Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Reprint

Yang Rui had breakfast in school and deliberately calmed down before riding his bicycle down the mountain.

The mountain breeze is very cold, but the air is fresh and moist. Between breathing and breathing, it seems that the lungs are all immersed in cold water, which is extremely comfortable.

The downhill **** is very long, but very wide. It is said that President Zhao tried to stand up to the public’s disagreement, one village next to each other, persuaded everyone, and then applied to the commune to build a super-mass project. In the era when there were no construction vehicles, the corners were equivalent to the scale of six lanes, which could not be done overnight.

Whenever they get here, many students will release their handles excitedly and rush all the way at a gust of speed.

This is probably the early Biaoche.

Yang Rui let go of his head, unconsciously let go of the handlebar, ran for a while, and then subconsciously took a pose.

His mental age is about 30, so he subconsciously does not do such dangerous activities.

A normal thirty-year-old man has stiff muscles and bones, and may become inhumane after a fall. You really have to be careful. Those who are not careful enough will probably be eliminated in the process of evolution.

Wang Guohua followed behind, and he rode an aggravated permanent, which was only faster than Yang Rui’s speed.

Most of the students in the Huilu class buy bicycles, but the prices are different. As a famous brand, the permanent phoenix costs more than 40 yuan, and the red flags are more than 30 yuan. The pandas and Lehua produced in this province even cost less than 30 yuan, which is more than a pair. Genuine big pull back is not too expensive.

Wang Guohua buys permanent parts, which are cheaper than the installed permanent cars. It is a way to increase production that factories with insufficient production capacity think of. From the perspective of the 21st century, it is a bit stupid, but under various administrative pressures, this is also the case. There is no way.

Riding all the way to the door of the post office, Yang Rui hesitated for a moment before pushing the door in.

“Are there any telegrams?” Yang Rui filled his speed and walked to the counter at a very slow pace.

It is Wu Qian who is on duty. She saw Yang Rui, her cheeks blushed a little, and she said: “So anxious, the morning telegram is about to be sent out, I’ll go see it.”

“I’m not in a hurry.” Yang Rui murmured.

Wu Qian pursed her mouth, lowered her head to find the telegram.

Wang Guohua parked the car and came in. He happened to hear Yang Rui’s words and smiled: “I arrived at the post office in person early in the morning, but I looked like an anxious person.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Yang Rui glared at him, tapping his fingers on the wooden cabinet, making a whining sound, like an early woodpecker with decayed teeth.

A few minutes later, or in Yang Rui’s feeling, after a long time, Wu Qian turned around with a telegram, and whispered, “Really there.”

“Say what? Show me.” Yang Rui leaned over on the counter, grabbing the telegram halfway.

The teletext is concise and concise: 87 copies were sold.

“87? It’s pretty good.” Wang Guohua leaned over and exclaimed.

Yang Rui sighed: “87 books, this is a dying rhythm.”

“What rhythm?”

“87 copies are sold in one day and 870 copies are sold in ten days. It takes 100 days to sell 8,700 copies. If nothing else, Jiefang Printing Factory will not agree.” Yang Rui shook his head disappointed.

“It will definitely sell more in two days.” After listening to Yang Rui’s account, Wang Guohua’s voice became smaller and said: “Our test papers are also slowly increasing sales?”

“The test papers are constantly changing. There are always new test papers. If the previous customers are retained, new customers will be added. The book is different. People who bought it before will not buy it again. The longer the delay, the new customers The less.” Yang Rui rubbed his hair, really can’t understand why Tangtang sells so badly.

In fact, if it is based on ordinary pirated book theory, in a city, the results of selling 87 copies a day can not be said to be bad. According to the profit of more than 5 cents per book, at least 45 yuan can be earned here. When the provincial capital is sold out, go to the region, and the region is sold out to the other provinces. Every day, I earn one month’s salary of others. This is already an extra addition. It is not easy to sell such a result if you want to change to another pirated book.

However, the profit of 50 cents is exchanged for printing 10,000 books at a time. If only 5,000 copies are printed, the profit may be reduced to two cents. If only 2,500 copies are printed, there may be no profit.

And at this rate, using 2500 yuan as the cost, and then recovering it in one month, it still didn’t make a penny. It really can’t be said to be a good business.

From this point of view, selling 87 copies a day is indeed too few.

As for the distribution of goods to neighboring provinces, Yang Rui is not optimistic. On the one hand, more salespersons are required, which means more costs. On the other hand, there is a higher risk. The chance of being blackmailed by local snakes and police also increases. The current business environment is not good. It’s not that you can do business safely by obediently selling goods and paying taxes. In cities, from the municipal government to the neighborhood committee, they are eligible to let self-employed pay the money. In order to buy safety, self-employed vendors do The story of celebrating the birthday of the director of the neighborhood committee, celebrating the birthday of the mother of the director of the neighborhood committee, and celebrating the birthday of the father of the director of the neighborhood committee, is frequently performed nationwide. It should be said that ordinary people saw the self-employed making money, so they were jealous, and the right holders also saw the self-employed making money, so they wielded a knife to cut the flesh and sell the blood.

