Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Accumulate

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The afternoon sun shines in the office, especially bright.

The gratifying Clivia swayed its branches and leaves, hiding in the north corner of the desk. In the shadow of the room, there are two thermos bottles, one red and one green, as well as a washbasin stand and a washbasin.

In the age when the office did not have a clean water basin and a thermos, it was almost the most luxurious enjoyment with artificial water supply. Zhongnan*hai is no exception.

Sitting in such an office, Lao Feng gained three points out of thin air.

He was determined to win Yang Rui, and said with earnest words: “Our textbook compilation group is appointed by the provincial government to supplement the newly compiled textbooks of the central government. The administrative level is high, and personnel and funds are given priority. You lend this Yang Rui to me, Not only allows him to fully use his abilities, it can also help us better complete the tasks assigned by the superiors. Two or three years later, after our textbooks are completed, how can we give others a good future. You are strong Leave him in the village, two years later, he will still be the same, why bother?”

Zhao Dannian smiled bitterly: “It’s not that I won’t give it to you, it’s that I can’t give it to you.”

“Lao Zhao! I know that you treat Xibao Middle School as your son, but you can’t delay other people’s sons. For other things, you just gag at school. You have to listen to me in this matter.” Lao Feng said suddenly. Severe, suddenly gentle, it was obvious that Zhao Dannian’s spleen and stomach were touched, and he knew how to deal with this veteran angry youth.

Zhao Dannian said helplessly: “I know.”

“You don’t know-what a great opportunity this is.” Old Feng sighed.

The era is an era of cherishing and valuing talents.

The more you are at the grassroots level, the more you value talents. In this, there are situations of fighting for the interests of the department, and there are many ideas to cherish talents for the country.

Although in the eyes of many people in later generations, “wholeheartedly serving the party for the country and the people” is as unreliable as “satisfying with water”, but in the ages, countless people actually practiced it physically.

Being able to publish articles in newspapers and magazines is a symbol of talent. Many celebrities and officials in later generations made their initial leap because of an article, a poem, or a letter.

In order to persuade Zhao Dannian, Lao Feng simply took out a number of magazines from the shelf, turned out Yang Rui’s articles one by one, and pointed them to Zhao Dannian.

He really likes articles written by Yang Rui.

Here, there are both papers copied by Yang Rui, as well as essays partially copied and partially revised by him, and there are two or three articles written purely by him.

As a tutoring teacher for several years, Yang Rui actually had all kinds of ideas and thoughts long ago. If you want to write them out, they are just academic journals of later generations* and are boring. Not only do you charge hundreds of authors for publishing articles Even a “page fee” ranging from several thousand yuan, a slightly higher level, has to trust others and even pay bribes. As a young man in a private enterprise, Yang Rui is really powerless for such a complicated project.

Back in the era, the inherent obstacles disappeared, and the new obstacles have not yet been born. For researchers, it is a wonderful era.

Yang Rui couldn’t help but include two pieces of his own works in the essays he copied.

Considering people’s research on the college entrance examination at this time, his thoughts and expositions are very valuable, and it is normal for them to be published.

In the eyes of Lao Feng, the person who published so many articles at once must be a person with a story. He said sympathetically: “You have to pay attention to it, even if Yang Rui doesn’t understand it, you have to understand and persuade you later. He told him that now it is reform and opening up, and the times are different. In the future, no one will say that the more knowledge they are, the more they will oppose it. On the contrary, we will protect talents, respect talents, and value talents… In fact, this comrade should You know, you see, so many articles in the table, it is estimated that he has accumulated over the years. Isn’t the so-called rich accumulation? People have not given up on studying or education for so many years, then we have the responsibility and the obligation. Give this comrade an explanation.”

He obviously regarded Yang Rui as an intellectual who persisted in fighting and studying during the campaign.

Regardless of the fact that the movement has been over for several years, people who have gone through that era are still very careful about what is written in words.

Intellectuals who have been quiet for a few years before reaching their heads are everywhere. Not everyone has a rough nerve. Hearing the clarion call for reform, he cheered.

Lao Feng was also a person who had been knocked down and stood up again. He was very sympathetic to people like “Yang Rui” and asked seriously, “What is his current organization? Does he have a position?”

Zhao Dannian was still in shock, and murmured: “No establishment.”

“No system? Still a substitute teacher? Then you still don’t let anyone go? Real nonsense!” Old Feng raised his voice, stood up, took two quick steps, waved his hand again, and said slowly: “Don’t blame you. There have been many comrades in these years, and the work to be re-arranged is also very heavy. Look at this, let me figure out how to organize it. You send people to me first, don’t delay anymore, and let such outstanding talents spend their youth. Our mistakes are also a loss to the country…”

Zhao Dannian’s immunity is very strong, and he didn’t answer the question: “These were written by Yang Rui alone?”

“They are all signed by the same author…Most of them are middle school education research, and there is also a point in literature, mainly science and science fiction.” Lao Feng didn’t read the magazines such as “Science Pictorial” carefully. The academic nature deserves more attention.

Zhao Dannian read a few short articles in disbelief, and carefully read the signatures on them, and did not speak for a long time.

Old Feng urged repeatedly.

Zhao Dannian slowly said, “Yang Rui, I know one, but it’s not a teacher in our school.”

“What do you mean? He signed the wrong name or something?”

“You don’t understand what I mean. If you say Yang Rui is the Yang Rui I know, he is not a teacher in our school, but he may be a student.” Zhao Dannian said in one breath. If it weren’t for being forced so hard, he would at least go back to the school to confirm it before he would admit that Yang Rui was a student of the school.

