Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Exercise book

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Yang Rui rested at home for two days before returning to school with two cans of canned food and a can of pickles on his back.

It was exactly noon when he had just put down his things, and saw a crowd of dark people blocking in, some standing on the windowsill, some standing by the door, and some simply standing on the bed. The light in the room suddenly became much dim, as if there were dark clouds on the top.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Rui was startled, feeling like being blocked by a bad boy.

“Brother Rui is back.”

“Good Brother Rui.”

“Brother Rui has worked hard.”

The greetings of the teenagers also reminded Yang Rui inexplicably about the movies he had watched before…or, it should be called the movies he watched “later”…

Cao Baoming forcefully separated the people in front of him and squeezed in front of Yang Rui. He hehe smiled and said: “Brother Rui is playing at home, okay? We all want you to die.”

“Your tone…” Yang Rui pointed at him, “Who gave me the nickname?”

“This is not a nickname, this is to respect you.” Cao Baoming smiled and handed his notebook up, and said: “The questions you gave us, everyone has done it, and they all find it useful. It is not the same as the exercises we did before. It feels good. However, everyone understands some topics, and others don’t understand…”

“Just talk about the topic. It doesn’t need to be like that.” Yang Rui pushed Cao Baoming away a bit and said sternly: “I organize this study group mainly to gather a group of like-minded people. If your ideas are the same as mine, I am willing. Helping you to improve as much as possible, if it’s different, it’s also free to respect me.”

Everyone nodded and said: “We are like-minded with you.”

“Like-minded is not just talking about it, I’m looking at you.” The study group that Yang Rui expects is not a study organization that ends after the college entrance examination. He hopes to extend the group for as long as possible. Therefore, he is not in a hurry to list his classmates and fellow villagers as full members.

Where did the others know Yang Rui’s thoughts at this time, but they still nodded and agreed.

Another pair of thick black arms inserted through the seam of the person, and then moved a bit to the two sides, splitting a path. This time, it was Xu Jing, the strong woman who ranked second in the math test.

“Big brother, don’t stay in the dark house either. Let’s go outside and talk. The sisters are waiting.” Xu Jing’s voice was high and bright, and the shaking beams seemed to be shaking.

When Wang Guohua returned to his dormitory, he even took off his vest. He hurried to pass it on and said angrily, “Why did you get into the boys’ dormitory?”

“It’s not your ribs anyway.” Xu Jing said triumphantly: “If I don’t come in, you will always dominate the big brother, what about the girls?”

“Can’t you knock on the door first?”

Xu Jingle said, “Second brother, you are unreasonable. It is so tightly blocked outside. What use is it for me to knock on the door.”

“You have such a loud voice, shout out…” Wang Guohua said at this point, suddenly realizing that he had fallen into the pit, and said hurriedly: “Who is your second brother…”

“In our study group, Brother Rui is a well-deserved senior brother. You are an official team member. You are not the second senior brother. Who is the second senior brother?”

When Xu Jing said so, everyone burst into laughter and asked Wang Guohua to be the second senior.

After a while, Yang Rui was still crowded out of the dormitory and came under the big locust tree nearest to the playground. Liu Shan and other girls had already been waiting there, and they also brought a set of tables, chairs and benches.

Yang Rui looked around and found that the number of students crowded here is already passing by and increasing.

There are currently 18 people in his study group. This extra can not be said to be an onlooker, but only ungodly “believers.”

Yang Rui had anticipated this situation a long time ago, smiled slightly, and talked about the problem on the spot.

Of course, what I’m talking about now is a topic that the team members don’t quite understand.

Yang Rui first categorized their questions, and then answered questions of different difficulty according to each person’s different grades and directions.

However, he basically only talked about basic topics. For some of the problems that the students presented, he only talked about two representative ones, and ignored all the rest.

This is a small class tuition, which is slightly more stressful than tuition teachers. However, Yang Rui has been a gold medal tuition teacher for several years, and he is more than enough to deal with dozens of students.

By the end of the lunch break, the topics selected by Yang Rui had been swept away.

“Tell me the problem.” A student shouted.

