Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1427 Module

All human expectations and fears of cloning are in fact an understanding of the future.

The cloning in the 80s, or the cloning in 2010, has neither practical application value nor the need for fear.

However, if this is used as a starting point, by 2050, cloning will become very useful and terrible.

From a technical perspective, this is mainly because cloning can be very modular.

The cloning development process is very cumbersome, but if you lock all the cumbersome into the module, it is very simple.

Take cloned sheep as an example. First, the cells of sheep No. 1 come out and the nucleus is taken. This is the first module. Tuck the nucleus of Sheep No. 1 into the enucleated egg cell of Sheep No. 2. This is the second module. The egg cell is stuffed into the body of Sheep No. 3, and a lamb is delivered by Sheep No. 3. This is the third module.

The three steps, to simplify, can be called nucleus, plug nucleus, and give birth.

If all three modules are breached, automated technology can be adopted for all of them, just like PCR machines after 2010. Just find a cave with electricity, or any bear kid’s bedroom, and start the operation. Cloned.

Imagine how comfortable it would be for such a convenient technology to be used in agriculture, medical treatment and animal husbandry. Even Chinese medicine will benefit endlessly. If you want rhino horn powder, no problem, clone a rhino for you, or just clone it. It is not difficult for a rhinoceros horn to come out-the new outlet will be a pharmacy scene, allowing customers to watch you clone a rhino on the spot, and they can also ride and play for a while and then cut the horns. The user experience is brutal and interesting.

If the convenience is used to infringe the rights of others, it may also infringe the flowers. Without involving terrorist organizations and other high-end crimes, when anyone with a complete set of equipment can clone a wagyu cow, the mood of the Japanese will probably not be too happy. In fact, when the cloning technology was confirmed, merino wool was required to be inactivated for export, but the wool can be inactivated, and the beef inactivation plan is somewhat difficult.

However, convenient technologies are all developed.

Standing on the land of China in 1988, Yang Rui faced first and foremost difficulties.

The first hurdle of cloned sheep is superovulation.

Yes, it is the same technique as superovulation required for embryo transfer in cattle.

On that day, Yang Rui agreed to the proposal of Ding Shixi and others to establish a genetic engineering laboratory in Haidian District, because many techniques of bovine embryo transfer can be used for cloning.

However, if you want to transplant directly without thinking about it at all, it is impossible to do it.

Don’t say that one is superovulation of cattle, and the other is superovulation of sheep. Even if it is the same cattle, the requirements of different breeds are still different.

For Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory that has not been built on the test site, the task is even more complicated. Because they are not facing the problem of transferring technology from cattle to sheep, but transferring technology from cattle to 34 species of sheep.

Yang Rui was not sure which breed of sheep would eventually be adopted to replace Dolly. Therefore, in the laboratory, he could only post a large blank paper with the names of all the 34 breeds of sheep written on it and tried in groups.

Use hormones, do not use hormones, under a neutral environment, under a slightly acidic environment, under a slightly alkaline environment…

If all the possibilities were permuted and combined, it would not be enough to expand Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory tenfold.

Therefore, Yang Rui just drew a line. Once a kind of sheep can test a suitable combination, it will pass. If it fails, it will be eliminated in the first round.

Someone might say, what is the relationship between superovulation and cloned sheep?

In fact, it is still the relationship between cost and time.

Because in the second step, putting the nucleus of sheep one into the unfertilized egg cell of sheep two will encounter countless failures.

The nucleus of Sheep One can be selected from various somatic cells, the raw materials are unlimited, and the number of egg cells is limited.

If you don’t use superovulation, you need more sheep.

A few thousand are not necessarily enough.

Why is Hwang U-suk, a national scientist in South Korea, discredited? When he was doing cloning, because the donated egg cells from the society were not enough, he forced female researchers and female students in the laboratory to provide egg cells. It was a terrible mess and basically stepped on the area of ​​evil scientists.

Although cloned sheep does not involve such problems, the egg cells that a sheep can provide are very limited. Therefore, sheep of breeds with low superovulation efficiency are basically not usable.

It’s not without reason that a cloned sheep takes several years.

