Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Unequal contract

Coming out of Zhao Dannian’s principal’s office, Xia Houhuan felt cold all over, as if he had been soaked by well water on a hot day.

The school’s laboratory was built by Yang Rui. The instruments, containers, and materials were bought by Yang Rui, and even the house was built by Yang Rui.

Just do the math, don’t it cost thousands of dollars?

Xia Houhuan didn’t ask for more information, and President Zhao wouldn’t tell him about the Ruixue team and Yang Rui himself making money, but it was just a few thousand yuan, which shocked Xia Houhuan.

When he was in the Institute of Biology, his monthly salary was taken with bonuses. The total was 43 yuan and 5 cents, which was nothing more.

Because the three children in the family were getting older, Xia Houhuan was also under heavy financial pressure. In addition, he didn’t like research positions and mastered certain avenues, so he resolutely went to the sea for business.

After more than a year of intermediary work, Xia Houhuan’s richest month can earn more than two thousand yuan. After removing the back and forth fare, red envelopes and dinner treats, the one who has fallen in hand is 1,500 yuan. When it is young, there are four. Five hundred profit.

Accumulated in this way, Xia Houhuan had a deposit of as much as 15,000 yuan, a true invisible rich man. This is also the main weight that he dares to contract the research institute factory. Even if he doesn’t make a dime, the money can support him for a year.

It can be said that Xia Houhuan, who has earned a colleague’s salary for 30 years, is not only feeling the miraculous destiny, but also proud of his own ability and strength. When the principal said that Yang Rui had built his own laboratory, Xia Houhuan’s first reaction was unbelief, and the second reaction was “bad”.

Those who can spend thousands of dollars to build their own laboratories can really look down on the bonus of dozens of dollars a month.

Xia Houhuan’s face was a little feverish, but more anxious.

Needless to say, Yang Rui’s request for an ultraviolet spectrophotometer is definitely not a joke.

Xia Houhuan, who is accustomed to paying employees 35 yuan a month, is really hard to adapt to Yang Rui’s asking price.

For more than 10,000 instruments, even if they are bought for second-hand, they cost five or six thousand, and this has to be personal.

Change a drawing for such a big price? Is it worth it? Calculating the cost and benefit is naturally worthwhile, but in Xia Houhuan’s heart, he couldn’t turn this corner.

This is five or six thousand yuan, more than the money he spent on refurbishing the factory. Just so lightly gifted to a high school student, even if it is a high school student who can earn thousands of dollars on his own, Xia Houhuan always feels a little bit in his heart, making him feel that the other party earns more than he earns, and it is easier.

But if you disagree, Xia Houhuan doesn’t have any other good projects in his hands, like this kind of instrument with high technical difficulty and low manufacturing difficulty, he has been observing all the time, but there is no suitable one.

“We have to let Lao Liu and the others do the calculation again.” Xia Houhuan did not immediately make a decision. He was familiar with the people in Pingjiang, so he would ask an associate researcher to help for two or three days, pack a ten yuan red packet, and pack two days of tobacco, alcohol and tea, even if he was well paid.

When Xia Houhuan was stingy, he asked someone to add a month’s shift, and he gave him 25 yuan.

Thinking about it now, compared with Yang Rui, these researchers are all living Lei Fengs.

“The young man now is amazing.” Xia Houhuan went back to Pingjiang dullly, gathered the people again, and then offered a four hundred yuan reward, hoping that they could crack the blueprint of the crystallizer.

As a result, four hundred yuan was not spent.

Researcher Liu, with white hair on the temples, said: “If you want to do it, we can do it too, but it’s hard to say how long it will be done.”

“This year is definitely not counted.” Researcher Li who came with him kindly gave the time.

Researcher Liu agreed: “There may be any lectures next year. If you include the vacation time, it is difficult to tell whether it can be calculated.”

“You have to ask dozens of college students to help with the calculation, or you will find dozens of computers.”

“Where can I find a computer, it can take two hours to queue for a month.” Xia Houhuan asked with a shy face, “Can I think of other ways? Just such a drawing, let’s put it It is solved, how come it will take one or two years…”

“If this is a national task, mobilize dozens of elite troops and perform reverse research with various advanced equipment. It will be no problem to produce results in a few months. Otherwise, hehe…” The white-haired researcher nodded a wild goose. Tower, spit out two small smoke rings, he was here to help, naturally he was not in a hurry.

Xia Houhuan scratched his head anxiously, sent away a group of part-time researchers, and went to find He Haichuan of the Xibao Meat Union Factory.

He Haichuan naturally couldn’t make an evaporative crystallizer. He turned to Yang Rui because he couldn’t understand the drawings and principles.

As a result, Xia Houhuan turned around and had to return to Xibao Middle School for the third time.

Xia Houhuan was moved by visiting the thatched cottage for three times.

Unfortunately, Yang Rui was not touched at all. The first sentence when he saw Xia Houhuan was: “Bring the UV spectrophotometer, otherwise please return.”

Xia Houhuan smiled bitterly: “I haven’t seen anything yet, so I have to spend more than 10,000 yuan to buy the instrument, and I don’t have that much money. Look at this, let me produce the evaporation crystallizer first, and get the money back. , I will buy you an ultraviolet spectrophotometer.”

“What if you go bankrupt?”