Yang Rui shook his head and said, “If you have completed the simple questions and reached the passing line, you will be able to pass the college entrance examination. There is no need to talk about difficult problems now.”

“You can’t reach the passing line in every subject, right.” Many students nodded because of this. The foundation is a very mysterious thing. If there is no or no, there are countless students in partial subjects.

Yang Rui insisted on his own approach, but he couldn’t force it.

He thought for a while, and said, “Let me copy out a few basic training papers. Everyone try to do it. If you want to reach the passing line, it is useless to do difficult problems. Doing more simple questions is the most efficient.”

I heard that there are more questions to do. Everyone just nodded and stopped shaking their heads.

Liu Shan looked at Yang Rui with a weird expression: “Of course it is good to do more questions, but do you have so many papers?”

Yang Rui suddenly felt a little funny, not because of Liu Shan, but because of her words.

Twenty years later, when the students saw as many exercise books as mountains, most of them wanted to cry. The students of the age are different again. Everyone is looking for questions everywhere, but they are depressed because they can’t find them.

“As long as you are willing to do the questions, there will be some papers. I will copy the questions first, and then print them out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, for everyone.” Yang Rui stretched out and smiled: “Now let me go out.”

Liu Shan hurriedly stepped back and gave up her position. When Yang Rui passed through, she thought unhappily: Everyone is in a circle, why are you going to pass by me…

in the afternoon.

Yang Rui took the time to write a few sets of mathematics study question books to Wang Guohua and Cao Baoming, and asked them to organize the reserve team members to print out and divide them.

The exercise book is a form of unit classification exercises, which is just suitable for basic review.

Wang Guohua held the notebook that Yang Rui gave him in both hands, wishing to hold it in his arms, and hesitated at the same time: “Isn’t it from our group, can you give it too?”

“Ah, they are all classmates, and they are still hiding and doing something.” Yang Rui’s generosity was beyond the two’s expectations.

Cao Baoming thought of his oath to join the group, and couldn’t help but said: “Since we give questions for whether to add a group or not, and we talk about the topic, what is the use of our group?”

“It doesn’t take much effort to copy the questions and share them with classmates at zero cost. Now there is no time to treat them differently.”

“It might not cost money to copy questions, but mimeographs cost money. Paper costs money, ink costs money, and you have to ask the teacher to borrow something.” Wang Guohua said with a headache: “I will print papers for everyone, where did the money come from? .

Yang Rui was stunned.

In other words, he really couldn’t afford to buy paper and ink.

Wang Guohua sighed, put his notebook in place, and said, “Well, let me ask my classmates, if you want mimeographed papers, you can pay a few cents, and let’s pool the money to print them together. If you don’t want to pay, just copy it yourself. ?”

Yang Rui nodded quickly and said “OK”.

Wang Guohua was instructed by him, like a happy housekeeper, rushed to the whole school to urge this.

There were no photocopiers and printers everywhere in China in the 1950s. Even in the New Year, photocopiers and printers are also golden machines. However, the absence of modern photocopiers does not mean that you can only copy in pen. Mimeo as early as the revolutionary base area was a magic weapon for propaganda in writing.

However, mimeographs are complicated to use. It requires people to use a stylus to copy out the words and pictures that they want to print on wax paper. The stylus is heavy and hard, and the characters are written smaller than the normal font. It is much more difficult to operate than a pen, and the writing speed is much slower. For unskilled people, copying a page in 20 to 30 minutes is not too slow.

Wang Guohua called six people together, and it took most of a day to copy the exercise book that Yang Rui had down on wax paper, and then called someone to open it.

This is also a tiring job. Due to the economic backwardness, West Castle Middle School, not to mention the legendary high mimeograph machine, can not afford even hand-cranked mimeograph machines. There are only simple mimeograph cylinders, which require one mimeograph, which is easy to stain your hands, not to mention wax paper. easily broken.

What’s more troublesome is that the roller is not something that you can use. It is an important asset of the school and you must find the principal to lend it.

No way, Wang Guohua took Cao Baoming and went to the principal Zhao Dannian.

Cao Baoming is better. Wang Guohua is a native of Xibao Town. He belongs to a student who has grown up listening to the horrible legend of Old Man Zhao. After several occasions, he was afraid to speak.