Even though Yang Rui had made a lot of arrangements and preparations, it was only the first step of the second module and the completion of Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory took almost three months.

And during this time, the first step of the first module, the extraction of the nucleus is still in the foreseeable future!

The 8811 project that has just been established is so silent that it is really disappointing that the establishment of Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory shows almost no signs of big business. Although there are a lot of media reporters, they have won promises with Yang Rui. The scale ratio at the time of the Bell Award was far from insufficient.

As an official representative, Hu Chi was very worried about Yang Rui’s random thinking. When he saw Yang Rui, he said: “Everyone knows that scientific research takes time. No one expects you to produce results in two or three months. The media is chasing after you. Hot, it’s not easy to hear so many people coming this time.”

“No, Peking University, Tsinghua University and the Academy of Sciences have come forward together. Those who play in the science and technology sector have to give face.” Yang Rui laughed, and there was nothing on the surface.

Hu Chi was even more worried, and said: “This is not everyone’s face, it’s confidence in you. Don’t worry, as far as I know, the leader still trusts you very much now. You only need to do your research carefully. Besides, yours. The laboratory has just been completed, so if you count the time, it’s the beginning stage.”

Among the leaders Hu Chi knew, he naturally included Qiao Gong, and even specifically referred to Qiao Gong.

Yang Rui responded immediately: “Thank you for your concern. However, we have already started, and there will be no big problems in terms of progress.”

“Don’t follow the progress, it will affect your own rhythm.” Hu Chi is very considerate of Yang Rui.

He has experience in contact with the scientific community. He knows that many steps in scientific research can actually be changed. However, the fastest step is not necessarily the best way, and the pattern of early results is not necessarily beneficial to the later stage. Research.

For the current Yang Rui, research is done quickly and many small results are produced. Apart from a little propaganda advantage, it is unnecessary.

What is the value of domestic media reports? If it is really necessary, all media on the propaganda front must have the same caliber. Hu Chi is very worried that Yang Rui will not see this and choose the wrong way of expression.

Of course, Hu Chi would never remind scientists with ordinary relationships.

Yang Rui couldn’t help but smile, and said: “I do it at my own pace, don’t worry, I have no reason to follow the progress.”

“I’m afraid you pay too much attention to the media.” Hu Chi’s worries cannot be said to be groundless. The power of the media is very powerful, and even the praises of articles can easily make people drift off, and small curses can also be depressing.

Yang Rui grew up in flowers. If there is less applause, you may be unhappy, not to mention that there has been no recent results, and it is easy to be scolded A large amount of funds and policies have been invested in, and it has been three months , There is only news about the completion of a new laboratory, Hu Chi can already imagine the serious face of the media’s righteous rhetoric.

Yang Rui smiled and said, “If the media pays no attention to it, if it can’t affect the funding, nothing is considered.”

He blinked as he spoke, making Hu Chi stunned.

This is completely different from the scientists he is familiar with.

It can only be said that this is a deviation of the understanding of the two eras.

In the 21st century, the most important thing for scholars is funding, and the second is experimental conditions. With these two items, those who can make achievements are omnipotent, and those who can’t make achievements can also get some benefits.

But in the 1980s, the focus of scholars was completely different. Because scholars cannot flow freely, apart from science, they also talk about politics. Even the judgment of honor is not necessarily based on results. This makes everyone pay much attention to public opinion, not only the views of the leadership, but also the voice of the masses.

There won’t be so many troubles in the 21st century. Scholars can not only change jobs but even go abroad. Therefore, although everyone cares about the views of the leaders, they have no sense of fear of the masses. Social media is not the first priority.

When Yang Rui was a graduate student, funding had become the lifeblood of scholars, and only with funding could he be qualified to talk about other things. Of course, liberal arts scholars still mainly talk about politics, after all, they are doing subjective questions.

Under the gaze of the media, which is smaller than usual but still in large numbers, Yang Rui completed the ribbon-cutting and speaking steps, and announced that the 8811 project has officially entered the experimental stage.

For Bo Geng Xin and others, this also means that the confidentiality requirements have soared by two levels.

“Any living creature in the yard, even a sheep, must be innocent.” Bo Geng Xin looked solemnly at the closed-door meeting of the Security Department.

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