Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1491

Chapter 1424 Eight thousand eight hundred and eleven

January 1, 1988.

This day was originally New Year’s Day, when all units across the country had a holiday, the location of Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory was noisy like a large construction site.

Of course, this was originally a construction site.

Excavators, bulldozers, cranes, and trucks are all around, and pallets transporting sand, cement, and steel building materials are constantly flowing. Warriors in gray camouflage uniforms carry poles on their shoulders and carry iron shovel. The dust that was thrown up was like a dirty mist, and it was filthy and could not be seen clearly.

If judged according to environmental protection standards, the construction site here should have been given a five-star bad rating long ago.

However, the cadres of the municipal party committee and ministries who came to inspect, all smiled.

The officers of the Engineering Corps Command also have a bright face, carefully introducing every equipment and construction technology, and mentioning the serial number, they can detail every battle and general battle they participated in.

“Directly issued by the Military Commission, not to be a swearer, not to hold a meeting, and vowed to complete the construction of the 8811 project!” Taking advantage of the joy of the leaders, the officer in the regiment said aloud, and immediately received various approvals.

“The swearing-off meeting is not done, not because the 8811 project is not important, but because the 8811 project is too important and resolutely supports the decision of the Military Commission.” The commander held his hands behind his back and stood on the steps, still not forgetting to express his attitude.

The military newspaper reporter next to him immediately wrote in his notes.

“The 8811 project is a secret key project. No swearing, no meeting, not only to spend time and energy in the project, but also because of the requirement of confidentiality. The military newspaper can record it, but it must not be mentioned when publishing an article. Specific personnel and location.” The division political commissar softly reminded the military newspaper reporter.

The reporter hurriedly nodded and said, “Certainly, after the article is written, it must be handed over to relevant departments for review.”

“The engineering group must also strictly abide by the confidentiality regulations. I have said this many times, but I still want to say that it must be strictly confidential, understand?” The division political commissar no longer speaks softly to the regiment political commissar.

“We must strictly abide by the confidentiality regulations. The regiment has already announced the requirements to the camp, each company, each platoon, each class, and everyone.” The regiment’s political commissar paused and said: “After the entire regiment announced the opening, Letters sent abroad are not allowed to be sealed. They must be inspected by the company and regiment at two levels. They will be sealed uniformly only after they are qualified, and everything will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of wartime.”

The division political commissar asked a few more questions and was satisfied, and then glanced at the officers in the command headquarters.

When it was the turn of the city party committee leader to speak again, he set his sights on Dai Yingxiong’s face and asked, “Are there any difficulties now?”

“There are indeed some problems. I hope that the municipal party committee and government can help solve them.” Dai Yingxiong seized the opportunity and said immediately; “First of all, the problem of accommodation is difficult to solve. The 8811 project originally only provided tents and temporary houses for more than 100 people. Half of the canteen did not have a roof, and now more than 1,000 people have arrived at once, and the tents have not been put in place in time. The soldiers are struggling in their boats and vehicles, and their rest is not good, which greatly affects the combat effectiveness.”

The leader of the municipal party committee nodded and did not immediately express his position.

“The second is the heating problem. The weather is very cold now. Only a few hours at noon during the day are above zero, and the rest of the time is below zero. The heating equipment on the construction site is insufficient, and the fuel is not enough.” Dai Yingxiong stopped. Immediately, said: “I originally said that the problem can be solved by burning diesel temporarily, but the engineering team rejected it after researching.”

“Diesel itself is not enough.” The head of the delegation explained: “Our regiment received the order to load the trucks day and night. Prioritize the delivery of heavy equipment. The whole military train is to bring construction machinery in a hurry. If the diesel is burned, the heavy equipment will have to lie down. When the time comes, the workload of an excavator will have to be replaced by a platoon of fighters. The gain is not worth the loss.”

“Then the heating problem, how is it solved now?” The leaders of the municipal party committee had to be concerned. Poor housing is one thing. If the heating problem is not solved, it will instantly cause frostbite and even more serious conditions.

Not to mention that the cities in the 1980s were colder. Compared with the urbanites of later generations, the heating problem in the north was always prominent in the 1980s. In the cities of later generations, you can find warm places at will, open shopping malls, subways and even buses, private company buildings or your own homes, and cars are all warm, so much so that many northerners’ coats , I don’t even need to wear a sweater, anyway, it’s just a few minutes to go out and ride in the car, and the heat on my body hasn’t dissipated.

