Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Night exam

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The students were very excited, and felt hope for those with good or poor grades.

Xibao Middle School is not a big and middle school like No. 1 Middle School. There are only a large number of students in junior high school and high school, plus the refurbishment class. There are 125 places, which means that a quarter of the students have the opportunity to get scholarships. , Maybe you can get there.

There are smart, snoring ones who have finished their meal, turned around and ran to the classroom, preparing to hold the Buddha’s feet to review for a while. There are also students who are top students on weekdays, who have intentionally or unintentionally slowed down their meals, with a calm look.

In the two connected bungalows in the cafeteria, the attitudes of the teachers are polarized. Some people think it is good. It is always a good thing to help the students. Some people think that the idea is good but the method is wrong.

“Yang Rui is a student himself, how can he give students exams and give them scholarships?” Qi Yuan, a political teacher, stood up and said, “Ms. Lu, Yang Rui is your student. Go ahead and talk.”

The tall chemistry teacher Zhuang Musheng was happy: “Why don’t you talk about it yourself?”

“Ms. Lu is Yang Rui’s head teacher. He is responsible for managing Yang Rui. Why, I was wrong?” Qi Yuan had an uncle who became an official. He was transferred to Xibao Middle School a few years ago, although it is not a good job. , Finally solved the cadre status. In recent years, what he considered was to transfer to the county. But he can’t do anything except memorize quotations, and he doesn’t have a diploma. The principals of several middle schools in the county closed their eyes and didn’t want him, so he could only drag him down.

However, because he was thinking about moving away, Qi Yuan was a bit maverick at school. Apart from staring at wages and bonuses, all he had left was all kinds of lazy ideas.

Teacher Lu rubbed his sunken eye sockets and said with a little embarrassment: “The money from the Ruixue Group and the supplies from the Xibao Meat Union Factory are all distributed by Yang Rui. This is permitted by the principal. I will just say, Nor can they participate in management.”

“Let him stop the exam first, and then talk about the distribution. He is a student himself, so why give other students the exam.” Qi Yuan actually wants to take the work of material distribution into his own hands, if he can take the sharp learning group It would be even better to also embrace it. It’s a pity that Principal Zhao is a character who doesn’t play well, and his uncle is not a high official. You can only think about this kind of thing.

Zhuang Musheng never looked at him. He was a worker. He spit out a cigarette and said in a weird tone: “Some people don’t even have a high school diploma. Why do they teach high school students? On the level, Yang Rui’s mathematics, physics and chemistry skills Some people don’t even get a full score on the test.”

Qi Yuan’s face instantly turned red.

He went to the countryside after graduating from junior high school, tried his best to recruit workers in the county, and then went to Xibao Middle School, and he didn’t have time to improve his diploma. Fortunately, he has gone to the countryside to recite enough quotations, and it is okay to be a politics teacher to fool a class.

Zhuang Musheng was also born as a worker, but he was a bit real and learned. He felt that Qi Yuan had damaged the reputation of the worker, and he hadn’t waited to see him.

However, it was the first time to speak sarcastically in front of so many teachers.

“You received Yang Rui’s can to help him speak, right.” Qi Yuan tried his best to counterattack.

Zhuang Musheng took a disdainful smoke and sprayed it on Qi Yuan’s face, not too lazy to theoretically say: “Go away.”

Qi Yuan, who was even humiliated, twisted Zhuang Musheng’s collar, and was quickly separated by other teachers.

“Let’s wait and see.” Qi Yuan pointed Zhuang Musheng with his finger, then clicked Teacher Lu, and without looking back, he left the yard, rode his bicycle and went down the mountain.

“Hey, his uncle is the leader of the Education Bureau, why bother to offend him. This lawsuit goes up, and the evaluation of job titles and transfers will be affected in the future.” The older teacher was helpless to persuade him. Where the public institution is comfortable, it is stable, and where it is uncomfortable, it is also stable. If a person works in a unit for a lifetime, if he offends someone, he will be crushed for a lifetime. Although the leader may not remember your good, but your slight offense will be carefully stored deep in the memory.

“Don’t be afraid of him.” Zhuang Musheng dropped his cigarette **** on the ground and left.

The teachers lost interest in eating, and left the canteen one after another.

Back in the classroom, every class is a figure of hard work, but it relieves the teachers a lot. Some students took the initiative to ask questions, and the teachers in every class became busy.

In this era of burning passion, most teachers actually have the lofty ideal that the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry. Free supplementary lessons for students, expressions such as caring about students’ study and life, are really not slogans.

It was when the whole world turned to the money that the teachers changed their thinking because of the different views of society.

After all, if those mobsters who graduated from elementary school and their relatives show off their wealth every day, and then laugh at the honest people who work silently, even if the honest people do not become bad, the people around the honest people will urge them to become bad. of.

Fortunately, the school in 1982 is still pure. Even if a teacher like Mr. Lu has to go home every night, he still uses the noon time to give lectures to the students. Whenever he has free time, he will take up get out of class and self-study time. Although the level is not as good as the well-trained teachers of later generations, the original intention and attitude are completely different.

Not only that, some teachers will also take the initiative to support students whose families are in difficulties. In the old days, there were no problems such as buying a house, medical care or pension. Teachers with iron rice bowls had to save money to buy electrical appliances and feed a family. They did not have to save money and then save money. They encountered economic problems. Students who drop out of school due to difficult problems often try their best to help, and some people even provide a month’s salary to support the students.

