Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1421 Pros and cons

Domestic celebrations are no weaker than Sweden’s.

The Swedes held a huge dinner party, and the domestic banquet was even larger; the Swedes played their own symphony for each Nobel Prize winner, and several domestic orchestras nearly broke their heads in order to name Nobel; the King of Sweden gave every Nobel prize. The Bell Prize winners reserved 5 minutes of chat time, and Yang Rui got an afternoon to play the right time.

As Yang Rui had expected, the main point of the conversation was to select a new project for Yang Rui.

The international prestige brought by the Nobel Prize has not surprisingly portrayed Yang Rui as a benchmark figure in the Chinese scientific community.

Speaking of which, this is also a very sad story.

Major developed countries in the world receive Nobel Prizes every year, but third-world countries always need geniuses or rare opportunities to get Nobel Prizes.

In order to artificially synthesize bovine insulin, China formed a huge scientific research team and carried out public relations that did not fall behind. It is said that even Premier Zhou had come forward, but after all he could not get it.

As for Yuan Longping’s older generation of scholars, limited to domestic conditions, they have always emphasized application over academics. Although they are well-known in China, they cannot be regarded as national business cards.

And a country needs a business card.

The Post Office even began to consider whether to issue a new set of stamps for Yang Rui.

The only worry is Yang Rui’s follow-up research work.

Unlike the “lifetime achievement” Nobel Prize winner, although Yang Rui has accumulated a long time, it is only a few years in terms of time.

Such a short period of time is not enough to make investors feel at ease, whether they are private investors or “institutional” investors.

Compared with “famous scientists”, the loss of national business cards is even more unacceptable.

For example, the former “national scientist” Hwang Woo-suk of South Korea, Haruko Obokata, a beautiful scientist from Japan, and Lysenko from the Soviet Union, brought more than just shame.

Yang Rui’s youth naturally brought corresponding worries.

From a safety point of view, it is a good thing for Yang Rui to participate in the Human Genome Project.

If it were the management era of the Academy of Sciences, Yang Rui might really be dispatched to participate in the Human Genome Project.

It’s not that there is anything wrong with the Human Genome Project. Yang Rui has always expressed support for the project. However, participation plan and hosting plan are two concepts.

The Human Genome Project is a truly international scientific research project. It is easy for Yang Rui to stand out in the project. He has already done it. However, if you want to host the project, it often depends on how much you bring. funds.

Dalbecco once traveled to and from Japan for funding. The British Sanger relied on two Nobel Prizes and the full support of the British government. He was struck by the river and became a prince of the human genome. If Yang Rui just took an individual to participate in the project. , At most, in the entire route, a laboratory project is divided into, let alone a key role, it can have one-thousandth of the workload, which is regarded as Dalbec’s face.

Yang Rui worked hard to win the Nobel Prize, but he was not going to be an advanced experimental dog.

To “clone sheep” first is a plan that Yang Rui has carefully considered.

This is a very important project that not only has important scientific significance, but also has important social, political and economic significance.

His scale and academic value are naturally not comparable to the Human Genome Project, but his influence is not inferior to it.

There are not many people who have not heard of cloned Dolly the sheep, and there are even fewer who don’t know that they are cloned. The resulting film and television works are enough to let the most silly and stupid idiots know these two words, as to whether they understand it correctly. , That’s another matter.

The first big project after winning the Nobel Prize is like the first shot to be fired. It should be clean and tidy.

The Human Genome Project in 1987 is still in fundraising and preliminary preparations. According to history, it will not be officially launched until 90 years ago.

Yang Rui didn’t want to be trapped in the endless mud, burying himself for 20 years, and then he was praised for his craftsmanship when he was 40 years old.

Do you really use biologists as cell assemblers?

“The cloning project is the most suitable big project for the Chinese scientific community in my opinion. The cloning group established by Huarui and the ion channel laboratory, the Haidian Genetic Engineering Laboratory, which has done bovine embryo transfer, can do all kinds of projects. Seen as a pre-project for cloned sheep…” Yang Rui sat in front of Qiao Gong with a calm tone and a steady posture.

“So, the cloning project is the big project you proposed in Sweden?” Academician Zhu sat next to him, regarded as Gong Qiao’s academic translator.

Yang Rui nodded and said, “To clone,’embryo transfer’ must be overcome and can be seen as a pre-project that must be completed, because cloned sheep itself is to transfer the embryo with the nucleus to another. Yes. We have a team with the highest embryo transfer success rate in the world. This is not something that fell from the sky. It was obtained through hard practice, research, and huge investment. This advantage is faster than the world’s top laboratories. In about two years, it is also one of the few areas where we have absolute advantages in China, which is very suitable for further development.”

