Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Money order

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Yang Rui is here to pick up his takeaway.

A meal of beef every day is normal for middle school students of later generations, but in 1982, only small township restaurants like Shi Gui could provide it. It was replaced by a large city with tightly-ticketed tickets. It was just the meat ticket needed, Yang Rui Can’t afford it.

Of course, without the meat ticket, the price of beef is also quite obvious. After more than a week, Yang Rui spent two manuscript fees, which is equivalent to eating an adult’s salary.

Nonetheless, Yang Rui was willing to be happy. The effect of high-protein intake in large amounts is very good. I can already feel the muscle bulge obviously. After two months, I might be able to grow my head.

As for the manuscript of the table, it only takes a few minutes to choose, a few minutes to copy and rewrite, and how important is it than the body.

Seeing Hu Yanshan and his entourage, Yang Rui was only puzzled for a moment, and walked over.

Suddenly Hu Yanshan didn’t know what to say, and asked him what’s the way to get the money? See if he really received the manuscript fee?

If people don’t say anything, what can I do? If it was Yang Rui before, Hu Yanshan didn’t even bother to ask, so he snatched it over and looked at it.

But now Yang Rui…Hu Yanshan inexplicably thought of the group of people around the bench press in the west end of the playground. After this period of exercise, not to mention how strong these guys’ bodies are, they have gotten closer to Yang Rui. The boys who grew up in the township didn’t dare to fight. Temper, the result is unpredictable.

“Master, do you have my letter?” Just when Hu Yanshan was thinking about it, Yang Rui had already walked to the reception room, took the takeaway, and handed a cigarette to the concierge, and then started looking for his own money order.

Sergeant Kotou didn’t have as many worries as Hu Yanshan, and ran up three steps in two steps, and sneered: “Yang Rui, have you made pen pals?”

As he spoke, his eyes rolled around.

People of the age, making pen pals are like chatting with strangers in QQ. Some people can chat for several years, and some people write more than ten pages of paper and receive and send letters four or five times a month.

Similarly, just as students who talk about QQ will use typing to hide their behavior, students who make pen pals will also learn to write to hide their behavior. The school’s communication room has letters from all over the country almost every day.

Yang Rui turned to look at him, and said, “What are you Dong?”

“Brothers all call me Army Master Dong.” Army Master Gouto learned the scene and bowed his hands.

Yang Rui let out a “Oh” and took out a few of his own from the pile of letters in the window.

He was worried that he would not be able to review the manuscript for the first time, so he sent different articles to many magazines, and prepared to mail the rejected manuscripts in a loop.

However, the number of magazines in the early years and the few high-level manuscripts were beyond his expectation. Most of the magazines published his manuscripts for 66 continuations. Now half a month has passed, and it is the remuneration for the manuscripts. Time of arrival.

Sergeant Gootou’s eyes were sharp, and he caught a few big characters of “Middle School Chemistry” at once.

“There is really a fee for the manuscript…” he muttered to himself.

Yang Rui smiled, punched the envelope in his hand, and turned around to leave.

“Hey, Yang Rui, Yang Rui, take a look.” The Kotou general stopped him.

The students of this era have a literary and artistic heart, and the dog-headed sergeant has also posted poems and novels to understand some of the issues of manuscript fees.

He calculated clearly in his mind that the manuscript fee for an article is normally tens of dollars. Only a magazine like “People’s Literature” has a capped manuscript fee of RMB per thousand words, but no matter how it is calculated, one or two manuscript fees are not enough. Yang Rui opened up to eat beef.

Yang Rui must have other ways to get money.

On this basis, the Kotou sergeant wanted to prove.

Yang Rui was not very happy, and asked, “Do you want to read my letter?”

Personal letters are naturally not for people to read.

“That’s not what I meant.” In a blink of an eye, the dog head soldier sold Shi Gui, pointing at him and said: “This guy said you charged a lot of manuscript fees. I’m not curious.”

The meaning of reading the manuscript fee and reading the letter is completely different.

Shi Gui was anxious: “What do you mean, what did I say, you asked…”

“I asked, and then you said.” Master Dong Jun worked hard and turned his head and smiled: “Yang Rui, brothers have heard about it. No one thought that there is a great writer in our school. Hey, take out the manuscript fee and let us have a long view.”

