Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Piracy

Feng Yun had something in his heart and got up early the next day.

Zhao Dannian has been running around for several days, his snoring and snoring sounded loudly, and he slept comfortably.

Feng Yun went out of the dormitory by himself. After a little washing, he wanted to find a quieter place to punch. Unexpectedly, he came up with the dormitory area. The playground was full of running students. It was Yang Rui.

Yang Rui, wearing a thin waistcoat, looks healthy and strong. His crystal sweat slips down the smooth muscle lines. From time to time, the girls who read in the morning secretly look around and are more bold. Pointing at Yang Rui from a distance, she whispered and laughed loudly. .

This is the age of releasing youth and self.

Feng Yun slowly approached a small forest, found a relatively open flat land, did a warm-up exercise, and punched.

He practices Chen style Tai Chi. Because the director likes to practice qigong, the civil servants in the bureau have also practiced various exercises. Traditionally, they practice boxing, or the more difficult swords and spears. Feng Yun was also interested in practicing by himself, and didn’t wear it every day.

Yang Rui saw Feng Yun when he ran from the front, nodded generously, and continued to circle.

Feng Yun also nodded, and then hit his Tai Chi.

After a set of fights, Feng Yun saw a little sweat on his body, only feeling extremely comfortable. Looking up again, he saw that Yang Rui was still running, his speed was not slow at all.

There was also a group of young people who followed Yang Rui. They were also very strong, very different from the students he saw when he inspected other schools.

However, in the eyes of old-school people like Feng Yun, sports are nothing more than a miscellaneous item. He stopped and watched for a while, and when the sweat on his body was gone, he went back to the dormitory and shouted Zhao Dannian, and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

The canteen is at the other end of the playground. You can smell the strong smell of meat before you reach the place. It was the hungry Feng Yun who was surprised and said: “Lao Zhao, what you learned in Xibao is a fairy-like life. .”

Zhao Dannian was also surprised, rubbed his stomach, looked around again, and said to himself: “I have only been away from school for a few days, and it feels like I have changed places.”

“Don’t worry about so much, let’s talk when you are full.” Feng Yun lifted his clothes and went straight into the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, broth was being rolled in a few big pots, and you could see the snow-white slices of radish up and down. Another bite is placed in the middle of the yard, and anyone who wants to drink can scoop it out. The chopped pickles are served in a jar and placed next to the broth for anyone to use.

Feng Yun and Zhao Dannian picked up the edge of the stool and sat down. Just when a pot of broth was used up, a few students greeted the master, changed a pot of their own, and continued to place them in the center of the yard.

“Give me one too, four steamed buns, soup and pickles, how can I sell it?” Feng Yun took out some change and a meal ticket, and handed it over to the stove.

The master was very busy and greasy, he happily collected the money, counted four steamed buns and handed it to him, saying: “The four steamed buns are here. Soup and pickles don’t need money, you can drink as much as you want, and eat as much as you want. How much to eat, but not to take away.”

“No money?” Feng Yun repeated once.

The master said affirmatively: “No.”

“Are you still doing big pot rice here?” Feng Yun wanted to come, and there was only one reason.

The master was stunned and laughed: “What kind of big pot of rice? You are not charged for buying steamed buns? The soup is cooked with big bones, and the pickles are bought by the students of the sharp school group. Take the money and you can eat with peace of mind.”

Bones are much cheaper than meat. Yang Rui takes a face and can get tens of kilograms of bones from the Xibao Meat Union Factory. The total cost is only a few cents. The local radish cabbage is cheaper. It was originally the main dish in the school cafeteria. For a small amount of money, the cooked soup made the students who hadn’t smelled the meat for a long time been very happy. Coupled with a few cents of pickles, Yang Rui didn’t spend a lot of money, and the students in the school were happy.

The so-called “cannibalism” is short. The students in the school don’t know how many test papers Rui Xuezu sells every day and how much profit they make. They only see that the food in the cafeteria is ready, and they have almost free papers to make them. Naturally, they have received rave reviews. .

Even the master of the canteen, because of the large amount of materials in the canteen, happily volunteered to work overtime.

Zhao Dannian was very upright in front of the students. Although he was surprised, he still sat in the corner without saying a word, drinking soup silently.

