.

Therefore, Yang Rui also gave up the opportunity to chat and mix funds.

There are scholars who can earn millions of dollars in just a few words, but Yang Rui is obviously not a marketing type.

Rather than staying in the concert hall and being watched and harassed, Yang Rui might as well go out for a drink.

The dinner party was originally meant to give everyone a reasonable opportunity to drink. At least the Swedes’ dinner party is like this. The previous Nobel Prize winners are usually more reserved, or they are too old, so that after Yang Rui walked out of the concert hall, he was not only attracted by media reporters. The attention of Swedes also received cheers from the Swedes.

The drunk Swedes are like dogs in the cold zone when they arrive in the tropics Seeing almost anything, they can’t help but want to show joy. Yang Rui has such a big lump of fresh meat, throw it out, and immediately Surrounded by a few sturdy men.

Ordinary people watching Swedes on TV or watching Swedish men in small movies are usually handsome guys with abdominal muscles. In reality, most Swedes are burly middle-aged or sub-middle-aged. people.

The long one is a bit distinctive, with a little tidying up and adding a beard, it is almost like a barbarian in the game.

Of course, in some games, directly replacing the barbarians with Vikings seems to be an improvement.

Accompanied by the cheers of a group of Vikings, Yang Rui drank the amount as quickly as possible, only to feel that the world seemed to be blurred.

“Swedish vodka is amazing!” Yang Rui started speaking in Chinese automatically, and his translation didn’t know whether it should be translated or not.

And the most serious question is not about translating Chinese, but whether or not to let Yang Rui be so profane.

Yes, in the eyes of the embassy staff, Yang Rui, who is already a Nobel Prize winner, obviously should be mature and stable to represent a good national image.

Unfortunately, Yang Rui would not listen to the words of a small translator, and the others in the embassy were hiding far away at this time.

Outside the barbarian, no, outside the circle of Vikings, groups of reporters were rushing to take photos in various poses.

Moreover, unlike the image of paparazzi in the past, there are more serious reporters today, wearing serious suits and white shirts, and taking as little serious photos as possible.

When Mitchels rushed out, he could barely pick up a few leftovers.

Looking at Yang Rui, who can be carried and played by anyone, Mitchels is heartbroken and can’t wait to learn Chinese for three years, just to scream in Yang Rui’s ear: Yang Ye, can we be more reserved?

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