Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 48

Chapter 48 Who makes the decision

When Yang Rui copied the second volume of New Concept English, students from other schools began to appear outside the gate of West Castle Middle School, squatting in front of a stone bench, wearing a hat, wearing slippers, and burying their heads in copying. Some of them were wealthy. The students, who are blocking the entrance and exit of the school, demand a higher price to buy mimeographed new concept English.

The first book of New Concept English has 300 pages. Although Yang Rui omitted graphic exercises and so on, the text still exceeds 160 pages. Because the mimeograph can only be one-sided, the cost of the first volume of New Concept English, which consumes so much paper, has reached 1 yuan, and not every student can afford it. When the price is increased to one fifty cents, many students gritted their teeth. It was sold.

Wang Guohua told Yang Rui the news for the first time and asked: “Should we print out the new concept English and sell it for one piece and five, but it will be half of the profit.”

Yang Rui didn’t answer, but scratched his head and said, “The first volume of New Concept English released now, right? Someone will copy this?”

He hasn’t finished copying the second book yet.

The first volume of New Concept English is short sentences. At best, they are simple conversations and pictures. One person asks “Where is Henry?” and the other answers “Maybe in the room, I don’t know.”

This level of English is for later generations, let alone junior high school students, better elementary schools are taught before graduation. In Yang Rui’s eyes, the essence of New Concept English should be in the second and third volumes, especially for students dealing with the college entrance examination, the third volume is the most valuable.

As for the first volume, Yang Rui just wanted to familiarize everyone with the teaching methods of New Concept English. If you don’t just walk into a bookstore, you can see a room of teaching supplementary materials. Many students have never seen multiple choice questions. If you don’t give him a step-by-step process, it will crash if you can’t fix it.

Wang Guohua didn’t understand Yang Rui’s question, and said, “This new concept of English, I just listened to other people’s stories before, and we’ve never seen it here. After you take it out, I think it’s very good, so why don’t you copy it? ?”

“There are four volumes of New Concept English, do you know? I wrote the first volume on the cover.” Yang Rui explained.

“I know.” Wang Guohua nodded, then looked at Yang Rui with incomprehensible eyes.

Yang Rui asked again: “Don’t you think it’s too simple?”

“Oh, there is a bit in the front, and the sentence in the back is a little longer.” Wang Guohua said, losing confidence, and asked: “Did I make a mistake?”

“Yes, yes, just feel right.” Yang Rui patted Wang Guohua on the shoulder and secretly said: It seems that I have made a mistake. Wang Guohua’s English is about 30 points, which is average in the Huizhou class. The English test in other classes has a score of more than ten or a few points, which is indeed suitable for New Concept English 1.

Yang Rui actually overestimated the English level of current students. Besides, English education for later generations started from elementary school. The English education of Wang Guohua and others only started around 80 years ago, and there is no suitable teacher, so they can only use pinyin to mark English words to read.

Up to now, Wang Guohua has studied English for two years. Most of the time, he has been herding sheep, and his level is a little weaker than that of the second-year students of later generations. The reason why he can test 30 points is that the English paper of the college entrance examination is simple , It’s not that his level can be so high.

The school’s English proficiency is low, and society’s English proficiency is even lower. For example, customs positions are very popular in civil service examinations. In the employment examinations in the 1980s, some “write 26 English letters” questions were often asked. Even so, There are still many people who can’t answer, yelling in anger: I am Chinese, why should I learn English!

Finding that the situation has changed, Yang Rui’s thinking also changed. He thought for a while, and said, “You can go to the mountain this afternoon and find my cousin in the county seat.”

“Look for the detective captain?” Wang Guohua was still a little scared when he talked about the police.

“Didn’t you say that you want to print New Concept English? I originally wanted to print it in the third volume. Since the first volume is suitable, I will print it now.”

“Then what do you want him for?”

“You forgot that Yan Lao Si found a printing house before? I asked my cousin to inquire about the situation before. Now you go down the mountain and say that we want to use the printing house to print books and ask him to think of a way.” It is a state-owned company, and people who don’t know come to print publications, so they need a letter of introduction. Old Fourth Yan didn’t know what it was. He found a suitable printing factory that could secretly print test papers for him. This kind of resource was very rare, so Yang Rui was so busy looking for his parents to get rid of him.

