Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Hindsight

In the eyes of people in the 21st century, a thousand yuan may be only half a month’s living expenses, a piece of clothing, or a meal.

In 1982, 1,000 yuan exceeded the savings of most families. For an ordinary family of four, both husband and wife have jobs, and even one child has begun to make money. It is still difficult to save 1,000 yuan.

In fact, people are beginning to feel a little spare money, which is the past two years. As for getting rid of the difficult life, the Chinese people still need nearly ten years of hard work.

At this time, wages and remuneration are used to maintain basic survival. Savings are all taken out of the mouth. If you eat a dime less for a meal, you can save 9 yuan a month, and you can save 100 yuan a year. Be a regular and cautious offering. However, if you luxuriate once in a while, even once every two months, the previous savings will be wasted. This kind of life, whether it is people living in this era or young people 30 years later, is unwilling to live, or it will be very difficult.

Fortunately, ideals usually don’t cost money. Comparing the life in the 1980s with the 60s and 70s, people feel full of satisfaction. If there is no foreign capitalism for comparison, if you don’t know the way of life of foreigners, the 1980s was actually a purely beautiful era, and it was almost an era of unprecedented beauty in China.

For most students, they don’t have the concept of 1,000 yuan, and few people have seen what it looks like when combined with 1,000 yuan. The 10 yuan unity in the white envelope is the largest denomination bill in the third edition of the renminbi, which is enough to make it imagine countless beautiful scenes.

However, no matter how strange the fantasy is, it is impossible to describe their current wave of new waves.

Score the teacher, give the teacher an evaluation?

They didn’t even think about this kind of thing.

Although not long ago, teachers were stigmatized as stinky old nine and became a member of criticism and downfall, but the tradition of respecting teachers in China was not established in a few years, and the tradition of thousands of years has its own inertia. . In fact, students’ strikes and book-burning did not last long. Within two years, classes were resumed and revolutionized. A country that does not inherit knowledge cannot continue.

On the other hand, unlike Western countries, the social and economic status of teachers in China has always been high. Teachers in the imperial examination era needless to say. Teachers in the 1980s generally have a high school or technical secondary school education. They say they master the discourse. The power is too much, and it is still possible to share a part of the right to speak.

Regardless of the status of teachers relative to other members of society, today’s school teachers are purely crushing students. Random corporal punishment is only one of the powers. A little bit more powerful, it also has the qualifications to affect student files and determine the future of students. …

Because of this, Yang Rui wants to restrict this kind of power… Teachers have too much influence on students, especially when the parents are uneducated, whether students can become talents depends on the teacher.

However, it doesn’t matter if you give a teacher a good evaluation, but what if you see a bad evaluation?

It seems that after hearing their discussion, Yang Rui stood on the podium again, picked up the loudspeaker, and said: “Please note, students, we are voting by secret this time. You don’t need to fill in your name, you don’t need to write, just fill in the number line. Yes, we have a five-point system, with 1 point being the lowest and 5 points being the highest. For example, the first one is the teaching level. If you think the teaching level is ordinary, write 3 points. If you think it is better, write 4, and if you think it is very good, write 5. If you feel that you are not up to the average level, or are not up to the level that satisfies you, you will score 2 or 1 points…”

Figures are also written in handwriting, but it is very difficult to compare. When paying attention, it is easy to change the writing. As far as the level of Xibao Middle School is concerned, no teacher has such a firm handwriting ability.

When Yang Rui finished speaking in one breath, the expressions of the students turned from doubts to excitement.

Voting is an innate instinct of human beings and has no essential connection with the quality of the population. The primitive tribes still vote. This method is born with a sense of refreshment.

Because you can decide the fate of others, maybe just a little bit of fate, maybe you are just a trivial part of the decision, but no matter what, this is a rare power, and it is full of likable elements.

After everyone started writing, Yang Rui went to the rostrum again and gave Cao Baoming a few words.

After a while, two large iron buckets were moved to the rostrum, and firewood and wheat stalks were placed in them, which can be ignited by a fire.