Old Feng rubbed his ears and repeated: “Student? How old is the student?”

“Ten* years old, a student in the returning class.” Zhao Dannian recalled the chat with Yang Rui, and then said: “Maybe twenty-two years old, if it is early to school.”

“you sure?”

“How can I be sure of this?” Zhao Dannian lay on the sand for a half and a half, with an expression of no control, and said, “Anyway, there is Yang Rui in our Xibao Middle School.”

Lao Feng couldn’t be sure anymore, he asked in confusion, “Could it be… really made a mistake?”

Zhao Dannian touched his nose unnaturally and pretended to drink tea.

Lao Feng and him have known each other for a long time. Seeing this guy’s appearance, he immediately woke up: “You have nothing to say?”


“Then say it again.”

“You old man!” Zhao Dannian was like a red guard.

Lao Feng remained unmoved and urged even more.

Zhao Dannian said: “Do you remember when I came in and asked you if there were any new internal exercises or materials in the province?”

“Huh? I answered. Everyone is busy preparing for the new textbooks. How can there be time to publish the exercises for the old textbooks.” Lao Feng is talking about the new textbooks this year, which will accompany them for a long time.

“It’s not a set of old textbooks, it’s… how to say it, it’s a whole set of new things…” Zhao Dannian shook his head and said, “What I mean by telling you this is that it was made by Yang Rui.”

Old Feng didn’t understand: “Which Yang Rui is this again?”

“Where are there so many Yang Rui, this is the only one in Xibao Middle School, student Yang Rui.”

“Oh…oh! You mean, this student, Yang Rui, made a set of teaching materials by himself?” Lao Feng reacted and asked hurriedly, “What about the question?”

Zhao Dannian took out a few papers from his briefcase. These were the first batches of printing, using school paper and mimeographs, and according to his request, Yang Rui sent them.

As for what happened in the last few days, Zhao Dannian himself still doesn’t know at all.

Old Feng scanned the past with a glance and ten lines, and soon fell into a strange emotion, like… something he had imagined for a long time, suddenly exploded in his brain in a way closer to his own thinking.

For a person born in his generation, this feeling of knowing what he wants better than himself is too new, too addictive, and too unbelievable.

“Call this…no, I’m going to see this Yang Rui!” Lao Feng hurriedly put away the newspapers on the coffee table, in a posture that he wanted to leave immediately, and then suddenly stopped and patted his forehead: “Bad Up!”

“Broken? What’s wrong, can you not be surprised.”

“Bad, bad…” Old Feng patted his forehead, and went around the office twice without stopping.

“Talk about things, talk about things…” Zhao Dannian grabbed him.

Old Feng shook his head: “Do you remember Huang Weiping?”

“Why don’t you remember, it’s very ghostly. When we went back to our hometown two years ago, we still drank together. Didn’t he go back to the capital, what office did he enter? That kid is highly educated and lucky, what happened to him?

“He called yesterday and asked about this Yang Rui.”


Lao Feng sighed and said, “Because the signature is from Hedong Province, he asked me if I knew this person. I said I don’t know, but…”

“But what? Do you say it’s done all at once?”

“I told my conjecture.”

“What speculation?” Zhao Dannian actually guessed a little, he didn’t want to ask.

Old Feng shot his forehead straight: “You think, so many articles come out all at once, and they are all very mature ideas… I thought at the time, if this is not a teacher who has been working hard all year round, or a scholar who has been studying education for a long time. Since it’s your old Zhao’s Xibao Middle School, and Huang Weiping is asking again, I just said a little bit of my own guess, which can be regarded as two good things.”

Zhao Dannian’s face turned green: “What good things did you say?”

“I’ll just say…” Old Feng whispered: “I said that he is likely to be an educator who has not yet been rehabilitated, and an educator who has continued to study and study for a long time. Otherwise, he would not be able to write like this. I can’t write such a large number of high-quality articles…”

“Lao Feng, Lao Feng…” Zhao Dan’s angry nose smoked, stood up and pointed at him, nodded and nodded with his hand, and said, “Why are you guessing? You don’t know to call me?”

“You are ashamed to say that the broken phone in your school is different from nine out of ten times.”

“Can’t you wait?” Zhao Dannian’s voice jumped high.

Old Feng also had blue veins on his forehead, but he softened after hearing what Zhao Dannian said, and said in a low voice, “Huang Weiping asked in a hurry, I can’t wait.”

Zhao Dannian also calmed down a bit, wondering: “I’m anxious to ask? Why is he anxious about this?”

Old Feng lowered his head: “Huang Weiping said that it was a meeting. Someone took out two articles written by Yang Rui as a model and said it at the meeting. Participants are curious. Let me ask the author what he thinks.”

Zhao Dannian said sensitively: “What will?”

“I didn’t ask it may be about new textbooks, or it may be a retreat on the educational front…”

Zhao Dannian was taken aback: “Central?”

“Or else. I thought at the time, the opportunity is rare. Let’s say a good thing, this Yang Rui may not take a few detours, and he can help others recover a little time. How can I think of being a student? How could this be a student!” Old Feng Said clap your hands straight.

Zhao Dannian was speechless. He sat up for a long time and said, “Would you like to call Huang Weiping again? Explain?”

“What are you talking about? Yesterday’s meeting is definitely over now. Whom to tell it to, it’s not Huang Weiping who wants to know. Besides, it is not clear whether this Yang Rui is this Yang Rui or not.” Old Feng’s mind was confused.

“Maybe someone was curious at the meeting, just to ask, and then it’s over.”


The two can only comfort each other. However, they all know in their hearts that they can be curious in the middle of the meeting.

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