“If you want to produce the evaporative crystallizer, you need my labor. I have paid for the labor. You have to pay me. As for whether the evaporative crystallizer can be sold, what does it have to do with me?” Yang Rui’s current attitude is appropriate. The tutor during the university’s real life, I only listened to his melodious voice: “I know that all of you in business like to default, manufacturers owe raw materials suppliers, sellers owe manufacturers, I am not a businessman, I am just a researcher, you If you don’t give me the UV spectrophotometer, just play around. By the way, I haven’t moved the microscope. You can take it away at any time.”

Xia Houhuan was silly when she heard it, and said in her heart: You are too rude.

To say that there was a little choice, he turned around and left now.

But he has come three times, indicating that he has no choice at all.

In fact, as long as the evaporative crystallizer is made, the prospects are still very good. Xia Houhuan comforted herself so, gritted her teeth and said: “Well, you promise to let me exclusively produce this evaporative crystallizer, and then help me solve all technical problems, I will get you an ultraviolet spectrophotometer.”

“First, I only solve the problems on the drawings, and ensure that the evaporation crystallizers on the drawings are producible. As for the problems in production, I don’t understand, you have to find someone to deal with them. Second, not just a UV spectrometer. The photometer is all right, at least the international mainstream level, that is, the type currently used by your Bioscience Research Institute, or better. In addition, I don’t know how you talked with the Xibao Meat Union Factory. A crystallizer is a constant temperature crystallizer. It is different from this one. You have to find someone to knock one out for me.” Yang Rui doesn’t care about the drawing of this evaporative crystallizer. In the international market, this product has no technical advantages. In terms of basic functions, the German products that Xibao Meat Union plans to purchase have shortcomings in mechanical and electrical aspects, that is, the structure is relatively mature, and there is still use value in the country.

However, it is currently not possible to apply for a patent in China. Secondly, the drawings of the evaporation crystallizer Yang Rui took out were made in the late 1990s in China, which infringed on foreign patents, so it would not make sense to apply for a foreign country.

It was precisely because of the limited value of the drawing that Yang Rui gave it to He Haichuan.

However, the reason for giving He Haichuan to He Haichuan was because the uncle was in the Xibao Meat Union Factory and he had no deal with Han Sen. It was impossible to give it to Xia Houhuan.

Anyone who engages in academic research knows that a person’s research results are valuable, and the value is not only related to the value of the results, but also related to the researcher. A doctoral student presided over the research on a set of targeted anti-cancer drugs, which may be packaged and sold for only a few hundred thousand. If you replace it with a big ben, people would be embarrassed to charge millions for the same thing.

If Yang Rui sells the drawings for a cheaper price today, someone will dare to offer a lower price tomorrow.

On the contrary, he is asking for a few thousand yuan now, and when someone asks for a few hundred yuan in the future, he has to be cheeky.

Xia Houhuan had no problem with knocking on another constant temperature crystallizer. He was still thinking about the good thing of buy one get one free. Without knowing that Yang Rui had countless ways to keep technology secret, he nodded and said, “Then we sign a written contract?”

“If you don’t sign, what’s the use of signing?” Yang Rui didn’t want the details of the blueprint transaction that used foreign patents to fall on paper.

Xia Houhuan said unexpectedly: “You have to ensure that you exclusively authorize it to me.”

“I will give it to you exclusively, but I will not sign.”


“No. You want it if you want it, don’t want it if you don’t want it, next time you come, please bring the instrument, otherwise don’t come.” Yang Rui once again asked Xia Houhuan to be put out.

“How do I know you won’t sell to another person?”

“If I said I would not, I would not, if it weren’t for the trouble, I built a factory and produced it.” Yang Rui waved his hand as a farewell.

Xia Houhuan did not break out and silently endured Yang Rui’s unequal contract.

To do business in China in the 1980s, you had to endure all kinds of strange people and things.

It can be said that in addition to making money, businessmen in the 1980s did not gain much happiness and happiness. Therefore, after many businessmen have made money, they have tried their best to change careers. Many rich second generations choose to be officials and emigrate, often from the influence of their parents.

Xia Houhuan met customers and officials who were more demanding than Yang Rui. After confirming that he was at a disadvantage, he finally set his position.

After all, this is a million-level market. As long as you pay a cost of 10,000 to 20,000 upfront, you may become a millionaire in three to five years.

Xia Houhuan could not refuse this temptation.

In the next week Xia Houhuan did her best and finally got Yang Rui from the Pingjiang Metal Research Institute an 80% new Japanese-made UV spectrophotometer, which cost 6,800 yuan. Take a red envelope of 400 yuan.

Then, he found a researcher who was familiar with him, together with the technician in the factory, to listen to Yang Rui’s explanation of the drawings.

Yang Rui didn’t explain to them right away, and asked the three of them to settle down in Xibao Town first, saying that it would take a while before they could sort out their things.

In fact, things are in his head, but he is unwilling to say it immediately, lest the other party feels at a loss.

In the days when Xia Houhuan was anxious to get angry, Yang Rui seriously placed this ultraviolet spectrophotometer in the southeast corner of the laboratory, and then enthusiastically took out several experiments that he had already prepared, and started doing it.

Three days later, his “organization” work had not yet been completed, but the sample book of the periodical was sent back.

To Yang Rui’s surprise, this envelope with English letters from a foreign country caused a sensation throughout the town of Xibao.


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