Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 177

Chapter 173 On sale

Wednesday finally arrived, and today is the day when Chen Zexin’s comic “Chinese Little Master” is officially on sale.

After the continuous warm-up on the Internet some time ago, this “China Little Master” has long become a lot of attention. Especially after a group of food lovers launched an activity to boycott “China Little Master”, after Chen Zekai’s meagre explanation, it attracted the attention of all netizens.

Including this group of foodies, they saw Chen Ze’s new meagerness, and wanted to look at the first issue to see if it was exactly what I thought, and it was a work that insulted food.

As Chen Ze explained, this is a real comic that can be liked by everyone.

Wu Xiaoming is one of them. He was originally a middle-class leader who resisted the activities of “The Little Master of China”, but after Chen Ze became meager, he became interested in buying a copy.

“I want to see what kind of food comics he is talking about.”

Wu Xiaoming thought in his heart that he went out early this morning, bought the latest issue of Manke Weekly, and then sat on the sofa, ready to read it.

On the first page, I saw an immature, long-haired teenager with a chopper in his hand and an excited look. There are also a few big words written next to it: The first chapter, save Ju downstairs.

The original style of “The Little Master of China” was not very good. Chen Ze modified a bit in this world to make the whole style of painting a lot more pleasing.

The little master on the homepage is carefully painted by Chen Ze. Although there is not a word, the persistence and love in his eyes can catch the reader’s heart all at once.

“The figures are pretty good.”

Wu Xiaoming thought in his heart that he opened the first chapter of “The Little Master of China” and began to read it.

“I don’t know if you have ever heard of a sentence: To marry a wife, you must marry a Dongying wife, you must live in a western-style house, and you must eat Chinese food. This is the highest level of enjoyment in life.”

The beginning of the manga, a woman’s words. Just grabbed Wu Xiaoming’s heart.

“This sentence is interesting.”

Wu Xiaoming thought in his heart, he continued to look down.

The following comics introduce the specialties of Huaxia and several major cuisines, and then the whole story officially begins.

“Yuqianju came downstairs, Sichuan fairy Abe, chef contest.”

Wu Xiaoming started talking while watching. When he saw the twelve or thirteen-year-old child, after taking a sip of porridge, he was surprised when he guessed all the ingredients in it.


As a foodie, he certainly knows the difficulty of this, and it is not impossible in reality. But that requires an extremely experienced teacher.

Then the comics froze on the child’s face: “I will definitely not lose in this game. How can I pass the chrysanthemum that my mother has worked so **** downstairs and hand it over to that person.”

Accompanied by the child’s words, he was slightly immature, but his firmness loomed over his face.

“Game? What game?”

When Wu Xiaoming saw this, his interest was completely aroused. He can’t wait. Continue to look down.

Immediately after the comic, a man in his twenties walked in proudly. With a hooked nose and narrow eyes, he was not a good person at first glance.

“From today, this chrysanthemum is mine when it comes downstairs.” The man arrogantly said.

“It’s really annoying.” Wu Xiaoming frowned when he saw this.

Next, the manga introduced the origin of the man again. It turned out that he was the eldest disciple of Master Abe, a fairy from Sichuan. But he betrayed his master two years ago and took away all the money, causing Master Abbe to die from exhaustion.

Then he came back here again, and wanted to accept this Ju downstairs, so he had the young man called Xiaodoujia who spoke in this cartoon, and he competed with him. Whoever wins will inherit Ju downstairs.

“This person is really disgusting.”

See here. Wu Xiaoming said that at this time, he only hopes that the young man named Xiao Zhangjia will beat him completely in the game.

“Admiral Li, it is Admiral Li who is here.”

In the comics. A man with the appearance of an official came by riding a horse.

“It’s him, it turns out he appeared from here.”

Wu Xiaoming recognized this high official, he was the protagonist of the set of pictures published by Chen Ze Weibo.

“Cooking showdown, the winner becomes the chef of Ju downstairs, and the loser is disqualified as the chef.” In the comic, Li Li said.

