Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1472 smoothly

“Professor Yang, let’s talk as we walk.” Zheng Lao has met Yang Rui several times, and he is a relatively familiar young man in the scientific community.

When he needs to make scientific decisions, he occasionally consults Yang Rui. Of course, most of the time is passed through documents.

Yang Rui smiled at the CCTV officials who accompanied him, and said: “It’s not intentional to disturb, but I think I should report the latest news of the laboratory immediately.”

“Well, is everything going well?” Zheng Lao thought the same as Yang Rui for the first time. Is there something wrong?

Unlike researchers thinking about laboratory accidents so easily, ordinary people are still quite worried about laboratories, especially biological laboratories.

Even for senior officials, the accident was very serious.

For example, the chemical plant accident in India in the 1970s gave them a lot of “little show” in the international arena.

Fortunately, Yang Rui’s expression was relaxed, and Zheng didn’t need to think too deeply.

Yang Rui looked at both sides and said, “I don’t know if you remember that I once asked for a larger research project as the No. 1 project of the genetic engineering laboratory.”

“Of course I have an impression. You asked for a lot of money.” Old Zheng laughed.

In terms of the total amount of funds, the most expensive thing in China now is infrastructure construction, followed by the upgrading of factories. The so-called infrastructure madman is not for nothing, such as the Gezhouba Project, which was world-class in the 1980s, although There are projects such as the Three Gorges project that surpassed it. However, the previous records should not be considered indifferent just because the latter records are more exaggerated.

Compared with infrastructure expenditures, China’s military expenditures are nothing, and research funding is naturally waiting. The tens of millions of dollars in funding for Yang Rui can’t be said to be known to everyone, and the relevant people have also heard about it.

Yang Rui laughed happily, and then seriously said: “The money is not in vain, we have done it.”

“Yo? Achievements have come? Not bad. To rejuvenate the country through science and education is to promote science and catch up on education. In this regard, CCTV must also do more interviews and more reports.” Zheng Lao did not let both sides The **** is too lonely.

“Yes.” The CCTV cadre next to him hurriedly expressed his position and smiled to Yang Rui: “Professor Yang’s research, we have been tracking, and we will continue to track it in the future…”

Yang Rui nodded in cooperation, and then said: “If you only make a part of it, don’t dare to delay your trip.”

“Huh. It’s done?” Zheng Laoke knew what Yang Rui did.

Yang Rui nodded his head. He had confirmed it again and again. At this time, he said without hesitation: “As expected, we have completed it, and the project can be declared a success, but I”

Zheng Lao stopped at a very even pace.

The few cadres who followed, hadn’t been lifted and slipped away, there would have been problems at that time.

“In this way, find a conference room with a telephone, and Yang Rui will come with me first.” Zheng Lao said to the person on CCTV, but fortunately some dazed cadres responded quickly.

“Come to my office, there is a confidential call.” The leader of the director group immediately stepped forward to open the way, and when he reached the place, he was pulled out again.

Zheng Lao and Yang Rui entered one after another, closing the door tightly.

The leader who was locked out looked back and whispered: “Huang Mi, will the visit continue?”

“Of course.” Secretary Huang said: “The time may be shortened, and the schedule will not change.”

“I see, I’ll re-arrange the rehearsal show…”

“Don’t have to be so troublesome, the rehearsal is as usual.” Secretary Huang’s answer suddenly made a few people sad.

In the room, Zheng Lao’s expression was not relaxed.

If you want to explain the meaning of “cloning sheep” to a person outside the academic circle, you can use one sentence to explain: cloning humans is no longer technically difficult.

Yes, the real significance of cloned sheep is that it is the first mammal to be cloned. Before that, humans had cloned microorganisms, invertebrates, and various fishes and amphibians…

However, this is the first time that mammals are cloned, and it is somatic cell clone, and it is the most worrying.

Crossing this threshold to the difficulty of human cloning is nothing more than spending some money and spending some time. If you want a number, a well-equipped genetics laboratory plus tens of millions of dollars in funding, plus a few years, can definitely make a clone.

Someone might say that tens of millions of dollars is not a lot, and a few years are not short, and how much is it for how many years?

It doesn’t really matter how much it is. What needs to be paid attention to at the moment is the order of magnitude.

Tens of millions of dollars is an incredible amount of funding for any single laboratory, but for a project that the world cares about, it is nothing.

If it were not for ethics and public opinion restrictions, any radio and television station or film company might be willing to spend money to become a clone.

Before the emergence of cloned sheep, everyone did not know how long it would take to cross this line.

From the perspective of hindsight, many people think that sheep cloning is a matter of course. However, science does not proceed like this.

Mammals to mammals are taken for granted, but not from amphibians to mammals.

Just like the nuclear fission reactor after the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, it is natural, but many people are happy to think that nuclear fusion is coming soon, mankind is about to enter the era of extremely abundant energy, and the material cornerstone of communism is almost complete. That would be taken for granted. Nuclear fusion has been nurtured by huge sums of money for decades, and it is still far away.

The same example is the moon landing plan. Since the 1970s, there are countless literary works about Mars landing and alien colonization. People naturally think that after landing on the moon, you can land on Mars, and after landing on Mars, you can colonize aliens…

However, everyone knows the result.

The same is true for cloned sheep. If no one completes the cloning of mammals, it is difficult to say whether the cloning of mammals can be successful.

Maybe it’s done in 10 years, maybe it won’t be seen in 50 years.

Especially cloned sheep made with somatic cells, so-called true cloning, no one dared to make a guarantee before doing so.

Maybe it can’t be done?

It is also difficult for scholars to give an exact answer. A few decades ago, scholars believed that they could find ether. What happened?

The same example can also be used for freezing humans and head replacement. If it succeeds, people will congratulate them as if they succeeded in artificial heart replacement: I knew it.

If it fails, people…no one knows the name of the loser.

Yang Rui also made a sheep clone with fear of failure.

The loss of failure is huge, and the meaning of success breaks through the horizon.

This is true for scholars, and it is also true for officials.

“Professor Yang, what is your next plan?” Zheng Lao first asked Yang Rui.

“I don’t think we should try to clone humans.” Yang Rui knew what he meant, and said without hesitation: “The ethical problem is too serious. Next, I think we should consider how to inform countries and the scientific community.”

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