At the same time, several members of the Ruixue Group also moved the tables and chairs to the podium. There are four sets of tables and chairs on the left and right, with paper and ratio spread out, humming in the breeze.

Some students guessed something and moved their hands faster. Some students didn’t know why, so they had to bow their heads and do their own.

Wang Guohua took a few students from the back-to-burn class and shouted from time to time: “Don’t look at other people, and don’t whisper to each other. Just like the exam, if you have completed it or don’t want to fill it in, just pass the paper up. I want to return. If you go home, you can stay and wait for the result if you don’t want to go home.”

In schools at this time, it is very common for upper-grade students to bully lower-grade students. If the lower-grade students resist, they will be regarded by the upper-grade students as rebellious and often get fat beats. Therefore, unless it is a very prosperous master, the lower grade students dare not proactively provoke the upper grade students. Most of the members of the sharp learning group are still returning to the class, and naturally they are the oldest students in the school. They wander around. The effect is better than that of the invigilator.

None of the students came forward to hand in papers.

This was also expected by Yang Rui. If the gun hits the head, if anyone passes away at this time, they may be remembered, which will cause trouble.

Teacher Lu and others stood worryingly in front of their dormitory and office, forming several circles, discussing the matter in their own right.

The results have not yet come out, and the teachers have no fierce emotions, but dissatisfaction is still brewing.

Students evaluate the teacher? It was indeed done in some places, and it cannot be said that it was a big rebellion, but it was the government who came forward to cooperate with the large-scale commendation. What is this now?

That is, Yang Rui did so many things that made several young teachers restrain the commotion. Of course, the defeat of Section Chief Xiong and Qi Yuan also played a role.

In Xibao Middle School, Qi Yuan is the one with the most background. His cousin, Section Chief Xiong, is not high or low, but his power is full. There are many schools in disrepair nowadays, and more schools want to build new buildings and buy new equipment. No matter how big these things are, the leader nodded, and finally It is the responsibility of Mr. Xiong. In the education system, the principal of County No. 1 High School met him with a smile on his face.

Today, although everyone has not heard the content of the conversation between the two sides, the result is clear.

The students know that the rafters in their early days will rot first, and the teachers must protect themselves wisely.

For a long time, there were only a few young teachers who were close to Qi Yuan on weekdays, stood in front of him and tried every means to talk.

In a somewhat nervous, excited, and weird atmosphere, Yang Rui announced that he would rewind.

Wang Guohua, Cao Baoming, and Huang Ren took the people and collected the teacher evaluation form in several ways. They saw that they were all Arabic numerals in various shapes, and there was no blank space at all.

“Count the votes on the spot.” Yang Rui distributed the evaluation form to two groups of people according to the junior high school and high school divisions, both of whom were members of the Ruixue group. Sitting on both sides of the rostrum, they began to count numbers desperately.

Some students went home, but most of them stayed there waiting for the results.

Liu Shan quietly came to Yang Rui and whispered: “I thought you would sing votes on the spot.”

Yang Rui was a little surprised that Liu Shan took the initiative to speak, and said naturally: “It’s too offensive to vote on the spot. I only plan to give high-rated teachers some encouragement.”

“So you are not afraid of anything.” Liu Shan turned her body slightly, and her two long legs were slender together.

Yang Rui smiled: “If you are not afraid of anything, then you are not human. I also want to let the students get a better education.”

“Rely on this evaluation form?”

“Study scores are accumulated bit by bit. Only by taking all the points that can be scored can you have a chance to win or lose. The quality of the teacher’s teaching is a key factor. Students spend several hours a day listening to their lectures. It is possible to improve efficiency and scores.” Yang Rui answered some of the questions that were not asked, but all that should be said.

Liu Shan’s eyes turned and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Yang Rui took the opportunity to look at her. Nowadays, girls dress very conservatively. If you want to see your figure, you must first have a very outstanding physical condition.