It can be said that the printing plant is the key factor in the destruction of the old four.

However, people’s willingness to print test papers for Yan Lao Si does not mean they are willing to print them for others. Yang Rui therefore asked his cousin to find out more. Now even if there is no result, he still has some clues.

Wang Guohua said a little frightened: “I heard that the printing factory is very expensive. What if we ask them to print the book and can’t sell it?”

“Can mimeographed textbooks be sold, but can the printed materials be sold?”

“That’s not the same, mimeograph is how much we want to print, how fast the machine in the printing plant…”

“It’s cheap. We can mimeograph thousands of sheets a day, and we have less than 100 books used to publish them, and we haven’t made money with test papers. But if we change to lead printing, it means we sell as much as we print.” Yang Rui said after a meal. Seeing that Wang Guohua’s expression was unnatural, he asked, “You still don’t seem to be optimistic?”

“I just think it’s too expensive. Since it’s a factory, you always have to print thousands of copies at a time. That’s not a few thousand yuan. Look at our school, there are not a hundred people who can buy a book for one dollar, plus It’s hard to say 1,000 copies for students in the county and surrounding towns. In addition, many students would rather copy books than buy books. The price of a book is still quite expensive.” Wang Guohua touched his head and said, again Hehe laughed twice and said, “If you are optimistic, I agree with you, but I think we should be more cautious.”

Yang Rui was slightly surprised. He did not expect Wang Guohua to be so sensitive to costs and prices.

Wang Guohua is like this, and other members of the sharp learning group will have similar thoughts.

Moreover, other members of the sharp learning group, it is estimated that Wang Guohua will not be so supportive of himself.

Yang Rui pondered for a moment, and simply said: “The printing uses funds from the Ruixue Group. Since you are not optimistic, then we will have a discussion.”

“How to discuss?”

“Assemble all members of the Ruixue team and reserve team members to discuss and vote on whether to print.”

Wang Guohua was taken aback: “What if the vote is not printed?”

It doesn’t matter if there is no vote. After a vote, failure to vote will greatly reduce the reputation.

“If you don’t print, you won’t print, I listen to everyone. Just so, we can also improve the internal mechanism of the sharp learning team.” Yang Rui wanted to take the opportunity to clean up the sharp learning team. After all, now the group is going smoothly, no one will make any strange tricks, but as the age of the group members increases and the accumulation of the sharp learning group increases, there will inevitably be voices of opposition. Instead of passively coping with it, it is better to come first. A preview.

Yang Rui himself is very optimistic about New Concept English. This is not a question of vision, but a matter of historical proof.

However, the more the number of prints at a time, the lower the cost. Although Yang Rui hopes to print as much as possible, the idea of ​​others in the Ruixue group is not necessarily the case.

Speaking of it, the current Ruixue group can accumulate 1,000 yuan in half a month, which is more than the office expenses of Xibao Middle School. It is not surprising that Yang Rui has the mentality of a miser to the group members www. .com This is determined by different life experiences and backgrounds.

Wang Guohua lowered his head and thought for a while, but said: “This is not fair. It is a vote. It should also be a vote by the group members. The reserve group members are not members and should not participate in the vote.”

The current official team members are only Wang Guohua, Cao Baoming, Huang Ren and Su Yi. Liu Shan is still in reserve. If the vote is based on the team members, any resolutions made by Yang Rui will be passed.

Yang Rui has his own purpose, so he shook his head firmly and said awe-inspiringly: “I didn’t specify the voting method in the group before. I just hope to negotiate with everyone. After all, the sharp learning group is everyone’s sharp learning group and should listen to everyone. Opinion. This time, we still invite the reserve team members to participate together, and the activists who joined the group should also invite them to observe.”

Wang Guohua looked at Yang Rui’s eyes and said, “No matter what others are doing, I think it’s better for you to make the decision.”

“Even if I have to make a decision in the future, everyone must vote and agree to it.” Yang Rui said meaningfully. You are reading, if any!


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