Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Grooming environment

Yang Rui thought he had cleaned up the laboratory, so he went back to the classroom as a supervisor.

Early the next morning, when the Ruixue group had just finished the running project, seven or eight people were waiting at the door of the laboratory pushing a flatbed cart.

He Cheng asked in the past and returned to report: “They said they came to decorate the laboratory.”

Yang Rui patted his forehead, abandoning the members of the sharp learning group who had read early, and opened the door.

I saw that the visitors were divided into two teams. One group took out green paint and prepared to paint on the ground and walls. The other group took out red flannel and curtain poles and began to ping-pong the nails. In the end, there were two people left. Holding a ruler, measuring one by one, it seems to be a cabinet.

Yang Rui took a look and found it. Looking at this posture, the standard of decoration must be the computer laboratory. Fortunately, no carpet was laid. It is estimated that the principal did not want to do it, but was too expensive.

Ultraviolet spectrophotometers, mechanical analytical balances, microscopes, distillation machines, drying ovens, constant temperature incubators, autoclaves, electric furnaces, water baths and other instruments that look a bit stylish are all covered by red flannelette, Yang Rui looked at I am quite proud. These are all the belongings that he has spent a lot of thought on buying, such as autoclaves, which are changed after buying a large pressure cooker, drying ovens and distillation machines, etc., if they are all new If the goods are sold, they are afraid of tens of thousands of dollars.

As for now, he has spent a total of several thousand yuan, but he has initially built a biological laboratory. With these devices, the research he has done has a proven basis.

Compared with the small biological research institutes in some remote areas in China, Yang Rui’s laboratory can be said to be no lagging behind. Even if he takes these guys to the university in the future, his own laboratory may be much more upscale than the laboratory used by the students.

This kind of advantage will naturally accumulate step by step.

With dozens of buttons and several displays, the UV spectrophotometer on the tall has been specially taken care of. It is wrapped in red flannel with buttons, and it is protected as if it should never be used again.

Yang Rui let them do it. Except for the unpleasant smell, the laboratory itself is not affected. The newly opened cabinets are also good for storing reagents and containers. Besides, he does not need to pay the money. I don’t know where the principal got the funds.

In the eyes of Yang Rui, Zhao Dannian really has the posture of the Red Guards guerrillas. He usually looks at a man who is pushed down and clanging poorly. When he wants to use it, he can always find one from the ditch. Take a handful of wheat and rice. Nowadays, industrial and agricultural scissors are inferior. The price of industrial products is much higher than that of agricultural products. Just torn off the tens of hundreds of feet of red flannel, it will cost a lot of money. The paint is not cheap. It’s a bit beyond the strength of the township middle school.

The laboratory will not be available for one or two days. Yang Rui is also waiting for the feedback of the first two papers, so he simply took a vacation for himself and the laboratory assistants who had been busy for many days.

He has high expectations for the last paper published abroad. Because the current coenzyme q10 is a very expensive biochemical product, and it is also one of the specific drugs for the treatment of intractable diseases such as heart disease and coronary heart disease. It has a wide range of uses. In short, in addition to its great research value, it is a medicine that can sustain the lives of wealthy people. There is absolutely no possibility that it cannot be sold after being produced.

The current domestic production technology is backward. There are more than 100 organ biochemical workshops. The annual output is not as much as that of the three major Japanese companies. Solving outdated equipment and carrying out high-quality workshop management are problems that they need to solve first. , But in countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan, the existing production potential has been almost tapped. Each pharmaceutical company should be very concerned about the production process to increase production. After a few weeks, no one came to contact him. How many let Yang Rui Feeling disappointed.

Is it because the qualifications are not enough, or the paper is not clear enough?

Yang Rui didn’t think it was like it. If he wasn’t clear enough, he wouldn’t be selected in the first round and he would be published directly. Journals are not like newspapers and magazines. Whether to accept it or not, the editor of the journal has the right to veto. Only the experts in the same field who are responsible for reviewing the manuscript have the right to decide. If the reviewer feels that the paper is not clear enough, he will send back the question and ask for revision. Or directly veto it, and won’t pass it bluntly.

In the field of scientific research, subdivided into a small research direction is actually a small circle. A good paper can quickly spread after reviewing and reading.

European and American research institutions have always attached great importance to the supply of funds, and papers that can bring immediate benefits often receive feedback from pharmaceutical companies in the first place.

So, is it because the author is from a remote China that nobody cares about the paper?

Yang Rui recalled the information he knew, and once again denied this idea. The pharmaceutical company is an animal like a vulture and will not give up any trace of carrion. They can sit back and watch tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of poor people die because of no cure, but they will not relax their own interests-even the patent authorization of the other party’s own production is not allowed. This is both human cruelty and market dictates. Under the capitalist system, pharmaceutical companies that relax their interests in order to save the lives of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are usually wiped out by the market tide.

Especially the pharmaceutical companies after 1980 are completely different from the pharmaceutical companies before 1980

The European and American pharmaceutical companies before 1980 still had a bit of Roosevelt’s socialist spirit. After 1880, the European and American pharmaceutical companies, especially the American pharmaceutical companies, were burned by the pan-commercialization of the Reagan administration.

