Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1530

Chapter 1463 Double the output

Taking care of mother animals is the most common job for veterinarians.

In the pasture, the time when the most willing to make money is when the ewes and cows are pregnant each year.

If the pasture is the foundation of the pasture, the lamb is the future of the farm. On weekdays, state-owned farms and herders are models of picking goods. Those who can use green fodder are not willing to use grain fodder. When they can use the water in the pasture, they will not pay for the pumping station. Occasionally, when animals get sick, as long as they are sure that it is not an epidemic, they will not spend too much money on treatment.

If it doesn’t work, just add a meal on the weekend.

When the mother beast is pregnant, you can’t take it lightly.

If there are not enough lambs, if the young calf is born, it will be the real hardship to enter the empty pasture next year.

Therefore, once the ewe becomes pregnant, the treatment is improved.

Moldy and spoiled feeds are cut off first, and all are allocated to young rams. Some people may say, how can moldy and spoiled feed be given to livestock? When asking this question, think about the meaning of swill as a high-grade feed. You can guess the average level of the feed.

In addition, the proportion of concentrate in the feed consumed by pregnant ewes will also increase. Generally speaking, the ewes that are two months pregnant can already be free from hay. The concentrated feed consisting of soybeans, corn, barley, wheat, bean cake, and bone meal becomes the staple food, and they are often cooked and fed several times a day. Second, from the sheep’s point of view, it is already extremely happy.

In addition, epidemic prevention and deworming is also the focus of the work of veterinarians. Depending on the region, the ewes must be regularly injected with vaccines such as rapid sheep disease, sudden sniper, intestinal toxemia, lamb dysentery, and black plague. Each shot is money.

For the ranch people who need to pick up a penny, this is not the time. Who wants to pay the veterinarian.

Everyone is reluctant to see a doctor when they are sick. Ordinary minor illnesses are nothing more than lying in bed, let alone for animals.

It stands to reason that veterinarians have so much experience in caring for livestock, especially mothers, and it should not be difficult to take care of pregnant sheep of cloned sheep.

However, things are not so simple.

In the past, veterinarians did very cost-effective work, and they were used to doing cost-effective work.

From the perspective of them and the ranch owner, when any sheep needs treatment, it will boil down to a problem-it is not cost-effective.

It’s the most common way of thinking if it’s cost-effective to cure or give up if it’s not cost-effective. Except for vaccines and deworming, no livestock diseases must be cured.

The price of a sheep can’t be 50 yuan, so it costs 100 yuan for medicine.

To open a pasture to be a herder is to ask for a living, not to open a shantang.

However, what is the price of an ewe carrying a cloned sheep?

There is no actuary in Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory to do this calculation, but it is certain that the unit of measurement must be 10,000 yuan, and the longer the pregnancy, the more valuable the ewe.

A total of 5 months of gestation for ewes can last two or three months, and 100,000 yuan can’t be beaten.

This is still in the country, if it is put abroad, it is a trivial matter to translate it into U.S. dollars.

The veterinarians in Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory are faced with the task of using the best medicine, the best equipment, and the most sufficient manpower to protect the ewe.

However, most veterinarians are actually not good at this job.

In just two months, half of the people declared a failure.

Some of them are unlucky, some are poorly skilled, and some are totally unfit for such a job.

It can be said that some ewes are completely unnecessarily cared for, and they have caused unnecessary losses.

When such an assessment report came out, the researchers in Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory were impatient.

“I don’t feel distressed when I’m selling Yetian. Can’t we find a better one?”

“Veterinarians with good domestic standards have brought us here.”

“Let a good level of management, you can no longer take care of them separately.”

“You are a veterinarian who is a soldier? No one is obedient to anyone. Besides, unified care is not to be assigned to people in the end. For their fools, the end result is not the same.”

“Find a veterinary institute or something, can’t you just pull it over?”

“Not to mention their level, with which veterinary institute do you want to co-author your paper?”

“Forget it, even though we are engaged in animal husbandry, we shouldn’t be willing to degenerate to go hand in hand with the veterinarian.”

Yang Rui sat in the laboratory, listening to the researchers changing their methods to scold the veterinarian for being stupid, and his thoughts did not fluctuate at all.

Just as researchers need exercise, veterinarians naturally need exercise.

He is already mentally prepared for this.

The management of cloned sheep during pregnancy is a world-class problem. As far as the level of the 1980s is concerned, it can only be a gambling on odds.

What kind of care model is correct, Yang Rui is not clear, and the existing technical indicators are not instructive. On the contrary, the inherent thinking model may have the opposite effect.

