Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1519 Rude Anliang

From the paper to the object, from the device to the application, and then the paper is a long process.

The high efficiency of the shotgun technique, one piece at a time, is always a contradiction with its insufficient precision.

However, history has proven that the shotgun method is the ultimate winner, but some key points need to be overcome.

The one currently used in the academic world, which is also planned to be used by the Human Genome Project, is the cloning method by cloning. It is also easy to remember in English. It is called clone by clone, clone by clone.

Shotgun method or shotgun method is a mode in which one shot is shot out, and then the body is pulled back and assembled.

To be a metaphor, the academic circles currently use rifles, one shot at a time, and the effect is very good.

The shotgun method is more like a machine gun. When you sweep a large area, you will get fish from time to time, but it doesn’t matter. If you sweep more, the coverage rate should still be satisfactory.

In fact, machine guns are easy to use in the face of densely packed enemies.

It’s just that before that, there are too many problems facing machine guns. How to continuously supply orders? How to solve the fever problem? How to solve logistical problems? How to solve the weight problem of the gun body?

Yang Rui’s paper today is a problem-solving paper.

In terms of style, the style of such an article is actually not high. At best, it is a tactical article. Not to mention that it is compared with Gao Wujian’s strategic article. It is a tactical explanation article. For example, this kind of comparison is somewhat similar. Weak chicken.

However, style is more like a chain of contempt, just a universal concept.

The true judgment of the value of an article depends on what problem it solves. The paper is ultimately to solve the problem. Strategic articles solve strategic problems, tactical articles, and sometimes the problems solved show breakthroughs in the future, such as steam engines, for example Internal combustion engines, such as electric motors, such as airplanes, missiles, satellites, such as machine guns, routers, and pcr.

“Through the extensive use of computers, we can solve the last bottleneck of the shotgun method, if the puzzle is completed. Of course, the speed and cost of the current computers are relatively problematic, but in this respect, I believe in the development of the computer industry itself. , It will give us a lot of help…” Yang Rui just read the paper aloud, and there is not much voice and emotion, let alone emotional recitation.

Using emotional resonance to attract the attention of scientists is not what scientists do.

For Yang Rui, this is just another routine project research, but for scholars in the field, it is another earth-shaking change.

Yang Rui’s thinking is very logical, which is evaluated from the perspective of praise.

To be honest, Yang Rui’s thinking is actually very crude.

He just has a thought: I think it’s the last time to demolish the house from the middle.

Then the towers were demolished one by one, whether there were small soldiers or enemy heroes in the middle, anyway, it was just a matter of death.

Other scholars gave way when they encountered a tower that was difficult to demolish, and gave way when the enemy came.

Yang Rui didn’t consider these at all, and directly explained it: just do!

Of course, the rookie is also fierce. The most powerful thing is that Yang Rui has solved the problem all the way through hard work, and even solved the answer.

After reading a paper, the audience was silent.

The conclusion is really unexpected.

In other words, the conclusion after the argument is too unexpected.

While everyone was still mocking the mentally retarded shotgun technique, Yang Rui had used indisputable figures to prove the superiority of the shotgun technique in the human genome project.

So, is the paper by Nobel laureate Yang Rui true?

Most people don’t doubt Yang Rui at all now.

Suspicion is the most unreasonable.

Only in this way, the changes are unacceptable.

If the thesis is true, many biological laboratories will have to change the genetic testing model previously constructed.

“Professor Yang, you should have published your paper earlier.”

“Actually, you don’t need to save such articles. You post them earlier, so you don’t have to scare everyone to abandon your research.”

“Yeah, I have to change direction, it’s too uncomfortable.”

Scholars talked a lot, and stood up and asked questions, not so much as doubters, as those who did not accept reality.

The crude problem-solving idea is a bit better, and its answer is real, and there are not so many twists to go around.

If you compare the human body to a square, the Human Genome Project wants to know the location and identity of everyone on the square.

How does the one-by-one cloning method work: it asks these people one by one.

What about Yang Rui’s shotgun technique? He just rushed over, shot out a square of minced meat, and then sent his younger brother to fight the minced meat, and then recognize his face and people.

Do you have any doubts about this kind of problem-solving idea?

The corpses are all in place, so check if you don’t believe them.

Yang Rui replied one by one, as skilled as an old butcher, and in a few words, he could not see the shape of a pig when he was dismantled.

