Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Militia

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Yang Rui returned to Xibao Middle School in a truck.

The truck was mounted with an anti-aircraft machine gun that was as long as a human. The blue barrel was full of deterrence. The long single chain was hung on the neck of the machine gun, hanging down to the carriage, shaking with the bumps of the vehicle.

“If someone rushes into the convoy, will you really shoot?” Yang Rui hasn’t seen a real gun in his life. He didn’t shoot targets during military training at school. The yellow bullets and black muzzle inevitably made people nervous.

A sneer overflowed from the corner of Wei Lin’s mouth, touched the barrel, and said, “When they hit the convoy, you’ll know.”

“Um… Actually, I think we just need to bring some batons. There are more than 100 people, one person and one stick, Huo Laosi will become a meat sauce.”

“We’re carrying the stick.” Wei Lin paused, bared his teeth, and said, “A gun is more useful than a stick, and you’ll know then.”

Yang Rui smiled reluctantly and thought: I really don’t want to know.

However, the militiamen in the same vehicle are all taken for granted.

Obviously, they really used these guns.

After the mighty motorcade arrived at Xibao Middle School, Wei Lin explained to the principal and set up a fortification outside the school, just like the army.

In fact, the current militiamen originally had quite sufficient training. Although they could not be compared with the regular field army of later generations, they were stronger than some veteran soldiers.

Wei Lin himself was a demobilized lieutenant officer, a quarter of the time he was a member of the township party committee’s comprehensive office, and three quarters of the time he was a company commander of a militia company. The latter is more important than the former and is almost his main job.

Ordinary militiamen are also very serious. They usually receive subsidies for training, and they can also mix meals in the cafeteria from time to time. They can get bonuses for previous tasks, and they are naturally very active.

In Yang Rui’s view, the old man was somewhat suspected of having some private affairs and public affairs, and Wei Lin understood it when he thought about it, but he did it more seriously.

Even the stubborn principal Zhao Dannian didn’t think there was any problem with Yang Feng’s approach.

In their eyes, Comrade Yang Feng has never been able to describe it as a good person. If he wants to describe it, he should at least use words like “people’s fighter”.

During the first half of his life, Yang Feng adhered to the creed of being as warm as a spring breeze to the people and as cold as a winter to the enemy. Class enemies are of course also enemies, and Comrade Yang Feng’s methods for dealing with class enemies are also quite flexible and changeable.

But no matter how it changes, it has nothing to do with kindness.

The iron barrels in Xizhaizi Township were not built by kind prayers.

The use of a militia company was neither a trick Yang Feng came up with, nor was it the first time he did it.

Undoubtedly, this is not Wei Lin’s first mission.

It only took him a day to turn the periphery of West Castle Middle School into a fort, and students had to use passwords to enter and exit.

The Thirteen Wolves took the people to Xibao Town, took a turn, admired the Shangshan intersection guarded by domestic weapons, and returned to Xi County obediently.

The fortress of the militia company is naturally not without a trace, but the quality of the thug brothers of the Thirteen Wolves is even worse. The more than a dozen people he barely shouted, it is really difficult to muster the courage to challenge the militia company with more than 100 people.

On the third day, Huo Laosi saw the thirteen wolves who had returned without success. He smashed the things at home and then cancelled the order to find Yang Rui.

It’s a handsome thing to spread a message on the street, but I didn’t get it done, and I took people back again, which was a bit embarrassing. To make matters worse, embarrassments followed one after another.

Because of looking around for Yang Rui to save face, and the leopard hiding and training, Huo Laosi’s test paper business stopped for three days.

When he learned about Yang Rui’s background, knew that direct violence was not good, and wanted to re-enter, the new “Secret Scroll of the Ruixue Group” had already hit the market.

What made Huo Laosi even more unexpected is that the new “Secret Volume of the Ruixue Group” also uses a brand new promotion method.

As long as you take out the first test paper of any set of the first three sets of secret papers of the sharp learning group and stamp a chapter, you can save two cents when you buy new test papers.

That is a 10% discount.

In an era when state-run stores never bargained prices, a 10% discount was very tempting. Those who bought all the first three sets of test papers, and then bought three new sets of test papers, can immediately save 6 cents. In the eyes of many people, this is a piece of money in vain.

In addition, those who take out the first three sets of test papers at a time can also affix a chapter and get a free “Cheats for Solving Problems”, which contains alternative solutions to the first three sets of papers and certain questions.

The students have always believed in this kind of thing. In order to exchange the cheats, many people who have not bought all the first three sets of test papers will find ways to unite with others in exchange for free answers.

The only trouble was Shi Gui. He wanted to distinguish whether the test papers brought by the students were genuine from the Ruixue Group or from the pirated version of Huo Laoshi.

Fortunately, the traces of mimeographs are heavy, and the papers used by both sides are different. Shi Gui was able to distinguish between true and false after training for half a day.

All sorts of methods finally let the market understand that there are true and false test papers in the sharp learning group, and there are also differences between true and false test papers.

Although it wasn’t a terrible threshold, it was enough trouble for a **** leader like Huo Lao Si.

Especially within his less rigorous organization, there are gradually different voices.

It’s very profitable to pump water at the bus station, and it’s very comfortable. Everyone thinks it’s good, but what is the test paper?

When Huo Laosi proposed it before, everyone thought it didn’t matter, thinking about earning a little.

However, due to Yang Rui’s fierce reaction, they not only failed to make money, but also lost a big face.

Many people are naturally unhappy.

Among them, the Thirteen Wolves in partnership were the most intense, bluntly saying that they would end this business.

Huo Laosi was hesitant.

It took him a lot of effort to find the way to the printing factory, and he also bought a large amount of printing paper. If it ends here, all the initial investment will be lost.

On the other hand, he originally wanted to open a factory by this. As a person born in the age, workers are definitely an enviable term.

Huo Laosi couldn’t find a formal job because he was in prison. Now that he has the opportunity, he wants to have a factory of his own anyway. It was a shortcut he found to get involved in the Red Star printing factory in Xishan at sunset. Using modern thinking to analyze, Huo Laosi was the first to mix up after the reform and opening up. After making money, he felt that the competition on the street was becoming more and more fierce, so he started. I want to wash it off.

He has been on the street since the middle of the decade. He has enough money and doesn’t want to do anymore. The Thirteen Wolf is a barefoot man with a group of poor brothers. He is far from the consciousness of washing his hands with a golden basin.

If there is no external influence, it is inevitable for this combination to merge or break up.

Over the weekend, a new news broke the deadlock between Huo Laosi and Thirteen Wolf: a group of militiamen came to the bus station and took our site. The goods we put in the car were also thrown out, and The freight was made up before it was allowed to be returned.

The brother’s army trousers who reported the letter were torn, and UU Reading www.uukā indeed had a tear in his shirt, and his cheeks were more bruised, showing that he had suffered a lot of crime.

Huo Laosi and Thirteen Wolf glanced at each other, and the angry flame instantly filled the gap.

“If you have anything, let’s talk about it when we come back.” Huo Laosi stretched out a hand of friendship.

The Thirteen Wolves hesitated for a while, held those big hands, and nodded and said: “Unanimously to the outside.”

“Unanimously outside!”

More than 30 people from the two teams shouted slogans and walked out of the yard mightily and headed to the bus station not far in front.

Not far away, a red flag hunting in the wind slowed their pace.

The big characters “Second Militia Regiment of Xi County” made Huo Lao work hard.

The group of energetic brothers behind him were also blindfolded.

No matter how we can fight, we can’t fight with others alone.

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