Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1571

Chapter 1503 Convincing

“China has organized the largest clinical trial in the history of human drugs.”

“The legendary path of the magic pill.”

“Nobel scholars make **** medicine.”

Compared with the restraint of domestic public opinion, foreign media are not so particular about it.

For them, the consumption of celebrities and stories is almost innate.

Stories and celebrities with a little bit of color are more perfect.

It is the relatively serious media such as CNN. It was also reported by the American-faced white host sitting in a dreadful situation: “It is said that Professor Yang Rui, the Nobel Prize winner from China, is researching a new medicine that seems to be able to solve all men. The problem……”

Compared with the reserved Chinese, the American people are significantly more excited.

The 1980s and 1990s were simply the golden age of the United States.

The economy continues to grow, the enemy is weak and weak, the employment rate is high, wages are soaring, prices are so low that parties are held every day, and beautiful women from all over the world are coming…

Apart from green bills, only women…and beautiful men can stimulate the nerves of men.

Everything that prevented their excitement seemed to disappear. AIDS was temporarily stopped by the rubber cover, the hard work of making money was temporarily stopped by economic growth, and the difficulty of finding roots and matching was temporarily organized by the party-only the weakness of the sponge is the real weakness.

Sildenafil is a booster!

And it’s a boost from the Nobel Prize winners.

Science is so convincing.

In the 1990s, in a world where the atomic bomb, the successful landing on the moon, and smallpox and other diseases were cured, most people were actually convinced of science.

Why do old ladies like to believe that mung beans can cure all diseases and that whole grains can live longer?

The main reason is that the old ladies want to save money. When they are really sick with mung beans, the old ladies are the most willing to go to the hospital.

Americans can be said to be the least educated and unskilled citizens, but when something new comes out on TV, the most common method they use is to ask experts to come to the platform.

Only pseudo-science that has been on the platform of scientific experts can be sold at the price of science.

The only person who can convince the public more than a Nobel Prize winner like Yang Rui is the white Nobel Prize winner.

As a result, several TV stations invited several Nobel Prize winners to take pictures.

For scientists, winning the Nobel Prize means a leapfrog embodiment of social value.

For the same scientist, even if he was well-known in the circle before he won the Nobel Prize, it would be difficult to spread to the ears of the general public, and his popularity might not be as good as the eighteenth-line star. However, once he won the Nobel Prize, the spread of his name was high.

Most importantly, the reputation of the Nobel Prize itself is a bonus. When any scholar goes out to introduce his name, even if no one knows it, as long as others add a Nobel Prize winner to him, it will be applause from the audience.

The entertainment industry in Europe and the United States is developed, and the appearance rate of Nobel Prize winners is even higher. In the face of the media, each one can speak better than one.

“Professor Yang Rui’s level is very high. With his ability to concentrate on medicine, I think it is also a blessing to mankind.”

“Among the scientists I know, if you say who has the strongest research ability, Professor Yang Rui must be ranked in the top three.”

“No one can keep up with Yang Rui’s thinking. His scientific research is often very sudden. From my point of view, he should have an idea, so he will do it, and then he will become the kind of person. ”

The scholars interviewed, without exception, spoke good things for Yang Rui.

This is the current state of academia, and there are many icing on the cake. No one will go to the Nobel Prize winner for no reason.

Especially young and rising Nobel Prize winners are the objects of everyone’s praise.

It is like Watson who discovered the double helix of DNA. He won the Nobel Prize at a young age and soared into the sky. Even though he was accused of racial discrimination in his later years, Watson still did not completely drain. Compared with professionals in other industries, the public’s tolerance for scientists and the tolerance between scientists are obviously much higher.

Especially well-known scientists.

Regarding Yang Rui’s current position, he just stood up against the theory of evolution, and everyone would first think about it-later generations proved that the theory of evolution was indeed challenged.

As for making a drug, although the function is a little strange.

However, when the reporter asked “Are you willing to try this drug”, most scholars still gave a positive answer.

