Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Long-term interest-free loan

Repayment of principal and payment of interest are the basic principles of credit. But in China, the word “long-term interest-free” broke it.

First of all, no one has said how long the long-term is. Many collectives have borrowed interest-free loans since the 1950s and 1960s to pay their members, or simply use them as government investments to build infrastructure. However, no one is actively doing the restitution. Many of the production team debts in the 1960s and 1970s were owed, and even the main body of the loan could not be found, so that the bank could only describe these loans as precipitation.

In addition, some bank outlets work in a rough way. Just as Duan Hang said, they simply didn’t write the return time, so they became indefinite loans, which is equivalent to making it clear that they don’t need to be repaid.

In the era when administrative agencies can greatly influence the banking system, long-term interest-free loans are like appropriations, which have been embezzled by various special funds. To a certain extent, they are also a piece of Tang monk meat, so that the State Finance Office We have to issue notices repeatedly, requesting all localities to rectify the use of long-term interest-free loans.

The bank’s loan collection policy is even more reluctant to obey reality, stipulating that “in good harvest areas, in addition to recovering the loans that are due in the year, two parts of the old loans should be recovered as much as possible; in the flat production areas, in principle, the maturity of the year should be recovered. Loans, areas with light disasters and reduced production, can reduce the collection of loans as appropriate, and strive to achieve a balance between the collection and the release of the year…”

Such a banking policy is placed in a capitalist country, and the banks are going to go bankrupt, and the capitalists will also grin.

However, even if the bank has a conscience, it is left to the collective. After the reform and opening up, long-term interest-free loans can be loaned to individuals, but ordinary people can’t help but worry.

China does not have a bankruptcy law. In 1982, state-owned enterprises that survived, no matter how bad they were, were still standing. The debts they owed were always on their accounts. The same was true for personal loans. A natural person who could not go bankrupt owed money to the bank, father. If you can’t pay it back, it will naturally be paid by the son. If the son can’t pay it back, the grandson will pay it back.

It doesn’t sound good to think about it after death.

Moreover, although the people at this time are simple, they also have simple worries.

Although it is a long-term interest-free loan, what should we do if the policy changes?

Yang Rui, who came from 30 years later, could say with a smile, “The policy will not change, it will not change in 30 years, and it will not change in 50 years.” However, before the Southern Tour speech, those who dare to say this said useful things. There is no one.

The naive Chinese must consider that, perhaps one day, long-term interest-free loans will become their own curse. Someone will open a study class to force you to pay back the money, regardless of how long the long-term…

Furthermore, some people will think, will money become valuable in the future?

Although any 21st-century student can laugh at this view: China’s inflation has become a spherical shape, and what is the ability to deflation? I have never seen a basketball that can be played as a baseball when it is deflated. In the news, I heard that the renminbi has appreciated externally. Who dares to say that the renminbi can appreciate internally? Let him try to sell the foreign exchange!

However, the general concept of the 21st century, set in the 1980s, is a future that economists dare not say. It is difficult to determine the future.

In these years, the Soviet Union still pretended to live a long time. In order for the “free world” to survive, Europe still has a cute selfie face with pouting buttocks. It has completely endured the trade gap with the United States. Although the Third World feels that It is painful to make chess pieces, but since American and European workers are still sweating in the factory, there is nothing to complain about.

China, which is far from being the factory of the world, is facing infinite possibilities.

For ordinary people, a loan from a bank, even if there is no interest for a long time, is still a matter of courage and risk.

Duan Hang was very embarrassed. Yang Rui had helped so much that he had only one move to take out loans. But money is the last word, and he can only comfort him: “I’ll go to the Jiefang Factory and talk about it. I estimate that an additional two or three thousand deposit will do. The money is loaned out from the bank, and I can pay it back if I can afford it. I can’t pay you back. Don’t worry, no one is forcing the debt. Besides, aren’t we short of money now? If you write a few more articles at your level, you will be able to pay back sooner or later.”

Yang Rui laughed: “You’re so sure, I can’t make money from selling books.”

“Ah…no, of course not, I’m afraid you think the loan is not good.”

“The loan is a bit troublesome. I don’t know how long it will be approved?” Yang Rui knew the efficiency of the bank.

Duan Hang was unclear, so he said: “You only need to take a loan and sign the documents, and they will give you cash. I will find someone for two days at most.”

“Take cash… It’s really fast.” Yang Rui felt so fast. In the 1980s, he had experienced too many low-efficiency things. He didn’t expect bank loans to become highly efficient.

Duan Hang looked at Yang Rui seriously for a long time and said, “Don’t think I’m selling loans. If you want to borrow, you can borrow. If you don’t want to borrow, don’t borrow. Don’t force it. There is always a way to print books.”