In Hedong Province, the relationship between the Yang family can play a role, and it will inevitably be beyond the reach of neighboring provinces.

More importantly, the province’s potential is by no means a mere 87 books per day.

This is Hedong Province, where one issue of the magazine can sell 300,000 copies, and there are more than 300,000 people who need English materials.

In this era, there are more people who fail to enter university, but there are definitely more people who do.

“There must be something wrong.” Yang Rui clicked and knocked on the counter again and again.

“You can send a telegram to ask.” Wang Guohua came up with an idea.

Yang Rui thought for a while, then simply shook his head, and said: “The telegram is not clear. Call it. Take a telegram and let him wait. I’ll call.”

This time, it was another long wait.

Finally I made a call, and before Yang Rui asked, Shi Gui complained first: “Many people have heard of New Concept English, and many people go to the book booth to read and ask, but very few bought, and some said that the first volume was too simple. Some people are worried that the entire volume will be released in the future and cannot be sold separately. In short, selling the first volume alone will not work.”

This answer was definitely beyond Yang Rui’s expectation, and he couldn’t help saying: “Although the content of the first volume is simple, at least it is suitable for students below the second year of high school. For graduating students with poor foundations, it is okay to read the first volume first…”

“No one wants to just read such a shallow book. Even if the grades are not good, I would like to see what the second book looks like. Besides, half of the first book is very simple. Many students only copy the back half, even Only copy the last third, and it will sell more slowly in the future. If the second volume can be added up and sold in bundles, I guess it will sell more.”

Yang Rui couldn’t help being silent.

I have to say that Shi Gui’s judgment is very reasonable. After all, the pirated books produced by Yang Rui cannot be compared with the large publishing houses. There is only the first volume, and there is no credit value. It is normal for students not to choose to buy.

If the second volume is added, and the number of words in the second volume is used, copying will be a waste of time. Selling both volumes at the same time may increase sales.

But…Where does Yang Rui have the money to print the second volume?

It’s not enough if you print less, the cost is too high, and you will be defeated by other big piracy or big publishing houses before they are sold out.

“Apart from adding the second volume and selling it together, is there any other way?”

“I can try it in other cities, and then find a teacher at the school… Actually, a teacher came to ask, because there is only one volume. By the way, they want the entire volume. Ask me how many books there are in total. I can’t tell either.” Shi Gui’s voice on the other end of the phone was dull, and he was obviously tired.

Yang Rui touched his chin, unable to decide.

“Hey, hello…Is there no sound on the phone? It’s such an expensive phone bill, and I still can’t get through, what kind of broken calls…” Shi Gui’s voice became irritable.

A person selling pirated books in a provincial capital, thinking about the ending of Hua Leopard, is indeed a very stressful job.

“I can hear.” Yang Rui knocked on the receiver, and then said: “If I print the second volume, how much sales do you think will be possible?”

“It’s okay to double.”

“Two sets are doubled, that is one two hundred and five per day?”

“What two hundred and five is so ugly, alas, almost, I didn’t expect it to be so hard to sell.”

“If you print another 10,000 copies, it will be 20,000 copies, one two hundred and five a day, and it will take 80 days. That is not much different from now, and it will still sell more slowly, isn’t it?” Yang Rui said with a stern voice while holding the microphone. : “Twenty thousand books cost 16,000. You can figure it out clearly for me.”

“This one……”

“Don’t you say that many people come to ask? Five hundred copies a day, that’s not too much. If you can sell 500 copies, I will find a way to print another 10,000 copies of the second volume.” Yang Rui said loudly, as if Confident, in fact, his palms were sweating.

500 books per day, the best result is that they are sold out in 40 days. Although the time is still a bit long, it is within an acceptable range. At least one month’s return is enough to cover the cost.

Unless you accept a huge debt now, this is the best option.

Yang Rui could not sell these pirated books himself, and a great future could not take such risks. On the other hand, Yang Rui believed that he was no better than Shi Gui.

Shi Gui has cooked restaurants by himself and has more than one month of test paper sales experience. For now, it is already the best choice.

Shi Gui was shocked by Yang Rui’s words.

His home is in Xibao Town, and the monk can’t run to the temple if he can run. If he promises five hundred books , then he must work hard to complete it.

However, if you don’t agree, you won’t be able to do this sales job.

Compared to opening restaurants, Shi Gui cares more about his current job, whether it is remuneration or fun.

Looking at the people coming and going outside the window, Shi Gui finally gritted his teeth and said, “It’s only five hundred copies. But, do you still have money to print?”

“You don’t have to spend money, I will find a way to persuade Comrade the factory director.” Yang Rui was scheming in his heart.

Wang Guohua was secretly speechless. Shi Gui was caught by General Yang Rui and his brain was too late. Wang Guohua remembered that the profit of a book is 50 cents. If you can sell 500 copies a day, it will be a profit of 250 yuan, which is three or four times the income of the Ruixue group.

And all of this money belongs to Yang Rui personally.

In Wang Guohua’s eyes, this is definitely an astronomical figure.


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