With the introduction of a series of bills, universities and small companies began to have the right to apply for patents to obtain their own research results, and to collect patent taxes. Prior to this, research and development results funded by financial funds were not protected by patents. Companies can use it.

Small biotech companies have sprung up. Most of them are set up by university researchers and earn a lot of royalties from large pharmaceutical companies.

If American researchers before the 1980s were still living in poverty, by 1982, there were very few medical researchers who were capable but unwilling to move into luxury homes.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, the bio-industry has turned into a new gold rush era.

Small biotech companies and a large number of researchers are chasing every grain of sand crazily. Large pharmaceutical companies open their doors to greet customers at every legendary mine source, whether or not gold sands are actually scoured.

Through this mechanism, large pharmaceutical companies are separated from the risk of early drug development. On the surface, they spend more for a new drug, but from a macro point of view, they pay less, as long as they choose the right one. drug.

As a result of a series of changes, pharmaceutical companies increasingly rely on the research and development of drugs in academia. In fact, by 1982, most of the research and development of innovative drugs were completed by academia, and one-third of the research and development of common drugs were also undertaken by small biological research companies. The rapid changes in the market are dizzying, and smart pharmaceutical companies will not let go of any valuable medicine or improvement in the production of medicines.

This is the basis of their survival.

Yang Rui’s paper was published in American journals, and it is a journal that can be searched. This paper should be in the eyes of pharmaceutical companies as soon as possible.

Because its content is extremely clear: cheaper production methods, higher output, this is a more profitable business, no more, no less…

As a result, no one has come to find himself now.

Yang Rui admitted that he was a little anxious. After all, only a few weeks have passed. If you encounter a slow guy, you are still doing paperwork—but how can a pharmaceutical company be a slow guy.

You are vultures, vultures!

Yang Rui hated iron and thought, hiding his thoughts, and felt calm after doing 8 sets of bench presses.

As usual, dinner has a small stove. Yang Rui now sends two or three kilograms of raw beef up every day, some of which are eaten by himself, and some are distributed to others.

Those who can be assigned to beef either have good scores in the quiz, or they have worked overtime as an experimental assistant or mimeograph assistant. However, the current sharp learning group has gradually lacked the practice of equal distribution. What Yang Rui needs is not the army. Personal wisdom and value will always exceed the collective. It only makes sense in some special circumstances.

Cao Baoming didn’t mix beef today, so he ate up the fried tofu delivered by Shi Gui’s wife in two bites, which was regarded as supplementing protein, and then rushed out of the yard.

After a while, Cao Baoming came back, and said with a gray face: “The toilet was demolished.”

“What do you mean?” The expressions of several students with a straight bowel were changed.

“It’s demolished.” Cao Baoming clutched his stomach and said, “I didn’t hear the sound of the tractor just now? It was the engineering team sent by the Education Bureau to change the dry toilets into water toilets.”

“Isn’t this a good thing?” Wang Guohua also began to cover his stomach, trying his best to convince himself that the matter can be undone.

“I don’t know what the water closet is. Anyway, there are no dry toilets. Many people have gone to the grass nest. What should we do?” Cao Baoming is a bit self-conscious, and anyway, he belongs to the bench press group of Xibao Middle School. A man of the wind, let people see what the white **** in the field is all about.

Yang Rui laughed dumbfounded when he heard it. It is estimated that this was also the result of the principal’s anxiety. Changing dry toilets to water toilets, digging wells and leveling the playground were things that the county education bureau chief Xiong promised that day. The latter two promised more happily, and they were all completed. The water toilet was changed forever, and it seemed that Zhao Dannian had finally caught up with Shang Fang’s sword that was patrolled by the leader.

The water closet in the school is not the common squat or toilet in later generations, but a long ditch built with waterproof materials, one end is the drain, and the other end is the water tank. The water tank regularly discharges water and flushes the dirt into the manure tank below the slope. In terms of cleanliness, it is more than a grade higher than the dry toilet.

As a result, the environment has naturally improved a lot, but the dry toilets have been demolished…

Yang Rui ate up his meal with two bites, and UU reading went out of the yard without hesitation.

Cao Baoming and the others were stunned for a long time, but Su Yi, who had always been dull, suddenly woke up: “No, Brother Rui has taken the place.”

In the small courtyard, a group of people swept away the dishes and went straight to the gloomy woods and grass nests.

In the next three days, West Castle Middle School was full of white butts, yellow butts, and black butts… The men and women consciously drew a three-to-eight line, using small woods and grass nests as the boundary, but if you have bad hearts, you must pursue something. It seems possible that the countryside is wild.

And these three days were also the three days when Yang Rui felt the most real. The life of taking every step of the way carefully and stepping on thunder was indeed true.

When the water closets were available, Xibao Middle School began to do a great job of sanitation and picked up all the products they created. When everything was completed, accompanied by cadres from the provincial, municipal and county-level education departments, the reporters finally came to Xibao Middle School.


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