The scholars sought certification of familiar parts, and after confirmation, the butcher’s job was even completed.

Everyone buys meat and goes home, the stew of the stew, the braised braised in soy sauce, the sweet and sour sweet and sour, the world is in harmony, and the world is in harmony.

As for the skinny pigs sold by the butcher next door, no one cares about it.

Who made you choose a bad pig?

With Yang Rui joined, the regular meeting of the Human Genome Project closed in silence.

What Yang Rui brought back was not only the specific work arrangements, but also the praise and… resentment from the academic world.

Of course, for Peking University’s ion channel laboratory, Huarui Laboratory, or Peking University itself, praise and resentment are all excellent things.

In such an atmosphere, even the media have become much more well-behaved, and they just reported the progress of some human genome projects as a rule.

Yang Rui also rarely stayed quiet for two days.

When it was time for the plane to turn around, only a few media outlets came to interview again.

Perhaps after a few days of buffering, media issues are more directed.

In addition to the routine personal gossip and industry gossip, a reporter suddenly attacked: “Professor Yang, you said in your speech that the shotgun method requires a large number of computers. Will your research in China be the same? ”

“Of course.” Yang Ru nodded.

The reporter secretly poked out a knife and said: “Can the Chinese government provide such a scale of funding and equipment?”

“Well, I am going to invest some money myself as the start-up capital.” Yang Rui said and explained: “The Nobel Prize bonus, especially the income of sildenafil, I am going to invest in it.”

In fact, it is naturally impossible to have so many, but at this time, there is no need to close it.

The reporter nodded, his face full of excitement.

Everyone knows the number of Nobel Prize prizes, and the income of sildenafil is estimated to be indispensable.

In an instant, several reporters had already made several article titles in their minds:

Yang Rui doesn’t matter.

On the one hand, the total amount of funds he invested is actually not high. From the official launch of the Human Genome Project to the present, it is less than 5 million U.S. dollars. The later budget of 5 million U.S. dollars must be spent.

On the other hand, the Human Genome Project is not really unprofitable. It only depends on whether he wants to take it from it. If necessary, Yang Rui is not a late supplement.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Rui is rich now.

Excluding sildenafil’s late gains, the dollar cash in his hand has exceeded $1 billion. In terms of wealth, drugs such as deferiprone are also valued at US$1 billion, not to mention sildenafil. Companies such as Huarui are more valuable.

If you look at the long-term perspective, Yang Rui’s hundreds of courtyards in the capital, the collections in the courtyards, and dozens of unit buildings, as well as the medicine valleys and millions of houses in Shanghai and Shenzhen, all make Yang Rui feel right. The understanding of money has changed a lot.

I am happy that money is hard to buy, that’s it Yang Rui doesn’t even bother to go to the ministries and commissions.

However, for the mass media, this story is too predictable.

Do basic research out of pocket, is it neurosis or grandstanding? Is it a mystery or is it true? Is it the decline of society or the inaction of the state…

When Yang Rui landed on the plane and took a day off before going to school, the discussion in the Peking University Triangle was full.

More students organized spontaneously, found Yang Rui, and vowed: “Professor Yang, if everyone uses their own money to do research, China’s scientific research will really be over, and we will petition the school leaders for you.”

“No, no need.” Yang Rui replied with a guilty conscience. He wanted to say that the school leaders and I were of one mind, but now Peking University does not have tens of millions of dollars in spare money.

The students only regarded Yang Rui as a faceless face, and each one said in indignation: “Don’t tell me, let’s talk about it. It makes no sense that the Nobel Prize winners will not be able to do research because of money. Is China still short of such a little money?” ”

Before Yang Rui opened his mouth again, the leading student raised his hand and shouted a slogan, then turned his head and ran to the administration building.

Yang Rui watched the students’ backs, only feeling a little funny, but also a little touched.

It is naturally impossible to get the desired result by responding to the school leaders with tens of millions of dollars. However, this is what they are fighting for at the risk of a bad distribution or even losing their diploma.

“Call Professor Cai and say it.” Yang Rui said to Xu Zhengping, then pulled the book and Geng Xin exhorted. He didn’t make the phone call by himself so as not to be questioned.

On the contrary, Yang Rui went into the laboratory altogether, closed the door to do the experiment, thinking that if he didn’t come forward, the discussion outside would gradually calm down.

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