But in the 1980s, the situation was completely different.

First of all, all public facilities such as shopping malls are not provided with heating. Of course, the office and home can be heated or stoves, but that is limited to a very narrow space. For example, if the home uses the stove in the living room during the day, and there is no kang at night , I rely on shaking to warm the quilt.

The same is true in the office. The leader’s office is warmer in the place where everyone’s work is most concentrated, but it is also necessary to wear sweaters and even quilted jackets. When you go to the corridor or in the toilet, you can’t find any heat.

In such an environment, ordinary people will feel cold all day long, and if they have time, they can’t wait to hug the stove to keep warm. On the construction site, the lack of fuel is very miserable, and the lack of fuel without a good accommodation environment is even more miserable. .

The head of the delegation said: “We first took some activity funds to buy coal. However, the coal quota in the capital is also very tight. We don’t buy much, and most of them are broken coal. We can only make some briquettes…”

“The soldiers spend their time building temporary houses and collecting heating materials. It is a waste.” Dai Yingxiong said: “The weather will get colder and colder. If this problem cannot be solved, the construction period cannot be high-speed and high-level. carry out.”

High speed and high level is a slogan, hung on the wall at the intersection.

“Lao Han, do you think the Material Bureau can think of a solution?” the municipal party committee leader asked the people behind.

“It’s okay to deploy some coal. Heating equipment is now in demand everywhere. You can make some briquettes first, and then buy some cast iron furnaces…” Lao Han said in a more detailed manner. He just visited the construction site and knew what he needed now. , I have already gone through it in my mind.

“Please work overtime from the factory to produce part of it.” The leader turned around and said to the secretary. Nowadays, most of the factories are still state-owned enterprises, especially the small enterprises in the capital. Most of them are subordinate to the sub-district or district committees. They will only work hard when they receive the order from the city committee.

“The housing problem is always a big problem.” The municipal party committee leader spoke slowly again and said: “In this regard, everyone will brainstorm.”

A group of people murmured.

In fact, all the cadres present were experienced cadres. The situation at the construction site has been seen for a long time, but now it is just an exchange of opinions and a consensus.

“In order to buy time, we can only find a way to provide ready-made houses.” The cadre of the Urban Construction Bureau, Qi Ai Ai proposed the plan.

“Where can I find a ready-made house?”

“This… it’s easier to do this…”

“No, it’s not possible to separate the resettlement. There is no way to keep it confidential. It must be resettled in a centralized manner. It is really not possible. Our engineering team would rather work harder.” The team leader is not guilty at all. He eats and sleeps with the soldiers, and lives with no roof at night. The canteen, the thin sleeping bag, and the hot bonfire. Although the conditions are difficult, they are conducive to the completion of the task. There is no objection from the project team. If you compare the conditions, the capital will not be worse than the poor mountains and ridges of the southwest.

The cadre of the Urban Construction Bureau was a little entangled and said: “The housing is very tight now, centralized resettlement, there is no such big place at all. I want more than 1,000 people to live well and warm without spending a lot of man-hours to build temporary housing. At least 5,000 square meters of housing is needed, that is, about 4 square meters per capita, in order to be able to afford to eat, drink and take a bath at the same time…”

The more the cadre talked, the more helpless he became, completely different from what he had imagined.

“The way I figured it out.” The municipal party committee leader paused and said, “Bold hypothesis, and be careful to verify it.”

The two people from the Urban Construction Bureau looked at each other, and finally the director who came with him said: “It really doesn’t work, you have to requisition the existing houses.”

“How to requisition?” The leader’s expression remained unchanged, and he didn’t know how much impact this would have after repeated attempts.

In terms of housing conditions in the capital, family conditions are relatively good. A couple with two or three children can be allocated a 30-square-meter two-bedroom apartment.

Single young people basically have to live together. Two or three people with better unit conditions and a 10-square-meter house, and those with poor conditions use bunk beds. It is normal for eight people and ten people to fit in a tube. It’s no different from a university dormitory.

In China in 1988, the concept of the living room was not popular. Except for senior cadres, who can be extravagant enough to have a living room?

Even high-level cadres, if there are many children in the family, a bed must be placed in the original living room, and at most it will be pulled up with a curtain.