“The loser is disqualified as a chef? This is too harsh.”

Seeing this, Wu Xiaoming thought that before he knew it, he had already begun to worry about the little master. He knew that although the young master was very talented and knew what the ingredients were when he could taste it, his opponent was someone who inherited all his mother’s cooking skills.

Judging from the paper, two people are not on the same level at all.

For those who lose now, the consequences are so serious, Wu Xiaoming is naturally worried about becoming a young master.

Then in the comics, Admiral Li announced the content of the competition, titled Magic Mapo Tofu, which is the first part of the group of pictures that Chen Ze released meagerly in advance two days ago.

“It turns out that the source is here, hemp, spicy, color, fragrant, hot, crisp, this magical mapo tofu with six flavors?”

Wu Xiaoming said to himself that Chen Ze was very careful when posting the set of pictures on Weibo, only sending out the magic mapo tofu and the reaction of Li Li.

As for who did the game and how the result of the game was, it was not revealed. Therefore, Wu Xiaoming does not know who won in the end. He desperately looked down.

In the next few comics, Xiao Master was trying the magical mapo tofu with six flavors, but he did it all night and still didn’t know what the sixth flavor is.

“It’s crisp, it’s crisp.”

Wu Xiaoming said loudly when he saw this. He really wanted to enter the comics to tell the little master.

“I remember what my mother did before. It seems to be a little different from this one.”

In the comics, when Xiao Dang’s family fell into trouble, his sister’s words suddenly inspired him.

“Mom did it differently?”

The little master quickly checked something, and then looked excited, “I know my sister, I know, I know what the sixth flavor is.”

“It’s just crisp, and it’s still ground meat.”

Wu Xiaoming looked at the happy little master, and thought to himself. But looking at the pure smile of the little head, like a child, he was quite happy in his heart.

Then the plot came to the second half of what Chen Ze Weibo revealed. Admiral Li tried two dishes, and then commented separately. Shao’an’s is the first one, and his crisp is used on tofu.

Seeing this, Wu Xiaoming’s whole heart settled down. He remembered that in Chen Ze’s spoiler, this dish was wrong, and now it is Shao’an’s first dish, which means that the little master has won.

Sure enough, in the comics, the second dish made by Xiao Dangjia received strong praise from Admiral Li and won the game.

“It’s great, it’s really great.”

When seeing Admiral Li announce the news, Xiao Dangjia and his sister happily hugged each other, Wu Xiaoming also became happy from the heart.

What he didn’t notice was that the exaggerated expression and language of Admiral Li that he had resisted two days ago, he accepted it without obstacles at this time. Even when he saw the appearance of Admiral Li, he felt that it was reasonable.

“Shaoan, do you know why you lost this time?” Admiral Li said, “Because you have forgotten one of the most fundamental things, cooking is not a tool, it is something that brings happiness and beauty to people.”

At the end of this remark, Admiral Li’s remarks clarified the main point of the entire comic. At the same time, it also points out Wu Xiaoming’s heart.

“Cooking is something that brings happiness and beauty to people.”

Wu Xiaoming muttered to himself This is true, it really means that he has gone in his heart.

The reason why he likes food is because food can bring him a sense of happiness and satisfaction, which is exactly the same as the food comics said.

“Too beautiful.”

Wu Xiaoming thought in his heart that from the beginning he hated and resisted, and now he completely likes it, it is only a word of time. It can only be said that the magic of Chen Ze’s comics is really too great.

“This boy is terrible. Based on the memory of ten years ago, he actually reproduced the magic mapo tofu perfectly. His future will never be limited to this little chrysanthemum downstairs.”

At the end of the first sentence, it is the voice of Admiral Li, accompanied by the appearance of the young master riding a donkey: “My name is Liu Angxing, and everyone calls me the young master. I like cooking the most, because it brings people forever. It’s happiness.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation and a monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

PS: This is the third change, and it is also the second change of the monthly pass last month. There are two more changes. It will be updated tomorrow. Also ask for the next monthly pass.

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