Just like Liu Shan, wearing loose sports jackets and sweatpants can also reflect the forward and backward figure, let alone put on tight-fitting fashions, change to a set of ordinary sportswear in the future, you can see people through glasses Straight.

Before no one else noticed this, Yang Rui was very satisfied with his vision, and his brain was more thorough: change into a few beautiful clothes, paint light makeup, and give Liu Shan the title of a girl or a school flower. There are no problems.

This is actually a beautiful white swan, only temporarily mixed in the duck pile.

It didn’t take long for the votes to be counted, and the brazier on the podium was lit.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Yang Rui walked up and said loudly: “Because it is the first selection, we adopted an anonymous and no-file method. After the transcription is completed, it will be posted on the school blackboard newspaper.”

As he said, he threw stacks of evaluation sheets into the brazier.

The playground was quiet, and it was boiling in a flash.

The unexpected move inevitably set off a surging discussion again.

Yang Rui just smiled. It wasn’t until Chen Hongxuan, a member of the Ruixue group who had practiced calligraphy, filled a piece of red paper that he led a large force to the blackboard newspaper column and hung it in the most eye-catching position.

The most popular female teacher-teacher Li Xiumei.

This is a middle school Chinese teacher, about 30 years old, with a sweet smile, generous and meticulous personality.

The most popular male teacher-Zhuang Musheng.

The high school chemistry teacher was among the top, which surprised Yang Rui, but after thinking about it carefully, although Zhuang Musheng’s lectures are not very good, the people are very straightforward and enthusiastic. Chemistry is not too difficult, and it is not surprising that some people like it.

The most dedicated teacher was acquired by English teacher Wang Fang.

In order to correct the students’ mistakes, she often goes to work one or two hours earlier, just to urge the students to read early. Everyone also sees it.

Looking at the ten names in a row, Yang Rui also had a superficial understanding of the teachers in Xibao Middle School.

A row of footsteps sounded from far and near.

The students consciously separated by an opening, but saw seven or eight teachers squeezed in, all relatively young male teachers.

“Yang Rui, this thing is not suitable, right?” Fang Xuesong, the physical education teacher, was the first to give his opinion, consciously neutral.

There are a total of ten names on the list, which means that there are more than 20 names not on the list, which is uncomfortable for teachers whose names are not on the red paper.

Yang Rui smiled and said, “There is nothing suitable or inappropriate for what our students do by themselves.”

“Who allowed you to do this?” The one with the most ugly expression was Liu Kang, a mathematics teacher in the junior high school. He considered himself very high. He was a rare teacher graduated technical secondary school student. He saw that the high school teacher Lu was listed as the “most responsible” “Teacher”, and he himself failed to make the list, and couldn’t help but feel bad for the evaluation form.

This guy is flattering, maybe it’s a black box operation?

Liu Kang had this idea, and then guessed Yang Rui’s motives. Naturally, they all went bad.

Yang Rui said: “No one will not let it be done. Our students select by themselves, pay for it, and we don’t approve it.”

“There is no standard, isn’t it a nonsense.”

“Perhaps, students’ nonsense is also a bounden duty…”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“There is no need to say anything at all. This is the matter of our sharp learning team , which is a non-governmental activity. It is the same as your evaluation of leadership. There is no need to demand authority and it will not affect your work. “Yang Rui took it for granted. Several people were very popular.

The physical education teacher Fang Xuesong couldn’t help but said: “How can it not affect work?”

“I can’t help it if it affects it, the public reputation is like this…” Yang Rui was not hard or soft in front of the nail. The red paper was hung on a high place, with a person on each side protecting it, and others could not reach it.

As he was talking, someone behind him shouted: “The principal is here, let the principal in.”

The students onlookers scattered like a tide, and came up like a tide.

“What are you doing?” Zhao Dannian came on the court, stunned everyone in the first sentence.

“You came here because…” Teacher Lu asked in a long voice.

“Didn’t you say that Section Chief Xiong is here? Why didn’t I see anyone?” Zhao Dannian had an afterthought. You are reading, if any!


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