Only a few scholars who heard the trap hesitated.

Scholars who have become famous and family are getting older, and it is not a shame to need help.

However, Greenstone Point wisely discovered the problem, quickly changed the topic and publicity, and described sildenafil as a drug that “helps you become a better person”.

Unsurprisingly, history repeats itself.

Anti-ED drugs were advertised as aphrodisiacs, which immediately relieved the pressure on the men who took the drugs.

“It’s not that I can’t, but I want to be stronger!”

Such subtext can obviously make Sildenafil’s sales even higher.

If the sales are high… Yang Rui doesn’t really matter.

He bought out Sildenafil at the beginning, and Huarui is also his wholly-owned company. Although the more Greenstone Point is sold, the more sales will be paid to them, but compared to the profits obtained, It is a drop in the bucket.

In China, while Huarui was still struggling with public relations thinking, the folk thinking has spontaneously turned.

If later generations of netizens are called tap water, all reporters and media organizations at this time will be Zilaiquan. Some comrades, out of certain ideas, have even become Baotuquan, all of which are justified by Sildenafil. .

Finally, as more media participated, everyone finally found a good direction:

“Improve the country’s human energy!”

“Strong physique of the whole people!”

“Domestic products should be self-reliant, and Chinese people should be strong!”

When he first saw such reports, Yang Rui still lacked understanding.

However, in just a few days, similar reports have been overwhelming.

A more profitable reporter found a relationship, broke into the clinical experiment center of Hedong University, and blocked Yang Rui’s interview: “Professor Yang, I heard that the listing date of sildenafil was secretly determined on February 20. Is that true?”

“Clinical trials are still in progress, and we have not considered the issue of the launch date.” Yang Rui was blocked and had no choice but to entertain the uncrowned kings with joy.

However, domestic reporters are good at entertaining, while foreign reporters are not so good at talking.

Especially reporters who were personally led by the leaders of the Propaganda Department should pay more attention.

However, foreign reporters don’t know how to be reserved and unsure, the question is always embarrassing:

“Professor Yang, have you ever used sildenafil yourself?” In the reporter’s eyes, there was a light for knowledge.

“During the clinical trials, taking the test drugs by myself seems to be out of compliance.” Yang Rui can’t simply answer NO, otherwise, tomorrow’s news might be a question of trust.

A young and beautiful female reporter, pressing harder step by step: “So, Professor Yang, what was the cause of your invention of sildenafil?”

Yang Rui felt that the other party was really provoking.

“Sidenafil cannot be said to be invented by me, it is the result of Pfizer.”

“But you bought it for a big price.”

“Yes, I am very optimistic about it.” Yang Rui said calmly: “Recently, I have become interested in carbon monoxide drugs. In fact, to make it clearer, in order to join the Human Genome Project, I need Prepare some funds for use. I want to make a medicine to achieve this goal.”

“Self-financing to participate in the Human Genome Project?” The young female reporter caught the point at once.

“Yes, the Human Genome Project is a very good and very large project. For a developing country like China, its funding requirements and laboratory requirements are more difficult. I want to do some work to ease it. The financial dilemma.”

“As far as I know, the Human Genome Project is an inter-national project.”

“Yes, China’s economy is still developing, and the country’s funding for scientific research is limited. However, from the perspective of a biologist, I think joining the Human Genome Project is an urgent task. At the very least, we must treat the Chinese people. Gene, conduct a census and do a basic understanding. This is a major event that benefits the country and the people. Nowadays, many people don’t understand it. I think this is my responsibility. I must do something.” Yang Rui Turning the development of Viagra into patriotic sentiment really surprised the reporter.

“So, you have to use the money earned from sildenafil to fund the Human Genome Project.”

“It can’t be counted as funding.” Yang Rui immediately corrected: “Actually, what I envisioned at the beginning was to make hundreds of millions of dollars. Clinical trials could not only create a template for domestic pharmaceutical companies, but also make money for the human genome. Plan. Of course, looking at it now, I will earn more. I am going to allocate it to other different areas, especially the continuous investment in the pharmaceutical industry, so as to form continuous income and feed back scientific research.”