The success rate of cloned sheep is very low. The lowest part is the replacement of the nucleus, and no one hopes that the embryos that pass the screening will be lost during the transfer.

It can be said that in the past few years, Yang Rui not only has not been distanced by the world-class genetic engineering laboratory, but has narrowed the distance.

In terms of the success rate of embryo transfer alone, the genetic engineering laboratory of Haidian District under Yang Rui’s hands is still far ahead.

“However, cloning will inevitably bring related ethical issues.” Academician Zhu continued to ask questions so that Gong Qiao could fully understand the situation.

Yang Rui said: “Biology involves living things and human beings. It will involve many ethical issues. It is a double-edged sword, but we can’t give up food because of choking. The development of animal cloning technology has been accumulated for half a century. Tong Dizhou, an early biologist in my country, is one of the developers in this direction, and the cloning of low-level organisms has long appeared, but it has not caused too many topics.”

After a pause, Yang Rui said again: “Now it’s actually time to get a kick. I don’t do this project. In a few years, Americans, British or Japanese will do it. In fact, as far as I know, At least three laboratories in the United States are already studying cloning, and the slowest progress is less than 10 years away from mammals. Could it be that after ten years, we must rely on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to condemn them?”

Academician Zhu and Qiao Gong couldn’t help laughing.

“The benefits that cloning can bring are far more than the ethical issues it brings. In my opinion, the ethical issues of cloning are issues that we have to face sooner or later. Therefore, it is the value to strive for its benefits. Where.”

“Oh, let’s talk about it.” Qiao was fair.

“The first one is for medical purposes. The cloning of mammals is not simply the cloning of an animal. It represents the overall development of cloning technology. In medical care, if you want to clone cells or organs, you must first complete animals. Cloning, unless an important branch of medicine is cut off, otherwise, the value of cloning in medical treatment will become higher and higher.”

Yang Rui looked at Academician Zhu, then looked at Qiao Gong, and said: “Second, the value of agriculture, improved plants and improved livestock, their penetration rate, at the current rate, is too low. Embryo transfer Technology can only solve primary problems, and the cost is still very high. It cannot be compared with cloning technology at all.”

“En.” Qiao Gong understood, and nodded slightly.

Solving the problem of eating has always been a big problem for the Chinese.

“Third, cloning is one of the ultimate means to solve species extinction. Species extinction is one of the greatest fears of contemporary humans. We don’t want to stay alone on the earth. However, the cost of protecting animals and plants is very high. It is not completely under our control. However, if we have mastered the cloning technology, we will have an additional countermeasure. Especially for animals and plants with very small populations The meaning of cloning is difficult. Estimate…” Yang Rui briefly described the cloning technology since he was a child, and let out a tired sigh.

Qiao Gong hadn’t spoken yet, and Academician Zhu coughed and said: “Yang Rui, you have to think about it. Once you start research, you will suffer cold words if you can’t do it. If you do it, I’m afraid it might be condemned by the public. Instein was also blamed for the atomic bomb.”

“Of course, I know.” Yang Rui was naturally clear. But this is what he doesn’t care about the most.

When Wilmot completed the sheep cloned, he was indeed vilified a lot, so that when he went to bed at night, he would be harassed by phone calls, walked on the road, and even tracked and threatened by others. Environmental protection organizations changed their methods to attack.

However, will these problems be a problem in China?

Extremist environmental groups attack biological research institutes in China? Doesn’t that mean giving away heads?

Tracking threats is even more nonsense. If you can find a way, you will have to lose all within three days, and you will be happy if you can voluntarily repatriate the rest.

As for phone harassment? They have to make a phone call first.

After the initial hot spot, cloned sheep brought a lot of praise.

Whether cloning can be implemented is one thing. To complete cloning is a great achievement. Even the stupidest person will gradually distinguish between the two.

Compared with the pressures experienced by the British, Yang Rui is obviously much more relaxed.

“What kind of support do you need?” Qiao Gong said slowly.

Yang Rui hurriedly said: “Confidentiality. Additional personnel, a large amount of funds and the cooperation of some units.”

“No problem.” Qiao Gong didn’t need to ask the specific numbers to make a decision.

Academician Zhu couldn’t help being envious. The feeling of holding a Shangfang sword for resources, he felt it once and couldn’t forget it.

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