Yang Rui took a deep look at Shi Gui and knew what was going on.

In this, Shi Gui is a big mouth, but it is not difficult to guess what other people are thinking.

“Okay. Let you have a look.” Yang Rui quickly scanned the source of the letter, and opened one of them with confidence in his heart, thinking: light up your krypton dog’s eyes.

A group of people at the school gate surrounded them, and none of the individuals present had ever seen what the manuscript fee was like.

Hu Yanshan rubbed his feet and quietly stood on the outer ring. He is not low, and with a little foot, he can see Yang Rui’s movements inside.

I saw a letter from the “Science Life” magazine, which was torn apart by Yang Rui.

It’s not a money order, but a folded text message.

Yang Rui’s slow development was indeed a notice that his “Biosphere” was published by the popular science magazine “Science Pictorial”.

Unlike those science essays, this “Biosphere” is a popular science article written by Yang Rui himself, based on the upcoming Biosphere 2 experiment in the United States, which is an attempt to simulate the micro-artificial ecological cycle system of the earth’s environment.

The Biosphere 2 experiment is very famous and meaningful. It is to test whether human beings can live off the earth.

If possible, the so-called lunar migration and the so-called Martian migration have the most basic biological basis.

If not, no matter how advanced rockets and spacecraft are, humans will not be able to emigrate to Mars.

In other words, the prerequisite for emigrating to outer space is the successful biosphere experiment. This is the age, the age, and the 21st century.

There is no prerequisite for a successful biosphere experiment, and all reports of immigration to outer space are ignorant reporters playing hooliganism.

Unfortunately, the Biosphere 2 experiment failed.

However, in 1982, people were still full of expectations for the yet-to-be-started Biosphere 2 experiment, and many wonderful universe imaginations flooded the world.

This is the best science theme.

The most important thing is that this kind of popular science article can be written very long, and it does not require too good writing. Just relying on rigorous reasoning to prove the inevitable failure of Biosphere 2 is already a beautiful popular science article.

Therefore, based on what he knew, part of the knowledge he had learned, and some materials, Yang Rui did not hesitate to write an article of 30,000 words, divided into two parts, and sent it to the “Science Pictorial.”

This is also the popular science magazine with the highest manuscript fee that Yang Rui knows. It costs 65 yuan per thousand characters, and the total remuneration for 33,000 characters is 2145 yuan, which is more than Secretary Yang’s two-year salary, enough to buy a 14-inch black-and-white TV. It’s simply unbearable to look straight at.

Now that the notice of publication has arrived, Yang Rui won’t have to waste time doing essay copying for a long time to come.

It is also very interesting to use your own articles to end your own plagiarism.

But Dong Junshi and others were deeply shocked.

This is “Science Pictorial.”

The students of West Castle Middle School, may not know that the single issue of “Science Illustrated” at this time has as many as a million copies, and may not understand how terrifying the concept of a million copies of the line is, maybe they can’t guess that this is a record The record-setting magazine of the era.

But, who hasn’t read “Science Pictorial”?

“Yang Rui, your article will be published in “Science Pictorial”?” Shi Gui spoke earlier than the others. Although he was in his thirties and was busy operating a restaurant, Shi Gui occasionally read “Science Pictorial” in this era of youthful culture.

How can people who live in the town not read “Science Pictorial”!

Yang Rui nodded slightly, and said: “It should be the next issue, it seems that we have jumped in the queue.”

“Yeah!” Dong Junshi suddenly called out, “No matter which magazine you are published in, how about UU reading How much does it cost?”

He really wanted to prove that Yang Rui had other ways to get money.

“It should be in another letter.” Yang Rui calmly found another envelope with “Science Pictorial”. He is not prepared to hide his income, at least the current income does not need to be hidden, otherwise, his current and future large expenditures will not be explained.

On the other hand, with the beginning of reform and opening up, manuscript fees have gradually become a clean income, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages when announced.

The thin envelope was gently cut open.

Yang Rui directly drew out the remittance slip inside and showed it openly in front of everyone.

. yuan.

A few simple Arabic numerals, like sound absorbers, silenced the surroundings.

The arduous capital numbers are more for Dong Junshi’s eyes

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