Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1496

Chapter 1429 screw

In the era of a game of chess across the country, scientists are also a screw in national construction.

Sometimes it is an important screw, and sometimes it is a screw that is forcibly screwed on.

In later generations, scholars will apply for the project themselves, and the funding unit will only care about whether it is approved or not. Finally, the peer review model is used to determine the results. It was gradually implemented in the mid to late 1980s, but it will take ten years before it is fully implemented.

Before that, there were very few scholars who really had the freedom of scientific research.

Of course, the freedom of scientific research of any scholar is relative. For example, in the ongoing Iran-Iraq War, if one party suddenly sacrifices superb biological weapons or even genetic weapons, whether Yang Rui needs to cooperate with relevant research and follow-up is a national consideration, and there is not much room for willfulness. .

Deng Jiaxian eventually became the chief designer of China’s nuclear weapons because of various considerations. His academic ability is certainly one aspect, on the other hand, low-key personality, pure background, suitable age, etc., are also important reasons.

Yang Rui’s laboratory, the previous projects, are important and important, but the timeliness is a bit worse after all. The so-called changing the world, some projects change the world as soon as they are completed, such as the atomic bomb, such as airplanes, such as the Internet, but some projects, although they will also change the world, can only be described as moisturizing things silently. For example, the research of potassium ion channels will save millions of lives in the next 20 to 30 years, and further save tens of millions of people in the next 50 or even a hundred years with updated technological models. Human life is not enough to change the world.

PCR can be said to change the world. At the moment PCR was invented, the world of criminal investigation has undergone tremendous changes, just as fingerprints have changed all criminal methods. The development model of biology and medicine has also been permanently changed, whether it is disease screening or treatment, it has changed the operating mode of many existing technologies.

Not only that, all technological innovations that change the world also bring about changes in the human spiritual world.

It is like an atomic bomb. With the capabilities of the Manhattan Project in the United States, nuclear bombs are really going to be used to wash the ground and flatten the Japanese archipelago. They have to wait at least another year or even longer. Uranium enrichment determines the progress of the production of the atomic bomb.

However, the atomic bomb actually ended World War II and permanently and immediately changed the post-war situation.

The same is true for airplanes.

Different from the freedom of hot air balloons and airships, the airplane has completely changed the world from the first day of its birth. If you look at the society’s vision for the future 100 years ago, different flight modes will always be the focus.

Cloning sheep will also bring about permanent changes in human thinking.

Dolly sheep itself is nothing, it is a sheep suffering from arthritis, weak as a chicken.

However, from the moment Dolly Sheep was born, every state of its existence represented extraordinary meaning.

Prior to this, embryo transfers such as cattle could only choose existing embryos for transplantation. The desire to rapidly expand the number of a population was still subject to various restrictions.

This is not the case after cloned sheep.

In theory, one person can clone endlessly thousands of human clones, and the same is true for cloning pandas or golden monkeys.

Looking down on the long river in history, Dolly will be a more conspicuous presence than all World War II generals, and perhaps more important than all World War II leaders. Its arthritic knees will be more important than Roosevelt’s polio; its pneumonia and cough will be more famous than Churchill’s cigars; every day it survives, it will be more important than Stalin’s speech on the red square More important; its evil, if something evil happens, will be bigger and more threatening than Hitler’s plan.

From the perspective of 1988, few people can see more far-reaching than Yang Rui.

However, just what ordinary biologists see is amazing enough.

No one knows what kind of results this Pandora’s Box that is about to open will show everyone.

If you are the leaders of many countries, you may not be able to help but stop the discussion at this time. However, in this period of China, science and technology will never be stopped because it is too advanced.

“You can call someone directly, or you can find someone to recommend. However, if the level of confidentiality is not enough, you can’t describe the details to them.” Book Geng Xin took Gu Qiang to a closed room and gave him a big list.

A list full of names and one-sent resumes, thick enough to stuff two watermelons in.

Gu Qiang asked in surprise: “This is the list of biologists in the country?”

“The level of confidentiality is high. You’d better choose from here first. If it is not enough, you can look for it from the outside. It will take more time for the political review.” Book Geng Xin replied blankly.

Gu Qiang couldn’t help but feel a little guilty: “Whose name can go up? What sort of order is this?”

“Don’t worry about the list made above.”

Gu Qiang thought for a while, and then began to flip through the list. After flipping twice, he flipped to the sequence starting with G, obviously looking for his own name.

Bo Geng Xin didn’t say a word when he saw it, and stood behind Gu Qiang.

Gu Qiang rummaged around, but couldn’t see his name. He was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. He couldn’t help asking, “Why is there no my name?”

“Yours won’t pass.”

“Why?” Gu Qiang was still unwilling and asked, “Your list is too old.”

Book Geng Xin hummed twice and said, “I’m not old.”

“Then why am I missing?”

“You can’t pass the political trial.” Bo Geng Xin raised his eyebrows and said, “Life style is poor.”

Gu Qiang grinned, angry and ashamed, he couldn’t help standing up, and said, “Isn’t it just a matter of men and women Do you remember that I won’t make it in my life?”

“Of course.” Book Geng Xin said so naturally, that Gu Qiang couldn’t resist.

After looking at the list for a few minutes, Gu Qiang finally raised his head and said, “Then I want Wang Liangcai.”

He was kind of asking for trouble.

Wang Liangcai is the mainstay of Biology at the University of Science and Technology of China. Although he has not been promoted to the position of being a leader because of his age, he is also a super high-end combat force in biology in China. That kind, there are a large number of people behind him waiting to start work and dinner with him, come wherever they can say it.

But Geng Xin didn’t even sweep his eyelids, and said, “I wrote it down.”

He did copy the number from the list.

Gu Qiang couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy. He raised his head and said, “Can’t you really find Wang Liangcai?”

“Do you really want him?” Book Geng Xin raised an eyebrow.

“If you can find it, it’s daring to be good, do people want it?” Gu Qiang couldn’t imagine, could he use Wang Liangcai to attack him, and it was because he made people leave their homes and ran over.

Book Geng Xin said calmly: “We invite and inform, whether we are willing to come in the end, it also depends on his personal wishes.”

“Then…how do you tell him?”

“State secrets.” Book Geng Xin lowered his eyelids.

“Okay.” Gu Qiang paused, lowered his head and turned a few pages, and said: “Lian Ping, Wu Kaicheng, I want two people too.”

“Take it down.” The book Geng Xin still doesn’t care about the specific information.

Seeing this, Gu Qiang simply spread out and shouted, as if he didn’t believe in Geng Xin’s counteroffer.

People really don’t bargain.

Until he left the room, Gu Qiang was still a little dizzy. Reasonable and unreasonable requests were made. It seemed that there was no way to escape?

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