Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Quick answer

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After a quarter of an hour break between classes, Mr. Lu walked in with the papers.

The students are in their respective positions, quite consciously.

Yang Rui sucked the pen again and laid out the draft paper again, ready to do a big job.

He figured it out. The Yang family was originally a local family, and he was also the son of the secretary of the township party committee. Even though his father was not in power in the town, he was also the emperor of the neighboring family. As the son of the emperor next door, he has countless fellow villagers in Xibao Middle School. It is a bit exaggerated to say that there are five hundred strong men rushing out, but when he really wants to use people, he shouts and calls out ten or twenty arrogant men. The kid does whatever he wants.

In the street, the police from the local police station had to help.

I have been such a great township official for three generations, what am I afraid of!

I don’t bully men or women, and I don’t bully the market. My grades have improved. Who can arrest me and ask if I can get it right?

I just want to slice. Now there are a few hospitals that have the energy and financial resources. They can’t study the qigong masters.

In such a closed gully, it has been two days since a thousand people have fought for two days before the county knows that the performance of a student is really insignificant.

In contrast, it is more important to implement your own plan.

Yang Rui is a person who likes to do things according to plan. This is true for experiments and so is for tuition teachers. Although he will inevitably change the plan, it is also replacing one plan with another, and he rarely does things that take one step at a time.

Therefore, when the paper full of ink flavor arrived in Yang Rui’s hands, he immediately entered a state of selfless answering.

The tuition teacher also has to do test papers often. Whenever the famous set of questions comes out, what Huanggang, Jinggang, Jingyanggang…all have to be done by yourself first, otherwise students will not be able to answer when they come to ask questions, and the so-called gold medal name may be lost. .

Yang Rui usually does science test papers when he has time, and mathematics is the top priority among them. Because mathematics and English are the cash cows of cram schools.

English does not need to be taught by him, mathematics is naturally incomparable.

After doing this for several years, although Yang Rui couldn’t make 151 points on the math paper, the degree was very fast. Most of the questions would be known at a glance. Occasionally, he encountered trap questions, that is, the time to rub his wrists. It can be completely answered.

Wang Guohua, who is also at the same table, is also quick to do the problem.

He doesn’t care how many points he gets in the basic test, he cares how many points he can get on trigonometric functions. So as soon as I got the paper, I rushed to the topic of trigonometric functions.

He wants to prove that Yang Rui’s method is useful. In that case, he hopes to pass in mathematics.

In 1982, passing mathematics is an absolute high score.

In the recent college entrance examination, the national college entrance examination mathematics average score did not even have a score, and the average mathematics score of the admitted students was only high.

In fact, even after one year, the average score of mathematics of science students in the college entrance examination is not too much, and it still cannot reach the passing line of the sub-paper. As for the mathematics average scores of liberal arts students in the college entrance examination, they are often between points and points.

There are five trigonometric function questions in the whole set of papers.

This was made by Teacher Lu specially based on the 1982 college entrance examination papers, and it took a lot of thought. Among them, the first part of the questionnaire has two trigonometric functions with a total of two points, the filling in the blank and the answering each have a total of 6 points, and the next is a big question with 8 points, a total of 16 points, accounting for 13% of the volume.

If all can be achieved, reaching the average score is easy.

Wang Guohua felt excited inexplicably.

Especially after he made the first two small questions, he felt like a broken bamboo.

Mathematics for the college entrance examination originally emphasizes concepts rather than skills, and almost all question types can be completed with general solutions. Wang Guohua memorized the classic trigonometric function question type, and the two superimposed, the work was actually fun.

“I have seen this question!”

“I have done this question!”

“There seem to be two solutions to this question!”

Wang Guohua used to have a headache when he saw mathematics, but now he hates many problems. Of course, just a few more trigonometric functions.

At this time, he had time to look at Yang Rui on the left.

At this sight, Wang Guohua was taken aback.

What happened to the half-paper with numbers and symbols densely written on it?

Is this half done?

Even copying can’t be so fast.

After all, it was in the examination room, Wang Guohua glanced at Yang Rui’s paper, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Yang Rui didn’t notice anything, he kept writing, making rustling sounds. He didn’t even use the draft, and he solved the questions step by step on the test paper. The formulas were extremely detailed.

This is also to reduce suspicion. After all, the score of this paper will definitely be out of everyone’s imagination, and the existence of the intermediate process is a powerful explanation.

In less than a minute, Yang Rui not only finished writing the whole paper, but also had time to check it. But he didn’t hand in the papers, he had nothing to do after he got out of the classroom, and he would be questioned for no reason when he encountered other teachers.

After thinking about it, Yang Rui simply covered the draft paper and lay down on the table, closing his eyes and resting.

Liu Shan happened to raise her head and saw this scene. She sighed and was shocked: I was worried about him, and it was not me who was ashamed by the time… Besides, it was him who said that it was him who wanted to answer the questions well, and he was sleeping during the exam. It’s him who didn’t keep his promise and can’t blame me.

She thought about it, and saw that Yang Rui seemed to be really asleep, and peeked at him again like a thief, thinking: This kid is a real advantage, and he is younger than Takakura Ken.

Girls originally matured earlier than boys. Liu Shan skipped grades twice and repeated twice. She is already 17 years old, at the age of the blooming and rainy seasons, and she will look at boys too.

Although Yang Rui didn’t study well, he was a bit clumsy and couldn’t hide his outstanding appearance. The girls would inevitably pay more attention.

However, Yang Rui’s own performance, in Liu Shan’s view, is really inferior.

“Golden and jade are in the midst of failure.” Liu Shan subconsciously wrote the first few words on the test paper, reacted suddenly, and quickly erased it with a pen.

“Now that Teacher Lu will be detained, I blame Yang Rui.” Liu Shan didn’t look at him again and focused on the topic.

Two consecutive classes flashed past, and when the bell rang, Teacher Lu and Yan Yue said: “Okay, all the students check whether the names are written, and then put the paper back on the table to remind the students around and supervise each other. ”

Teacher Lu’s home is in Xizhaizi Township, and it is under the jurisdiction of Secretary Yang. Every year he buys fertilizers and borrows agricultural machinery, pays agricultural taxes and reserves, etc. It is indispensable to deal with the township government. It is a very convenient social relationship for Yang Rui to be the teacher in charge of the class. He treats Yang Rui It takes extra care.

Wang Guohua then patted Yang Rui twice and “supervised” him.

“get out of class is over? How’s your answer?” Yang Rui wiped his mouth, UU reading www.udkahnshu. Com looks lazy after a nap.

“Brother, you still remember to care about me. I have answered all the trigonometric questions, right? I just wrote the other questions casually. It’s time to hand in the paper.” Wang Guohua’s tone is actually quite confident, just purely for formality. On the humility.

“That’s good. If you can answer it, the correct rate is very high.” Yang Rui knows the advantages and disadvantages of memorizing questions, and is most afraid of encountering trap questions and partial questions. This set of papers is based on the questions of the last college entrance examination. , Relatively simple, there is no big problem if you can answer it.

Teacher Lu coughed twice on the stage: “Don’t talk, each row will pass the papers from back to front, and no writing is allowed!”

Monitor Liu Shan got up and went to the front to help organize the papers together.

Yang Rui was tall, and he was a newcomer to the squad, sitting relatively back, and the paper quickly disappeared from everyone.

Liu Shan couldn’t go through his papers in public. She glanced at him from a distance, and made a lip-sync: look at the score tomorrow.

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