Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1499

Chapter 1432 Egg peeling

“Everyone has read the documents in hand, so you can queue up at me and go in to do the experiment.” Xu Zhengping stepped onto the stage and made the test more elegant.

Some scholars who knew him were already slightly commotion at this time.

If it were three or four years ago, few scholars from other places knew Xu Zhengping. He was just an associate professor at Peking University. Even if he met at various conferences, it would be difficult to impress him.

However, the performance of the ion channel at Peking University in the past two or three years. The papers signed by Xu Zhengping frequently appeared in major journals. In addition, Xu Zhengping’s status as deputy director gave him a lot of extra points, which made many people remember Xu Zhengping. name.

The presence of Xu Zhengping means that the ion channel laboratory is presiding over the national project. At the same time, it means that the project leader is likely to be Yang Rui, which makes many people secretly pleased.

Wang Liangcai also relaxed.

If the domestic biological projects are listed in a list, the ion channel laboratory is basically at the top of the list. The projects supported by Yang Rui are even among the first-class. At this time, Yang Rui’s age is not in everyone’s consideration.

All the Nobel Prizes have been won, and being young is already just an advantage.

The most important thing is that the projects that the Nobel Prize winners will be able to obtain must be top-notch in the country. If they fail, they can reach the top-notch level in the world.

This is a rare opportunity.

Wang Liangcai lowered his head and read the document carefully.

“The Peeling of Egg Cell Membrane”-Seeing the file, Wang Liangcai’s mind instantly showed countless pictures.

Students studying genetics in China cannot be said to be unfamiliar with this topic. This is because Tong Di Zhou, who is an old man of Chinese genetics, started his career back then.

For Wang Liangcai, it was more familiar.

He still vividly remembered the scene where Tong Lao taught the experiment.

If it is a bit bigger, “The Peeling of Egg Cell Membrane” can almost be regarded as a starting point for Chinese genetics.

Because Tong Di Zhou relied on this recruiting team to start his family back then. According to the inheritance, the mainstream genetics field in China, especially the field of aquatic genetics, basically regards this kind of practical project as a compulsory course. What is done well is compared to the high-end, and what is not well done is just waiting. It is a natural model.

For a scientific research dog with no background, the high level of experimental operation is certainly not a disadvantage.

Tong Di Zhou studied abroad in 1930, and Martin Luther King was only 1 year old. You can imagine the racial discrimination in the European and American white world at that time.

Tong Dizhou was naturally scorned and ostracized in Brussels, so much so that he wrote in his diary: Chinese people are not stupid people, they should come up with something to win glory for our nation.

If it weren’t for being bullied, he wouldn’t want to vent in the diary.

If it weren’t for nowhere to vent, he wouldn’t have to write it in his diary.

What Tong Di Zhou made was the peeling of the egg cell membrane. Of course, it is not just any stripping of egg cells, but the stripping of frog egg cells.

In the 1930s, no one had done frog egg cell stripping. The egg membrane of a frog egg is soft and thin, with three layers in total. It is extremely difficult to operate under a microscope. If you don’t pay attention, you will have to start again.

Even trained experimenters can hardly deal with frog eggs that are only the size of a millet grain.

Tong Di Zhou took it as a goal. He worked overtime every day until two o’clock in the evening. Finally, practice made perfect. He cleanly peeled off the egg membrane of frog eggs and immediately stood out from countless students.

His professor didn’t care about Tong Di Zhou’s identity as a yellow race. He took Tong Di Zhou to the famous French seaside laboratory to do the peeling of the outer membrane of ascidian eggs, which was only one-tenth the size of frog eggs. , Is still the first to complete it in the first week of Tong, and has since embarked on the pinnacle of life.

Today, many key points of these experiments have been thoroughly studied. It is much easier to say, but it is still a very difficult technique, like heart surgery, which can be done many years ago, but it has never been It’s easy.

Wang Liangcai used to frequently operate this kind of experiment. In recent years, his research direction has changed slightly, so he looked at the document and reviewed it.

Looking closely, Wang Liangcai discovered some differences.

The main points of the operation of this experiment seem to be more detailed, and there are many different places.

Wang Liangcai couldn’t help being interested.

Modifying the experimental points is easier said than done.