Xibao Middle School is a township middle school, and it encounters more problems than urban middle schools.

Only by working harder, teachers can barely make the school have some promotion rate. As the best township middle school in the nearby Shiliba Townships, Xibao Middle School is able to produce several junior college students and more than a dozen technical secondary school students every year, which is the teachers’ greatest comfort and achievement.

Precisely because of this, even though Yang Rui’s behavior is outstanding, most people approve it.

More rigid teachers will also adopt a wait-and-see attitude because of the principal’s consent.

There are many faculty members in the school, and this is the only one like Qi Yuan.

He went to file a complaint, and no one in the school blocked Yang Rui’s work anymore.

After school in the afternoon, the students of the Ruixue Group appeared in each class and instructed the students to start moving tables and chairs to the playground.

The sharp learning group is in both the returning class and the graduating class, which makes the lower grade students relaxed and smooth. After a while, the grass grows full of tables and chairs.

There are no teaching buildings in West Castle Middle School. The classrooms are all bungalows. It is easy to move tables and chairs to the playground. The school has all kinds of headlights bought by the Ruixue group. The wires are pulled over, and the lights are bright as soon as the electricity is turned on.

Yang Rui watched with satisfaction, then stood on the podium for a while and said, “Just take the exam in the playground.”

“Really taking the exam in the open air?” Huang Ren didn’t expect to do it, and said: “What if it rains or is windy.”

Yang Rui said indifferently: “Anyway, everyone’s conditions are the same. If the rain is too heavy, then just hand in the paper, and the score will be counted as the score. The wind is the same, and we are ranked in the end.”

“Some students write faster, some students write more meticulously, but write slowly…”

“What do you do with so much?” Yang Rui glanced at him helplessly, and said: “Ours is not a college entrance examination, but a scholarship assessment. If the results are really good, then we should write well and fast, just write. If you are quick or well written, whoever depends on money for ranking is luck, and you can only blame yourself for not getting the scholarship.”

“Other students don’t think so.”

“Follow them, classmates of glass heart, it’s better not to find me.”

Huang Ren actually admired Yang Rui’s decision, but he didn’t have such a decision, and he explained to the students in detail for a long time until he was pulled back by Yang Rui.

“Okay, let’s get ready to start the exam.” Yang Rui looked at his watch and said, “It’s 7 o’clock, and the test time is 5 hours, that is, the test is until 12 o’clock in the evening. You can apply for the toilet in the middle, just go alone. No cheating, speaking, or exchanging test papers is allowed. The name is recorded and the test paper is scored as zero.”

“5 hours in a row?” The students in the front row shouted out immediately.

“Yes, five hours in a row. In addition, the six test papers will be given to you together. You can do which one you are willing to do first. When calculating the final score, it is calculated based on the total score. In other words. , We test six subjects at a time, a total of 5 hours. You are willing to answer the Chinese first, and then give up English completely, or you can answer the small questions of each subject late and then do the big questions. All in all, five hours and six copies The papers counted as much last night. However, everyone can rest assured that the volume of questions in this set of papers is less than that of the normal examination papers. If you work hard, you can still do a lot of questions in 5 hours.”

As soon as Yang Rui talked about the test method, he was saddened, and all those who objected loudly appeared.

Yang Rui pointed to the clock under the headlights, and calmly said: “It’s nine and one minute, cherish the time.”

When he said so, the students had to start doing the problems desperately.

Teacher Lu stepped onto the podium in confusion, and whispered: “If you do this, it will be difficult for students to use their own strength, and mixing up papers will make their thinking confused.”

“In Japanese middle school exams, this method is often adopted.” Yang Rui spread his hands and said: “The conditions are limited, so I can’t really take the exam for six days.”

Hearing that Japanese people use this method, Mr. Lu reluctantly nodded and said: “It’s really troublesome to organize an exam.”

“Not only is it troublesome, it is estimated that the test questions will be leaked for six days. Moreover, there is no need to waste students’ time.” At this point, Yang Rui stopped and started another topic: “Teacher Lu, can you help? Will I find a few familiar teachers to review the test papers from tomorrow?”

“All the test papers?”

Almost all students in the school took the exam, except for students like Hu Yanshan, even those who are not short of money, are willing to fight for honor. On the contrary, some students in the sharp learning group had to write papers and invigilate the exam, but did not participate. But no matter what the calculation is, the workload of correcting test papers is very large.

Yang Rui asked him to think for a while, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com said quietly: “The sharp learning group has left a little family background. The teachers approve the papers. Is it okay to write a little?”

“Huh? Give money, don’t give money…” Teacher Lu quickly pushed back.

Yang Rui held his hand and said steadily: “Don’t worry, the money is not for you alone. Besides, reviewing the papers is done in your spare time. Ask the teachers and come if you are willing to participate. Those who don’t participate are not forced to do so. The settlement will be based on the standard of 2 yuan a day.

Two yuan a day is the teacher’s daily salary. Of course, the normal daily salary calculation is based on working days, and gentlemen who are latte rice bowls like to use natural days to calculate.

No matter how it is calculated, this is a good income. Teacher Lu thought for a while and said, “Then I will ask people.”

“Trouble you.” Yang Rui expressed his gratitude and nodded secretly: If the sharp learning group starts to pay the teachers, then the position of the sharp learning group in Xibao Middle School will rise.

Teacher Lu didn’t know that Yang Rui’s thoughts were so complicated, and he was still struggling about whether or not to collect money.

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