Once Viagra goes on sale, the money earned is absolutely phenomenal.

For any domestic institution, this money is a super temptation.

Only when the corresponding names are found can Yang Rui have the freedom to control them.

As for saying that what you earn is your own, don’t even think about it. Americans still charge a 45% inheritance tax. They also say that it is a balanced wealth. The hard-earned money of other people deserves to be balanced by you. Hey, can’t people leave it to their own stupid frog? ——The difference between inheritance tax and the division of land by the local tyrants is the same as the difference between the Tweet Order and the vassal reduction system.

But from another perspective, China is a very human country.

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Circle worked very well before the Republic of China, and the Japanese devils could not continue to operate, because they were distorting the human touch.

Yang Rui was carrying huge risks and was in debt to do sildenafil. This in itself was an act worthy of praise. Using extra profits for scientific research was even more straightforward.

The American reporter didn’t know that he had become Yang Rui’s megaphone, but the officials of the Propaganda Department next to him nodded, quite agreeing with Yang Rui’s words.

“So, when you bought sildenafil, you didn’t know that it would have the current development prospects?” The young female reporter brought the topic back.

Yang Rui nodded and said: “The application of compounds is an area that humans have not yet mastered. I am optimistic about carbon monoxide compounds, but I do not want to talk about how good they are and in which areas they can be used. knew.”

“However, as far as we know, when you signed the contract with Pfizer, you locked in all your rights and interests other than the buck function.” The reporter suddenly took out a sharp blade and poke it at the core.

The so-called beneficiaries must be tricky. From a reporter’s point of view, there are very few mistakes.

Yang Rui smiled faintly.

From the day he signed the contract, he knew how to face this problem without precautions.

Facing the camera with red dots, Yang Rui’s tone was calm and said: “Because of the benefits of sildenafil other than the blood pressure reduction function, only I can dig out.”

This extraordinary self-confidence immediately suppressed the reporter’s self-confidence.

Yang Rui lifted his chin slightly and said, “As a layman, you probably don’t know a compound, and how difficult it is to discover a new indication. I explain it this way. It is equivalent to getting a piece of triangular glass. Use it as a decoration, you use it to write a book called “Optics.”

“Is “Optics” written by Newton?” The reporter finally had some knowledge, and immediately asked: “Are you comparing yourself to Newton?”

Even the exaggerated American , few people dare to say that they can compare with Newton.

However, the Nobel Prize winner said that there are really very few who are qualified to refute him, and reporters can only ask questions.

Yang Rui glanced at the young female reporter with interest, but did not answer her question. Instead, he continued: “Although the anti-ED effect of sildenafil is unexpected, but when buying sildenafil At the time, I was prepared. Even if the anti-stress effect is not good, I am able to discover its new direction. As an American, you may not understand how heavy the pressure is for China to 180 million US dollars. It is more heavy than Pfizer’s contract.”

Yang Rui paused for a while, and then said: “I chose to sign the contract for sildenafil when it was almost impossible to fail. The Bank of China, Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank and Agricultural Bank of China were also close to failing. Next, I decided to invest in me. This is not only a comparison of vision, but also a prediction of self-pay.”

The leaders of the Propaganda Department felt a little, and they all nodded heavily.

In 1990, China made too many decisions that could hardly fail.

The more you are at the top, the more you can experience the suffocating oppression.

Gasping in the western noose, and forced to laugh, there is never any ease, only **** wounds and constant patience.



Endure the insults under the crotch.

Forbearance comes the food.

Ninja alliance under the city.

To endure the punishment of the bush whip.

The reporter may be for the effect of the program, or maybe he was really speechless and fell silent for a while.

Several officials from the Propaganda Department looked at each other, but they all had new propaganda ideas in their hearts.

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