Let’s not talk about the book, revise an experimental method, it is the result of several deliberations. If you say it is revised, revise it. You have to see if you have such a big face…

Thinking of this, Wang Liang immediately turned to the back to see the author of the pamphlet.

“Sure enough, it’s Yang Rui.” Wang Liangcai secretly tut.

The face of the Nobel Prize winner is big enough, but if you want to modify the method of an experiment, you have to be quite familiar with the experiment.

Some scholars will do an experiment throughout their lives. After a lifetime, the modification of the original experimental method can only be said to be suture repair. This is like a professional doctor who has done many cases of heart bypass surgery. He may I have done tens of thousands of heart bypass surgeries in a lifetime, but if you want to modify the surgical plan, you can make the revised surgical plan more universal. There is too little that can be done.

Although Wang Liangcai hadn’t done egg cell stripping for several years, the accumulated knowledge was not out of date. When he looked at it with scrutiny, he still found many similarities and differences.

Yang Rui did not make many changes, but there were also many changes in key positions.

Some changes, in Wang Liangcai’s view, are very relevant, but other changes are not very understandable.

If the author of the pamphlet was not Yang Rui, but some other unknown guy, Wang Liang would not work hard to read it when he saw it. However, if the name of the Nobel Prize winner is printed, it can’t be so random.

From the bottom of it, a first-tier scholar like Yang Rui can already be called a rule maker in the scientific research world, while a fourth-tier scholar like Wang Liangcai is not a fourth-tier scholar, but a defender of the rules.

What the maintainer has to do is to understand and run the rules set by the rule makers?

Wang Liangcai frowned, contemplated the contents of the pamphlet, completely forgetting the time.

“Professor Wang, here you are.” Xu Zhengping smiled and came to the front.

Wang Liangcai raised his head and said, “Can you ask someone to do it first?”

“Only you are left.” Xu Zhengping said.

Wang Liang was stunned to discover that he was the only one sitting in the classroom.

“Sorry, sorry.” Wang Liangcai quickly stood up.

Xu Zhengping smiled and shook his head, and said: “It’s okay, but let’s do the test first. If you join the project, there will be time for future research. In our laboratory, everyone is encouraged to think deeply.”

Wang Liangcai packed up his things and followed Xu Zhengping into the next laboratory.

The labs used for testing are all temporarily moved, and they look a bit irregular.

Wang Liangcai looked at the furnishings of the room with a bit of contempt When he got closer, he opened his eyes when he saw the sign on the microscope, and said in surprise, “Is this a real Zeiss lens?”

Later generations know that SLR ruined a lifetime, photography was poor for three generations, and the lens of a Gein camera was more expensive, and the price of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan was staggering.

However, civilian products are after all civilian products, the most professional and expensive lens, if it is not used for paparazzi follow-up shots, it can only be used to waste the art of useless eggs, its ultimate value is to return funds to the manufacturer. Therefore, there are sufficient funds to devote themselves to the research and development of optical microscopes, laser confocal microscopes, X-ray microscopes, super-resolution microscopes, scanning electron microscopes…

In the world of scientific research lenses, hundreds of thousands or millions can only be regarded as the starting price at most. Among the requirements of Shi Yigong’s return to China, the most important one is to have a cryo-electron microscope, so Tsinghua spent 6 million US dollars. I bought a set for him.

As far as the most common optical microscope is concerned, there is also a chain of contempt.

For example, the lens of Zeiss and Leica, the reason why ordinary laboratories don’t use it is not that it can’t be used, but that their projects can’t be used. Of course, they can’t afford it either.

Wang Liangcai couldn’t help but touched the nameplate on the lens. He woke up in a flash and apologized: “Sorry, I didn’t mean it…”

“It’s okay. I was originally preparing for the test. If you pass it back, these are all standard configurations.” Xu Zhengping understands Wang Liangcai’s idea very well. If he were not going to be a cloned sheep, he would not agree with Yang Rui to buy this. Of the lens.

Too **** expensive.

But it’s so **** fun.

Wang Liangcai was even more excited, rubbing his hands, and said, “Just tell me, whose eggs are you going to strip?”

In the laboratory, everyone who has eggs feels cold under the crotch.

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