“Is it legal?” Yang Rui asked suddenly. He didn’t ask this because of his strong concept of law-abiding. As a man who aspired to be a biological company, such things as law-abiding were nothing but a cloud. However, too obvious illegal incidents cannot be done and it is not cost-effective.

Duan Hang was asked by Yang Rui, and he thought for a while, and said: “It is definitely not illegal to break the law. People in the credit union have too many loans, so I can’t wait to force them to be assigned to the employees. However, you are still a student, if you don’t do it. If it’s false, it’s probably not a good loan…

After hesitating for a moment, Duan Hang raised his head and said, “Let’s use my name to borrow. After the money is in hand, I will transfer it to you. I will say that my wife is going to do business. It is no problem to borrow a few thousand yuan.”

“That won’t work, it’s better to use my name. I want to borrow more.”

“More loans? How much?”

“If there is no interest, or if the interest is low, how many loans can be borrowed.” Yang Rui was not worried about not being able to repay the loan at all. In the near future, in two years, China’s inflation is about to pierce the sky. The official data of 25% a year means that banknotes depreciate by more than 25% a year. If you can buy some short-selling goods, you can make a profit. Three or five times the profit is the same as playing.

In the long run, even if this kind of long-term interest-free loan can’t be used for 30 years, it will be used for more than ten years, but it will be the same as a free grant. In 1992, the monthly salary of workers has risen to more than 200 yuan, which is the current five. Times, let alone the power of large sums of money after operation.

Even if he came here by grabbing a pig’s head and replacing all the banknotes with stamps, he would be able to make a profit in the 1990s.

If you just want to live a life in comfort, borrowing interest-free loans to buy stamps in the 1980s, selling stamps to buy stocks in the 1990s, and selling stocks to buy a house in the 00s, it would be safe to be a billionaire.

Duan Hang didn’t expect Yang Rui to be so vigorous, and said carefully: “Although it can be done anytime, it doesn’t mean that you can not pay it back. If you squander it, it will be troublesome.”

“What to squander, investment, is investment.”

“What to invest in?”

“Too much…” Yang Rui looked over Duan Hang and saw the brick house not far away, suddenly losing strength.

Talking about investment in this environment is like going to an interview in shorts, which is indeed a bit lacking in persuasiveness.

Duan Hang touched the handlebar of the motorcycle and thought about it: “The credit union in Xi County has a loan of at least tens of thousands a month. If you want it, I guess it’s okay to get 10,000 or 20,000, but it will be difficult if you have more.”

“If you take a loan of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, is it in your name or in my name?”

“It’s better to use my name, you are a student, it’s not easy to get a loan.” Duan Hang repeated. He actually feels pressured. The captain’s salary plus subsidy per month is no more than 60 yuan, which is already a high salary in the county. With this calculation, he can accumulate 6,000 yuan without eating or drinking for ten years, and only in twenty years. Accumulate twelve thousand, not to mention that he can’t help but eat or drink.

If it weren’t for an article sent to him by Yang Rui, and five hundred yuan that he didn’t care about, Duan Hang wouldn’t help such a favor if he was just a relative.

Yang Rui hesitated and said, “Then take the loan in your name, and I will write you an IOU.”

Duan Hang said politely, but agreed. Whether it is 10,000 or 20,000, it is not a small number for him, and he still has a wife.

In the next two days, Yang Rui was a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Fortunately, Duan Hang didn’t let him wait long. As a powerful figure of the Public Security Bureau, Duan Hang had a lot of methods in the county town. On the third day, he got an interest-free loan of RMB 12,500, which lasted as long as 10 years. It is cash.

For this loan method, Yang Rui from later generations can only envy. However, what really surprised him was his cousin, UU Reading, a woman who could not be regarded as a familiar woman, gave Yang Rui full trust, but only met and acquiesced in her husband’s decision.

Yang Rui was really surprised by this decision to lend his family’s income for ten years to others, or to borrow money from himself.

The rhetoric he had prepared was completely useless.

I only use this money for half a year. After half a year, I will buy all the stamps and leave it to my cousin. Yang Rui secretly made this decision.

After receiving an interest-free loan of RMB 12,500, Yang Rui finally felt like a second-generation official.

In these years, there is an old man who is an official, even if he is just the secretary of the township party committee, he can’t do business with his own money.

Yang Rui only took out 2,500 yuan to make a deposit for the second volume of the Jiefang Printing Factory, and when they had all printed it, he personally escorted the car and sent it to the provincial capital, preparing to make a decision based on the market response.

…You are reading, if any!


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