Feng Yun sucked and drank vigorously, and kept saying: “This soup is made of fresh, and there is oil from the bone marrow, wrapped in white radish, fragrant…”

After drinking the soup and then eating the pickles, Feng Yun praised: “The first bite is crispy and sweet, and it has a salty flavor when you chew it. It is best to eat it alone with soup, and it is better to eat. It is rare. Of course, the most difficult thing is free. ”

The last sentence is the key point. Zhao Dannian moved his buttocks uncomfortably. During his decades as the principal, he had experienced countless things, but it was the first time he heard of this kind of thing.

Private subsidies for the public cafeteria? Who would do this?

Zhao Dannian thought of Yang Rui’s performance yesterday, but couldn’t understand his motives.

Actually, if you change into a person who has experienced a market economy, you can guess by smelling it. This is Yang Rui’s sharing of interests, just like a favored graduate student who has won a good project and wants to invite his classmates to dinner.

Normal people have a normal psychology, and you will be jealous when you see the big benefits. If you get the benefits from the collective, it will be even more unbalanced. Therefore, the people who have benefited take the initiative to give some blood, and the general public’s psychology will naturally be balanced. Even if the squire in ancient China had a vicious heart like a snake, on the surface they had to pretend to be anxious and righteous, and to spare porridge and food, also to poke oneself to dispel hatred, the effect is similar to that of bloodletting from heatstroke.

The Ruixue group of more than 30 people has an income of about 50 yuan a day, and it is already too much to eat. This money is naturally hot to burn the money in the private pocket, and the accumulation is only to recruit thieves, and Yang Rui takes the lead and generously disperses it. It has a good effect.

If the time is not short, Yang Rui is ready to get the scholarship on campus.

When Zhao Dannian and Feng Yun were almost finished eating, members of the Ruixue group headed by Yang Rui also came in with a book.

They have been running first, reading books later, and intervening between meals to save time.

“Yang Rui, you come to me.” Zhao Dannian watched Yang Rui bought breakfast and beckoned him over.

Someone who was photographed by the principal’s prestige was uneasy for Yang Rui, unconsciously put down the tableware in his hand, and cast his attention.

Yang sharply turned around, smiled and sat down in front of Zhao Dannian, and greeted him: “The principal and this old gentleman are here. I saw you punching before. Because I was the leader, I didn’t come close to say hello…”

“It’s okay, do you run every morning?”

“Yes, I feel refreshed by exercise, and I can still exercise my body.” Yang Rui changed clothes after running, but still a vest, deliberately revealing sculpted muscles.

Six-pack abs was something Yang Rui once could not reach, but now it has a rudimentary shape, how can he not take the opportunity to show off.

Zhao Dannian nodded expressionlessly, and asked: “How much does it cost to have free broth and pickles in the cafeteria every day?”

“It’s bone soup.” Yang Rui corrected it, and said again: “My uncle is from the Xibao Cannery. I ordered some big bones that could not be sold out in the warehouse with them, and it didn’t cost much. On a daily basis, Less than a dollar a day.”

Hearing that it is so cheap, Zhao Dannian feels a little relieved, and then asks: “Then one yuan per day, thirty yuan a month, where did the money come from?”

“Mimeographed paper earned.”

“I remember you said yesterday that the money account of the mimeograph paper is clear, are you? Show me the account book.” Zhao Dannian spoke fast, and Feng Yun had no time to stop him.

Yang Rui agreed and called Wang Guohua and Cao Baoming to go back to get the account book, leaving Feng Yun whispered: “You have a temper, don’t look at his accounts. If there is any problem, you can help him speak. You read the accounts. , If this matter continues, you can’t get rid of it.”

“What am I going to do without being involved? I can’t wait until he makes a mistake to save him. I have to protect him while he hasn’t made a mistake. Isn’t that the principal’s role in the school?” Zhao Dannian stiffened his neck. At that time, even when he was stubborn and sick, Feng Yun had nothing to do.

After a while, Yang Rui and others came back with their books.

Zhao Dannian swept away the bowls and chopsticks on the dinner table and looked at it on the spot.

Some students in the sharp learning group, as well as activists who often take part in the lectures of the sharp learning group, also stayed in the yard, watching everything in front of them worriedly.

The accounts are very simple, but the content is very clear. It was Yang Rui who went to the town to find acquaintances to learn it.

A small account of tens of yuan a day, Zhao Dannian quickly read it. He didn’t have any accounting foundation, and he couldn’t see whether there was any suspicion of making false accounts, but he still discovered the profit of 50 yuan a day.

Zhao Dannian couldn’t help but asked dryly: “How are you going to use this money?”