Ask him for mimeograph cylinders and ink? If it were not for Yang Rui to give them too tempting questions, Wang Guohua would rather not walk into the principal’s office if he died.

In the final analysis, the charm of the college entrance examination is too great and the temptation is too strong.

Zhao Dannian’s home is in the town, but he lives and eats at school all year round. Therefore, the principal’s office is also located in the teacher’s dormitory area. There are two connected rooms. The front office and the back of the office live in, which is considered to be more preferential than ordinary teachers.

Wang Guohua stood at the door, knocked on the door two anxiously, and then shouted: “Report!”

After a long time, footsteps came from inside.

Wang Guohua’s feet were close together, and he didn’t dare to move.

“What’s the matter?” Zhao Dannian always greeted the students with a smile. However, his smile has already changed because of various horror legends.

“We… want to borrow the mimeograph cylinder.” Wang Guohua hesitated a lot.

Cao Baoming grinned, seeing Zhao Dannian’s face smiling, he simply added: “There is ink.”

“Mimeograph cylinder, and ink?” Zhao Dannian repeated it with a smile.

Cao Baoming looked back at Wang Guohua, and then temporarily said, “It would be better if I had more paper.”

Wang Guohua’s originally nervous face wrinkled, so he only needed ink, and he needed paper. Isn’t it a bit of an inch?

He looked forward anxiously.

The principal smiled, “Show me what you want to print.”

Wang Guohua could only take it out and said, “It’s just some papers.”

“Where did it come from?” The principal unfolded and watched.

“Yes… Yang Rui brought it.”

“Yang Rui?”

“It’s a student in our class.” Until the college entrance examination, Yang Rui showed a lack of presence, and the principal would not know him.

With Zhao Dannian’s “Well”, his eyes fell on the paper, and he didn’t even look at Wang Guohua.

This made Wang Guohua breathed a sigh of relief.

“Where did Yang Rui get the papers?” Zhao Dannian asked suddenly. He has been a middle school principal for 20 years. He has a good vision. He feels fresh when he sees the papers. Although there are exercises for classification exercises, the classification method is different.

Wang Guohua whispered: “It should be bought from the county.”

“The Xinhua Bookstore in the county has just a few sets of math papers, why I have never seen them before.”

“That may be the Xinhua Bookstore in the provincial capital.”

“Impossible.” Zhao Dannian said flatly, “Hedong Education Department, which I went to last month.”

Wang Guohua was speechless.

Zhao Dannian scanned all the papers, and he said nothing.

People in the era believe in authority very much. They believe that the central government is right, that the government is good, that the truth is told in books, and that those who write textbooks are all university inquirers. As for Zhao Dannian, this paper is said to have been obtained by Yang Rui. It is obviously very fresh and high-end. The experts in Hedong Province can’t be more familiar with it. After thinking about it, there is no such character.

Don’t take it lightly, don’t which school got the internal teaching materials from where?

There is no enemy, but we will suffer.

Is Yang Rui’s exaggerated results related to this?

When Zhao Dannian thought of this, he immediately asked, “What’s left?”

“That’s all.” Wang Guohua said softly.

Is it not finished?

Zhao Dannian quietly returned the paper to Wang Guohua, saying: “The printed paper, give me another copy.”

He was ready to use his relationship, UU Reading asked someone to ask. Now that there is mathematics, there must be other subjects such as language physics. It is a big job to make a new classification of all the knowledge points, no matter how it can be done in a dedicated office, it is not easy to hide.

Wang Guohua breathed a sigh of relief: “You mean, we can use mimeograph cylinders?”

“Well, I’ll give you the key, and put it in the window when you run out.”

“Can ink also be used?” Cao Baoming was not willing to spend money without spending money.

Zhao Dannian said with a “um”, “It can also be used.”

“Can that paper be used?” Cao Baoming asked again, Wang Guohua couldn’t stop it, and jumped anxiously.

Zhao Dannian did not expect to have such a cheeky student in his school, and said with a smile, “I’ll give you two knives.”

Wang Guohua was really afraid that Cao Baoming would say anything, and while thanking Cao Baoming, he pulled Cao Baoming and left.

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