It’s like whether human women want to confinement, it is still a difficult paradox, let alone the care of sheep during pregnancy.

Therefore, Yang Rui was just immersed in his own world, listening to the repeated curses and discussions in his ears, and took a deep breath, as if he were in the primeval forest of scientific research.

Reading and learning is the process of fighting against fools in a sea of ​​fools.

People who have studied in elementary school are proud of being able to write their names and earn money to clean up their vegetables. They are no longer illiterate fools; they are good at junior high school, and they can read at least twenty-six letters of English. Independently go to various foreign websites to brush up the ability of good people, no longer a primary school stupid; if you have read high school, then watch the financial channel, at least you will not smile at the graph, like a junior high school stupid. .

Those who can enter the university can be said to be in the ocean of fools and have already traveled very deeply. Their greatest achievement is to see the world clearly, knowing that the Goldbach conjecture cannot be solved with elementary mathematics, and cannot be done with modern physics. Perpetual motion machines are completely far away from the world of middle school idiots.

The children who continue to become graduate students will be unique in the sea of ​​fools. If they intend to stay in the laboratory for a few days, the self-evaluation of the graduate students will be heard continuously: I am a fool! Why am I so stupid! I’m so **** stupid!

As for the doctoral students with the highest level, they are very condescending towards graduates and undergraduates, “Why are you so stupid! Do you dare to be stupid anymore! I rely on, you are so stupid that you are talented”, not their catchphrase, but also their heart The mainstream of the play. Only when they see the payroll, the doctoral students will say something sincerely: this stupid world!

As a veteran of the laboratory, Yang Rui has become accustomed to the noisy laboratory, and cloned sheep is no exception.

It is the veterinarians who are doing it with a guilty conscience.

The stupid Li Zhanjun was pushed out and was responsible for explaining to Yang Rui.

This is the first time that Li Zhanjun has done a large national project. He was not used to the big scene of Yang Rui’s genetic engineering laboratory, and he was even more nervous to meet the BOSS.

Standing in front of Yang Rui, looking at Yang Rui’s bright white coat and sniffing his lamb-smelling clothes, Li Zhanjun was speechless for a while.

“You are Li Zhanjun.” Yang Rui smiled and said, with a warm expression on his face.

Li Zhanjun was instantly excited: “Do you know me?”

“Of course, you came here by my name.” Yang Rui said nothing. There are more veterinarians from the laboratory, and most of them are selected senior talents. With a scale of hundreds of people, Yang Rui can’t go to work as a full-time HR.

However, Yang Rui still knew Li Zhanjun’s name.

This gentleman’s reputation outside the circle is not obvious, and when he was young, he did not have any chance to get ahead. He just retired as a veterinarian silently.

However, his work after retirement has made Li Zhanjun famous. He took care of horse racing at the racetrack in Yangcheng and independently completed the operation of a retired thoroughbred horse. The latter recovered so well that he returned to the game and won several championships.

This kind of story happened once is a legend that people talk about, but Li Zhanjun silently completed it several times, so that people in the circle can’t even notice him.

As we all know, due to the policy environment and history in China, horse racing is mostly self-entertainment, not even the second echelon, and the racecourses are mostly retired old and injured horses. In this environment, Li Zhanjun is like a fish in water, and he has earned some fame and money.

However, due to his age, Li Zhanjun did not work in the front line for a long time, and soon became a reputation and symbol.

Yang Rui looked at Li Zhanjun and couldn’t help asking curiously: “You usually work in the ranch, what do you mainly do?”

Li Zhanjun replied in a dazed manner: “That is to take care of the animals and get vaccinations. In addition, occasionally I will perform some minor operations on the cattle and sheep that are injured by the fall, and bandage and fix them.”

It’s difficult for someone else to hear what’s special in this passage, but Yang Rui asked: “Under normal circumstances, cattle and sheep have been injured. Don’t they want to be slaughtered?”

“If it really can’t get better, there is no way. In fact, if it is handled well, most of the trauma can be solved.”

Yang Rui nodded and said, “Good techniques are all trained.”

Without thinking, Li Zhanjun could only replied “yes” stupidly.

“This batch is not going well?” Yang Rui asked next.

Li Zhanjun understood it instantly and nodded quickly, saying: “We are not very skilled yet, and the success rate is still relatively low…”

“No need to explain.” Yang Rui interrupted.

Li Zhanjun immediately put his feet together and lowered his head, ready to accept criticism.

“Do you think that with the current progress, how many batches are you going to be able to make?” Yang Rui did not criticize Li Zhanjun, and his tone did not change much.