“Actually I wanted to report to you, so I can say it here.” Yang Rui looked at the students around him, smiled friendly, and organized the language: “I first explain the source of the money. We provide The materials and machines used for the test papers for other schools were funded by more than 30 members of our study group. Because the more mimeographed test papers, the lower the average price of the test papers. Therefore, in order to reduce costs and reduce the financial burden on everyone For the purpose, we printed some more for students from other schools, which is equivalent to a group purchase or group purchase.”

Compared with the last time Yang Rui made a public explanation to members of the Ruixue group, his concept this time is even more advanced.

Because group buying implicitly means buying first and then printing, it is more like the purchasing behavior that national units often have. This is different from the concept of commodity circulation that is printed and sold. If there is no one biting the word, it doesn’t matter what you say, but if there are really people, such a rhetoric might save Yang Rui from prison for several years.

As Yang Rui knows in his memory, 1982 is the year of rectification of economic crimes, and 1983 is the year of rectification of criminal crimes. These are all years to be more careful. At this kind of time, the one thing that is not good about doing a market economy is that the arrest in 1982 and the trial in 1983 can account for half of your life.

Of course, the Yang family still has a certain degree of influence in the hometown. Waiting for a while will not let Yang Rui be wronged. However, if one or two sentences can save everyone’s possible pleading rush, Yang Rui is still not stingy with that little saliva.

After a few seconds, Yang Rui continued to speak loudly after everyone had digested his words: “Because the specific amount of materials is not easy to calculate, we have to calculate a bit more when charging the cost, so we have a balance. However, we It’s not for surplus to print test papers…All we have surplus, we want the collective to benefit, and here, I have a few thoughts.”

Zhao Dannian and Feng Yun looked at each other, both smiled, especially Zhao Dannian, when they heard Yang Rui’s statement, the boss breathed a sigh of relief.

If you insist on this statement, and the accounts are clear, even if it is a superior investigation, there will be no problem.

“You said.” Zhao Dannian’s expression was surprisingly kind.

Yang Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “The first thought, I want to apply to the principal to extend the lighting time at night and delay the turn-off time. In addition, the classroom lights for evening study are dim, and at least two headlights should be added. It is convenient for students to review at night.”


“The extra electricity bill will be taken from the accounts of the sharp learning group.”

“Okay.” Zhao Dannian immediately followed his kindness. His stubbornness is related to principled ideas. As a head of a township middle school who suffers from funding all the year round, he has no reason to refuse this supplement.

Yang Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and put forward the second suggestion with a lot of confidence, saying: “The second idea is that the Ruixue group will provide some subsidies to the kitchen according to the number of daily balances, such as bone soup and pickles. It is best to buy them again. Some tofu and vegetable oil…”

This time, without waiting for Zhao Dannian to speak, the students applauded first.

Zhao Dannian readily said: “This is a good thing, I agree.”

“Third, the printing of test papers requires manpower. This is how I plan. Those students who are willing to work part-time will help for two to three hours a day. We will give a subsidy of one dime per hour. If there are few students who sign up, then who signs up? Part-time job. If there are many students who sign up, they will queue up one by one…”

This is the most risky part. Employment and surplus value are both dangerous words of the year. In the 1980s, there was no need to pay attention to employment. When the state-owned enterprises were to be laid off, the Chinese people realized the pain to the bones and created jobs instead of exploiting workers.

Zhao Dannian unexpectedly affirmed Yang Rui: “Work-study is good, I agree.”

Feng Yun listened to his statement, and there was nothing he could do in a hurry.

Yang Ruile said: “If you do this, 500 sets of papers are printed every day, and the balance will be almost spent. If there are more in the future, we can buy some teaching equipment.”

“Can there be more?” Zhao Dannian thought 500 sets would be enough.

Yang Rui smiled and nodded, looking at the principal with the eyes of the Allied forces, and said: “We are divided into units, and now the maths are not finished. When all is finished, the outline for next year should come down. Maybe there will be a leap. .”

Zhao Dannian is a real person, squinting his eyes and said: “It would be great if the current quantity can be maintained. Of course, how long it can be maintained, do not force…”

The principal’s expression relaxed, and the students chatted heartlessly. The yard of the cafeteria was suddenly full of all kinds of strange talks.

The scene was extremely peaceful for a while.

Then, I saw Huang Ren staggering and running. Before entering the courtyard, he shouted: “It’s not good…it’s not good…the county is pirated!”


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