In such an environment, more than 1,000 people requisitioned about 5,000 square meters of housing, which is equivalent to 1,000 families, and hundreds of single young people to vacate houses.

Although the houses are all units and national, the movement is too big.

The director of urban construction said bit the bullet: “Within a few kilometers nearby, there are the family homes of the woolen mill, the family homes of the aluminum factory, and the family homes of the General Machinery Factory. In addition, the city hospital and education system also have separate dormitories here. floor……”

“If you coordinate the relocation, you have to explain to everyone that this is only temporary. In addition, the relocation work should be meticulous, and the allocated housing conditions should not be worse than the original, especially for families with large populations, and try not to affect the original life, and It is necessary to take care of the question of whether it is convenient for their children to go to school… The original house should not be changed or destroyed as much as possible…” The leader did not say a specific plan, but only asked for it, and the people below could only nod their heads in agreement.

The plan was thus determined. The surrounding enterprises and institutions and the family hospitals of the agencies vacated 5,000 square meters of housing for the soldiers of the engineering team to unify commuting and security work.

The officers of the engineering corps did not expect to receive such care, and some people couldn’t help but fill their eyes.

The head of the delegation is a sincere person. Hearing this, he couldn’t help taking a step forward and rushing to Dai Yingxiong said: “The city is so thoughtful for us. We dare not ask for other requirements. The housing of 5000 square meters is also so thoughtful. Too much, and the impact is too great. 2000 square meters is enough. We squeeze and hit the floor. Two months have passed.”

“High-quality engineering requires high-quality logistical support. 2000 square meters are not enough. You have to work hard during the day and always have to wash your feet with hot water at night. 2000 square meters is only 1.5 square meters per capita, and then the kitchen will have to live in. , How do you boil water and how do you eat?”

“The construction troop works in three shifts, and there is no need to arrange accommodation for 1,200 people at a time.” The head of the team argued, unwilling to cause trouble.

Dai Yingxiong shook his head and said, “No, I am the chief engineer. I have presided over more major projects than you. I have the final say. Logistics support is the reflection of construction quality… In other words, logistics support is the mirror of construction quality. In addition, the city has to help with the construction materials and vehicle oil. Especially high-grade cement, which is now in short supply. Construction in winter, without suitable materials, will definitely not pass. …”

Dai Yingxiong, who has done many major projects, knows too much about the importance of fighting for resources, and is far from a solid leader.

The leaders at all levels who came to inspect also ignored the words of the head of the delegation. If they were too restrictive, they would not be needed. It is better not to do it well, everyone understands.

Finally, the leaders of the municipal party committee made a summary: “The 8811 project, which is the Yang Rui genetic engineering laboratory project, is an important support for China to realize the four modernizations in the 21st century , and is the brave exploration of Chinese science…”

“Today’s world is changing rapidly. We must not only work honestly, work hard, but also forge ahead, innovate and seek truth. By completing the 8811 project one day earlier, China’s biological sciences and China’s science and technology can catch up quickly. Developed countries…”

“Comrades, there is not much time left for us. Just this morning, I just saw the report. In 1987, Taiwan, one of the four Asian dragons, had a per capita GDP exceeding US$5,000, and South Korea also had US$3,500. Singapore has reached US$7,700, and Hong Kong is even closer to the 9000 mark, ranking 26th in the world. As for China, ranking 122nd in the world, with a per capita GDP of less than US$300, which is one-thirtieth of Hong Kong!”

“How are we going to catch up with other countries? How will the Chinese nation stand among the nations? Here, I quote Comrade Xiaoping’s speech at the Symposium on Science and Education in 1977: Our country must catch up with the world’s advanced level , Where should I start? “I” think, start with science and education, “If you don’t focus on science and education, the four modernizations will have no hope and become empty talk…”

The head of the head was full of energy when he heard it, and it was poetic, and muttered to himself: “The strong year-old banner supports the ten thousand husbands, and the Jinxu rides across the river at the beginning…”

“What?” The political commissar did not hear clearly and looked back.

The group leader gritted his teeth and raised his arms and shouted: “Work hard, the world is home!”

The head of the regiment shouted the slogan, and the soldiers around immediately followed, and while continuing to work, they shouted like chants: “Hard hard work, the whole world is home!”

Hard work!


The same is true.

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