This is the key issue at the moment. Li Zhanjun suddenly became nervous, glanced back with a guilty conscience, and said, “We have no mature experience, and no successful example… When we met recently, we also discussed similar things. The problem……”

“I don’t want to hear what other people say, I just want to hear your judgment, your personal judgment.” Yang Rui’s question was even more unexpected.

Li Zhanjun shuddered unconsciously, and then he felt sweaty.

“I…” With Li Zhanjun’s temperament, he had always avoided similar problems before.

He doesn’t like politics, he doesn’t like meetings, and he doesn’t like things like military orders. He likes to stay with cattle, sheep, mules and horses. He is cured, and the recovered animals will thank him. If he is not cured, no animals will come back for trouble.

Yang Rui’s question seems to be a troublesome question.

However, Li Zhanjun didn’t want to avoid it at this time.

In other words, when he instinctively nodded and was subconsciously pushed to face Yang Rui by his colleagues, Li Zhanjun had an idea in his heart.

A bold idea!

“I think this batch, or even the next batch, will be very difficult for pregnant ewes to get into production.” Li Zhanjun did not wait for Yang Rui to ask, and said in one breath: “We have never done pregnancy management before. We are learning. Among them, the high miscarriage rate and high pregnancy diseases encountered at present have not been paid attention to before. It takes time to solve one by one, and it takes time.”

Taking a look at Yang Rui, Li Zhanjun said again: “Now it is not only the problem that we need to train and familiarize ourselves with, but the sheep actually need to be trained and familiarized. These sheep are not raised in the local area. They are transported over long distances to retrieve eggs and conceive. Yes, I haven’t made enough preparations. If it’s just an embryo transfer, it’s not a big problem. Now it’s cloned sheep’s embryo transfer, which has already affected the success rate.”

Yang Rui frowned. To be honest, he really hadn’t considered related issues.

If there is any difference between Yang Rui and Wilmut, the original father of cloned sheep, it is fatal to have no experience in animal husbandry and zoology.

Historically, Wilmut’s Ph.D. was about zoology. Of course, it was the freezing of pigs that were taller than veterinarians. No matter how they arranged the chain of contempt in their circles, Wilmut had worked for many years. It’s in the fields of animal husbandry and zoology. Before enchanting the white-faced sheep, he has accumulated a lot of experience.

Yang Rui’s laboratory resume is beautiful enough, but he has not dealt with sheep, experience in embryo transfer of cattle, and has the qualifications to participate in sheep cloning, and the host is not enough.

However, lack of experience does not mean lack of theory.

Yang Rui felt right when he heard Li Zhanjun’s suggestion, but Li Zhanjun’s first sentence made it hard for him to give him a compliment.

“According to what you mean, this batch and the next batch of ewes should be given up?” Yang Rui asked a little hard. The pace of his experiments has always been very fast, and it is rare that he is too tired to produce results.

Most importantly, he is not used to working with sheep.

However, animal-related research is bothered by endless work and various habits of animals.

The generous Li Zhanjun also completely forgot the advice of his colleagues, and said affirmatively: “I think the first two batches of sheep should not be given too high expectations, and resources should be placed in the next batches. .”

“How many? I mean, how many batches do you need?” Yang Rui tried to conceal his anxiety.

“After two batches, it may take three batches or more.” Li Zhanjun said.

The gestation period of the sheep is about 5 months, and counting the time before and after, it is equivalent to a batch of six months. If there are five batches… No, it can’t be counted like that.-Yang Rui quickly woke up and said: “Let’s do it, I’ll do more. Bring some sheep over, although they are also unfamiliar sheep, how much progress can be accelerated. Blame me for not considering it clearly before.”

“You are prepared enough, because our skills are not good.” Li Zhanjun said here, suddenly woke up, his eyes gleaming, and asked: “Did you take my suggestion?”

“Of course, you are a professional.” Yang Rui paused, then said: “You go and inform Gu Qiang and Wang Liangcai to speed up the oocyte transplantation.”

“I… is it appropriate to inform?” Li Zhanjun became unconfident again.

Yang Rui glanced at him, and suddenly shouted, “Gu Qiang!”

“Yes!” Gu Qiang was in the laboratory and immediately replied when he heard the shout.

“Double the output.” Yang Rui shouted again.

“Ah? Yes!” Gu Qiang didn’t say much.

“Professor Wang.” Yang Rui was a little polite to Wang Liangcai who was seconded.

Wang Liangcai also responded.


“Yes.” Wang Liangcai’s voice was also practiced.

Li Zhanjun’s ears were full of buzzing sounds echoing in the room, and he only felt that such a backward village-level communication method did not match the atmosphere of the laboratory.

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